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Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

Guys can we all unite (White, Black, Indian, Asian, Latino, etc.) to eradicate the fobby (FOB = fresh off the boat) Indian troll virus that has infiltrated the main Game section? Where is a Mod when we need one?

[Image: ban_hammer.jpg?1257015625]

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

I get where both sides are coming from.

Personally, whenever Chinese start buying up property en masse that should be a huge red flag for the local community. It essentially means that your kids will be priced out of the neighborhood that they grew up in.

Fuck that.

Unfortunately, a lot of Chinese cultures is governed by one of the worst human traits: greed.

I don't say that to disparage the Chinese but it's simply something that you have to be aware of when you're dealing with mainlanders. They aren't defending Canada and could give two-fucks about their neighbors.

They're trying to keep out the other migrants has nothing to do with protecting their beloved Canada and more to do with not having any competition from other scrappy, clannish groups like Arabs and Indians.

The idea of leaving enough on the table for the next guy IS NOT a virtue when it comes to Chinese culture and this is something that you guys need to understand as we move into this next century where China has a bigger place at the table. Some of your Christian ethics are diametrically opposed to Chinese values. Sorry to say.

I know this'll sound a bit crazy, but it would not surprise me if we saw Chinese landownership skyrocket somewhere in Africa and then see that land annexed by China on the grounds that most of the population is now Chinese and it is, therefore, Chinese government property since China doesn't allow people to own land. I'd put a cap on the # of Chinese people who were able to purchase houses in a given city, country, county or whatever.

If Canada had a set of balls they'd heavily scrutinize Chinese land acquisitions in Canada and tighten the restrictions on other migrant groups. No one gets a pass for being "one of the good ones" in Fortisland.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

Actually the entire thread and topic went way above.

It was local Chinese protesting against a UN-Soros-politics-infused refugee center. That refugee center would house not Indian programmers or even Indians. That center would mostly house questionable Muslims and Africans.

It would likely result in a tanking of their house prices as well as in general lack of safety - depending on the group that comes in.

This would be an issue FOR EVERYONE - REGARDLESS OF RACE - middle-class blacks should be equally concerned about this - there is nothing more about this specific issue.

The Chinese were not demonstrating "to save Canada" or were concerned about it's immigration policy. The refugee camp should be built elsewhere - I get that.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

Can I get a shoutout from any non-white member living in the West who resides in a neighbourhood completely dominated by members of their own race?

Can I get a shoutout from any non-white member living in the West who looks forward to residing in a neighbourhood completely dominated by members of their own race?

Can I get a shoutout from any non-white member living in the West, who if they won the lottery would choose to live in any neighbourhood anywhere in the West dominated by members of their own race?

Excuse me if I don't hold my breath on this one.

Even the smarter black Americans are shouting "build the wall". Only the dumbest people don't see what's coming down the line.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

@Fortis - replace Canada with Australia and your post would still make sense.

,,Я видел, куда падает солнце!
Оно уходит сквозь постель,
В глубокую щель!"
-Андрей Середа, ,,Улица чужих лиц", 1989 г.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

Quote: (08-21-2018 02:31 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Can I get a shoutout from any non-white member living in the West who resides in a neighbourhood completely dominated by members of their own race?

What's up Leonard!

My neighborhoods all island people except for the two haole families one japanese, and then a clan of Jews.

If I won the lottery i'd buy those bastards out and wake up in my little ethno-neighborhood by the sea.


Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

Quote: (08-21-2018 04:05 AM)Kona Wrote:  

Quote: (08-21-2018 02:31 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Can I get a shoutout from any non-white member living in the West who resides in a neighbourhood completely dominated by members of their own race?

What's up Leonard!

My neighborhoods all island people except for the two haole families one japanese, and then a clan of Jews.

If I won the lottery i'd buy those bastards out and wake up in my little ethno-neighborhood by the sea.


Hehe - Hawaii does not count. It's already an Asian ethno-state.

And by the looks of it me thinks that your island is in dire need of enrichment - a Middle Eastern refugee camp on your island would spice things up:

[Image: DlDHGgoVsAAc2ds.jpg]

"Kona's people have to realize that they cannot remain the monolithic people they were before. They have to shift into the multicultural mode in order to survive."

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

Quote: (08-21-2018 02:16 AM)jordypip23 Wrote:  

Guys can we all unite (White, Black, Indian, Asian, Latino, etc.) to eradicate the fobby (FOB = fresh off the boat) Indian troll virus that has infiltrated the main Game section? Where is a Mod when we need one?

Yeah, this thread is an interesting read but that other Game section is getting dissed by some pissed off retard. That sort of dedication to purpose on an online forum is fascinating really. What's with the Indian sex help theme?

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

My great grandfather was a labor union pioneer, in order to improve the horrid working conditions, and got his head beat in by thugs.

My grandfather spent years in a German POV camp fighting for his country and people.

Society is not built in one day, nor one generation.

My great-grandfather and my grandfather didn't risk their livelihood to have some foreigner from halfway round the world piggy back on their struggle and then on top of that insult their legacy.

If we really had that much in common in terms of values, then this would be obvious to you. Instead it seems many have adopted the SJW policy that the world is born again every generation.

When chinese move to Canada and buy property with the full protection of the Canadian government, then they are piggybacking on the generations that built Canada into a stable, safe and lawful society. Weak! Should work on changing Chinese society first. Otherwise you become just another gang of rootless cosmopolitans exploiting the locals. Not popular generally.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

< Actually I would not blame any immigrants for wanting to move to well-functioning society that was built and is still maintained by a different tribe.

The destruction of the founding people and their country is not something that any highly different immigrant does as a goal (except for Muslims if they follow migratory Jihad). It just happens naturally and sane countries prevent this - for example Korea which has had a thread opened just now:



Stumbled upon this article today. I was somewhat aware of how South Korea is going through some sort of transformation, if not its very own Sexual Revolution. It's pretty disheartening to see just how global this shit is going.

Speak to South Koreans from older generations about the low fertility rate and the contrast in attitude is sharp. They see people like Yun-hwa as too individualistic and selfish.

I start chatting to two women in their 60s enjoying the stream-side park that runs through central Seoul. One tells me she has three daughters in their 40s, but none has had children.

"I try to instil patriotism and duty to the country with the kids, and of course I would love to see them continuing the line," she says. "But their decision is not to do that."

"There should be that sense of duty to the country," her friend chips in. "We're very worried about the low fertility rate here."

Yun-hwa and her contemporaries, the children of a globalised world, aren't persuaded by such arguments.

When I put it to her that if she and her contemporaries don't have children her country's culture will die, she tells me that it's time for the male-dominated culture to go.

"Must die," she says, breaking into English. "Must die!"


'Why I never want babies'

This is the "dysfunction" repeated again and again here claiming that the West was gone and is gone while still being fully functional and able to feed yourself with 4% of the population.

And I simply responded with:

Yeah - but you know what - they can trigger the baby-machines again similar to Japan.

Korea will survive because of this:

[Image: gettyimages-987840462.jpg?itok=T9_ruGJ5]

1000 Middle Eastern refugees land in South Korea and massive protests are sparked.

200.000 people demonstrate against the arrival of 1000 illegal Muslims.

That is why Korea and Japan will still exist in 2100 - just with fewer people.

Meanwhile UK, Sweden, Germany, France - they will be become violent shitholes waging either a civil war or being just a fucked up Brazil with large Muslim populations. US and Canada will be more like Brazil (if they are lucky).

Let the Koreans and Japanese have less babies - yes - propaganda is working on them, but at least it does not work where it counts.


Do I blame ANYONE for going to Canada, USA, France, Britain, Germany - either using the welfare due to lack of competitive advantage - or being able to work hard, be competitive and prosper?

No - I don't blame anyone - I rather blame the globohomo-bunch who are ruling the West and who have brainwashed the people enough over decades to accept this. The Koreans are not buying this - and it's not "RACISM" or KOREAN RACE TROLLING! It's common sense - KOREA WILL EXIST - most Western countries will be wiped out in the current form.

So you can accuse us all of racism, but that is a fact, but again - I am not accusing anyone. The elite has used the intrinsic Christian and White altruism and empathy against us. The heavy price is the destruction of Western countries via migration. Korea and Japan will teach their children about the madness of the Whites who have let themselves be bullied by cries of racism and being called WRTs.

It's simply sad that you guys don't see anything wrong with it, don't see the blatant anti-White hatred and the fact that a culture is being wiped out.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

Quote: (08-21-2018 04:05 AM)Kona Wrote:  

Quote: (08-21-2018 02:31 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Can I get a shoutout from any non-white member living in the West who resides in a neighbourhood completely dominated by members of their own race?

What's up Leonard!

My neighborhoods all island people except for the two haole families one japanese, and then a clan of Jews.

If I won the lottery i'd buy those bastards out and wake up in my little ethno-neighborhood by the sea.


Nothin' but love for ya, Kona, buddy.

Hawaii for the Hawaiians and any number of Haoles they choose to keep, on such terms they choose to allow them to stay under.

I would sooner revert racial land ownership to 0001AD form than suffer eternal slavery under globalist rule.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

Quote: (08-20-2018 10:37 PM)Cobra Wrote:  

The problem isn't that Contagion and Thot Leader are white.

The issue is that they're pussies and somehow are sucking each other's cocks in this thread.

However, back to the real point, all they will do is bitch and moan as race trolls (WRT) while their stronger white brothers and sisters kill it (as they continuously have).

These guys are like the crackheads of the white community who will hinder the progress their community needs rather than help it.

I would encourage members of any race to ignore them.

7 day ban

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

Quote: (08-21-2018 02:08 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (08-20-2018 03:10 PM)doc holliday Wrote:  

Funniest thing here is that most these dudes doing the autistic screech about the death of White civilization aren't doing the one thing that they could actually do to help stem this problem, which would be to get married to a nice white girl and pump out a bunch of cute white kids. I guess Leonard has kids but his kids are half Juans and/or Juanitas so as far as propagating the white species, he's an utter failure. The others would rather just chase sluts, swipe right on Tindle in lesser developed countries rather than to become an adult, have kids and raise them in a traditional Irish, Polish, Italian, whichever great culture you might belong to and produce some adults who could keep civilization intact. Funny thing here, all you guys would rather screech away and blame people like me for your woes rather than actually take some action and make your surroundings a decent place.

Then again, I don't know if I could imagine most of you guys being able to handle it. It would be comical to see a guy like SS (Sloppy Seconds lol) having a family. Oh well, just enjoy the decline, keep pounding them sluts and keep up the good fight by posting on RVF.

Same tired old shit.

"If you don't want to be swamped with Africans pumping out ten kids they can't afford to feed then you better start breeding like Africans and pumping out ten kids you can't afford to feed."

Do you actually think this shit over or do you just cut and paste some SJW shit from twitter?

What race are you, anyway? How do you think the Mestizoisation of America is going to work out for you and your people?

Who said I want America to be overrun with illegal immigrants from Mexico? I've never once said that. Not once. You need to learn how to read what's written, not what you want to believe I've written. I support countries being sovereign and having proper immigration laws. Problem with you guys is that you don't like having any brown or black people amongst you which is why you come after guys like me.

Your solution should be to get control of immigration, legal and illegal and then to stop wasting time chasing hoes and start families. That will solve your problems long term. What part of any of that is unreasonable to you? None of it is unreasonable, you just want to screech away at all of us minorities, like we're the sole problem you have. Other than you, none of your proteges here have children. None of them. And like I said, you have mixed kids. I think that's great, my kids are mixed too. From the standpoint of propagating a pure white race though LDN, you've failed miserably. You have zero credibility in my eyes to be speaking on this subject.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

Quote: (08-21-2018 09:06 AM)doc holliday Wrote:  

Quote: (08-21-2018 02:08 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (08-20-2018 03:10 PM)doc holliday Wrote:  

Funniest thing here is that most these dudes doing the autistic screech about the death of White civilization aren't doing the one thing that they could actually do to help stem this problem, which would be to get married to a nice white girl and pump out a bunch of cute white kids. I guess Leonard has kids but his kids are half Juans and/or Juanitas so as far as propagating the white species, he's an utter failure. The others would rather just chase sluts, swipe right on Tindle in lesser developed countries rather than to become an adult, have kids and raise them in a traditional Irish, Polish, Italian, whichever great culture you might belong to and produce some adults who could keep civilization intact. Funny thing here, all you guys would rather screech away and blame people like me for your woes rather than actually take some action and make your surroundings a decent place.

Then again, I don't know if I could imagine most of you guys being able to handle it. It would be comical to see a guy like SS (Sloppy Seconds lol) having a family. Oh well, just enjoy the decline, keep pounding them sluts and keep up the good fight by posting on RVF.

Same tired old shit.

"If you don't want to be swamped with Africans pumping out ten kids they can't afford to feed then you better start breeding like Africans and pumping out ten kids you can't afford to feed."

Do you actually think this shit over or do you just cut and paste some SJW shit from twitter?

What race are you, anyway? How do you think the Mestizoisation of America is going to work out for you and your people?

Who said I want America to be overrun with illegal immigrants from Mexico? I've never once said that. Not once. You need to learn how to read what's written, not what you want to believe I've written. I support countries being sovereign and having proper immigration laws. Problem with you guys is that you don't like having any brown or black people amongst you which is why you come after guys like me.

Your solution should be to get control of immigration, legal and illegal and then to stop wasting time chasing hoes and start families. That will solve your problems long term. What part of any of that is unreasonable to you? None of it is unreasonable, you just want to screech away at all of us minorities, like we're the sole problem you have. Other than you, none of your proteges here have children. None of them. And like I said, you have mixed kids. I think that's great, my kids are mixed too. From the standpoint of propagating a pure white race though LDN, you've failed miserably. You have zero credibility in my eyes to be speaking on this subject.

That's a strawman. Wanting to not become a minority in your own country does not mean you are against any immigration or hate black/brown people.

I'm fine with some immigration. However, I'm not fine with population replacement. Your family is from India. What would you say if India became 20% ethnic Indian by 2100? That won't happen of course but put yourself in our shoes.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

Quote: (08-21-2018 08:49 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Quote: (08-20-2018 10:37 PM)Cobra Wrote:  

The problem isn't that Contagion and Thot Leader are white.

The issue is that they're pussies and somehow are sucking each other's cocks in this thread.

However, back to the real point, all they will do is bitch and moan as race trolls (WRT) while their stronger white brothers and sisters kill it (as they continuously have).

These guys are like the crackheads of the white community who will hinder the progress their community needs rather than help it.

I would encourage members of any race to ignore them.

7 day ban

[Image: giphy.gif]

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

Quote: (08-21-2018 09:06 AM)doc holliday Wrote:  

my kids are mixed too.

That explains a lot.

Couldn't you just have said you were worried about your kids and how they would fit in growing up?

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

Damn this thread is starting to Become Hardcore! Of course I don't have a solution for the whole immigration ordeal... But what I do know is that as long the Banks run the show... Shit will remain the same! I don't know if many of you know this... But only 2 COUNTRIES ON THE PLANET ARE INDEPENDENT: Iran & North Korea! Yes! That means the same people running the West... Are also running "3rd World Shitholes"

And that's no Conspiracy talk... It's called "Central Banks" Like I said: I don't have a solution to this Shit... But telling migrants to stay home & being angry at them ain't the way to Go. The Elite feed off chaos, which they themselves create. They Brought these migrants to Your Doorstep... and they own Your House too Btw! Such a complex issue... but I do know bickering with dudes from other racial groups on a Forum is absolutely pointless to solve it.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

Quote: (08-21-2018 09:42 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (08-21-2018 09:06 AM)doc holliday Wrote:  

my kids are mixed too.

That explains a lot.

Couldn't you just have said you were worried about your kids and how they would fit in growing up?

I agree - regardless how non-White your kids appear - they are one blonde pairing away to go full Sargon of Akkad (who claims to be black - heh). So your grandchildren will likely be the hated minority and they will feel it - no one will give a shit about them "not being fully White".


You might take a good look at an old honest article written by a Jewish administrative elite member - it came to my notice after taking a look at Frame Games' review of it as he is some kind of a dissenting Jew criticizing freely the negative actions of his tribe:


The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Demography
Reconsidering a Misguided Immigration Policy

By Stephen Steinlight on October 1, 2001

In the article he goes through the actual listing of how Jews have formed an anti-White coalition from the very beginning in the 1920s - first with the blacks and then trying adopt other tribes. That is why the ADL's website and most materials seldom contain many Whitey-ish Jewish people at the front:

[Image: attachment.jpg39790]   

Their main aim was to destroy the hegemony of the White Christian state and the 1960s immigration rule changes were the most important ones.

But now as demographics begin to shift, then the new non-European immigrants won't listen to White guilt and Holocoust-guilt anymore. (Never mind that most of their slavery claims as guilt are bullshit since almost all slave traders were Jewish - all backed up by the Talmud as well.)

But listen to this:


Facing Up to the Gradual Demise of Jewish Political Power


For perhaps another generation, an optimistic forecast, the Jewish community is thus in a position where it will be able to divide and conquer and enter into selective coalitions that support our agendas. But the day will surely come when an effective Asian-American alliance will actually bring Chinese Americans, Japanese Americans, Koreans, Vietnamese, and the rest closer together. And the enormously complex and as yet significantly divided Latinos will also eventually achieve a more effective political federation. The fact is that the term "Asian American" has only recently come into common parlance among younger Asians (it is still rejected by older folks), while "Latinos" or "Hispanics" often do not think of themselves as part of a multinational ethnic bloc but primarily as Mexicans, Cubans, or Puerto Ricans.

That's some honest article alright - divide and conquer to enter into selective coalitions.

Another one:


Our current policies encourage the balkanization that results from identity politics and the politics of grievance. The high percentage of new immigrants who are poor and uneducated, suffer linguistic handicaps, dizzying cultural disorientation, and possess no competitive skills for a postindustrial labor market remain effectively trapped within the underclass and/or the suffocating and meager support systems offered by their tight tribal enclaves.

So they are actually admitting that they foster politics of grievance - of course all directed against White gentiles.

It's a long article and it goes into many tenets - their desire is to ultimately create a super-multi-cultural society where they pit all groups against each other and reign supreme at the top of the 200 tribes twisted and pumped into the US.

Some of the statements made in the article are more insanely optimistic - others outright Machiavellian and evil.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

Quote: (08-21-2018 10:06 AM)Captain Gh Wrote:  

Damn this thread is starting to Become Hardcore! Of course I don't have a solution for the whole immigration ordeal... But what I do know is that as long the Banks run the show... Shit will remain the same! I don't know if many of you know this... But only 2 COUNTRIES ON THE PLANET ARE INDEPENDENT: Iran & North Korea! Yes! That means the same people running the West... Are also running "3rd World Shitholes"

And that's no Conspiracy talk... It's called "Central Banks" Like I said: I don't have a solution to this Shit... But telling migrants to stay home & being angry at them ain't the way to Go. The Elite feed off chaos, which they themselves create. They Brought these migrants to Your Doorstep... and they own Your House too Btw! Such a complex issue... but I do know bickering with dudes from other racial groups on a Forum is absolutely pointless to solve it.

This is not what we expect here.

But you know what would be nice:

"Ah - sorry mate that you and the people who created this nice place are going to have it taken away under your ass and become a minority. Don't take it personally - we are just trying to make a living as anyone else."

And not:

"Fuck you WRT racist that you complain about becoming a minority! When there are 20% of you left in 2100, then maybe we can starve the rest of you out!"

Those are hugely different perceptions and attitudes regarding on how to deal with the machinations of the globohomo elite. Ultimately neither of them will put a dent in the change, but let me put it this way - the first approach still makes it possible to enjoy a cool beer together and have a laugh - the latter not so much.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

Quote: (08-21-2018 09:42 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (08-21-2018 09:06 AM)doc holliday Wrote:  

my kids are mixed too.

That explains a lot.

Couldn't you just have said you were worried about your kids and how they would fit in growing up?
Nomad! Was waiting for the king WRT to check in. All we need now is for your twin to show up. My kids are mixed, big deal. So are Leonard's. Mine fit in just fine, never been worried about them. I raised my kids well. Go ask Scotian and Diop, they met my kids this weekend. You have any kids Brah? Or are you too afraid to wife up one of your precious women? Let me guess, you're a thot chaser too because it's just too hard and every woman is a thot.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

Simeon thanks for getting this thread back on track, guys it's not the Asians we should be mad at, IT'S FUCKING JOOOOZ!!!![Image: tard.gif]

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

[Image: laugh2.gif]

Quote: (08-18-2018 08:08 PM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

Guys from western countries going on trips to bang foreign sluts is ok, even better when they can't get a visa to visit.

A visa is mere paperwork but if the English levels are far below acceptable then of course I’d take the time to learn a basic level of the language.

I’m in Canada for a few weeks and it’s eerily similar to Australia except everyone sounds like Yanks and there is a lot more ugly American branded SUVs and pick up trucks driving with the wrong side of the steering wheel.

The Indian woman at the checkout did not understand I wanted a disposable bag for shopping at Walmart. Come on.

Quote: (08-19-2018 12:07 AM)T and A Man Wrote:  

And yet these Asians whose only fault is Uber-tiger mums producing IRT's still have to move to white countries to realize more of their potential.

You fail to see the woods from the trees

My cousin is a geek but at least he plans to be a productive member of society. Without going into too much details I hope he may come across game and the red pill and hopefully not the hard way.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

Quote: (08-21-2018 10:30 AM)scotian Wrote:  

Simeon thanks for getting this thread back on track, guys it's not the Asians we should be mad at, IT'S FUCKING JOOOOZ!!!![Image: tard.gif]

Argggghhhh - that's not exactly what I meant. It's a Jewish guy who detailed the article. But many of the globohomo-guys are Jewish - though certainly not the average Jerry and Shlomo on the street.

But if you must be angry at some group....

[Image: tumblr_oq27gxwTe01sonpgjo1_400.gif]

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

Quote: (08-21-2018 10:30 AM)doc holliday Wrote:  

Quote: (08-21-2018 09:42 AM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (08-21-2018 09:06 AM)doc holliday Wrote:  

my kids are mixed too.

That explains a lot.

Couldn't you just have said you were worried about your kids and how they would fit in growing up?
Nomad! Was waiting for the king WRT to check in. All we need now is for your twin to show up. My kids are mixed, big deal. So are Leonard's. Mine fit in just fine, never been worried about them. I raised my kids well. Go ask Scotian and Diop, they met my kids this weekend. You have any kids Brah? Or are you too afraid to wife up one of your precious women? Let me guess, you're a thot chaser too because it's just too hard and every woman is a thot.

That's great man, I assume you've been able to control your seething resentment of whites, in private. Job well done! It can get ugly if you don't you know, that's practically what /hapas/ are made up off.

Don't you worry abot me and my legacy, we're a large family with enough cousins to almost match your Indian standards.

I'll let you know once I'm done giving my white privilege to asian and brown thots (they just love that bwc).

Not gonna invite you privately, I'm sure you understand, the tourettes syndrome and all.

Chinese residents protest Toronto suburb's plan to house refugees

Quote: (08-21-2018 10:30 AM)scotian Wrote:  

Simeon thanks for getting this thread back on track, guys it's not the Asians we should be mad at, IT'S FUCKING JOOOOZ!!!![Image: tard.gif]

Ahhh hahah tell me about it bro. And in my case I'm trying to fuck one but she's taking her sweet time trying to give up the nookie! I think she does want a bit of this Goyim cock eventually tho bwahahah.

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