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Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

That's not how we do things in Russia, comrade.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

Difference between men and women in one nice OKCupid data-set: (and 20 was set, because that was the lowest - it would be 18 if that was an option)

[Image: RaPV5tQUC90ahZXnCpu3ghmIHpyjnBqsXGJPqCGK...1be686d53c]

And there is a simple step to deflate female indignation, when they complain that older men lust and date teenagers.

"It's a pity that when you were at your hottest aged 18-22, that you did not attempt to get the best husband-material man you could get. So don't complain if other women are using their hottest years to get the best man. Men simply don't care about your college degree or your "experience" - or how many men you have slept and how popular you have been with men on Tinder and real life the last 15 years. We mainly care about a fresh innocent-looking cute girl who likes to fuck. So excuse me now - I will go and fuck the shit out of this hot 18yo girl because she isn't wasting my time with stupid men-hating & men-shaming feminazi bitching."

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

This scene says it all

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

At least most girls in the 18-24 range don't have kids and don't have much baggage from previous relationships. Plus they have little to no history of cheating and/or sleeping around.

Make our guns illegal and we'll call them "undocumented"

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

^I wouldn't bank on that too much. Out in the country/small cities, sure. Big cities, nah; she will likely have nailed at least 1 or 2 guys coming out of HS.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

Quote: (09-06-2018 03:51 PM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  

This scene says it all

I am glad you posted that. Seen it before but forgot to bookmark it.

I wonder what would happen if you are an older guy and showed this to women your age.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

I have a fragile masculinity too. At least considering girls I am pro diversity. Maybe that balances it.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

I suffer from fragile masculinity since I like 18 yo girls.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

Hi, I am asdfk. And I have fragile masculinity.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

Quote: (09-08-2018 07:13 PM)asdfk Wrote:  

Hi, I am asdfk. And I have fragile masculinity.

[chorus] "Hi, asdfk."

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

Yeah, some random stupid feminist got published by The Guardian. Yawn.

What is interesting is the study she links to.

The attached graph is the most interesting part of this. To summarize, for the soy boys and feminists without an account here:
  • Women are most desirable at 18, with their attractiveness going down as they age. This is what we call biology: You know, science. Something feminists like to pretend does not exist.
  • Men are roughly equally desirable at all ages, with a slight peak at 40-50 years old.
  • Among women, Asians are the most desirable, followed closely by Latinas then white women. Black women are significantly less desirable.
  • Among men, whites are the most desirable; blacks are second, then latinos, then finally asian men.
  • Men slightly prefer women with some college or postgrad education.
  • Women significantly prefer men with more education.
This is basic biology and education psychology. Men want young, feminine women who will take care of the household while they go off hunting working to provide for the family. Young, because younger women can more easily make healthy babies. Asian and Latina, because women in those cultures are more feminine and know how to satisfy their man (I have many white girls and Latinas in my Facebook feed: White girls post feminist #MeToo garbage while the Latinas post dirty jokes, sexual innuendo, and even naked pictures before Facebook started censoring that).

Women want established, successful men. That means white, older, well educated. No surprise this is what the graph shows.

Sure, women can post feminist garbage, deny their biological nature, pretend men want older successful women, and attack men for wanting to have sex with them, until they find out at 40 that it's too late to have kids. This kind of philosophy will last about one generation, because it destroys the family. It's shameful that, in this #MeToo society, I have to explain to a young woman that she did the right thing having a kid in her early 20s instead of in her 30s or 40s (she fucked up because she chose a man unwilling to provide, but still).

Meanwhile, men will seek young feminine women willing to have kids and who actually enjoy making babies. These are the people who will define what the next generation will be like.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"


Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

This is brilliant - I'm copying this to read again later

Quote: (09-05-2018 12:17 PM)VincentVinturi Wrote:  

In fact, it is her femininity that's fragile.

Neither men nor women like getting older and less attractive to the opposite sex. But her (public) insistence on ignoring biologically rooted sexual preferences is simply the political manifestation of a ubiquitous stubbornness to transition gracefully from one phase of life into the next. Perhaps this stems from the phases of life in the modern era being stretched out and/or abridged so as to make the whole thing disjointed. Consequently, people feel that they've never really been kids, teenagers, young adults, adults, and so forth.

Did you ever notice how Chinese women hit a certain age and immediately lop off their hair, don dowdy clothing, and for some reason shrink by about a foot and a half?

Older women in many other countries just hang it up at a certain age and get on with the business of being moms and grandmoms, and focus on getting their daughters and sons a partner before they become "left over". The older chicks know they're past their expiration date and they don't cling to some delusion to the contrary, much less try to convince the world that they're as attractive as their younger counterparts. I reckon it helps too that in said countries they haven't got the political or cultural clout to do a god damn thing about it even if they do choose to live in fantasy land.

If the author of this article were content to be a woman as befits her age, she would accept the reality which is completely obvious to even the most whacked out SJW, and recognize that this is a biological issue that's unlikely to ever change (male outliers who claim they prefer older women notwithstanding).

The author's femininity is doubly dubious as she's not only stuck in young adulthood, but she's opted out of the conventional sexual marketplace in favor of a lifestyle which leads to a biological dead end.

And another thing. The term "fragile masculinity" is newspeak. It's a word used to shame men for being unmanly (according to whatever definition is being sold at that moment). The grand irony of course is that you'd have to accept the idea of conventional masculinity and its biological origin in order to define a departure from it as "fragile".

If you're a conventional man with conventionally masculine ideas and behaviors, that by definition includes being attracted to and hooking up with younger women. Therefore, if you depart from that and prefer older women, your masculinity would be fragile according to the standard understanding of what it means to be a human male.

This 'article', and others of the same ilk, which cites dubious science and then presents non sequiturs as though they were legitimate statements, is nothing more than an attempt to redefine what it means to be a man so that it conforms to a reality that you'd like to exist, but ultimately does not and will not ever exist.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

Quote: (09-09-2018 02:12 AM)placer Wrote:  

[*]Among women, Asians are the most desirable, followed closely by Latinas then white women. Black women are significantly less desirable....

That had me somewhat puzzled until I noticed it was from an American study. Worldwide I would guess that white women are taking a fairly substantial lead as the most desirable (likely with Latinas second?), although with the rampant obesity and apparently horrifying attitudes and personalities among US women, no wonder they are down the list there.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

I was on an SJW heavy residential retreat a few years ago.
Nutty 30 something SJW with dyed hair, pathetic soy boy incel with polarised glasses, dried up, shrivelled 60 something women.... and me .[Image: banana.gif]

60-something was talking about her husband who was a mason and his golfing holidays with other masons and how it gave her the opportunity to go on retreats like this one. I quizzed her about where they went.. she ticked off a respectable amount of "sex-tourism" >cough< golfing destinations.

She then went on about her female friends ex-husbands' and their affairs with much much younger women - how awful!
Red head and incel were hmmm hmmmm-ing and agreeing that it was all so so wrong.

Incel started in on how he worked in a shop on a Saturday and they had hired a 17 year old, "but when I'm training her on the till I don't FEEL any desire for her.. I just feel like an uncle because I want to care for her, I want to protect her.."
"Mmmm! Mmmmmm!"

I waited a few beats, I was in my late 30's at the time and said "well I don't know about you guys but my last girlfriend was 16 years old" [Image: smile.gif] *
*(which is LEGAL in the UK before anyone starts..)

Of course that ruined some of the social justice fully clothed safe sex that was happening around me. Cue a silent dining table. I got up, washed my plate and headed upstairs to my room. The men were sharing rooms in one block and the women in another.

The dyed - hair chick followed me to my room.
She came in mouthing off about 'an old lady!' 'how could you!' 'so upsetting for her!' '16!' 'vulnerable!'

There were soy boys sharing my room with me and in various states of undress, I just kept saying 'get out of the room..' 'get out of this room..' 'yeah, 16..' '16 and get over it [Image: tard.gif] ' 'yeah, now.. get out of this room!'.

She left.

The soy boys gathered round me and started saying I was being rude to women (a crime apparently).
No she's a bitch, she's a bitch, he's a fag and I had a cool teenage girlfriend for five minutes. End of Story.

"Okay.. okay man. I respect your truth.."

Probably didn't really respect my truth..

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

"My truth" and "your truth" are the most infuriating words to me lately. Any woman that uses those terms i don't give my real name and any man is a lil ol bitch.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

I think that women in the 30-45 range can find a guy if they do the work.

Instead they spend thejr time bitching and complaining.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

I was talking to one of the biggest male opponents to my much younger girlfriend today. I sort of consider him family, and I do appreciate the long talks I've had with him, and the advice he's given me, over my lifetime.

However, he had to play the "where's the connection" card with me, which almost got him choked out.

Basically, he was telling me how the mental levels between a 23 year old and myself were so different that we had no real connection. My contention is that our connection is fantastic when I fuck her, and all the conversation and what have you is secondary, and falls into place, because the fucking is so good.

He had to ask " well what do you talk about" which I had to think. Well, yesterday, she took my car to go to the beach with some other smoking hot 23 year olds with whom three way possibilities are abundent. The car had some type of tire pressure warning, and she called and asked about it.

I told her not to worry as we would take the car by the dealer later, because theres nitrogen not air in there. I reminded her she was putting on sexy attire and we were going to meet with another guy with a much younger girlfriend near there anyway.

So the whole way to town (and granted I made it all up, I have no clue why they use nitrogen) i explained to my girl why there was nitrogen in my tires versus air, and she listened intently like every word was coming from the mouth of Allah himself.

After I told him this, I asked the guy "Well what do you and your wife talk about?" He gives me some deal about they talk about the kids and the house, and money and make joint decisions. I told him I didn't like that at all, but he tried to convince me it was better.

I guess the difference is i prefer to be the king. I don't want to talk to bitches about much of anything, let alone important shit. I'd rather do the talking whilst getting my dick sucked.


Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

If anyone asks what you have in common, say, "We have the most important thing in common. We both love me."

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

Quote: (09-09-2018 09:18 AM)MikeS Wrote:  

Quote: (09-09-2018 02:12 AM)placer Wrote:  

[*]Among women, Asians are the most desirable, followed closely by Latinas then white women. Black women are significantly less desirable....

That had me somewhat puzzled until I noticed it was from an American study. Worldwide I would guess that white women are taking a fairly substantial lead as the most desirable (likely with Latinas second?), although with the rampant obesity and apparently horrifying attitudes and personalities among US women, no wonder they are down the list there.

It would be interesting to nerd out on the statistics. My assumption is that they are giving mean attractiveness by age and race. Standard deviation and skew (plus, perhaps median and mode) would give a more complete picture.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

I am fragile as I enjoy putting my masculine juice all over 18 year old girl's faces.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

I'm Buck Wild and I have fragile masculinity.

I am Spartacus!

We suffer more in our own minds than we do in reality.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

Such a disgusting cunt. That fake smile and the short haired friend... Someone enlighten me that one is a male or female.

I remember it was around 2002, we were at a holiday in Greece and I was 18 years old then. My mother asked me if I was planning to get married ever. I said my bride is probably in somebodies belly right now. Yet tomorrow I have a date with a 18 years old tomorrow.

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

Sad fact: Never got below the 20 year old barrier, at least not yet.

So, my hard masculinity is still looking for a 18-19 year old woman to make it fragile by bouncing on, backing into and slurping from it [Image: biggrin.gif]

Men who are attracted to 18-year-old girls have "fragile masculinity"

If there is grass on the pitch youcan play.

Don't debate me.

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