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Moving to the USA from Canada

Moving to the USA from Canada

The federal socialists, and provincial communists have given notice that all the money for their social programs will come from Canadian business.

As a business owner 20min from the USA I have watched for years as US companies no different from mine, grow and flourish. This latest budget by our provincial politburo has BC businesses paying almost $4b in new taxes. In a province of only 4 million.

Its not sustainable to stay here. The amount of effort it takes to make any money here, and when you do, the government takes over half. Whats the point? I love business, but it has be under expectation that any business that can leave, will.

What keeps Canadian businesses here? Especially ones that are within walking distance to the US.

I have been reading about the E-1 and E-2 visas, as this might be the best way to move my business south. From rough number estimates, I would be keeping 60% more of my money. Not insignificant.

I know a few people on here have made the move, and I would be interested to hear what you guys have to say.

Moving to the USA from Canada

Marry yourself a sexy American girl. Hell marry a man.

Just do the research either way. Don't move to America and find out you're paying the same amount.


Moving to the USA from Canada

Im currently looking at layering in offshore banking to my asset protection (trusts) and tax reduction strategies.

Depending on your industry and corp structure there may be alternatives that dont require a physical move

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Moving to the USA from Canada

Does your business have to be in North America?

For example, there is an American blogger GoCurryCracker who saved a couple of million bucks and just lives in Taiwan with his local wife and a son. Almost all of his income comes from dividends and capital gains but he structures it in a way that he pays almost 0 taxes even though he is American. His family is covered by cheap and high quality health care in Taiwan. He also travels around the world and uses travel insurance for accidents and self insurance for routine health care while traveling.

It doesn't have to be Taiwan, just an example. Unless you absolutely need physical presence in North America, I would consider other countries, particularly more advanced Asian countries and Southern/Eastern Europe.

Moving to the USA from Canada

The business is tied to a Canadian commodity which is then manufactured in Canada.

The commodity side must stay in Canada, for obvious reasons, but the manufacturing side could be anywhere. I have been spending more time in Washington state and there is a much bigger sector there, even in smaller cities. Things like saw blades and consumables are 20-30% less even when factoring in currency.

My business has been branded as a Canadian company which was recommended as I am somewhat dependent on the Chinese market and Vancouver has a good name.

I spent a good part of the afternoon reading through the new provincial budget. It will be brutal for a lot of BC businesses and does nothing for my family. Its getting harder to keep positive about my families future here.

Quote: (03-04-2018 07:25 PM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  

Im currently looking at layering in offshore banking to my asset protection (trusts) and tax reduction strategies.

Depending on your industry and corp structure there may be alternatives that dont require a physical move

This will have to be the way to go personally, but for a new business to grow I am looking at some significant tax increases. A lot of it stems from employees which is terrible timing for me. I need to make some good hires very soon.

Frustrating day. If taxes are pushing or even exceeding 60% of income, how will it be possible to keep countries from full communism.

Moving to the USA from Canada

I've been considering relocating to Washington state. Seattle is nutty as fuck, but the conservative and moderate parts of the state help keep them in line. Plus no income tax which I love.

The Bellingham area looks really nice and might be a good option for you. Just south of BC.

Moving to the USA from Canada

Quote: (03-04-2018 08:28 PM)Laner Wrote:  

The business is tied to a Canadian commodity which is then manufactured in Canada.

The commodity side must stay in Canada, for obvious reasons, but the manufacturing side could be anywhere. I have been spending more time in Washington state and there is a much bigger sector there, even in smaller cities. Things like saw blades and consumables are 20-30% less even when factoring in currency.

My business has been branded as a Canadian company which was recommended as I am somewhat dependent on the Chinese market and Vancouver has a good name.

I spent a good part of the afternoon reading through the new provincial budget. It will be brutal for a lot of BC businesses and does nothing for my family. Its getting harder to keep positive about my families future here.

Quote: (03-04-2018 07:25 PM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  

Im currently looking at layering in offshore banking to my asset protection (trusts) and tax reduction strategies.

Depending on your industry and corp structure there may be alternatives that dont require a physical move

This will have to be the way to go personally, but for a new business to grow I am looking at some significant tax increases. A lot of it stems from employees which is terrible timing for me. I need to make some good hires very soon.

Frustrating day. If taxes are pushing or even exceeding 60% of income, how will it be possible to keep countries from full communism.

Any way to convert some of your employee wages to dividend disbursements? In many cases there's less (or no) employer tax on dividends.

The right CPA should be able to navigate this for you.

Like I said in another thread: Legislators are usually wealthy / business owners and they never legislate fucking themselves. There's always a loophole...they just make them harder to find

- Does She Have The "Happy Gene" ?
-Inversion Therapy
-Let's lead by example

"Leap, and the net will appear". John Burroughs

"The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty yes to your adventure."
Joseph Campbell

Moving to the USA from Canada

Quote: (03-04-2018 09:16 PM)TigOlBitties Wrote:  

I've been considering relocating to Washington state. Seattle is nutty as fuck, but the conservative and moderate parts of the state help keep them in line. Plus no income tax which I love.

The Bellingham area looks really nice and might be a good option for you. Just south of BC.

Bellingham is nice. Certainly a good place to meet liberal arts girls, but the town is pretty granola. I much prefer Lynden. In fact, I have been checking out Lynden for years. One of the nicest little gems I know of.

Quote: (03-04-2018 09:57 PM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  

Quote: (03-04-2018 08:28 PM)Laner Wrote:  

The business is tied to a Canadian commodity which is then manufactured in Canada.

The commodity side must stay in Canada, for obvious reasons, but the manufacturing side could be anywhere. I have been spending more time in Washington state and there is a much bigger sector there, even in smaller cities. Things like saw blades and consumables are 20-30% less even when factoring in currency.

My business has been branded as a Canadian company which was recommended as I am somewhat dependent on the Chinese market and Vancouver has a good name.

I spent a good part of the afternoon reading through the new provincial budget. It will be brutal for a lot of BC businesses and does nothing for my family. Its getting harder to keep positive about my families future here.

Quote: (03-04-2018 07:25 PM)PapayaTapper Wrote:  

Im currently looking at layering in offshore banking to my asset protection (trusts) and tax reduction strategies.

Depending on your industry and corp structure there may be alternatives that dont require a physical move

This will have to be the way to go personally, but for a new business to grow I am looking at some significant tax increases. A lot of it stems from employees which is terrible timing for me. I need to make some good hires very soon.

Frustrating day. If taxes are pushing or even exceeding 60% of income, how will it be possible to keep countries from full communism.

Any way to convert some of your employee wages to dividend disbursements? In many cases there's less (or no) employer tax on dividends.

The right CPA should be able to navigate this for you.

Like I said in another thread: Legislators are usually wealthy / business owners and they never legislate fucking themselves. There's always a loophole...they just make them harder to find

This type of government is different. It is safe to say that there is about zero business experience on this team. They are all life long students, politicians and activists.

Moving to the USA from Canada

I moved my business from England to the US about five years ago.

We save a ton on taxes by doing this.

The new Trump tax plan gives most small business a 20% tax free deduction as well. Beautiful.

Truth is: it is probably better to be low and maybe even middle income in countries like Canada and England, but for high earners America rips them.

Do it.

E2 visas are fairly easy to get if you are investing a solid $150k min and making a couple of local hires.

Only downside is the visa is tied to the sustainable of the business and you cannot transition to a green card through the E2 like you can with some other visas.

Definitely a good option.

I personally got married. Get a prenup and it is the best option. Your taxes will also plummet because your tax brackets double (shared).

Moving to the USA from Canada

Just to add;

I am considering moving to Texas to save about 15% more on taxes versus Illinois.

Send those bastards a message:

If you are unfriendly to business, it will leave you.

Moving to the USA from Canada

Gasoline just hit $1.51/L today in Vancouver.

Moving to the USA from Canada

Are you by chance enrolled in a First Nations band? If so, let’s take a little walk through history-

-Treaty of Paris in 1783 ends the Revolutionary War, but many of the details between the newly independent states and the remaining British territory goes unresolved.

- In 1794 John Jay negotiated the Jay Treaty with the British to tie up the loose ends from the Treaty of Paris, and part of this treaty speaks to the free movement of Indians on either side of the border. This treaty provision is still in force today.

There’s a bunch of history since then but it’s not really important. What is important is that under the Jay Treaty of 1794 it is your right to freely cross the US border without a passport, and it is also your right to live and work in the United States (and vice versa for US Indians going to Canada).

If you aren’t enrolled in a band...well now you learned some interesting history!

Moving to the USA from Canada

Quote: (03-08-2018 04:29 AM)frozen-ace Wrote:  

Are you by chance enrolled in a First Nations band? If so, let’s take a little walk through history-

-Treaty of Paris in 1783 ends the Revolutionary War, but many of the details between the newly independent states and the remaining British territory goes unresolved.

- In 1794 John Jay negotiated the Jay Treaty with the British to tie up the loose ends from the Treaty of Paris, and part of this treaty speaks to the free movement of Indians on either side of the border. This treaty provision is still in force today.

There’s a bunch of history since then but it’s not really important. What is important is that under the Jay Treaty of 1794 it is your right to freely cross the US border without a passport, and it is also your right to live and work in the United States (and vice versa for US Indians going to Canada).

If you aren’t enrolled in a band...well now you learned some interesting history!

I carry a card from the Metis Nation of British Columbia. I will look into this.

Moving to the USA from Canada

When these links refer to “American Indian” they mean North American Indian (US and Canada).

Exemption from alien provisions for certain noncitizen Indians- if you have 50% Indian blood you are considered a lawfully admitted permanent resident-

Your right to cross the border as long as you are at least 50% Indian-

This one has the most info that will help you-

I’m not sure of the legal status of the Metis of BC within Canada but that last link should really help clear things up if you qualify.

Moving to the USA from Canada

The Canadian system just kills ambition, drive and competitiveness. I’m from Vancouver and am cashing out of real estate and leaving to see the world, I’ve had enough. I grinded up to a six figure salary, but at the end of the day it was just 12yrs of saving and making good investment decisions. The stats say if you add up all the hidden and not so hidden taxes in BC, we pay up to 65% of our income in taxes.

The place is a total joke now, taxes out the wang, locals priced out of RE, cold, snobby women and rain 9 months a year.

Moving to the USA from Canada

If you can qualify as Indian/First Nations in the U.S., its a potential boondoggle. They operate casinos here, don't pay taxes on cigarettes. In South Florida, the Seminoles made a killing selling cigarettes because 90% of the prices is U.S. federal taxes. They undercut the competition by 20% and still made a fortune!

Not sure how they pay taxes but well worth researching.

Washington State is not the only state without income taxes. This article has a list. The article has a negative bias against these states. Its really misplaced. If you have a decent income, you are going to do much better in these states. If you are in the timber business, then also consider Wyoming and Tennessee, and even Florida.

Moving to the USA from Canada

As you're aware, the weather in western Washington is terrible. However, the weather in the Cascade's rain shadow in central and eastern Washington is almost the opposite- lots of sunshine. Of course, the downside is that you're further away from the Puget Sound seaport and the international airport. Also, when the interstate over the mountains gets snowed under, there goes your transportation artery.

However, the cities of inland Washington- Richland, Pasco, Kennewick, Ellensburg, and Spokane likely are aware of their geographical disadvantages and may offer, in compensation, some attractive incentives for manufacturing to move to their area. You might check with their chambers of commerce to see if they'd be willing to offer you a deal.

Moving to the USA from Canada

Leftist party is pushing a bill to lower the voting age to 16.

The fuckery of the left in this province is astounding.

Moving to the USA from Canada

I'll do a fake gay marriage for only 10% of the extra money you make. [Image: wink.gif]

I'll throw in a non-acrimonious divorce for when you figure out you're 100% straight and find a broad worthy of getting married to.


Moving to the USA from Canada

Quote: (03-14-2018 12:21 AM)Geomann180 Wrote:  

I'll do a fake gay marriage for only 10% of the extra money you make. [Image: wink.gif]

I'll throw in a non-acrimonious divorce for when you figure out you're 100% straight and find a broad worthy of getting married to.


Married with a family. Thanks for the offer though.

The coming civic election here has some interesting candidates. Lots of mixed blood candidates and candidates who are in a mixed marriage with half breed kids. Most seem to be running for the NPA, which is the more right of the parties.

I know the guy running for mayor. I think its time I stopped whining on the internet and got out there and start seeing what can be done. School trustees are gonna need some masculinity.

Moving to the USA from Canada

Quote: (03-14-2018 12:19 PM)Laner Wrote:  

I know the guy running for mayor. I think its time I stopped whining on the internet and got out there and start seeing what can be done. School trustees are gonna need some masculinity.

Do you have any family who live and are citizens of the US perchance?


Moving to the USA from Canada

Quote: (03-14-2018 06:42 PM)Geomann180 Wrote:  

Quote: (03-14-2018 12:19 PM)Laner Wrote:  

I know the guy running for mayor. I think its time I stopped whining on the internet and got out there and start seeing what can be done. School trustees are gonna need some masculinity.

Do you have any family who live and are citizens of the US perchance?


My grandfather - mothers father - was American. My uncle - mothers brother - has his US citizenship. My cousin - his son - may have his but I would have to ask.

Moving to the USA from Canada

It seems like the E-2 visa is one of the easiest to obtain for Canadians without hundreds of thousands of dollars to invest. This info could be out of date but it they talk about the E-2 visa on many websites.

Moving to the USA from Canada

Quote: (03-15-2018 12:13 AM)Sidney Crosby Wrote:  

It seems like the E-2 visa is one of the easiest to obtain for Canadians without hundreds of thousands of dollars to invest. This info could be out of date but it they talk about the E-2 visa on many websites.

From what I can find on the internet, this is the best way for me to make the move.

A friend shares an office with an immigration consultant so I will swing by there for beers tomorrow and see what she has to say.

Moving to the USA from Canada

Sorry to hear you are packing up and leaving town - it will be the 604's loss. It is definitely understandable and good for you to get out of this overpriced, socialist la-la land they are trying to build though. The NDP's promise of free stuff will either put the province seriously in debt again or just stifle innovation and businesses as companies and business owners like yourself move elsewhere. Not to mention the high cost of living, rain half the year, and snobby local women, etc.

Despite a low-6 figure salary, I was barely socking away $10-20K per year even with side hustles due to the tax rate and cost of housing. It's disheartening to see the amount they deduct off a paycheque. I have days where I debate between whether making it work here vs achieving financial independence and build that nest egg / internet business to move abroad for good. The latter option is becoming increasingly more attractive

Datasheet: Vancouver, BC

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