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Man Sends $40 invoice After Being Ghosted

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

WYB. That's really all that fucking matters on essentially every interaction with Western women.

I'm in the WB camp as of now but it's hard to tell from the photos.

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Quote: (04-19-2018 04:05 PM)RIslander Wrote:  

WB. That's really all that fucking matters.

Yes but would you send her an invoice for the condom afterwards?

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Quote: (04-19-2018 04:05 PM)RIslander Wrote:  

WYB. That's really all that fucking matters on essentially every interaction with Western women.

I'm in the WB camp as of now but it's hard to tell from the photos.

23 and looking like this:

[Image: 4-7.png]

What is it about white women again so fucking horribly?

I'd probably WBASHIFMSBD)

(Would bang and send her invoice for my sperm bank deposit)

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

She needs to send somebody an invoice for all the collagen they stole from her skin.
Bitch looks like she's pushing 60 in that photo.

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

I would have sent her a bill as well for having to look at her face at dinner.

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Someone draw a red circle around her roots, please. I'm tired.

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

The bitch ordered tacos. He should have known he wasn't getting a bang then. Then again her face looks like the type to order tacos and not a salad on a date.

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

I will just comment again. Keep dodging the question like a pussy.

Quote: (04-19-2018 01:08 PM)bgbusiness Wrote:  

Did you even go to college?
What do you do irl? What's your occupation?
How many hours do you work in a week?
How much action are you taking in a week?

Quote: (04-19-2018 12:21 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  

If you honestly think anyone gives a fuck about what you're saying here

You said you don't give a fuck. You are still commenting on my post, man. You obviously give a lot of FUCK. My post also has shit ton of comments. People do give a fuck.
You must be really either blind and making someone else type this shit or just absurdly delusional if you can't see the comments rolling in.

Final Thoughts:
I feel bad for you. Keep being black pilled. Yeah, that will fucking do it.
Accept the reality as it is and don't do jack shit. Yeah, that will fucking improve your life! At least then you can rationalize by saying, "I didn't really give it 100%, so it don't really matter. That's not me."

That's right. Give up. That's what you are suggesting. That's probably what you did with your life anyways.

Take care man. No need to talk to you when you are not even answering questions and just spitting some BS. Your IQ must be super low. GG

"Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner."
- Heat

"That's the difference between you and me. You wanna lose small, I wanna win big."

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Quote: (04-20-2018 02:24 AM)bgbusiness Wrote:  

Your IQ must be super low.

[Image: lolwtf.gif]

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Went on a date with a 7 last week. We bounced to another venue after the first (the second venue being a little fancy; it was the Sky Bar at the Marriott). At no point did she reach for her wallet, or offer to pay for half. I wouldn't have allowed her to, of course, but I always like it when they don't take it for granted.

After I've paid for everything I expect a thank-you text that night or the next day. This was not forthcoming. I never texted her again as a result. She may not have wanted me to text her again, who knows (though there was some making out) but still. I've a very low tolerance for this kind of entitled behaviour.

This rationale these chicks come up with (the person who asks the other person out must pay) is ridiculous. Of course the man is going to be asking the girl out. How often is it the reverse? When we go out with a buddy do we expect him to pay because he suggested meeting up? Get the fuck outta here.

The wise player takes a girl for drinks only, or if you're in EE a walk is just as good and free; it's also a popular date with those girls.

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Quote: (04-20-2018 06:49 AM)griffinmill Wrote:  

Went on a date with a 7 last week. We bounced to another venue after the first (the second venue being a little fancy; it was the Sky Bar at the Marriott). At no point did she reach for her wallet, or offer to pay for half. I wouldn't have allowed her to, of course, but I always like it when they don't take it for granted.

I have a special policy when a girl does this. My goal becomes to fuck her just to fuck her.

It's not unusual for me to not go for the bang if the girl simply isn't up to my standards. But if she let's me pay for dinner like it's my fucking responsibility to wine and dine her entitled ass, I'll pump and dump her out of spite.

If a girl has some class, but I don't foresee a meaningful long term sexual arrangement occurring, I'll let her down easy. If she's a bitch who tells me, "I'm going to the washroom, why don't you pay the bill," she's getting fucked and then mysteriously ghosted.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

OP, before you are banned, where do I send the invoice for reading this thread and getting my time back?

"Once you've gotten the lay you have won."- Mufasa

"You Miss 100% of the shots you don't take"- Wayne Gretzky

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Quote: (04-18-2018 09:38 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Sending a woman an invoice when she ghosts is weird. She'll just throw it in the trash and you'll look like a weirdo.

Sending her an IRS form 1099-misc for the 40$ of income she "earned" by stiffing you, on the other hand, and then filing a copy with the IRS, so that she either reports it and pays the taxes or faces penalties and an audit...
That would probably still be beta, but at least it would be entertaining.

Someone pulled that little stunt with a guy I know over a business dispute, and it's making a giant mess of his taxes this year. You can sue in civil court to recover damages, which is what he's doing, but damages on 40$ are likely to be negligible and it's probably legitimate anyway since it was received income. (No idea, not a tax lawyer.)

I wouldn't bother, because it's still beta, but if you want to get even with somebody who costs you money that's how you do it, not this petty "made for viral content" shit.

Also, what are yalls thoughts on sending the girl a Venmo request for half if she doesn't want another date?

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Quote: (04-20-2018 10:44 AM)True Balla Wrote:  

Also, what are yalls thoughts on sending the girl a Venmo request for half if she doesn't want another date?

A real man serves her papers and takes her to small claims court

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Quote: (04-19-2018 04:09 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (04-19-2018 04:05 PM)RIslander Wrote:  

WYB. That's really all that fucking matters on essentially every interaction with Western women.

I'm in the WB camp as of now but it's hard to tell from the photos.

23 and looking like this:

[Image: 4-7.png]

What is it about white women again so fucking horribly?

I'd probably WBASHIFMSBD)

(Would bang and send her invoice for my sperm bank deposit)

She looks like a Lifetime knock-off Morgan Fairchild...and Morgan Fairchild is pushing 70.

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

bgbusiness, if you think anything i was suggesting was black pill then you are indeed as much of a moron as I had suspected.


You said you don't give a fuck. You are still commenting on my post, man. You obviously give a lot of FUCK. My post also has shit ton of comments. People do give a fuck.

Keep getting worked up over internet shit. Fag.

"Does PUA say that I just need to get to f-close base first here and some weird chemicals will be released in her brain to make her a better person?"

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Quote: (04-20-2018 02:16 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  

bgbusiness, if you think anything i was suggesting was black pill then you are indeed as much of a moron as I had suspected.


You said you don't give a fuck. You are still commenting on my post, man. You obviously give a lot of FUCK. My post also has shit ton of comments. People do give a fuck.

Keep getting worked up over internet shit. Fag.

There sure has been a lot of personal bickering going on in the forum over the last few days.

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Quote: (04-19-2018 01:08 PM)bgbusiness Wrote:  

Did you even go to college?
What do you do irl? What's your occupation?
How many hours do you work in a week?
How much action are you taking in a week?

I am still curious to the answers to the questions above.

Quote: (04-19-2018 12:21 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  

You have no influence over anyone else's behavior.

Then you said...

Quote: (04-19-2018 12:21 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  

Yeah, you can influence people's behavior sometimes

Lmao, what? Back-paddling and taking a step back. I see.

Quote: (04-19-2018 12:21 PM)Rhyme or Reason Wrote:  

If you honestly think anyone gives a fuck about what you're saying here

The more you comment, you more you give a FUCK...
So keeping the comments coming and prove to the world that you are full of contradictions.
Just take the L and move on, my guy.

"Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner."
- Heat

"That's the difference between you and me. You wanna lose small, I wanna win big."

Man Sends invoice After Being Ghosted

Quote: (04-20-2018 09:37 AM)Vill@in Wrote:  

OP, before you are banned, where do I send the invoice for reading this thread and getting my time back?

That's your fault for clicking on thread.
FYI, how do I get my time back for reading your comment?

"Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner."
- Heat

"That's the difference between you and me. You wanna lose small, I wanna win big."

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