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Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

I thought this was accurate.

[Image: dd6cfd734222503309622e6209b4b5fa.jpg]

In the long-run, men tend to agonize over ended relationships for much longer; it's a lot easier for women to move on, generally

Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

Men love romantically.

Women love transactionally.

[Image: discussionclosed.gif]


Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

Hypothesis: possibly genetic. In the distant hominid past, during tribal warfare, men in the conquered tribe would be killed, while the women would be kidnapped (and probably raped) and would have to adapt to their new tribe as a matter of survival.

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

If we generalize then the reason is that men have less options and there is little to no sympathy for us.

It is expected from us to "take it like a man" and deal with the pain. Also most men have no back up plan after they commit so scarcity reality makes them less eager to break up.

Women are like children. The have plenty of people who want to help them which makes it easier to handle emotional loss and find another partner

Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

Rex that's my idea on the subject.

The same reason women are more susceptible to Stockholm syndrome and why they orgasm during rape a good percentage of the time.

Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

The asterisk here is the alpha widow. Otherwise known as the big fish that got away. Women have a really hard time dealing with that one.

Variant on this theme is the woman who gets involved with the married alpha who won't leave his wife which causes her to waste precious years of her prime and spurn all other suitors.

Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

They have more options.

If you could get 3 new notches a day after you broke up you would move on quick too.

Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

Quote: (05-20-2017 05:36 PM)Steelex Wrote:  

They have more options.

If you could get 3 new notches a day after you broke up you would move on quick too.


Where sullen depressed men don't have sexual options....

Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

btw the best way for a man to get over a heartbreaking separation with a unicorn, is to go spend three weeks in Thailand.

Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

Typically women always have Plan B dude, they also have a bagful of dicks.

Pussy is in more demand than dicks are.

Females are indeed emotional, however, they have typically a limitless options of dicks to hop on.

With this being true, they can get over a former lover quicker.

The average male has to work harder to get new quality pussy.

I'll guarantee you one thing - the majority of men who hang in the game forum has been burned by that "one girl" and had a hard time getting over them.

I should know, I was one of them.

Once that passes, you get smart, you learn when to pull out, and when to invest.

You're smart with your emotions and think more logically.

Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

With exception given to younger age women and committed spinsterhood(rare), women are born into an innate mission to uncover and lock down resources for survival. Once they figure out that a man can not provide those resources to her, either by being weakling beta or angry beta, her interest diminishes, then plummets below the point where she will never see that man again as one who can provide those resources. Assuming women generally are looking for a man for secure resources, weak/angry beta either prevents that, or ends her vision that you are "the one." And once she crosses that line, a line of interest, she shuts off like a light bulb. She's racing to find the next potential source of security and see's you now as an obstacle to that.

I'd like to think that rationally any of my exe's would be thinking like I do, like, we shared so much, so much time, travel, moments, experiences, etc. But that survival instinct keeps her moving on, to get to that secure place. She would be smart to try to keep it, but thats much more within a mans power than we care to admit.

Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

Here's another nugget...

Women tend to naturally think and act like a good player does. They under commit in the relationship and know when to have a foot out the door. They sort of instinctively know when things are on the rocks and tend to make things worse by withdrawing affection and respect, which tends to make things worse. Men tend to just double down and work harder.

So the net effect is that at the end of a relationship the man has usually gone all in, whereas she has been prepping for a couple months atleast and the bullet grazes her.

This is why when you randomly dump a ho out of the blue for no good reason, it usually fucks her world up and she stalks your ass.

Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

Women will erase everything related to an ex, phone number, photos, belongings ... they don't want to remember and they will also convince themselves that even the nice or funny things to remember weren't nice at all, like "my ex was really stupid, ha had this habit ... I can't believe I was with him".
Men don't erase photos and don't even throw her used tooth brush and on the opposite even the bad habits she had will turn into a cute thing to remember about her.

So even when I guy who broke up goes on frenzy banging other girls mode to forget his ex, when he'll go back to his routine he'll remember many things about his ex.

Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

Quote: (05-20-2017 07:05 PM)e-smile Wrote:  

So even when I guy who broke up goes on frenzy banging other girls mode to forget his ex, when he'll go back to his routine he'll remember many things about his ex.

Thats why I think this whole "women have options" argument is bullshit. Many men have options too, and take advantage of those options but still hang on to exes. Women are wired differently. Its not dick they want, they want the dream. And its not a Disney dream, its the biological imperative to resolve their need to get pregnant and resources for survival.

Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

"Women Do Know How To Carry On"

Women do know how to carry on
Well there won't be too much cryin' time alone
They'll be right back puttin' me and make up on
Women do know how to carry on

When she can't keep love afloat she will survive
In her soft and sexy way she's gonna shuck and jive
Wipe the tears and find the things that she needs to get along
Women do know how to carry on women do know how to carry on yeah

Never knew a man who could take a fall
They'll land right on their pride and then they waste it all
But even when the best she's ever had is gone
Women do know how to carry on

Women do know how to carry on...
Women do know how to carry on
They'll be right back puttin' me and make up on
There won't be too much cryin' time alone
They'll be right back puttin' me and make up on
Women do know how to carry on

Take care of those titties for me.

Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

This topic makes me wistfully recall some of the things I was grappling with a few years ago, that led me to find the forum. I'm still on a journey.

Some answers and hard truths:
•They never take themselves off the market. They are always fielding advances from multiple guys. They do give out numbers and chat online. They are always being approached everywhere. They know that neither commitment nor resources or even sex are scarce. They don't live/experience scarcity, as most men do.

•They are always looking for a better deal. They are not satisfied with what they have. They will always test how much better and more they can get.

•They are always looking out for your shortcomings. They are dismissive. They note and record your shortcomings and mistakes in a mental spreadsheet.

•Women are more concerned with their standing/status in relation to OTHER women. Men are not the most important thing in a woman's life. She's only concerned about the opinion every other woman has of her. A man is a peripheral part of her lived experience.

•Her perception of you and the relationship is heavily filtered by her friends' or other people's opinions. She constantly wants feedback from them about events in your relationship. I don't need to write how that can end badly for us.

•Related to the above, Women are designed to fit firmly in place in a wider social group, big or small. She doesn't want to be an outcast or to be ostracized for being with you. This is another reason she can move on quickly.

•After she leaves you she's assured of sympathy and comfort from various sources. There's a safe landing.

Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

It's not always easy. The Alpha Widow needs a lot of time to mourn before she's able to move on. Even when she meets other guys, she might never experience the same highs as before and that makes her frustrated and jaded and from a man's point of view not a good prospect for a relationship.

Also, the unstable emotional nature of most woman makes them do fucked up things. She might jump on another dick to forget you, post party pics or pics with another guy on fb or instagram to make you jealous. All these things do not necessarily mean she's having fun and moved on in a heartbeat. Maybe you crushed her heart and she's desperately trying to heal the pain in some kind of fucked up ways.

On the other hand, if you didn't rock her world, she will get over you in a heartbeat.

Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

Cause they've moved on before the relationship ends.

Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

Quote: (05-20-2017 07:05 PM)e-smile Wrote:  

Women will erase everything related to an ex, phone number, photos, belongings ... they don't want to remember and they will also convince themselves that even the nice or funny things to remember weren't nice at all, like "my ex was really stupid, ha had this habit ... I can't believe I was with him".
Men don't erase photos and don't even throw her used tooth brush and on the opposite even the bad habits she had will turn into a cute thing to remember about her.

Guys say banging new chicks is the quickest way.

I think erasing the girl in all ways is much more important. Down to never hanging out or talking with anyone she has a strong association with it until you are guaranteed over it. You're good friends with her brother or cousin or whatever? Too bad. He's out for awhile. Time in life is limited they can sit on the bench until you're set.

SENS Foundation - help stop age-related diseases

Quote: (05-19-2016 12:01 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  
If I talk to 100 19 year old girls, at least one of them is getting fucked!
Quote:WestIndianArchie Wrote:
Am I reacting to her? No pussy, all problems
Is she reacting to me? All pussy, no problems

Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

On a purely biological cave-man basis the woman is the vulnerable individual that has to make herself instantly appealing in order to secure a protector and provider. She will have a serious cry session and then internalise the rest of the issues which will later manifest in severe mental disorders, but at least she'll be able to get another man in the meanwhile and not be eaten by a sabre tooth tiger.

Men have the option to revel in their pain and their anger, given that being dark and moody is not necessarily repellent to the opposite sex and in many cases is an attractive trait. Traditionally they could channel it towards violence but absent that, in modern times, they're often stuck wallowing in an emotional holding pattern for much longer.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

I've been wrestling with this myself after recently ending a 2year relationship with a Brazilian who was crazy about me. She took a couple months to process her sorrows, then as far as I can tell, she doesn't give a shit anymore. I know this to be true also based on how she spoke of previous exes.

Of course any attractive female has a bag of dicks to chose from. If she is into online dating forget it. Imagine you breakup, activate your online dating profile, then get flooded with messages everyday. You could have a solid date every night of the week. Since women are driven by more traits then physical attraction, most of them are less picky then men. Thus it's really easy to bounce to another acceptable dick.

I have two exes out there that went to overweight balding guys right after me, and are still with them. One of these guys my ex used to call disgusting when she was with me. She's married to him now. I know she still thinks of me, but the biological clock ticks so strong, they will put physical attraction aside to jump on another dick.

As men, we have more time, and are often unicorn hunting. And unicorns are not often single. So it can take awhile to find a suitable replacement. Meanwhile you're out banging 6's and it's not fulfilling. So fucking a bunch of strange is only part of the solution for us. Personally, I also have a tendency to idealize the past and focus on the positive memories more than the negative. Maybe this is a trait more common to men.

Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

The only women men find it hard to get over are the ones that we in our logical thought processes feel could actually make a good mate. Thing is what we have to pick from in the west distorts reality.

To you dudes getting one itis over trash, cut that shit out, dont be desperate, there really are plenty more fish in the sea, do what you have to do to attract the ones you
want. And quality women are not the photo-shopped, spray on tanned, super waxed tranny style eyebrow chicks im seeing around the place these days.

Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

A better question would be: why is it so hard for ME to move on? I include myself in ME. The answer is found in the nature of our more profound desires. In our desire to achieve perfection, to achieve eternity, to achieve happiness itself. Happiness is, by its own fictional nature, a state from which you would not and could not ever lose, for if you could lose it, then you would stress over losing it, therefore making it not perfect, eternal, happiness. And so, we must reflect about how happiness is nothing but a dream nowhere to be found, and reflecting on it, we must come to accept it. Many wise men of every age and culture come to agree, happiness is not what we must seek, but equanimity (others might use a different name).

Not only with women. In fact, the whole manosphere is coming to realize that is stupid to feel this way about women. Of course, we still feel this way about many other things like our culture, or our own lives. Does this sound nihilistic? Well, it is, but in nihilism there is to be found the greatest freedom to fight for your own desire. Some would ask, then, why not to agonically fight for perfection, eternity, and happiness? And there is where the fun begins.

Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

Rollo has written about this extensively. I'll paraphrase.

It's an evolutionary emotional trait developed from tribal times when stronger males from another tribe came in and conquered. They'd kill the men, rape the women, an then take them as their ownn. With their men dead, the women knew their best option for survival was to go with these men who murdered their tribe. Rather than lament, the emotional response that best served their purposes (survival/hypergamy) was to get over it quickly, and so women have evolved to do that- over thousands of years.

Why Is It So Easy For Women To Move On?

Positively 4th Street
Bob Dylan

You've got a lotta nerve to say you are my friend
When I was down you just stood there grinnin'
You've got a lotta nerve to say you got a helping hand to lend
You just want to be on the side that's winning'

You say I let you down, ya know its not like that
If you're so hurt, why then don't you show it?
You say you've lost your faith, but that's not where its at
You have no faith to lose, and ya know it

I know the reason, that you talked behind my back
I used to be among the crowd you're in with
Do you take me for such a fool, to think I'd make contact
With the one who tries to hide what he don't know to begin with?

You see me on the street, you always act surprised
You say "how are you?", "good luck", but ya don't mean it
When you know as well as me, you'd rather see me paralyzed
Why don't you just come out once and scream it

No, I do not feel that good when I see the heartbreaks you embrace
If I was a master thief perhaps I'd rob them
And tho I know you're dissatisfied with your position and your place
Don't you understand, its not my problem?

I wish that for just one time you could stand inside my shoes
And just for that one moment I could be you
Yes, I wish that for just one time you could stand inside my shoes
You'd know what a drag it is to see you

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