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Swedish DJ Avicii Dead At 28

Swedish DJ Avicii Dead At 28

At least we still have Kygo.

Swedish DJ Avicii Dead At 28

And, with regard to Sweden, all four members of ABBA are still alive!

Swedish DJ Avicii Dead At 28

Confirmed suicide

Apparently he tried ayahuasca not too long ago, but apparently it didn't give the desirable effects.
I read some guy that seemed very believable saying that he first tried to cut his wrists with a piece of glace, someone tried to stop him but then he cut his own throat and that was that...

Swedish DJ Avicii Dead At 28

“I do know drugs were found on the scene,” a spokesperson at the Muscat Governorate Police Headquarters told Radar today.

Swedish DJ Avicii Dead At 28

What a sad story. He had some great beats, and I'm not even the biggest electronic music fan. His music was catchy, no doubt. His death a reminder to every man here to reign in the drinking and drugs. It is okay to admit if you have a problem. Get some help before you're gone too soon. May he rest in peace.

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Swedish DJ Avicii Dead At 28

Quote: (04-26-2018 03:40 PM)Salvadore Wrote:  

Confirmed suicide

Apparently he tried ayahuasca not too long ago, but apparently it didn't give the desirable effects.
I read some guy that seemed very believable saying that he first tried to cut his wrists with a piece of glace, someone tried to stop him but then he cut his own throat and that was that...

He did. I shared a link to a picture of him with Peter Gorman in the rain forest. It was on Facebook, so the picture doesn't show here.

Peter Gorman might very well be called the Christopher Columbus of Amazonian medicines. He's not the first white man to try their medicines. But he first wrote an article about ayahuasca for High Times in 1986. He's the first person who went into the rain forest, made friends with the people, and has kept going back there for over 30 years.

Swedish DJ Avicii Dead At 28

Quote: (04-27-2018 11:42 PM)puckerman Wrote:  

Quote: (04-26-2018 03:40 PM)Salvadore Wrote:  

Confirmed suicide

Apparently he tried ayahuasca not too long ago, but apparently it didn't give the desirable effects.
I read some guy that seemed very believable saying that he first tried to cut his wrists with a piece of glace, someone tried to stop him but then he cut his own throat and that was that...

He did. I shared a link to a picture of him with Peter Gorman in the rain forest. It was on Facebook, so the picture doesn't show here.

Peter Gorman might very well be called the Christopher Columbus of Amazonian medicines. He's not the first white man to try their medicines. But he first wrote an article about ayahuasca for High Times in 1986. He's the first person who went into the rain forest, made friends with the people, and has kept going back there for over 30 years.

I should correct that. Terence and Dennis McKenna might have been before him.

Swedish DJ Avicii Dead At 28

This makes it a whole lot more suspicious. There have been way too many early deaths. I find this whole thing very easy to believe:

Watch this video if you don't have time for the article:


Swedish DJ Avicii Dead At 28

When a famous man dies at a young age and single, there is the phenomenon of women who contact the media to declare: "I am his last girlfriend, bla bla, so sad, bla bla, poor me, bla bla, don't forget to subscribe to my instagram and my porn channel "

Her message on instagram is full of nonsensical statement like: "I am sorry that every single one of my periods left blood on your bed" [Image: dodgy.gif]

What a poetess

[Image: 072115_tereza-kecerova-hed.jpg]

[Image: Avicii-death-Avicii-was-in-a-relationshi...323523.jpg]

Swedish DJ Avicii Dead At 28



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Cows die,
family die,
you will die the same way.
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the reputation of the one who's died.

Swedish DJ Avicii Dead At 28

Her instagram is a weird mix of nudes pics of herself and pictures of her kid.

In a photo she licks her kid tongue, in another photo she is nude with the kid at the beach.

If you dig a little, you will find porn of her I guess

Swedish DJ Avicii Dead At 28

Notice her tits looks small in one photo but pretty big in the other one.

I saw that message too. Where is the need to share that with the whole world? If someone close to me passed away I might have written a letter to that person to collect my own thought but never would I share intimate stuff and private photos to a bunch of strangers.
These are some strange times we're living in.

He was a superstar who could get quality pussy but he went for a single mom with a kid who gives off the hipster vibe.
Doesn't make much sense.

Swedish DJ Avicii Dead At 28

Tv said that his family has stated, Avicii suicided. I don't know how accurate that tv was, but supposedly, thats what his family said.

Swedish DJ Avicii Dead At 28

If you go through her Instagram she's got a photo with her child and his dad a few days before Avicii's death.

Further to this Avicii's sister comments on her IG to take down the video of her son looking for Avicii.

[Image: FqDMy4U.jpg]

and here she is asking about him after hearing of his death on one of Avicii's friends IG's
[Image: ndglKUk.png]

You'd imagine she'd just call the family if they were together.

and from Arash's message (His long-time manager) after Avicii died
[Image: 10FckLE.png]

You can imagine this type of girl wouldn't be any type of blessing for a naturally shy, introverted guy like Avicii whose had a history of anxiety and stress.

Swedish DJ Avicii Dead At 28

I guarantee she was just one of a hundred girls he was banging, this single mother meant jack shit to him. Sad attention whoring pretending to be his LTR.

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Quote: (02-11-2019 05:10 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  
I take pussy how it comes -but I do now prefer it shaved low at least-you cannot eat what you cannot see.

Swedish DJ Avicii Dead At 28

Nothing suspicious about Avicii's death. Definitely no foul play or weird circumstances.

Oh yeah, except for the fact he supposedly committed suicide by slitting his throat with a broken glass bottle.

Sounds about as easy as shooting yourself in the back of the head. Celebrity Star Whackers Inc strikes again.

Swedish DJ Avicii Dead At 28

Quote: (04-29-2018 09:21 AM)balybary Wrote:  

When a famous man dies at a young age and single, there is the phenomenon of women who contact the media to declare: "I am his last girlfriend, bla bla, so sad, bla bla, poor me, bla bla, don't forget to subscribe to my instagram and my porn channel "

Her message on instagram is full of nonsensical statement like: "I am sorry that every single one of my periods left blood on your bed" [Image: dodgy.gif]

What a poetess

[Image: 072115_tereza-kecerova-hed.jpg]

[Image: Avicii-death-Avicii-was-in-a-relationshi...323523.jpg]


She is truly the biggest CUNT, I have ever witnessed.

L:219  F:29  V:9  A:6  3S:1

"Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink"

Swedish DJ Avicii Dead At 28

With all due respect, he probably committed suicide because he was absolute shite, and he knew it.

Can anyone link me to a tune of his that is good? I sure as shit can't find any.

He probably listed to Dave Clarke's "Red 2" and realized, "I will never, ever, make a tune as banging as that."

And in went the shard.

L:219  F:29  V:9  A:6  3S:1

"Water, water, everywhere, nor any drop to drink"

Swedish DJ Avicii Dead At 28

^^^^ I like your handle. Reminds me of the biggest techno hit of the 90s (even though many hate on it nowadays). In regards to Aviciis music, I kinda agree. That "hey brother" tune made me wanna pull my hair out.

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