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British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India


The Manders claim they are victims of discrimination in the provision of services.

The hypocrisy is mind-numbing... I'm sure they're trolling.

two scoops
two genders
two terms

British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

This entire thing look like virtue signalling. They want a white kid to prove they're not racist.

But generally speaking, I believe parents looking to adopt should find an orphan child of their own race. Mostly because of the child. It would be much easier for a child to accept people of similar race as his/her new parents. And of course that way he/she would avoid awkward situations and questions later in life.

British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

I'm not a big fan of adopting a child outside your own ethnicity. That's a lot of burden of self-identity to thrust upon a person, let alone a young kid. Irrespective of specific race, imagine how awkward a white adolescent in England would feel being raised by Indian parents. Likewise, imagine how awkward it would be for a Chinese adolescent to be raised by a white American couple living in China.

The exception is the virtue signaling Western whites adopting foreign babies - those babies are desperate. It's probably better to have some identity clash as an ethnic Bangladeshi living in Indianapolis, raised by a beta accountant and shrill mommy blogger drowing in white guilt, than to die at age 4 or party like it's 1999 when rains (or go) and you get three ounces of rice a day instead of one.

British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

Im sure white kids are a lot more popular (because only white people adopts) so the agency will give to white parents first.

Plus, they can simply ask why dont you adopt one like you? Are you ashamed of your heritage?

If a white person decide to date just other races, he/she would be considered open minded.
If a minority guy wants to date other races especially white, he would be considered 'why ignore your heritage'

British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

This is a tough case to choose a side. On first glance, I sided with the couple as they look well put together and capable of providing a good home. But the media is obviously going to push the racist angle so that has to be kept in mind. And the comment about telling them to adopt an Indian seems a bit of a dick move as they were both born and raised in the UK. Both look completely assimilated and non IRT.

However, they agency has the right to match kids who look genetically similar to the parents. And for good reason. I had a friend who was adopted growing up who had blue eyes and blonde curly hair. Ironically, he was the middle child as his parents didn't think they could have any more kids. The parents and other two siblings had dark hair, thick eyebrows, heavy facial/arm hair, etc. He looked nothing like them and didn't find out he was adopted until around 7th grade or so. It really fucked with him. He had a lot of identity issues as we grew through puberty into adulthood even though they were a rich and loving family. He found out his real birth name and tried to track down his real parents.

Last I heard, he dropped out of college and grew dreadlocks, moved to Atlanta to produce music for some crackhead wannabe rapper, and failed in a dozen other pursuits. We both got recruited to play hockey at a high level in high school and he had tons of potential he threw away. Also abused every drug in the book. I know one example means nothing in the long run, but I used to be pretty close with him and his family.

He showed a couple behavioral fetal alcohol symptoms though so I can't necessarily imply any correlation on any of this. My mom pointed out a lot of clues from when he acted out when we were kids. He always had a crazy temper and irrational behavior but was a really smart guy so I'm not convinced either way.

Adoption is tough on kids. It's hard enough growing up and figuring out who the fuck you are when you have great biological parents. But maybe if your adopted parents have similar features it makes it easier. What do I know?

I can see why agencies try to match families with children of similar descent, but the Indian couple in question said they would take a child of any descent. It's not like they were begging for a white kid. I'm sure there are plenty of children who need homes that are black, white, brown, etc. The comment of telling them to search in India rubs me the wrong way. There's probably a ton of red tape to go through to adopt kids from other countries. The agency should give them a child when they're next on the list, since they proved to be qualified parents. There are too many kids suffering in shitty orphanages for this nonsense to be going on.

The couple will probably win the case and a boatload of money. Now the dude will have his choice of ethnicity and be able to afford a brand name Ralph Lauren polo shirt.

British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

Quote: (06-29-2017 03:34 AM)wi30 Wrote:  

He showed a couple behavioral fetal alcohol symptoms though so I can't necessarily imply any correlation on any of this. My mom pointed out a lot of clues from when he acted out when we were kids. He always had a crazy temper and irrational behavior but was a really smart guy so I'm not convinced either way.

What you described above is very common with adopted kids. Adoptive agencies (big money in adoption) do their best to hide the many issues that come with adoption. If the mom is giving up her baby, chances are she has one or more of the following issues: Drug / alcohol abuse, low IQ, mental issues (some of which are inherited), poor pre natal nutrition, etc.

This article from four years back gives some insight:


I know of one couple that adopted a kid from Russia as a baby who then turned out to be all sorts of fucked up mentally. It has been a struggle for them. The one girl I went to school with who was adopted (Korea) mentally fell apart and blew her brains out behind a dumpster. Another adopted girl I knew in college had all sorts of mental issues.

British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

< You gotta realize who is out for adoption in all the different countries and what adoption usually means.

Also exceptions only prove the rule.

I will make the argument that almost all children available for adoption in the West, even in less well-off countries like Russia, Belarus, Romania, Bulgaria, Vietnam now - they are from families with plenty of pathological problems. It is not even necessary that the kid has any bad pregnancy issues. There is the actual very real specter of something that I would call "young souls" as it is known in the spiritual circles. Call it what you want, but keep in mind what would happen in your extended family if parents died. Someone in your family would take those kids in - cousins, uncles, aunts, grandparents. It means that those up for adoption are completely fucked up since the mother or the family completely throws out the kid or no one in the family is willing or able to take care of the kid.

Now that said - if you take very poor societies in the developing world, where 50% of the population suffer extreme poverty, then it is not as clear-cut that all are very likely to be of pathological descent. Poverty is a grueling measure and Europe had that kind of poverty as well one day - you could one day adopt well in Europe, when even in the 19th century there were scores and scores of unwanted children, mothers could not take care of them, parents being dead etc.

My personal experience is mixed. 2 very strong spiritual couples I know did this. One couple had a tough ride with a young white girl in the US (she sort of turned out alright after some bad-boy drug experiences, but is far away from their own biological children.
The other couple had 5 children of their own (very strong Catholic family, but not strict - just kind). They took in for foster care 3 kids - one boy, one girl, the sister of the boy - at ages of 0-2. The boy was too alcohol damaged and had to be given back to the system at age 13 when he started to threaten everyone with a knife (he was also intellectually impaired at an IQ below 75). His sister did fine, was sexy and became a waitress next to a military garrison - she liked the attention. The other girl whose mother was visiting her once every 6 months with an assortment ever older sugardaddies - she started taking drugs, whoring herself out at age 14. Keep in mind that those parents above are some of the best I know. Needless to say - their own 5 kids of the second couple - they were all high-IQ and successful.

Adoption frankly is more of a social project than any form of family creation.

British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

Surprise suprise, it wasn't widely reported but the couple are actually SIKH! So much for the "no links with India" routine. I saw them on TV and while he was quiet, she came over as very arrogant. She said " we are very angry". My view is that she lost it, because she "failed" (what she is saying to herself privately) as a wife. SHe has no right whatsoever to be angry.

Imagine if you are the grandparents/aunt/uncle or whatever of that indigeneous British boy and you found he was being forced into Sikhism by an Indian couple - to lose all of his indigeneous culture and those of his real family and community. Imagine if a British couple adopted a boy from a Sikh family when plenty of Sikhs came forward to do the job. We'd never hear the end of it!

Clearly the woman is a bit of a zealot if you ask me. SHe's gone pyscho because someone dares to use whats sadly become the "B word" and the "W" word. Nope not bastard and wanker. But "British" and "white". British and white are vital concepts to the welfare of the child. And thats the ONLY thing that matters here, other than respecting the views of his blood ie actual family. As would "Sikh" and "Asian" be for an Indian adoptee. If she wants a "race battle" or anti indigeneous battle, then its clear she's nowhere near as "British" as she wants us believe. And seriously needs to take a look at herself.

The day after, there was a news article on 7 Indians who drowned in the sea in England. English seas can be pretty choppy and most of us just use common sense as to whether to go in. If there are no life guards then it stands to reason that its not a great swimming area. Anyway, the families of these deceased are all suing the council for their deaths.Imagine that happening in India? Yeah right. I went to Goa's main beach and 7 drowned in one day. Not a single lifeguard, flag or anything. And this was a swimming beach. No legal action tho, no one would ever dream of it.

The families were on TV and saying "this would never happen in India, we have lifeguards everywhere". Utter bullshit. Its that attitude that makes me sick. You say Britain is shit, but you won't live in India.

British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

^How do you know that the child would be forced to be Sikh? Sikhism does not allow for forced conversion. You are overreacting. Suggest you read up on the belief system.

Link: http://www.realsikhism.com/index.html?sub...159&ucat=7
But I think a kid would be better of in a British couples hand. Yes I do frankly. Easier to identify with your adoptive parents culturally.

But a child would be better of in a Sikh couples care and love than be passed around in a failing foster care system.

British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

For those of you talking about the looks disparity between the parents and child, its important you understand its not uncommon for north indians (99.9% of sikhs are) to have children who look white (not scandinavian white ofcourse).

North indians typically dont look stereotypically indian. Most of you guys would walk down the street mistaking them for spaniards, latinos, or persians. Many have very aryan features aside from extremely light to medium tans, which fade drastically during the winter seasons. When most of you guys think indian you immediately go to the short dark dravidians from the south that you see in tv shows like big bang theory (this is where a lot of your IRTs come from too)

As for the cultural disparity stuff, thats utter bullshit. Saying that the kid would be forced to embrace sikh/indian culture is a notion routed entirely from some stupid stormfront mentality that screams insecurity.

Sikhs have a 100+ year old history in Canada, and even more in Britain (search maharajah duleep singh, ranjit singh, khalsa empire, British columbia sikhs, etc) and do very well in integrating into the culture. What they do with their own kids is different, as they would get atleast a minor knowledge of sikh history, language,culture, and religion. When i say minor i really mean MINUTE, i have friends who know nothing of their religion and cant even speak the mother tongue.

The adopted kid at most would visit a gurudwara with the parents every few years for a major religous event and even that isnt garrunteed. Maybe taste some indian food once in a while too, but this shit about the kid going to have a hard time relating to the parents is over exageratted. Its a common occurance for elders in our community to complain that their kids are letting their grandkids are becoming "too white" from living in the west.

On looks alone they could be a couple from spain, and they obviously look finacially stable and integrated well into western culture judging by their pictures (They aren't even baptized sikhs for crying out loud)

I agree kids who are up for adoption are sometimes damaged (rarely beyond repair) but why take away the chance of a decent life from a kid on the chance that you think (without any strong objective evidence) that experiencing a MINUTE amount of a different culture will change him into some "white outcast" in life.

Canadian unbaptized Sikh, born in canada, eats meat, drinks alcohol, embraces western culture, and also has very many relatives who do the same, never had a problem explaining my choices to anyone in my community.

Even still, recieves compliments for not behaving super westernized when interacting with other people of the community.

Edit: Hopefully I didnt add to making this even more of a race thread. Just wanted clear any misinformation and steer it back to the fact that a good couple is being denied the opportunity of making a childs life so much better because their genetic ancestry isnt british.

British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

Ya the Sikhs do pretty well in Canada and don't cause much trouble, except that one time that they blew up that Air India flight in the 80s which to this day is still the biggest terrorist attack in our country's history.

British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

Quote: (07-04-2017 05:22 AM)KC4 Wrote:  

But a child would be better of in a Sikh couples care and love than be passed around in a failing foster care system.

Agreed, that and there are far worse religious communities than Sikhism.

The religion aspect actually would make it harder to adopt an Asian child.
Whilst there are plenty of Hindu and Sikh people in the UK, the vast majority of Asian problem children come from Muslim families.

Muslims wouldn't want their children raised by non-Muslims and the British government allows this.


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British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

Trans-racial adoption is taboo, when the applicants or adopters are non-white, and the child is white. The taboo is very revealing about society. Amongst others, it shows that modern race relations are merely a literally skin-deep façade.
This British couple is very unfortunate. They are clearly more than capable of raising a child well, yet they were advised to attempt a cross-border adoption, rather than help out a needy white child. I think they are suing for the principle, and who knows if they haven't been put off the idea of adoption for the foreseeable future.

"What Adopting a White Girl Taught One Black Family"


Several pairs of eyes follow the girl as she pedals around the playground in an affluent suburb of Baltimore. But it isn't the redheaded fourth grader who seems to have moms and dads of the jungle gym nervous on this recent Saturday morning. It's the African-American man—six feet tall, bearded and wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt—watching the girl's every move. Approaching from behind, he grabs the back of her bicycle seat as she wobbles to a stop. "Nice riding," he says, as the fair-skinned girl turns to him, beaming. "Thanks, Daddy," she replies. The onlookers are clearly flummoxed.
As a black father and adopted white daughter, Mark Riding and Katie O'Dea-Smith are a sight at best surprising, and at worst so perplexing that people feel compelled to respond. Like the time at a Pocono Mountains flea market when Riding scolded Katie, attracting so many sharp glares that he and his wife, Terri, 37, and also African-American, thought "we might be lynched." And the time when well-intentioned shoppers followed Mark and Katie out of the mall to make sure she wasn't being kidnapped. Or when would-be heroes come up to Katie in the cereal aisle and ask, "Are you OK?"—even though Terri is standing right there.
Is it racism? The Ridings tend to think so, and it's hard to blame them.
So-called transracial adoptions have surged since 1994, when the Multiethnic Placement Act reversed decades of outright racial matching by banning discrimination against adoptive families on the basis of race. But the growth has been all one-sided. The number of white families adopting outside their race is growing and is now in the thousands, while cases like Katie's—of a black family adopting a nonblack child—remain frozen at near zero.
"Let me just put it out there," says Mark, a 38-year-old private-school admissions director with an appealing blend of megaphone voice and fearless opinion, especially when it comes to his family. "I've never felt more self-consciously black than while holding our little white girl's hand in public."
Part of the reason for the adoptive imbalance comes down to numbers, and the fact that people tend to want children of their own race. African-Americans represent almost one third of the 510,000 children in foster care, so black parents have a relatively high chance of ending up with a same-race child. (Not so for would-be adoptive white parents who prefer the rarest thing of all in the foster-care system: a healthy white baby.) But the dearth of black families with nonblack children also has painful historical roots. Economic hardship and centuries of poisonous belief in the so-called civilizing effects of white culture upon other races have familiarized Americans with the concept of white stewardship of other ethnicities, rather than the reverse.

The result is not only discomfort among whites at the thought of nonwhites raising their offspring; African-Americans can also be wary when one of their own is a parent to a child outside their race. Just ask Dallas Cowboys All-Pro linebacker DeMarcus Ware and his wife, Taniqua, who faced a barrage of criticism after adopting a nonblack baby last February.


British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

There are plenty of would be parents, very good ones, for an indigneous British child.

Even though social services is FULL of fanatics and Orwellian "pc" nutjobs, fortunately there is stil SOME common sense left in this area. The fundamental principle is respect the real parents desires, respect their families, and respect what reseach time and time again has said is best for the child ie if at all possible, parents should be same race, appearance and cultural background. Its certainly NOT "wacism". Because the same principles apply across all races. And I'd feel just as strongly about foreigners adopting, for example, a Russian kid, if a local alternative existed.

This Sikh couple (the woman atleast) have a big chip on the shoulder. If they want to stamp their feet and claim "racist" whenever they don't get their own way, you have to wonder what the hell they are doing in Britain, if we're all "so evil".

I reminds me of the Youtube arguments you read. It usually ends with an Asian saying "ahhh well we're just getting revenge on colonialism".

If they really want a child (as opposed to making a trendy name for themselves) they'd LOVE to pull an Asian kid out of poverty and misery. But no, that doesn't fit their agenda!

British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

Quote: (07-05-2017 01:11 AM)brick tamland Wrote:  

Trans-racial adoption is taboo, when the applicants or adopters are non-white, and the child is white. The taboo is very revealing about society. Amongst others, it shows that modern race relations are merely a literally skin-deep façade.
This British couple is very unfortunate. They are clearly more than capable of raising a child well, yet they were advised to attempt a cross-border adoption, rather than help out a needy white child. I think they are suing for the principle, and who knows if they haven't been put off the idea of adoption for the foreseeable future.

"What Adopting a White Girl Taught One Black Family"


African-Americans represent almost one third of the 510,000 children in foster care, so black parents have a relatively high chance of ending up with a same-race child. (Not so for would-be adoptive white parents who prefer the rarest thing of all in the foster-care system: a healthy white baby.) But the dearth of black families with nonblack children also has painful historical roots. Economic hardship and centuries of poisonous belief in the so-called civilizing effects of white culture upon other races have familiarized Americans with the concept of white stewardship of other ethnicities, rather than the reverse.

The result is not only discomfort among whites at the thought of nonwhites raising their offspring; African-Americans can also be wary when one of their own is a parent to a child outside their race. Just ask Dallas Cowboys All-Pro linebacker DeMarcus Ware and his wife, Taniqua, who faced a barrage of criticism after adopting a nonblack baby last February.


This is utter and complete bullshit. First the scene shown with the black father and his white adopted daughter - that is partly the anti-male sentiment out there of fathers being painted as pedophiles.

Second you have a clear "used to the fact" culture that is not really about racism. The people know that white couples adopt sometimes Asian and black children, because there are way more of them available across the world (including the USA) and they have a more Christian-progressive mindset.

Black parents are seldom stable, most are single mom dysfunctional households - that cuts down the incidences tremendously.

A white couple walking around with a Japanese baby in Tokyo would raise probably even greater eyebrows. But knowing that Whites are probably a certain set of well-off and responsible, then they may let it slide.

If Black Americans were 90% stable families and most being as successful as Ashkenazi Jews, then no on in the US would be surprised about some successful black parents adopting the occasional white kid. But it's simply a logical perception of what is going on in the world.

This is not to be taken personally - it has also nothing to do with fucking "colonialism" or inherent racism. That black father should rather blame the dysfunction in black America for some of the reactions out there.

If I chose to adopt an other-racial kid, then I would have to explain things occasionally too - whether I got cuckolded or adopted. This is how the cookie crumbles. It is probably easier both for the kid as well as the parents to have a kid that looks like it could have been theirs. But I am not discounting the fact that some of those unions may work alright.

British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

I know an Asian woman with mixed children. She complains that when she is with them in public, people ask them where their mother is. They assume she is the nanny. Similar things happen when they are with their white father.

Over the years I have seen that Sikhs are active in grooming gangs. It isn't just a Muslim or Pakistani thing. Give a white girl to this couple for adoption, and it won't be pretty how she turns out. If it is a boy, likely to be even worse, he'd be in physical danger. The parents might be ok people, but the social environment they bring the children to, would see the children as targets, focal points for their resentment against "whitey".

After 100 years, Sikhs in Canada still haven't assimilated, they still stir up a lot of problems. As an example that just happened yesterday, saw a conflict on the road where a Sikh man tried to use his lying skills to get out of trouble for crashing his car into a white tradesman's van. He only turned to lying after his attempt at physical intimidation failed though. He actually called the police with a self righteous voice, trying to put his story in first.

British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

There's not nearly enough cabinet positions in the Trudeau government to assimilate the half million strong fast-growing Canadian Sikh community...

In a decade or two, Canada will actually have a higher percentage of Sikhs than India.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

My experience with Sikhs in Canada at work and in the community (Edmonton) has been positive; their communities are clean, well kept and non-ghetto. I’ve never seen a Sikh beggar, prostitute or been harrassed by a dude in a turban but I didn’t grow up around them and my interactions with them are limited. I think like most immigrant communities from Asia, the FOBs can be rude but most of their kids seem pretty cool to me.

British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

Quote: (10-19-2017 01:03 PM)scotian Wrote:  

My experience with Sikhs in Canada at work and in the community (Edmonton) has been positive; their communities are clean, well kept and non-ghetto. I’ve never seen a Sikh beggar, prostitute or been harrassed by a dude in a turban but I didn’t grow up around them and my interactions with them are limited. I think like most immigrant communities from Asia, the FOBs can be rude but most of their kids seem pretty cool to me.

Come to Surrey. It is constant low level war. Any white who they perceive as lower than middle class status, they treat like shit. If they perceive a white as high status, they will treat you very nice, and you won't see the crooked shit. I've watched them lying their face off to government officials with no fear at all. If you are a male, they'll either bully you and drive you off, or be very nice and warm and welcoming to you while they defraud you in some way. And they won't let you see what they're up to with the white wimminz and teenage girls. Even so, thanks to the red pill I know what I'm looking at when I stumble across it from time to time. And the kids who grow up in Canada seem much more rude and arrogant than the FOB. The FOB seem to have more humility, maybe the language barrier keeps them quiet and limits them to their own community. I've gone through phases of life where I've presented as high status, and also as low status. So I've experienced both sides of things.

British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

Quote: (10-19-2017 01:15 PM)TheMost Wrote:  

Quote: (10-19-2017 01:03 PM)scotian Wrote:  

My experience with Sikhs in Canada at work and in the community (Edmonton) has been positive; their communities are clean, well kept and non-ghetto. I’ve never seen a Sikh beggar, prostitute or been harrassed by a dude in a turban but I didn’t grow up around them and my interactions with them are limited. I think like most immigrant communities from Asia, the FOBs can be rude but most of their kids seem pretty cool to me.

Come to Surrey. It is constant low level war. Any white who they perceive as lower than middle class status, they treat like shit. If they perceive a white as high status, they will treat you very nice, and you won't see the crooked shit. I've watched them lying their face off to government officials with no fear at all. If you are a male, they'll either bully you and drive you off, or be very nice and warm and welcoming to you while they defraud you in some way. And they won't let you see what they're up to with the white wimminz and teenage girls. Even so, thanks to the red pill I know what I'm looking at when I stumble across it from time to time. And the kids who grow up in Canada seem much more rude and arrogant than the FOB. The FOB seem to have more humility, maybe the language barrier keeps them quiet and limits them to their own community. I've gone through phases of life where I've presented as high status, and also as low status. So I've experienced both sides of things.

Yah i agree. I do find the FOBs less arrogant at least in the UK. Yes, they are extremely money and status hungry. The level of respect or humane treatment is proportional to the amount of money they can get from you.


"Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you"

British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

^I’d rather have a group of immigrants in my country who are obsessed with the accumulation of wealth and status than a bunch of lazy fucks who mooch off the welfare system and are prone to criminality.

British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

As would i

"Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you"

British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

As long as they don't blow up passenger jets, or go on shooting rampages in colleges.

[Image: 8565872.jpg]
Ceremonial knife

It would be nice also if they tried to integrate. Other than the Hassidic Jewish community, I can't think of any other ethnic group that is as clannish.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”

British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

No foreign group has any "right" to be in a foreign country.

The end.

British-Indian Couple Told they Can't Adopt a White Kid. Told to try India

Quote: (06-27-2017 03:11 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

I agree with this.

A white kid deserves white parents, and an Indian kid deserves Indian parents. I hate it when whites adopt Africans and fly them away from their homelands, and I don't like this any better. The adoption isn't about the parents and what they want, it's about the best interests of the kid.
An adoptee has enough problems to deal with already, he doesn't need the additional problems that come with trying to adopt across cultures.

This. Gays shouldn't be allowed to adopt kids. Virtue signalling whites shouldnt be allowed to adopt africans and cases like this shouldnt be allowed either. There's plenty of indian orphans out there, so why pick out a white kid? If anyone is trying to select a race other than their own, their motives are off.

These two people are actually cunts. They pre selected a white orphanage and are now suing because they can't have a trendy 'white kid'. Newsflash, you're fucking Indians. Kids arent accesories.

If you didnt care about the color of their skin you would have picked an orphanage with Indian kids. How anyone is defending these cunts is beyond me.

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