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Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

Quote: (09-04-2018 10:14 AM)Cannuck Wrote:  

Maybe one of those feminists came up with this idea to protect those young girls from us older men.


WTF is this world coming to.

They're jealous of their plastic sisters. So much for solidarity.

That's not how we do things in Russia, comrade.


Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

Quote: (09-04-2018 10:13 AM)CynicalContrarian Wrote:  

I've got bad news for this lesbian chick (who is strangely worried about male dating...).

The average sex doll is only three years old, if not less than that...

Jesus dude.

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

I would wager that most men have less than no opinion about what age girlfriend post wall lesbians prefer.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

Quote: (09-03-2018 07:46 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Maybe it's because dudes are now programmed to act like the birch in this article?

[Image: man-hugging-birch-tree-grove-native-vill...630517.jpg]

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

Quote: (09-04-2018 01:32 AM)N°6 Wrote:  

Taking the perspective of the younger man who enters the SMP at the lowest rank, it appears that he is not only competing with older men for women in his peer group but older women too.

I doubt that men’s online SMV peaks at 50 though.

But it was always this way.

When I started full time in the workforce at age 21, I remember getting enraged at the fortysomething guys in the office who were dating women a few years older than me.

The way to deal with this is to make your youth an asset: You're stronger, more fun, less set in your ways, hipper to current trends, more spontaneous, etc. Plus, a lot of women just don't go for older guys.

The other way is to date 18-year-olds in your twenties. I did both of the above until I got married. Good luck.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

Quote: (09-03-2018 07:37 PM)ed pluribus unum Wrote:  

Her short-haired companion in that second picture appears to have a fragile masculinity.

Can’t tell if it’s a woman or man

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

Even my sex doll better be 18! I am fragile as fuck!

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to understand that the average male is attracted to young fertile women and not to old barren crazy cat ladies.

The main goal of sex is for reproduction, fuckers.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

Shit, when I was 28 I was dating a 16 year old. She was the sweetest cream puff on the planet. When I came to pick her up, her dad gave me a stern look, decided I wasn't an ax murderer, waved his hand and went back to his Saturday football show.

That was before the Witches took over society and convinced everybody that 16 year old young women are "children". That would have been considered complete bullshit when I was growing up.

Women were and always have been fully mature and ready to get married by 16, although in practice they might wait a few years. They certainly should be dating any guy they want, so they can practicing managing men. Their success in life will be defined by how skillfully they can tame unruly egotistical men. They practice on their daddies till 14, young boys from 14 to 16, and then fully grown men from 16 to 20. By 20, they are expected by other women to be fully capable of handling any man, and if they aren't, then they are losers.

The Witches (lesbians) hate 16 year old pretty girls (cheerleaders) more than anything on the planet because Witches became who they are -- witches -- in high school when they were the ugly/angry girls who couldn't get the football player boyfriends. All lesbians are just the failures from high school. They never mature past that point. They hate the cheerleaders and want them dead, dead, dead. Since they can't actually kill the cheerleaders, they have made society treat cheerleaders like children, thus denying them the use of their sexual attractiveness to get the best husbands and the most money.

We are all just pawns in the ancient battle between the pretty girls and the ugly girls.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

Quote: (09-04-2018 12:40 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

Even my sex doll better be 18! I am fragile as fuck!

Eeeww gross. Sex doll's ages are like dog years. So an 18 yr old sex doll would be the equivalent of an 80 yr old human woman. [Image: icon_razz.gif]

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

There are two type of maturity. Superficial maturity, and deep maturity. A 30 year old woman who goes to dinner parties, talks about politics, dresses a certain way, has a certain type of job, cuts her hair short, drinks wine, is reasonably well spoken and knows a bit about feng shui, what she has is superficial maturity. She has mastered the art of resembling an adult.

An 18 year old woman who understands the value of hard work, delayed gratification, has seen a bit of hardship, pulls her weight and is a good team player, appreciates what she has, knows what the most important things in life are and has a bit of street smarts, what she has is deep maturity.

The first one is playing at being an adult. If you say something slightly un-pc she frowns. If you disagree on something that's it, it's done. If you call her out on something, it's your fault, or someone else's fault, never hers. If you ask her to do something, no. She falls apart very easily despite the thin veneer. She's not mature.

The second one might still have a certain girly, youthful, carefree, giggly way about her that makes her seem immature, but she's the exact opposite. It's exactly because she is deeply mature that she can relax most of the time knowing that whatever happens in life she can probably handle it one way or another. She knows she'll manage. She's not playing at being an adult. She gets it, and she probably doesn't even know it.

I've often heard that a lot of filipinas, even into their mid 20s, still have a certain way about them that would be considered teenage-like by western standards. But only an immature fool would think that is a sign of immaturity. These girls are way stronger, more self asured and more interdependent that a lot of western females. And you don't have to be that old to have learned how to be truly mature. If it hasn't all kicked in by 18 it probably never will, barring some major life changing event (but then again, a major life changing event will probably stimulate the love of drama more than teach any lessons).

That's not how we do things in Russia, comrade.


Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

Year by year as men are attracted to 18... 17... 16... even if merely as a glance rather than to approach, progressively more feminist will start using words like pedophile to describe him, proper medical definitions be damned.

They are willing to make baby-rapers feel more accepted and less alone by making them wrongly think there are more of them than there actually are, if it means being able to shame men who shun roasties and the ability to drive society into a panic.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"


[Image: source.gif]

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"


Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

According to feminists/progressives:

- Homosexual pairings = okay
- Transgender pairings = okay
- older woman/younger man pairings = okay
- single motherhood = okay
- obese women/fit men pairings = okay
- older man/younger woman pairings = not okay; male fragility or other shaming labels applied to men

So, all personal sexual preferences need to be respected except for the one most commonly held by heterosexual men, i.e. the one most likely to lead to birth/repopulation/the sustaining of western populations.

Also, they tend to remain strangely silent on the topic of Islamic polygamy, or the fact that the age of consent in Mexico is 12.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

In fact, it is her femininity that's fragile.

Neither men nor women like getting older and less attractive to the opposite sex. But her (public) insistence on ignoring biologically rooted sexual preferences is simply the political manifestation of a ubiquitous stubbornness to transition gracefully from one phase of life into the next. Perhaps this stems from the phases of life in the modern era being stretched out and/or abridged so as to make the whole thing disjointed. Consequently, people feel that they've never really been kids, teenagers, young adults, adults, and so forth.

Did you ever notice how Chinese women hit a certain age and immediately lop off their hair, don dowdy clothing, and for some reason shrink by about a foot and a half?

Older women in many other countries just hang it up at a certain age and get on with the business of being moms and grandmoms, and focus on getting their daughters and sons a partner before they become "left over". The older chicks know they're past their expiration date and they don't cling to some delusion to the contrary, much less try to convince the world that they're as attractive as their younger counterparts. I reckon it helps too that in said countries they haven't got the political or cultural clout to do a god damn thing about it even if they do choose to live in fantasy land.

If the author of this article were content to be a woman as befits her age, she would accept the reality which is completely obvious to even the most whacked out SJW, and recognize that this is a biological issue that's unlikely to ever change (male outliers who claim they prefer older women notwithstanding).

The author's femininity is doubly dubious as she's not only stuck in young adulthood, but she's opted out of the conventional sexual marketplace in favor of a lifestyle which leads to a biological dead end.

And another thing. The term "fragile masculinity" is newspeak. It's a word used to shame men for being unmanly (according to whatever definition is being sold at that moment). The grand irony of course is that you'd have to accept the idea of conventional masculinity and its biological origin in order to define a departure from it as "fragile".

If you're a conventional man with conventionally masculine ideas and behaviors, that by definition includes being attracted to and hooking up with younger women. Therefore, if you depart from that and prefer older women, your masculinity would be fragile according to the standard understanding of what it means to be a human male.

This 'article', and others of the same ilk, which cites dubious science and then presents non sequiturs as though they were legitimate statements, is nothing more than an attempt to redefine what it means to be a man so that it conforms to a reality that you'd like to exist, but ultimately does not and will not ever exist.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

Thank God I'm only attracted to 17-year-olds. I'd hate to be thought of as fragile.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

I think the whole youth and fertility aspect of attraction is something that escapes the author. Also the mental state of any woman over 25 in America is a crap shoot at best. I recently fucked hot (8/10)a 27 year old who told me she lost her virginity at 21 , had 6 boyfriends she cheated on, was a cutter, had 2 abortions, and fucked me within hours of meeting me with no condom plus anal- and she is one of the less slutty girls I fucked here in Miami. If you do not get to a western woman before 20 it is game over for a relationship.

Edit: I am so fragile I cannot even watch porn of chicks over 20.

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

Quote: (09-05-2018 12:46 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

I think the whole youth and fertility aspect of attraction is something that escapes the author.

Yeah well biological science is just a Eurocentric patriarchal construct so...

Quote: (09-05-2018 12:46 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

I recently fucked hot (8/10)a 27 year old who told me she lost her virginity at 21 , had 6 boyfriends she cheated on, was a cutter, had 2 abortions, and fucked me within hours of meeting me with no condom plus anal

Always a good idea.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

^^I have not used a condom since the Clinton Administration.......when he was the Governor of Arkansas.

Edit:I will admit, anal is only good when you go ass to mouth- she did so it was awesome.

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

If the 27 year old version of a girl gets you harder than the 18 year old version, sorry bud, you got fragile hetrosexuality.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

Quote: (09-05-2018 12:55 AM)icyT Wrote:  

Year by year as men are attracted to 18... 17... 16... even if merely as a glance rather than to approach, progressively more feminist will start using words like pedophile to describe him, proper medical definitions be damned.

They are willing to make baby-rapers feel more accepted and less alone by making them wrongly think there are more of them than there actually are, if it means being able to shame men who shun roasties and the ability to drive society into a panic.

Yes absolutely. Men attracted to women who are several years into puberty (breasts, hips, etc) aren't pedophiles, they're just heterosexual. Forcing them to pretend that 16 year old girls aren't hot does a million times more harm than good. Prudes, insecure roasties and feminists like this pretense because it means men must actually be attracted to their gnarled, sagging bodies.

Really, it just eliminates barriers and scrutiny that should exist when adult men interact with teen girls. Most women are very interested in sex by that age and would have their first pregnancy around 16 historically. There is absolutely nothing abnormal or wrong with wanting to date them. A man who openly says he has romantic interests in a girl, and insists on behaving like a gentleman with her, is infinitely more trustworthy than some molesting "mentor", step father, sports coach, teacher etc.

The molesting gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar relied on this dynamic. Several of the gymnast girls actually loudly spoke up that he was fingering them during "therapy", but were ignored by older women and their own parents, because how could any man be interested in these teen girls? If anything, the doctor is interested in their beautiful overweight single 40 year old mothers, right? Go to 1:25 in this video:

Interesting how roasties, feminists, and child molesters seem to agree on certain key issues.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

Quote: (09-04-2018 03:37 AM)Newguy101 Wrote:  

Dam seems like indian girls are worse feminist then white women. Like fucking why? India is a bigger sausagefest then china. It makes mire sense fir russian women to steal this mindset since they outnumber men

She's not Indian, she's a Palestinian.

One way the average person is full of shit is if you ask them if polygamy or gay marriage are more natural. They will never admit to polygamy being natural, even though it has happened in most cultures through human history. Historically, the most powerful men got the most women, and a lot of men had no descendants. These cunts love gay marriage.

I then ask them to give me examples of gay marriage in societies - they can't, because it has never existed before, apart from a few extreme outliers like faggot Roman Emperors.

I'm not saying I agree with polygamy, but biology is biology.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

All men are attracted to 18yo girls. It does not matter whether you are 70 or 17. Nature has hard-wired us that way.

Women are attracted to a man of mid-30s in the James Bond age-range. 18yo girls would even prefer marrying that guy than the 19yo version of James Bond.

And what manjawed lesbians or feminists think is irrelevant.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

A quote from Cary Grants character in "Operation Petticoat:" "Any women under the age of 21 are protected by law, any women over the age of 50 are protected by nature. Anything in between is fair game."(Cant find the quote in the movie so I am unsure of 50 as being the older age) There is more red-pilled nuggets throughout the whole movie than just that. Ironically Cary Grant's character (40+ at least) married someone in the movie significantly younger at the end. Our sentiment was normal back in saner days.

I honestly don't care about anyone giving me any derogatory comments about the age of the girls that I date. I have spent over 20 years being the nice, smart, hard working man that every women bemoans they cant find. I have paid my dues to the alter of female rationalization, and like everyone else on this board refuses to pay any more. I am done with their bullshit and if any of my friends or family wanted me to date someone "age appropriate" than they should have thought of that when I was 26, not now when I am 38.

"Stop playing by 1950's rules when everyone else is playing by 1984."
- Leonard D Neubache

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