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Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks

Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks

Saw this on Reddit. Thought it had a few game nuggets. Especially the part where he said how he got random girls to buy him drinks at the bar. [Image: lol.gif]

Even in San Francisco this sounds like an interesting angle to work if you've got the acting chops.

Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks

I've done this is Sweden lol! Most for my own amusement and with effective result, I drop it after a few minutes... (Being Swedish btw)

Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks

Here's where he delves a bit more into it. Interesting stuff.

Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks

I hate the word 'British Accent' - because whenever it's used it means one particular type of upper class Southern English accent. Sorry for derailing.

Also, the guy is black, so him having a 'British accent' would be a particular novelty to a lot of Americans who think we have Idris Elba and nobody else.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks

Not sure what accent this is but this is the one I do

Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks

Quote: (08-25-2017 10:43 AM)DraperJ.hank Wrote:

Not sure what accent this is but this is the one I do

Working class white midlands, but could be mistaken for working class white southern (English).

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks

Quote: (08-25-2017 09:30 AM)BossOfBosses Wrote:  

Saw this on Reddit. Thought it had a few game nuggets. Especially the part where he said how he got random girls to buy him drinks at the bar. [Image: lol.gif]

Even in San Francisco this sounds like an interesting angle to work if you've got the acting chops.

I think it's worse than that in San Fran, but if you can pull it off props to you. Other guys are actually pretending to be gay to get laid out there. Fucking sad!

Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks

I invited 2 hot chicks and a black guy randomly to my table in Cuzco, Peru (there was a big line to get into the restaurant and it was just me at a table for 4 so I told them to come over and sit) The black guy was from London and the girls were German and American/Asian.... they were infatuated with the guy... even I felt out classed... the accent was hard for me to overcome. In my defense the girls already knew the guy and had met him in a few other countries n their travels.. but after listening to that guy talk for a bit I just gave up on trying to game the girls and ate my breakfast. No homo

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks

Quote: (08-25-2017 10:35 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

I hate the word 'British Accent' - because whenever it's used it means one particular type of upper class Southern English accent. Sorry for derailing.

Also, the guy is black, so him having a 'British accent' would be a particular novelty to a lot of Americans who think we have Idris Elba and nobody else.

Most American chicks can't tell the difference between that and a semi-retarded sounding working class British accent like Billy Bragg.

Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks

File this under the "We Fucking Told You So" folder.

Guys from the UK and Australia, can clean up in the states. Indirect openers, openly barging in the middle of a circle of women at a bar, loud talking, etc.

They get all kinds of leeway here. Seen it enough times to write a fuggin datasheet on it.

Shit I have two friends one from Ireland and one from Scotland, that pull seriously hot ass. Their accents are deep and they have huge IDGAF vibes about everything.

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TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks

Which came first, the accent or the attitude?

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks

Quote: (08-25-2017 10:54 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

Quote: (08-25-2017 10:43 AM)DraperJ.hank Wrote:

Not sure what accent this is but this is the one I do

Working class white midlands, but could be mistaken for working class white southern (English).

Skinner's from Birmingham but often affected a London "Mockney" accent. Really his accent is a bit of a hybrid of both.

Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks

Quote: (08-25-2017 02:10 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Which came first, the accent or the attitude?

Surely the attitude, we've had that since before we could talk.... [Image: smile.gif]

Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks

Funny how having a french accent in the UK gives you a huge advantage. I think a french/Italian/spanish accent in the US would more or less give you a similar advantage than a british one

Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks

Yes, a western European accent in the US is like a superpower. British, Irish, Scandi, German, Dutch, French, Italian, they all works very well. Different types of women are into different nationalities, but generally speaking, the accent adds a lot of points to your score.

Some European friends who have been in America for a long time and have lost part of their accent put it back on at full force when approaching local women. And some of the wives of european guys who have settled down complain that their men have become too americanized, drinking beer and watching the NFL with the guys... [Image: lol.gif]

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks

I've faked Australian and Northern Irish accents in addition to my southern English normal accent, and I've still never been caught out, although I make sure there's no natives around when I do it.

The English accent still gets the best response. Tempted to try my South African, although I doubt many Americans will recognise it and just think it's a weird type of Australian accent.

There's no such thing as a British accent. People living 20 miles apart can have very different accents, let alone at other ends of the country.

Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks

Quote: (08-25-2017 12:22 PM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Guys from the UK and Australia, can clean up in the states. Indirect openers, openly barging in the middle of a circle of women at a bar, loud talking, etc.

They get all kinds of leeway here. Seen it enough times to write a fuggin datasheet on it.

heh damn, I'm going to come to the states and walk around like Croc Dundee saying G'day as an opener!

Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks

British-Indian guy living in Los Angeles here - I think it really depends on where you are in the US. I'm in LA and I would say the majority of women here don't really care about my accent. However, I have been opened by women before when they hear me speak. I usually get a complement every few weeks.

I remember a tall fit good looking white Aussie guy telling me that he had 200 women contact him on a dating app within a few weeks of him putting his profile online in Los Angeles. I'm not sure how many he banged because he's moved to another part of the US, and I lost touch with him. I heard he's married now.

A lot of Americans cannot tell the difference between a British and an Aussie accent. I get asked if I'm Australian pretty often, particularly in job interviews because I have mentioned on my resume that I have worked an Australian company.

I listened to the podcast and when he said that American women like him more because he's black British as opposed to Black American I can believe that. I've heard a few women that I've banged say to me that they don't like Indian guys but I'm from UK so I'm not "really Indian". The part about him saying that people buy him drinks is also believable - they must have thought he was a tourist. Locals often buy a tourist a drink to make them feel welcome - I remember some Japanese guys buying me a drink in Tokyo.

I would say that the accent works more on women who grow up speaking English. A lot of women who do not have English as a first language don't even realise that I have an accent. They're too busy trying to understand what I am saying, rather than how I pronounced it.

I get the feeling that a British guy would kill it even more away from the east and west coasts, since a lot of people in those areas may have never met a British person before. In LA and NYC British people are not rare.

Quote: (08-25-2017 03:23 PM)LeBaron Wrote:  

Funny how having a french accent in the UK gives you a huge advantage. I think a french/Italian/spanish accent in the US would more or less give you a similar advantage than a british one

Some British women also have a thing for Irish accents.

I remember meeting a French guy who lost in accent after living in the US for a few years. My first thought when he told me this was "You fucking idiot!"

Quote: (08-25-2017 06:12 PM)RatInTheWoods Wrote:  

heh damn, I'm going to come to the states and walk around like Croc Dundee saying G'day as an opener!

The way things are going in the US, you may have to do this:


Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks


Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks



Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks

Quote: (08-25-2017 06:18 PM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

I remember a tall fit good looking white Aussie guy telling me that he had 200 women contact him on a dating app within a few weeks of him putting his profile online in Los Angeles. I'm not sure how many he banged because he's moved to another part of the US, and I lost touch with him. I heard he's married now.

Australian accents do pretty well in the US too. Probably not as well as British but that's a point of debate.


I listened to the podcast and when he said that American women like him more because he's black British as opposed to Black American I can believe that. I've heard a few women that I've banged say to me that they don't like Indian guys but I'm from UK so I'm not "really Indian". The part about him saying that people buy him drinks is also believable - they must have thought he was a tourist. Locals often buy a tourist a drink to make them feel welcome - I remember some Japanese guys buying me a drink in Tokyo.

I find this interesting too. Being black is negatively stereotyped in the US whereas they have no point of reference for British black dudes. So if they have a posh British accent it's like starting from a clean slate.

Could this be a new game angle for black dudes seeking to get around stereotypes and roadblocks? lol

Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks

The amount of pussy Anthony Joshua would get in the States is unprecedented if the findings of this thread are accurate.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks

He's obviously been reading the most brilliant comic in the world:

[Image: c2567f706d5001301d7a001dd8b71c47]

[Image: c33d1b406d5001301d7a001dd8b71c47]

Comedian Runs Fake British Accent Game, Girls Buy Him Drinks

Quote: (08-25-2017 10:35 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

I hate the word 'British Accent' - because whenever it's used it means one particular type of upper class Southern English accent. Sorry for derailing.

Also, the guy is black, so him having a 'British accent' would be a particular novelty to a lot of Americans who think we have Idris Elba and nobody else.

Exhibit A for why I'm not using the term "British Accent" very often these days.

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