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Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Those Buzzfeed guys look like they take it in the ass! Must be the soy, and I am not surprised it is. That is why you got to cut the soy shit out of your diet!

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (11-16-2017 11:33 PM)Thrill Jackson Wrote:  

I wouldn't be suprised if PJW is a forum lurker. Not much of coincidence this video was made not too longer after this thread was made.

He's recommended the forum in his videos
Here's one example in the description.

As for hormone distruptors, I'd be careful of chemical sunscreen.

Just use physical sunscreen like TiO or ZiO

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Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

It's the Zinc Oxide in sunscreen that gives you the sun protection I believe. Chemical sunscreen adds other BS and toxins to the mix likely to help the consistency and stability of the product.

You can find Zinc Oxide in baby rash cream and just use that with natural cream base like aloe gel to make your own sunscreen. Use high quality natural baby rash cream and a organic natural gel base. The baby cream is oil based so it creates a protection barrier on the skin also. It also helps for general skin abrasions and acne.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (11-17-2017 11:53 PM)PharaohRa Wrote:  

Those Buzzfeed guys look like they take it in the ass! Must be the soy, and I am not surprised it is. That is why you got to cut the soy shit out of your diet!

Part of their daily balance diet for sure.

Tom Leykis / Leykis 101:

-Never do what you don't want to do. You make the money, you decide where you are going and what you are doing.
-Don't ask a woman what she wants to do.
-Never get involved with a co-worker unless you don't mind losing your job over it.
-Never spend more than $40 on a date. If possible, let her pay for everything or 50/50.
-If she doesn't bang you by the third date, Dump That Bitch (DTB).
-No spooning, cuddling, hugging, or staying over. Get in, get out!
-Never be in a committed relationship UNTIL you are 25+ or really ready to settle down.
-Men age like fine wine, women age like milk.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (11-02-2017 05:09 AM)Buck Wild Wrote:  

Deep Soy
Peak Soy (my fave)
Snake Soy
Soy Rating
Soy Boy
Because soy.

[Image: laugh4.gif]

This forum always delivers!

Soyim (freaking brilliant!)

We suffer more in our own minds than we do in reality.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Buzzfeed to layoff 100 people.

BuzzFeed will restructure its business team, resulting in layoffs of about 100 people, and the transition of the company's president to the role of senior advisor.

Company CEO Jonah Peretti said in a memo Wednesday that BuzzFeed needed to shift away from direct advertising sales to more diverse revenue streams. The company will search for a chief operating officer with that goal in mind, Peretti wrote.

BuzzFeed News reporter Steven Perlberg first shared the memo.

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Steven Perlberg

BuzzFeed CEO Jonah @peretti just announced layoffs and a restructuring of the business team. President Greg Coleman is transitioning into a new role
10:20 AM - Nov 29, 2017
7 7 Replies 101 101 Retweets 55 55 likes
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New leadership would come as President Greg Coleman transitions to an advisory role. He was president for 3½ years, Peretti wrote.

The layoffs, previously reported by The Wall Street Journal, follow an earlier Journal report that BuzzFeed's revenue may fall up to 20 percent short of forecasts this year. The revenue shortfall is expected to delay BuzzFeed's hotly anticipated initial public offering, according to the Journal's sources.

At that time, BuzzFeed told CNBC: "BuzzFeed grew revenue, content views, unique visitors, and time spent in 2017; we've expanded our ad offering with new products ... and rapidly diversified revenue through commerce, licensing, and development for TV and film."

While the wave of layoffs — reportedly affecting 100 employees — may not be as large as some that have hit the media industry, BuzzFeed was widely considered a digital media darling that was growing rapidly.

BuzzFeed was not immediately available to comment on Tuesday's layoff news.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

So long, soyboys...

“As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big.” - Donald J. Trump

"I don't get all the women I want, I get all the women who want me." - David Lee Roth

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

So like I said earlier in the thread, I got my testosterone level checked and the result is:
627 ng/dL (21.76 nmol/L).
Soy long, bitches!

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

The last time I had my test checked it was 3500

I was blasting testosterone at the time though

felt like a greek god every single day - you mortals can't even imagine

I smashed 6 new girls in a week with barely any effort, and when I went to pick up the bar at the gym I thought it was a fake bar there for women or something... maybe made of plastic. But no, I had just acquired the test levels of ten men and the bar was just light as air.

Some people do drugs, or drink or whatever... I just blasted test once a year for a few years. I strongly recommend it if you have the means and the dedication to do it right

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (11-30-2017 01:57 PM)Zhangsung Wrote:  

The last time I had my test checked it was 3500

I was blasting testosterone at the time though

felt like a greek god every single day - you mortals can't even imagine

I smashed 6 new girls in a week with barely any effort, and when I went to pick up the bar at the gym I thought it was a fake bar there for women or something... maybe made of plastic. But no, I had just acquired the test levels of ten men and the bar was just light as air.

Some people do drugs, or drink or whatever... I just blasted test once a year for a few years. I strongly recommend it if you have the means and the dedication to do it right

[Image: Skinnyguy.jpg]

"The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day."
– Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

These soy insults are doing an amazing job of getting under their skin.

I’m on the road today and while flipping through the radio channels I happened on NPR.

It was in the middle of one of their typical smugfuck “news”segments on some random shit nobody cares about. This time it was all about how wonderful soy is except the writer of the segment seemed to have been extremely butthurt about how “soy doesn’t get the respect it deserves”(sic).

Most likely what happened is this guy stumbled across the soy boy insult and it stuck in his brain....boring a hole deeper and deeper the same way a chigger in your ass does...until it became too much and he had to lash out in typical soyboy way by writing a passive aggressive piece designed to makepeople who mock soy understand how stupid they are to mock it.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

I was going to make a new thread but it fits here:

A truly smackable face, soft face, not an iota of stoic hardness in the eyes, have a look at the rest of his videos to give your blood pressure a good raise, everything wrong with the world dressed up nicely:

You could do everything for and it's be thrown back at you.

Thread on 4chan resonates:

[Image: URsym2S.png]

[Image: QnqTTcq.png]

[Image: PEW4ODj.jpg]

[Image: KyNlTo8.png]

[Image: tNUUnAT.png]

[Image: j31Sqwq.png]

[Image: A4BZJSi.png]

[Image: Pi1uJBl.png]

[Image: ia2Rj9N.png]

No wonder depression is through the roof, nothing is glorious anymore, just something to be deconstructed (The Last Jedi) and isn't that wonderful.

I'm expecting to see from Vanity Fair in the coming years:

"Our civilisation is dying I mean adapting and why that's a GOOD THING"

These young dumb fucktards deserve it all when the torrent arrives.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (01-06-2018 07:25 PM)Syberpunk Wrote:  

A truly smackable face, soft face, not an iota of stoic hardness in the eyes, have a look at the rest of his videos to give your blood pressure a good raise, everything wrong with the world dressed up nicely

And if you asked them to put on such an expression, they'd make a half-assed attempt before giggling like little girls and going off to put their dicks up each other like the faggots that they so obviously are.

That's not how we do things in Russia, comrade.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

I’ll admit to sometimes flashing an open mouth smile, but only to emphasize a joke.
And I picked that up from seeing David Lee Roth do that in some interview...

“As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big.” - Donald J. Trump

"I don't get all the women I want, I get all the women who want me." - David Lee Roth

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

@Syberpunk - I've never taken TheGoldenOne seriously. He even admits in one of his videos to participating in a float at a gay pride parade (I know this because Common Filth did a video in which he sampled TGO's video).

That hbomberguy does seem very cucky too.

,,Я видел, куда падает солнце!
Оно уходит сквозь постель,
В глубокую щель!"
-Андрей Середа, ,,Улица чужих лиц", 1989 г.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (01-07-2018 06:54 AM)Vladimir Poontang Wrote:  

Quote: (01-06-2018 07:25 PM)Syberpunk Wrote:  

A truly smackable face, soft face, not an iota of stoic hardness in the eyes, have a look at the rest of his videos to give your blood pressure a good raise, everything wrong with the world dressed up nicely

And if you asked them to put on such an expression, they'd make a half-assed attempt before giggling like little girls and going off to put their dicks up each other like the faggots that they so obviously are.

Reminds me of the chuckleheads that regularly show up and laugh about how serious I am...

...even on videos where I'm laughing and cracking jokes.

It's a mania verging on tears. Everybody needs to pretend to be 100% happy and excited, all the time, or else we might notice that the serial killers are in our midst.

Every sentence they speak ends with an exclamation mark.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (11-03-2017 08:58 AM)zoom Wrote:  

The good news for humanity is that testosterone production is linked to sperm count and quality. So these guys probably won't reproduce.

These virgins have to get laid first!

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

I made it through 2 pages, but the obvious reason why they have low T is they masturbate to porn everyday.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Testosterone as an adult is a manosphere false idol

Its importance is overblown

Facial Masculinity - testosterone in the womb
Height - growth hormone
Muscle Mass - multiple hormones and genetic sensitivity to them
Libido - just don't have low test, that's all
Aggression - brain wiring

etc etc.

Take the Asian guy, Eugene

He supposedly has low testosterone yet he's lean, fit, has a six pack, strong chin, cheekbones, etc.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Eugene, is that you?

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

I went back and looked at photos of myself over the past years and since I had a kid I noticed some open mouth smiles, but only in photos where I am with him. And before that, nothing.

Thinking about this more, I wonder if I do it also when there is no camera. If the "I am harmless" monkey thing is true, it makes sense.

But what a strange thing to notice now. I don't think I will ever be able to look at photos of guys the same way ever again.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

At least they won't be likely to make more copies of themselves I guess.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

The most important factor in modern society is high agreeability, regardless of what ideology you subscribe to.

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Lord, have mercy...

“As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big.” - Donald J. Trump

"I don't get all the women I want, I get all the women who want me." - David Lee Roth

Male Buzzfeed writers have catastrophically low testosterone levels (lab tested)

Quote: (10-29-2017 09:22 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

A quick word: highest average testosterone is in Blacks>Hispanics>Whites>Asians. So even though the Asian guy has the highest the white dudes are woefully deficient given they are genetically predisposed to higher levels on average.


The only study I've ever seen on cross race testosterone levels found that the highest amounts were in German men, specifically around the Hamburg area. The Chinese came in 2nd place. No black or hispanic countries or regions were in the top.

So, please post your source as it'd be interesting to read.

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