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Best Asian city for day game

Best Asian city for day game

I'm tired of online game and also of shitty, polluted cities where all you can do is having dates in malls and fucking the girls. I'm also not a big fan of going out at night, especially not if the main intention is to meet girls.

I still have some months left and I'm looking for a city in Asia that is good for practicing and improving day game, reducing AA and it should also offer something else than girls. I want to meet some quality women at daytime instead of being an internet or nightlife hero.

This is what I'm looking for, with the highest priority on the top and the lowest priority on the bottom:
1. Outside locations for day game. (I like it not too crowded, but of course with girls regularly passing by. It's easy for me to approach a girl when there is nobody around (sounds creepy [Image: biggrin.gif]), but I still have AA if it's really crowded and everyone is watching the foreigner whose only reason to walk around the mall is to approach girls...)
2. Easy to walk around and to use public transport (Jeepney counts, because most people speak English in the Philippines)
3. Lots of easy girls for a Caucasian
4. Preferably cheap
5. It should be easy to build up some daily routines that have nothing to do with girls or working online
6. Nice and affordable apartments with kitchen, pool, maybe gym, situated in a good area (= It's not necessary to take a taxi for everything I want to do outside my apartment)
7. It should be easy to do day trips into the nature for hiking, beaches, waterfalls and stuff like that.

I was thinking about Bangkok, but Thailand became kind of boring for me. I also traveled the Philippines but I only spent 4 Weeks in Cebu for chasing girls and it was mostly online game and I couldn't find any nice spots beside the malls. When I was in Manila, I didn't care for girls, but I think there should be some good spots in Manila for daygame, outside of the malls.

Best Asian city for day game

Chinatown, NYC.

Best Asian city for day game

Hong Kong, though it is not cheap. Might need a roomate.

Best Asian city for day game

Watching this thread with interest.

Best Asian city for day game


Best Asian city for day game

Quote: (12-14-2017 04:51 PM)Heart Break Kid Wrote:  

Hong Kong, though it is not cheap. Might need a roomate.

Not a bad suggestion, you can even do "day" game at night as people just hang out on the street and drink instead of going into bars.

Best Asian city for day game

Quote: (12-13-2017 04:07 AM)King of the Bongo Wrote:  

When I was in Manila, I didn't care for girls, but I think there should be some good spots in Manila for daygame, outside of the malls.

Sounds like you could use a spot at the Greenbelt mall

The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.
DATASHEETS: Singapore (2014) | Vietnam (2015) | Cebu (2015) | Honolulu (2016) | Couchsurfing (2016) | KS, Taiwan (2018)
BTC: 1MoAetVtsmM48mkRx66Z9gYkBZGzqepGb5

Best Asian city for day game

What exactly do you mean with the spot at Greenbelt Mall?

If you answer, please forget what I wrote about Thailand and the Philippines. Just write which city is the best in your opinion and why.

After all the traveling I'm really thinking about finding a place where I will always come back, learn the language etc. and because my knee is giving me problems with Salsa dancing and I'm more an introverted guy, I will probably choose Asia over Latin America, even if I already speak some Spanish. First I thought Indonesia, because the language is the easiest Asian language to learn and the girls are really ok but the cities just suck, especially after I spent some days in Kuala Lumpur recently.

I'm still hoping for some experienced answers.

Best Asian city for day game


- Plenty of outdoor locations for street game.
- Everyone speaks English
- Caucasian men do very well here with locals. They're in love your kind.
- Its metropolitan. Always something to do.

- No nature. 100% Urban.
- Its very expensive here. Rent will be far from cheap.
- Dates may be expensive. Unless you do your research, PM me for more info on cheap(er) date spots here.

Best Asian city for day game

Try Taipei, Taiwan. Never been there myself though.

Best Asian city for day game

Quote: (12-17-2017 09:04 AM)ZAMSKI Wrote:  

Try Taipei, Taiwan. Never been there myself though.

lol @ "never been there myself though"

Tokyo and Osaka are both great cities for day game, though not cheap.

Best Asian city for day game

Quote: (12-17-2017 04:07 AM)King of the Bongo Wrote:  

First I thought Indonesia, because the language is the easiest Asian language to learn and the girls are really ok but the cities just suck, especially after I spent some days in Kuala Lumpur recently.


The only time success comes before work is in the dictionary.
DATASHEETS: Singapore (2014) | Vietnam (2015) | Cebu (2015) | Honolulu (2016) | Couchsurfing (2016) | KS, Taiwan (2018)
BTC: 1MoAetVtsmM48mkRx66Z9gYkBZGzqepGb5

Best Asian city for day game

So we're saying that poor citites suck for daygame, that broadly true? Taipei and HK, yeah sure, but I can pay those prices and stay in NYC.

Best Asian city for day game

Quote: (12-17-2017 10:49 AM)churros Wrote:  

So we're saying that poor citites suck for daygame, that broadly true? Taipei and HK, yeah sure, but I can pay those prices and stay in NYC.

They're not exactly bad as in women in developing cities are more stuck up, but the logistics are better in more modern cities.

Manila and Jakarta are a pain in the ass to get around. Every thing is too spaced out, it's too hot to walk, and there is too much traffic to drive with no reliable subway system.

Cities like Hong Kong and Tokyo have modern top of the line transportation.

I keep seeing that people consider Taipei to be expensive but I don't see it...it's quite cheap for what you get. It's certainly much cheaper to live in Taipei than in New York City, Hong Kong and probably Tokyo (never been) by a significant amount.

Best Asian city for day game

I think Taipei is a solid choice. I spent a month there and its one of my top asian cities.

Lots of cuties around, decent levels of english, lots of malls to hang out and "shop" while scoping out targets.
Also good cafes where university girls go study and hangout.

The cost of living there is great value considering its a "1st world country", you can probably find around $1000/month airbnb in a central areas. Absolutely much better value than tokyo, HK or shanghai.
Also Tinder had me spoiled - constant pussy stream, I didn't even bother day gaming too much.

Downsides: can be very rainy, not much of a party scene at all from monday thru friday. Good place to work, chill and explore though.

Taipei: 4.5 stars.

Best Asian city for day game

Quote: (12-17-2017 02:04 AM)Cyclone Wrote:  

Quote: (12-13-2017 04:07 AM)King of the Bongo Wrote:  

When I was in Manila, I didn't care for girls, but I think there should be some good spots in Manila for daygame, outside of the malls.

Sounds like you could use a spot at the Greenbelt mall

I lived by Greenbelt mall for a few weeks, and holy shit - that place is a maze haha.
But yes, so easy to insta-date from mall to drinks to apartment.
However... I had it so easy from tinder and IG that it was hard to find energy to also daygame. Fuck, I miss the Philippines

Best Asian city for day game

There we go, lots of good and more detailed advice.

That's what I thought: the places that are good for day game are more expensive and the value of Caucasians is still there, but lower.

1000$ a month just for an apartment is pretty high in my opinion for someone who is traveling for about 5 months every year without working.

Am I right, that Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur are the only cities that are in between? Let's say in between of cities like Cebu and Taipei for example, if it comes to costs of living, value of being Caucasian and easy girls.

I think in Manila, it should also possible. There should be some spots where you are at least able to walk a little bit on pavements around the malls, in some parks and stuff, if you don't have to stay in this "day game area" AND close to the nightlife at the same time. Has anyone seen something like this in Manila?

I will go to Kuala Lumpur again anyway before I meet a friend in Vietnam. I will concentrate on day game for the few days I'm there and see if it fits me or not. I had a really bad impression of Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia before I went there, because of what I read on the Internet, but it really felt amazing to stay there in a hostel after hanging out in Jakarta, Yogyakarta, Surabaya and the surroundings of this cities, because it was cleaner and more modern than I thought, still lots of good street food, it was able to just walk around, cheap Grab, Uber and MRT, LRT etc. to get around, good level of English and it seemed pretty save. It felt like Kuala Lumpur is in between Bangkok and Singapore. I also felt relieved to walk around somewhere with normal people who are not staring all the time and ask for photos etc...

Best Asian city for day game

Japan if you can speak Japanese. Orchard road in Singapore for flag hunting. Manila / BKK easier to just reply online for decent quality.

Bangkok BTS interesting option, only middle class and above typically use it as the dirt poor can't afford the 2x fare compared to bus transport.

Best Asian city for day game

Tokyo and Taipei, in my experience. Haven't gamed in HK, though. But, HK gets on my nerves after a while and can be very smoggy.

I see a place on Airbnb right now in Taipei that's $19 a night, between Dunhua and Sun Yat Sen, I'd pick that over a baller $30+ a night pad. Most local girls won't be living in a place as nice as this (they'll likely live with their parents, or in an ugly dorm):


No reason to pick an amazing airbnb in Taipei, you'll be out almost all the time walking anyway. Besides, it sounds like you're tired of SEA-style mall game and hyper-smog, so Japan/Taiwan/Korea would better bets it sounds.

Best Asian city for day game

Kuala Lumpur didn’t seem that tricky, but for reasons other than other prime areas that are being mentioned.. The diversity there makes you stand out less as a Caucasian, and I didn’t get a feel the girls of the respective ethnic groups were too tied to their cultures to be approached. I got solid attention there from the multiple groups, and it’s a pretty modern country as well, so ethnocentrism seems might be a little less than the other homogenous societies..

Not that I’d say it’s necessarily easier than a place like Manila

Best Asian city for day game

Quote: (12-17-2017 09:14 PM)King of the Bongo Wrote:  

There we go, lots of good and more detailed advice.

That's what I thought: the places that are good for day game are more expensive and the value of Caucasians is still there, but lower.

1000$ a month just for an apartment is pretty high in my opinion for someone who is traveling for about 5 months every year without working.

Newflash: international PUA is a rich man's game for the most part.

I guess you have to be incel for 7 months of the year whilst most German women are hooking up with refugee Chadullahs.

Meanwhile I have the financial resources to live in Taipei for many years assuming the reputation of women is accurate (sure I got a crazy number of Tinder matches when I GPS spoofed to Taipei but if they're not putting out easily then I might just leave for another country).

Best Asian city for day game

Quote: (12-17-2017 10:58 AM)Heart Break Kid Wrote:  

I keep seeing that people consider Taipei to be expensive but I don't see it...it's quite cheap for what you get. It's certainly much cheaper to live in Taipei than in New York City, Hong Kong and probably Tokyo (never been) by a significant amount.

It's expensive for what you get.

Sure there's $800 - $1,000 studios on Airbnb in Taipei but these places often lack a kitchen and look old.

Meanwhile in Bangkok I saw an Airbnb for $700 that's in an ultra luxury building, has a kitchen and a free gym inside the tower too!

Thing is I am wealthy enough to not have to go to Thailand unless Taiwan ends up being disappointing. My understanding of Thai women is many are prostitutes, you might run into ladyboys and scammers. It's also a moderate crime society too and I don't like being in those sort of places for extended periods of time.

Best Asian city for day game

Quote: (08-26-2018 11:18 PM)BaatumMania Wrote:  

whilst most German women are hooking up with refugee Chadullahs.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Best Asian city for day game

I have lived in both Taipei and Shanghai and Chinese girls are way easier for ONS. They don't seem to have much of a hangup about hooking up in front of their friends or any of the social pressures of slut shamming. Taiwanese girls are more conservative. I'm an ABC... Your experiences may vary. I'm more or less fluent in Mandarin.

I find Chinese girls more attractive than SE Asian girls IMO.

Best Asian city for day game

Quote: (08-26-2018 11:21 PM)BaatumMania Wrote:  

Quote: (12-17-2017 10:58 AM)Heart Break Kid Wrote:  

I keep seeing that people consider Taipei to be expensive but I don't see it...it's quite cheap for what you get. It's certainly much cheaper to live in Taipei than in New York City, Hong Kong and probably Tokyo (never been) by a significant amount.

It's expensive for what you get.

Sure there's $800 - $1,000 studios on Airbnb in Taipei but these places often lack a kitchen and look old.

Meanwhile in Bangkok I saw an Airbnb for $700 that's in an ultra luxury building, has a kitchen and a free gym inside the tower too!

Thing is I am wealthy enough to not have to go to Thailand unless Taiwan ends up being disappointing. My understanding of Thai women is many are prostitutes, you might run into ladyboys and scammers. It's also a moderate crime society too and I don't like being in those sort of places for extended periods of time.

I've done a lot of compare and contrasting on Bangkok vs Taipei real estate (not via AirBnB) and from distance at least (not boots on ground perspective), I don't think Taipei really even has any sort of luxury real estate like Bangkok. If it does, it's very small.

Bangkok luxury apartments look very modern, high-end, and are fairly abundant in options while Taipei luxury seems to be pretty plain regardless of price point and isn't nearly as abundant. The difference in interior aesthetics between Taipei and Bangkok apartments is quite striking at the same price point; enough so that Bangkok's stock went up considerably for me even though I was originally leaning towards Taipei on most other quality of life metrics. Simply put, I don't want to hate the inside looks of my house and a lot of Taipei interiors that I reviewed at various price points looked rather bland and shitty; even the relative little higher end that exists wasn't impressive.

If anyone has boots on the ground apartment hunting experience in Taipei and/or Bangkok, please share your thoughts because I'd love to be proven wrong on the Taipei front.

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