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French police under massive mortar attacks near Paris, MSM not reporting

French police under massive mortar attacks near Paris, MSM not reporting

Quote: (07-24-2017 06:11 AM)Fender_Bender Wrote:  

amazing that there is 0 coverage of this. search on DDG for "paris mortar attack" gives nothing except for this forum link as the 3rd result. anyone have any more details or sources?

The fact that there is zero MSM coverage tells us everything we need to know about the harsh political reality we live in.

"The sheep pretend the wolf will never come, but the sheepdog lives for that day."
– Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

French police under massive mortar attacks near Paris, MSM not reporting

Lots of reaching here.

You have here an organised crime group waging an attack on the police. I stress the organised crime part as you have a gang and crime syndicate at work here. OP is reaching to try and link this to the migrant crisis, and if anything the cucked French Govt and these organized crime groups are on the same page as one hand opens the gates while the gangs bring the people over for hefty fees.

The Paris suburb ghettos are some of the worst around, they were shit before the migrant crisis and will continue to be shit into the future. Nobody is going to believe anyone who says that these ghettos just sprung up being shit 2-3 years ago from the migrant crisis, they have been hell holes for a long time and have been a pressure cooker that blows up evrey few years.

Also, these types of weapons and tools don't fall out of trees. How many shady French police or forces made some bucks in providing a channel for these gangs to get motors? Likely explains the quiet nature as you tend to get double dipping with these events exposing the worms under the wood for corruption.

Let us just call it what it is...

Organised crime gang in retaliation to police for treatment of one of their top guys. I don't think them being from Senegal or China would make a difference, gangs operate in the same fashion with various levels of intensity. Hells Angles would use shells if they could here in Canada as well, no fucks given with these types.

French police under massive mortar attacks near Paris, MSM not reporting

[Image: slide_201757_556492_free.jpg]

This will be France. The only thing left to determine is whose blood it will be. (In this case it was a chemical dump in China anyway)

Same could be said for other places in Europe to be honest.

"Christian love bears evil, but it does not tolerate it. It does penance for the sins of others, but it is not broadminded about sin. Real love involves real hatred: whoever has lost the power of moral indignation and the urge to drive the sellers from temples has also lost a living, fervent love of Truth."

- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

French police under massive mortar attacks near Paris, MSM not reporting

The French Huffingtonpost covers this, but I doubt it will make it to the big wide world. People need to start posting on news forum and platform and force the MSM hands, just like in Cologne.

Wait, how the fuck can 40 mortar shots go unnoticed? How do they only manage to wound 3? My friend who came back from Afghan got his whole squad obliterated with 1 single direct hit from insurgent mortar. 40 mortar shots would tear a whole neighborhood a new one.

Kosko, if you are in France you will see that the migrants are not the Syrian types. The migrants coming here are the same African / Arab gang scums that have been plaguing Paris for decades. only a portion of them are actually from the Middle East. So OP might not be reaching, because the migrant crisis is simply reinforcement for the Parisian gangs.

Of course someone in the police is supplying them, this is not even a question. Given that the overwhelming majority of French police forces are not native French, this is nothing new. Worse? The patriots are leaving the forces en masse, so that cucked Macron will flood the Gendarmerie with even more non-natives.

This is something I never like about the French patriotic reactions. They are ragequitting in force. The chef d'état majeur (Seargeant Major of the Army in English?) shove it to Macron regarding the horrible military budget cuts, that cucked told him "Im the boss", and the guy rage-quit. Who now will defend the people when the government doesnt even care to hide their cards anymore?

Rage quitting is not standing up against the government. Organizing and banding together is.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

French police under massive mortar attacks near Paris, MSM not reporting

Quote: (07-24-2017 09:41 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Lots of reaching here.

You have here an organised crime group waging an attack on the police. I stress the organised crime part as you have a gang and crime syndicate at work here. OP is reaching to try and link this to the migrant crisis, and if anything the cucked French Govt and these organized crime groups are on the same page as one hand opens the gates while the gangs bring the people over for hefty fees.

The Paris suburb ghettos are some of the worst around, they were shit before the migrant crisis and will continue to be shit into the future. Nobody is going to believe anyone who says that these ghettos just sprung up being shit 2-3 years ago from the migrant crisis, they have been hell holes for a long time and have been a pressure cooker that blows up evrey few years.

Also, these types of weapons and tools don't fall out of trees. How many shady French police or forces made some bucks in providing a channel for these gangs to get motors? Likely explains the quiet nature as you tend to get double dipping with these events exposing the worms under the wood for corruption.

Let us just call it what it is...

Organised crime gang in retaliation to police for treatment of one of their top guys. I don't think them being from Senegal or China would make a difference, gangs operate in the same fashion with various levels of intensity. Hells Angles would use shells if they could here in Canada as well, no fucks given with these types.


Calais had a veritable city there and still has of tens of thousands of rapefugees. Hundreds of thousands of mostly Africans, but also many Arabs have just flooded France as well.

Countries like Austria get 100.000+ per year. Germany gets 500.000 this year (300.000 not counted because of family reunification). France has a stronger attraction for Africans due to language and already existing large African population. The bigger their numbers, the more uppity they become - this is a good approximation of group behavior both for Muslims as well as for many of the uneducated or criminal Africans.

The educated Nigerian doctor or engineer is not the issue here, but those guys are at best 1-2% of those who come over.

French police under massive mortar attacks near Paris, MSM not reporting

Nothing to gain from mass third world migration. Everything to lose.

"Christian love bears evil, but it does not tolerate it. It does penance for the sins of others, but it is not broadminded about sin. Real love involves real hatred: whoever has lost the power of moral indignation and the urge to drive the sellers from temples has also lost a living, fervent love of Truth."

- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

French police under massive mortar attacks near Paris, MSM not reporting

People are acting that French African immigrants, being holed up in Paris ghettos is something new. My argument is this is nothing new and may not be correlated to the migrant flows, and also that the organised crime groups, that have festered in those suburbs for a long time now. There has been a powder keg of hostility in those suburbs for a long time, decades now, where populations from former French colonies have been holed up in those shitty apartment towers, I have been hearing stories about the zoo Parisian suburbs since I was a kid from my European family.

Nowhere did I discount the migrant flows, which are largely African and Arab young dudes. What I am saying is that THIS case of militarised gang groups is very specific to the nuanced history of Paris suburbs and French posters on here are not doing good in providing this context to forum members who maybe do not have a full grasp of French culture and quirks. There is a huge sub element to those suburbs that you have to take into account. Simply linking it to "migrant crisis" is lazy IMO, there is much more depth to this.

French police under massive mortar attacks near Paris, MSM not reporting

< No - this is nothing new. The problem of low-IQ migrants in a high-IQ society are clear. France is a society where local higher-IQ French are often without work or much perspective - so the others have even more trouble.

Still - when you add 200.000-500.000 new of those unassimilable mostly young men to a country, do you not see a problem with it? That is like - we have a Mexican gang problem, let us invite a million more of Mexicans and assume that 10-20% will join the gangs. That will certainly improve things.

French police under massive mortar attacks near Paris, MSM not reporting

Of course kosko. I wouldn't deem to link it to the migrant crisis. And of course it's nothing new. The only positive effect of said migrant crisis is that it might wake up people that were previously oblivious to this. And naturally you did not see such things so easily propagated in terms of information, the internet wasn't always like this as we all know. The migrant crisis isn't the end all of the cultural enrichment Europe has been subjected to (or rather, subjected itself into). The danger started decades ago. Immigration without assimilation? Won't do.

"Christian love bears evil, but it does not tolerate it. It does penance for the sins of others, but it is not broadminded about sin. Real love involves real hatred: whoever has lost the power of moral indignation and the urge to drive the sellers from temples has also lost a living, fervent love of Truth."

- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

French police under massive mortar attacks near Paris, MSM not reporting

Quote: (07-24-2017 12:20 PM)kosko Wrote:  

People are acting that French African immigrants, being holed up in Paris ghettos is something new. My argument is this is nothing new and may not be correlated to the migrant flows, and also that the organised crime groups, that have festered in those suburbs for a long time now. There has been a powder keg of hostility in those suburbs for a long time, decades now, where populations from former French colonies have been holed up in those shitty apartment towers, I have been hearing stories about the zoo Parisian suburbs since I was a kid from my European family.

Nowhere did I discount the migrant flows, which are largely African and Arab young dudes. What I am saying is that THIS case of militarised gang groups is very specific to the nuanced history of Paris suburbs and French posters on here are not doing good in providing this context to forum members who maybe do not have a full grasp of French culture and quirks. There is a huge sub element to those suburbs that you have to take into account. Simply linking it to "migrant crisis" is lazy IMO, there is much more depth to this.

The Parisian "migrants" suburbs you are alluding to, have been upgraded like a decade ago, repainted, provided with sports clubs, green parks, whatever. They should not be a hell hole, people there could live very well indeed.

That said, you and I are both right. Yes, there already were African gangs before the Merkel-engineered migrants crisis, but, now these gangs have gained like half a million of new foot soldiers... considering that newcomers from Sub saharan lands come with no marketable professional skills, and debts contracted with their native African mafia (at point of origin), they have little choice but quickly join the African gangs already in place. They made an already existing problem, a more acute and dangerous one.

French police under massive mortar attacks near Paris, MSM not reporting

< Funnily enough I am pro some moderate African migration to Europe because some of my acquaintances and friends are black - also I banged a few African cuties. But you would have to meet them - a doctor who comes from a ruling family in Zaire, an engineer from Togo who studied in Moscow, 2 super-cute beauties who come from a conservative Christian educated family in Nigeria, a heir to a successful self-made millionaire Nigerian family (started fishing boats on credit and built to a fishing fleet there) etc. You get the gist - all immigrants that are a stark minority among the ones who go on a rubber boat via Libya to Europe.

French police under massive mortar attacks near Paris, MSM not reporting

Every time I read these crazy stories coming out of the Parisian suburbs, I think of the first thirty seconds of this twenty year old French rap video:


French police under massive mortar attacks near Paris, MSM not reporting

Quote: (07-24-2017 12:58 PM)Going strong Wrote:  

Quote: (07-24-2017 12:20 PM)kosko Wrote:  

People are acting that French African immigrants, being holed up in Paris ghettos is something new. My argument is this is nothing new and may not be correlated to the migrant flows, and also that the organised crime groups, that have festered in those suburbs for a long time now. There has been a powder keg of hostility in those suburbs for a long time, decades now, where populations from former French colonies have been holed up in those shitty apartment towers, I have been hearing stories about the zoo Parisian suburbs since I was a kid from my European family.

Nowhere did I discount the migrant flows, which are largely African and Arab young dudes. What I am saying is that THIS case of militarised gang groups is very specific to the nuanced history of Paris suburbs and French posters on here are not doing good in providing this context to forum members who maybe do not have a full grasp of French culture and quirks. There is a huge sub element to those suburbs that you have to take into account. Simply linking it to "migrant crisis" is lazy IMO, there is much more depth to this.

The Parisian "migrants" suburbs you are alluding to, have been upgraded like a decade ago, repainted, provided with sports clubs, green parks, whatever. They should not be a hell hole, people there could live very well indeed.

I don't believe anything of that 'upgrading'.

In Amsterdam there is the Bijlmer. The Bijlmer was devolving into a ghetto.

[Image: 260px-Amsterdam_Zuidoost_Flat_Hakfort_001.JPG]

The thing is, in Paris are 20 'Bijlmers'. The sheer scale of the ghettos (banlieues / cités) makes it impossible to properly 'upgrade' them, as has happened in the Bijlmer.

Lots and lots of these buildings:

[Image: YTDbBx.jpg]

Yea, give them a paint job and it'll be better [Image: idea.gif]

However: after some Googling I found 'Grigny 2' in Paris, and indeed as you say it looks much better:

[Image: 91Grigny2.jpg]

However, the thing with comparing the Bijlmer in Amsterdam with the 20 Bijlmers in Paris has not only to do with how the buildings and surroundings look like. The construction of the Bijlmer was also a product of the CIAM and Le Corbusier, it was envisioned as a modern, functional, 'radiant city' for 'the new man.'

But then, Suriname became independent and half of that country moved to the Bijlmer with all problems that you can imagine.

With regards to Paris, the real problem is not so much that the buildings in Paris are in a certain state (of course it can be problematic if a minimum quality is not met), but the fact that there are 20 'Bijlmers' in Paris is which makes it impossible/very hard there to perform the correct micromanaging of the people that has been done in the Amsterdam Bijlmer to prevent it from sliding into a real ghetto.

French police under massive mortar attacks near Paris, MSM not reporting

< Yeah - it is the magic dirt that is all responsible for them to underperform. If they had put them into palaces in the best Parisian districts, then it would have been all great for sure.

Liberal bullshit will always make you believe that you can put anyone anywhere and he will produce Japanese diligence, intelligence, work-ethic and results. Replace 500 mio. Europeans with 500 mio. Subsaharan Africans and you get of course another Versailles and plenty of Mozarts and Einsteins will appear just as well.

A ghetto is created because of ghetto people living there.

In South Africa the majority black population forces the poor Whites (who are now barred from many jobs) to move to shanty towns and has to actively forbid them to create fixed housing, to build solid houses and roofs. They literally have to tell Whites to live in shanty-towns, because they know that even dirt-poor Whites would create good housing brick by brick and they don't want that. Magic dirt and magic money will make all good - no reason to look at any other reasons. Somalis are equal to Swedes.

We will soon see how that will work out.

Edit - side note - I know why some Swedish and French diverse areas become more decrepit over time. Upkeep of buildings depend to a good degree on how rent is paid there, how diligent the people are with the bills, in Sweden it also depends on how "friendly" they are to construction crews, because it is hard to get even janitors or painters willing to work there due to harassment. There are fucking post office workers who said that they don't want to deliver mail there anymore. Things don't just happen. When you have other areas being upkept well in France, but only there they are some shortcomings, then you should consider more than "racism" and "white privilege".

French police under massive mortar attacks near Paris, MSM not reporting

Quote: (07-24-2017 09:41 AM)kosko Wrote:  

Lots of reaching here.

You have here an organised crime group waging an attack on the police. I stress the organised crime part as you have a gang and crime syndicate at work here. OP is reaching to try and link this to the migrant crisis, and if anything the cucked French Govt and these organized crime groups are on the same page as one hand opens the gates while the gangs bring the people over for hefty fees.

The Paris suburb ghettos are some of the worst around, they were shit before the migrant crisis and will continue to be shit into the future. Nobody is going to believe anyone who says that these ghettos just sprung up being shit 2-3 years ago from the migrant crisis, they have been hell holes for a long time and have been a pressure cooker that blows up evrey few years.

Also, these types of weapons and tools don't fall out of trees. How many shady French police or forces made some bucks in providing a channel for these gangs to get motors? Likely explains the quiet nature as you tend to get double dipping with these events exposing the worms under the wood for corruption.

Let us just call it what it is...

Organised crime gang in retaliation to police for treatment of one of their top guys. I don't think them being from Senegal or China would make a difference, gangs operate in the same fashion with various levels of intensity. Hells Angles would use shells if they could here in Canada as well, no fucks given with these types.

You make a good point, but ultimately the migrants are prime suspects because how often did mortar shellings occur before the invasion started? Not unreasonable to draw a connection.

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French police under massive mortar attacks near Paris, MSM not reporting


CIAM and Le Corbusier

Sorry for going a little off-topic....but damm, i fucking hate those guys.

"What is important is to try to develop insights and wisdom rather than mere knowledge, respect someone's character rather than his learning, and nurture men of character rather than mere talents." - Inazo Nitobe

When i´m feeling blue, when i just need something to shock me up, i look at this thread and everything get better!

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