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2017 Hurricane Irma
017 Hurricane Irma
I'm pretty sure Atlanta Man is to blame:

[Image: q3JGbKx.jpg]
017 Hurricane Irma
^^^WGBF (Would Gang Bang Florida)

I'm the tower of power, too sweet to be sour. I'm funky like a monkey. Sky's the limit and space is the place!
-Randy Savage
017 Hurricane Irma
To the RVF guys down there in the shit.. stay safe. We'll see you all on the other side of this mess.


[Image: Ron-Swanson-Fist-Of-Feels-Success.gif]

Quote:Darkwing Buck Wrote:  
A 5 in your bed is worth more than a 9 in your head.
017 Hurricane Irma
I hope they get the place cleaned up by October. I'm supposed to be heading down then.
017 Hurricane Irma
I'm right smack in the middle of this, godspeed bros.

Quote: (11-15-2014 09:06 AM)Little Dark Wrote:  
This thread is not going in the direction I was hoping for.
017 Hurricane Irma
From someone who has to go out a rescue people in these conditions here are some quick tips.

- Water is crucial. Freeze bags of water, fill the bath rubs, fill pots and pans, fill everything. Store all sources of water in open containers as high as possible to avoid contamination from rising flood waters.

- Food is secondary. You can live for almost a month without food, and survive even longer on reduced rations. This isn't to time to hoard kale chips, get calorie dense food with high fat content. Also keep salt handy, it is counterintuitive but a lot of heat casualties by loss of salt.

- Shelter in place as long as possible. Moving invites danger. When you have to move, attempt to stay as close as possible to hand hold references. I.E. don't run across an open field with waist high water, move along the sides of the field using the brush for protection.

- Google "address to lat long. Figure out what your GPS coordinates to your house/any planned shelter areas. Write these down and carry it in a plastic bag on your person. Be able to relay your GPS coordinates or something as simple: "I was moving from coordinates (home shelter) yo coordinates (church shelter) and had to climb a tree due to rising waters" can mean the difference in minutes and hours of rescue time.

- learn basic methods of signalling aircraft. Highly recommend a signal mirror. If you don't have one and need to evacuate your shelter, break a mirror and wrap in a towel to avoid cutting yourself while carrying. An aircraft can spot a signal mirror from miles away.

- learn other signalling methods. Get a whistle. Even things as simple as using downed limbs to create an arrow pointing at your shelter will work.

- if you live in a high rise. Scout the way to roof before you need to use it. Mark the roof of the high rise if needed with spray paint or some other marking. Large well defined symbols (straight edges) like an orange X with black border POP out a lot more than just writing "need help" in your dehydrated scared 3rd grade spray paint penmanship.

- if in the event of an air rescue by helicopter, the aircraft may spot you and then leave. DO NOT MOVE IF THIS HAPPENS. They will be back. Chances are it's a fuel issue or they don't have the extraction equipment needed. They will return. When they do return. Follow all commands from the flight crew. If you get hoisted up the less you move the more stable it will be.

- in the event of a boat rescue, again follow all commands. The act of moving someone from a shelter onto a boat can be an extremely dangerous process. Their risk of the rescuer/rescuee getting carried away by flood waters, danger of floating debris, danger of impact with boat propeller if the boat is needing to motor against a current to stay in place, danger of capsizing, etc.

- keep your cell phone charged. Have spare battery of some type handy. If you are stuck in place don't be a dumbass and try to call 30 times in s row while lines are clogged. Call once or twice, turn the phone off. If you a clock the best thing to do is turn your phone on once every hour and make your distress calls. Text family members with your GPS coordinates. Trust me they will be slamming the rescue lines for you. If you do have to move, turn your phone and text family members where you are moving too and how long you think it will take. When you arrive turn the phone back and let them you have arrived and hopefully your new GPS coordinates.

Pretty much just stock food and water. Shelter in place but have a bug out plan. Follow all commands from rescuers. Conserve your cell phone battery. Send GPS coordinates.

Stay safe bros. If some guy pulls you off the top of your house and asks you "is there a pet shop around here?", I'll be expecting a beer when this is all over. Or a hot sister.

Never cross streams.
017 Hurricane Irma

[Image: 9HC6QRz.png]

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin
017 Hurricane Irma
Quote: (09-07-2017 09:29 PM)Atomic Wrote:  

From someone who has to go out a rescue people in these conditions here are some quick tips...

Great tips, I have plenty of water and some food, couldn't find canned food yesterday or today though. Are you expecting the areas west of I95 between Broward and Dade to be severely flooded or do you think it will mainly affect the beach?
017 Hurricane Irma
Quote: (09-08-2017 12:54 AM)Teutatis Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2017 09:29 PM)Atomic Wrote:  

From someone who has to go out a rescue people in these conditions here are some quick tips...

Great tips, I have plenty of water and some food, couldn't find canned food yesterday or today though. Are you expecting the areas west of I95 between Broward and Dade to be severely flooded or do you think it will mainly affect the beach?

Depends on what you mean by severely flooded. I mean, that's right in the direect path and Irma will likely be a Cat 4 by then, it's gonna do a lot of damage. Flooding is a lot harder to determine as a lot of factors come into play. I don't see any Harvey like flooding happening as that was a very unique case. You will probably see flooding similar to Andrew, so you might want to look up how your area was affected by that .

Remember that it's not normally the winds of the storms that kill people. What normally kills people is the flooding caused by the storm surge and the ensuing rainfall. Secondly people die due to exposure and dehydration.

If you have water stocked, some food handy, and are an active healthy male, chances are you will be fine. Remember, you're biggest enemy is rising water so plan for that. Plan for the worst and hope for the best.

EDIT - Meant to include this resource that has looks of good weather info:

Specifically this chart on the storm surge predictions:

Never cross streams.
017 Hurricane Irma
A little late, but if I lived in a place like this then I would keep a cheap, reliable motorbike that I wouldn't even bother to register.

"Interstate parking lot" for cars = "25mph steady evacuation" for motorcycles, and no cop is going to be checking for registration in that situation.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.
017 Hurricane Irma
017 Hurricane Irma

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT
017 Hurricane Irma
Quote: (09-07-2017 08:48 PM)Oz. Wrote:  

I'm right smack in the middle of this, godspeed bros.

It doesn't look like Cuba is getting a direct hit, but it's def not going to be a cakewalk.

I guess if I were living in a concrete building in Miami with a few days worth of food and water and my car was safely parked somewhere, I would stick it out and try to experience it first hand.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”
017 Hurricane Irma
Quote: (09-07-2017 09:33 PM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

[Image: 9HC6QRz.png]

That graphic is deceptive. Andrew was a Cat. 5 hurricane, while Irma is going to be a Cat 4 by landfall.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”
017 Hurricane Irma
I am writing sitting on a plane about to take off to Colombia from Fort Lauderdale. I cost 3.5x the normal price one way compared to normal roundtrip price. I bought the last ticket for this plane. The airport is CLOSED tomorrow and Sunday. Every other peraon is traveling with a pet. Good luck everyone. I arrived at 2 AM to the airport for a noon flight hoping to spend a quiet night sleeping and by 4 AM the airport was a madhouse. I couldn't find any gas by Coral Gables/western part of Miami. What a mess.
017 Hurricane Irma
Well, I'm still here and won't be leaving. Was going to go to Atlanta but with the storm following me right up there, I don't think I would have been able to stay away for like ten days, just not possible for me. Plus the roads were clogged even Wednesday, just like last time, it's insane trying to get out of this hellhole. No idea if I'd even be able to refuel on the way up there. I'm in Palm Beach county, if I was further south I might have left regardless.

The place I'm in is concrete and has been through several hurricanes, so I'm not worried about that. My vehicle is exposed, that is probably my biggest concern. Also, a tornado ripping the A/C off the roof would be quite bad, I think the roof is concrete, not really sure. FPL better be fucking joking about this "weeks" without power. It's still routinely 90+ here and hot as balls, people will get heatstroke and die if we go a month without power. They've invested billions in the grid, I expect something better than 20 years ago. I have plenty of food and water and enough lantern power to make it well beyond the storm. Only one shitty battery powered fan unfortunately. Backup battery packs for my electronics. Car is almost full on gas. Fridge is filled with drinks, freezer is filled with ice. Think I'm gonna go look up my GPS coordinates, just in case.

In case anyone is unaware, Comcast/xfinity, in a surprisingly generous move, has set up wifi hotspots we supposedly will be able to use in the storm. Since they abolished the TV waves that handheld TVs could pick up, I plan on using their wifi to watch the storm through the local weather stations. These hotspots can be used be anyone including non-customers. They're listed as "xfinitywifi"

I find the forecasts almost entirely useless, yesterday they dropped the windspeed by 30 for when it was near me down to 115, and now it's back to 145 and a 4 again. Oh and the path is shifted west, again, after all models unanimously sending it directly over me yesterday. Nothing useful on the news or from the governor either, as usual. Sure, if it goes more westward I might miss the more intense hurricane level winds. But I'm not exactly rooting for that, there are people I care about on the West Coast and I'd rather them not be pummeled with a strong 4. Preferably right up the middle would be best I think, or eastward altogether as the northeast/right shoulder is always the worst and most intense. I am particularly concerned about all the fucking debris I see everywhere. There is construction around here, and they just left so much shit around. Are 145 winds going to be able to pick up those steel beam things? I don't know, there seems to be way too much crap lying around this close to landfall.

Not much else to do besides cook up the perishable food tomorrow and take in a few things from outside tonight. Just trying to enjoy the last few days with power and internet. I went and got a handle of vodka and fifteen pints of beer yesterday so I'm ready to just listen to music on my old ipod and drink till this is all over. Good luck everyone, hope the power comes back quickly this time.
017 Hurricane Irma
Quote: (09-06-2017 06:41 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Just a heads up that both RVF and ROK are hosted in South Florida, so if there is downtime this weekend, that would be why. They have high-level backup systems so I doubt it will be a problem.

[Image: raw]

All this time I genuinely thought that you've moved the hosting to Russia...

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before
017 Hurricane Irma
Quote: (09-08-2017 02:13 PM)Once Was Not Wrote:  

Well, I'm still here and won't be leaving. Was going to go to Atlanta but with the storm following me right up there, I don't think I would have been able to stay away for like ten days, just not possible for me. Plus the roads were clogged even Wednesday, just like last time, it's insane trying to get out of this hellhole. No idea if I'd even be able to refuel on the way up there. I'm in Palm Beach county, if I was further south I might have left regardless.

The place I'm in is concrete and has been through several hurricanes, so I'm not worried about that. My vehicle is exposed, that is probably my biggest concern. Also, a tornado ripping the A/C off the roof would be quite bad, I think the roof is concrete, not really sure. FPL better be fucking joking about this "weeks" without power. It's still routinely 90+ here and hot as balls, people will get heatstroke and die if we go a month without power. They've invested billions in the grid, I expect something better than 20 years ago. I have plenty of food and water and enough lantern power to make it well beyond the storm. Only one shitty battery powered fan unfortunately. Backup battery packs for my electronics. Car is almost full on gas. Fridge is filled with drinks, freezer is filled with ice. Think I'm gonna go look up my GPS coordinates, just in case.

In case anyone is unaware, Comcast/xfinity, in a surprisingly generous move, has set up wifi hotspots we supposedly will be able to use in the storm. Since they abolished the TV waves that handheld TVs could pick up, I plan on using their wifi to watch the storm through the local weather stations. These hotspots can be used be anyone including non-customers. They're listed as "xfinitywifi"

I find the forecasts almost entirely useless, yesterday they dropped the windspeed by 30 for when it was near me down to 115, and now it's back to 145 and a 4 again. Oh and the path is shifted west, again, after all models unanimously sending it directly over me yesterday. Nothing useful on the news or from the governor either, as usual. Sure, if it goes more westward I might miss the more intense hurricane level winds. But I'm not exactly rooting for that, there are people I care about on the West Coast and I'd rather them not be pummeled with a strong 4. Preferably right up the middle would be best I think, or eastward altogether as the northeast/right shoulder is always the worst and most intense. I am particularly concerned about all the fucking debris I see everywhere. There is construction around here, and they just left so much shit around. Are 145 winds going to be able to pick up those steel beam things? I don't know, there seems to be way too much crap lying around this close to landfall.

Not much else to do besides cook up the perishable food tomorrow and take in a few things from outside tonight. Just trying to enjoy the last few days with power and internet. I went and got a handle of vodka and fifteen pints of beer yesterday so I'm ready to just listen to music on my old ipod and drink till this is all over. Good luck everyone, hope the power comes back quickly this time.

Most likely, you won't even lose power and will only have to sit through a pretty bad storm for the weekend.

Bad case scenario, you'll have no power for a day or two.

Worst case scenario, you'll have no power several days, and your street or nearby neighborhoods will be flooded, in which case you should try to secure a windsurf board or fishing gear for some serious outdoor fun right there in the city.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”
017 Hurricane Irma
Quote: (09-08-2017 10:02 AM)Turnus Wrote:  


I'll fill her up with premium if she needs it.

"Action still preserves for us a hope that we may stand erect." - Thucydides (from History of the Peloponnesian War)
017 Hurricane Irma
St Maarten was hit heavily, it is part of the Dutch Kingdom (southern part). Dutch form of navy seals are there to assistz but not enough.

You see what happens now: plunderings, anarchy, groups armed with machetes and guns looting for everything.
017 Hurricane Irma
Quote: (09-08-2017 11:17 AM)911 Wrote:  

Quote: (09-07-2017 08:48 PM)Oz. Wrote:  

I'm right smack in the middle of this, godspeed bros.

It doesn't look like Cuba is getting a direct hit, but it's def not going to be a cakewalk.

I guess if I were living in a concrete building in Miami with a few days worth of food and water and my car was safely parked somewhere, I would stick it out and try to experience it first hand.

I'm in Miami right now, came last week perfect timing.

Quote: (11-15-2014 09:06 AM)Little Dark Wrote:  
This thread is not going in the direction I was hoping for.
017 Hurricane Irma
Quote: (09-08-2017 03:17 PM)Lime Wrote:  

St Maarten was hit heavily, it is part of the Dutch Kingdom (southern part). Dutch form of navy seals are there to assistz but not enough.

You see what happens now: plunderings, anarchy, groups armed with machetes and guns looting for everything.

Don't we have a thread about the dutch gals in the special forces. They're called the frog girls or something?

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQyebLfaNSvx9XGuT-w5md...HyNbUzmQZQ]

I just picture her saying " I'm not rescuing Becky she's a sluuut!"

Sorry, this is no time for jokes.

017 Hurricane Irma
Subscribing to this thread so I can come back in a few days and read some "Hurricane Game" stories.

Quote:Darkwing Buck Wrote:  
A 5 in your bed is worth more than a 9 in your head.
017 Hurricane Irma
[Image: outages.jpg?v=ap&w=980&h=551&api=7db9fe6...7d87b8b6a0]

Americans are dreamers too
017 Hurricane Irma
Irma maps on the next page *edit*

"A happy man is a happy everybody else in his life."

"Ladies if you want to make your man happy, think about what makes you happy and do exactly the opposite."

"Hey how you doin' and I hope you know that I'm an upgrade for your stupid daughter." - Patrice O'Neal

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