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London PUA Adam Lyons is expecting a baby with one of the two women

London PUA Adam Lyons is expecting a baby with one of the two women

I really want the best for this guy.

On top of all the other problems that have been pointed out, they live in a trailer under power lines and nobody cuts the grass:

[Image: nintchdbpict000324597327.jpg?strip=all&w...uality=100]

I don't see this ending well.


London PUA Adam Lyons is expecting a baby with one of the two women

He 'll be slaving away to earn money for 5 (him, the dykes and the two kids) while the "wives" eat each others pussy.
At best.

Two more red flags no one mentioned, the feminine one cosplays AND takes pregnant selfies=> nuclear level attention-whore.

PS.: With slight shame I admit I clicked the bait when I read about the foot tattoo, red flag and all but not that hideous from what I saw.

London PUA Adam Lyons is expecting a baby with one of the two women

Quote: (05-21-2017 07:10 PM)Kona Wrote:  

I really want the best for this guy.

On top of all the other problems that have been pointed out, they live in a trailer under power lines and nobody cuts the grass:

They live in Texas, which has a non-immaterial amount of rattlesnakes encroaching on people's property by surprise. Although rare, rattlesnake bites can lead to amputation and death--especially among the young.

Long grass invites snakes, who prefer the shade of long vegetation to provide a source of coolness and concealment.

I acknowledge this might be N-D chess by the guy to get rid of his SJW chick's bastard spawn--in which case, I would tip my hat.

In any case, I suppose if this guy's unafraid of two potential snakes in the house (a single-mom SJW and a tatted-up sloot), he's not going to be afraid of snakes in the grass in his un-mowed backyard.

The perils of long grass:


London PUA Adam Lyons is expecting a baby with one of the two women

Quote: (05-21-2017 07:55 PM)Kabal Wrote:  

They live in Texas

So did David Koresh. How do you think he got started?

This Adam guy is just chasing a couple of skanks around the doublewide one day, the next the ATF is burning his shit to the ground.

Polyamory is a slippery slope. Ask Warren Jeffs. The second wife is the hardest. After that it gets easier every time. One day you wake up and you got two dozen and wonder what went wrong.

Again, I hope it works out for Adam, but what I see in his future is either life plus twenty or this:[Image: article-2286616-185FAEDA000005DC-286_634x419.jpg]

You guys be careful out there.


London PUA Adam Lyons is expecting a baby with one of the two women

Quote: (05-21-2017 09:02 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

Quote: (05-19-2017 04:39 PM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

[Image: nintchdbpict000324597296.jpg?strip=all&w...uality=100]

I am gonna analyze some pictures here, first this one, judging by how the long hair one is sitting on the bisexual one's legs, I assume they have some sort of dom sub relationship, not a full BDSM, but a light version of hierarchy, the guy is at the top, fallowed by the bisexual then the long hair one, the way she is sitting on her legs is the way a sub sit on her dom's legs, there is sexual relationship between the two women is obvious, look how the short hair one has her hands on the long hair one's thigh close to the vagina.

Here next
[Image: nintchdbpict000324597264.jpg?strip=all&w...uality=100]

On the paper says:
Adam, dubbed the ‘luckiest man alive’ with Brooke and Jane and another female friend

The guys is using pre-selection very well, he knows his stuff, he is trying to combine alpha and beta into the same man, other women see this and he can score more and turn a 3some into a 4some, alpha by having two women but beta by having a two kids, is like a bodybuilding guy walking with a puppy during yoga class.


[Image: nintchdbpict000324597249.jpg?strip=all&w...uality=100]

Is there is a better way to describe MFF? always remember, during a MFF relationship, the girl in the middle (MFF) is the bottom one

I have know marriages likes this, the wife is Bi, and they bring another woman into their relationship, the new girl tends to be younger and more submissive.

This video is from May 19 this year.

Long hair admits she is also attracted to women and the short hair one is letting her hair grows back and looking more feminine. They are now describing as polygamous (one man several women) rather than polyamorous, everybody fucks somebody else. So it looks short hair was not really with another man outside Adam that we know so far.

Quote: (05-21-2017 07:10 PM)Kona Wrote:  

I really want the best for this guy.

On top of all the other problems that have been pointed out, they live in a trailer under power lines and nobody cuts the grass:

[Image: nintchdbpict000324597327.jpg?strip=all&w...uality=100]

I don't see this ending well.


That is actually pretty clever, lots of land by low price, plus you help to give the kids a place to play and explore and is easy to build something to keep both women separate if he needs to. You don't want to be like this living in a big expensive populate dense city like NYC or Chicago. You know having the same women and kids in a small apartment in a big city would be hell.

London PUA Adam Lyons is expecting a baby with one of the two women

Quote: (05-21-2017 09:02 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  


Adam said: “We are still open in our relationship and we do sleep with other people outside the three of us but to be honest, we don’t have much time anymore.

I wonder if "other people" for the girls are meant also other men or only women.

Thats cuck for "they invite over dudes from Craigslist when Im out of town"

From the look of it the one having a threesome is the butch single mom. The other two are her bitches.

London PUA Adam Lyons is expecting a baby with one of the two women

Shoulda stayed with the 1st wife and had his side slice on the DL. Downgrade for sure.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

London PUA Adam Lyons is expecting a baby with one of the two women

Quote: (05-21-2017 11:10 PM)Latinopan Wrote:  

Long hair admits she is also attracted to women and the short hair one is letting her hair grows back and looking more feminine. They are now describing as polygamous (one man several women) rather than polyamorous, everybody fucks somebody else. So it looks short hair was not really with another man outside Adam that we know so far.

Hm - I doubt that the guy is zero in tune with the Red Pill and only focuses on Game.

Also it seems that they are selling it as "poly" while in reality it is one man having 2 women and adding other girls occasionally to the mix or allowing his women to lick other pussy.

No way are those 2 lesbians. Women do experiment with partly lesbian sex alright, but those women do not fall in love with other women and have no desire to be in a relationship with them. That is far more common than it seems and is way more common than with men.

The whole story is good business for him, but the reality could very well be a hidden shitlord having found a lifestyle that appeals to him. The homeschooling of his kids is also an indicator of that. I doubt that the guy exists in a vacuum and does not read Rollo, Roosh or Heartiste. He picked a strange family formation for sure, but I expect more of those kind of unions to appear. Especially rich Red Pill men with Game will make this happen and hide it as "poly" while in reality it's more akin to this:

[Image: z16103498IF,Seks-grupowy.jpg]
[Image: 13-wives.jpg]
{No idea if story true of Thai man to have 13 wives - if rich enough, then it is possible in a developing country.}

while the true poly bottom feeders look like this:

[Image: mytwohusbands.jpg?w=500&h=333]

Would be interesting to get know this guy and find out for real, but my guess is tipping towards more shitlord than cuck.

London PUA Adam Lyons is expecting a baby with one of the two women

Quote: (05-22-2017 08:09 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

while the true poly bottom feeders look like this:

[Image: mytwohusbands.jpg?w=500&h=333]

Incest, and Poly. That's a new one.

London PUA Adam Lyons is expecting a baby with one of the two women

Quote: (05-21-2017 07:10 PM)Kona Wrote:  

I really want the best for this guy.

On top of all the other problems that have been pointed out, they live in a trailer under power lines and nobody cuts the grass:

[Image: nintchdbpict000324597327.jpg?strip=all&w...uality=100]

I don't see this ending well.


Not to mention where they have positioned the basketball hoop. If these kids think they can bring their trampoline along to basketball tryouts, they are in for a rude awakening.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

London PUA Adam Lyons is expecting a baby with one of the two women

Why is having two "wives" good? I don't understand the logic in it. So instead of only one pussy, you now have two. Two women = 4 times the problems, and I don't for a second believe it is all smooth sailing. Even with a single LTR/wife, there are emotional issues to deal with on a semi-regular basis. I'd much prefer a single LTR and a rotating/changing roster of side-ass.

As for their living arrangements, I don't know about that. If he was American it's one thing, but he's British, so I have to assume its poverty. He never struck me as the live on the land type of guy. Do Texas men wear purple shirts like that? [Image: biggrin.gif]

London PUA Adam Lyons is expecting a baby with one of the two women

Quote: (05-22-2017 11:52 AM)Menace Wrote:  

Why is having two "wives" good? I don't understand the logic in it. So instead of only one pussy, you now have two. Two women = 4 times the problems, and I don't for a second believe it is all smooth sailing.

This is pure conjecture, and any old school Mormons please tell us about the power dynamics of more than one wife, but it seems that it would take some of the heat off the guy because instead of focusing all of her complaint energy on him, she would spend some of it on the other wife, as well as compete with her for your time and attention. A guy could use this to his advantage if he knew what he was doing.

“The greatest burden a child must bear is the unlived life of its parents.”

Carl Jung

London PUA Adam Lyons is expecting a baby with one of the two women

Quote: (05-21-2017 11:41 AM)debeguiled Wrote:  

[Image: adam-lyons-amanda-lyons2.jpg]

The fucking pink hair...oh to be in 2005 again!

[Image: laugh2.gif]

London PUA Adam Lyons is expecting a baby with one of the two women

The fact that people (in a 'game' forum) are celebrating this as some kind of achievement

confirms that most guys are still clueless.

London PUA Adam Lyons is expecting a baby with one of the two women

Nope, this is a degenerate arrangement and that's all there is to it, specifically because a kid was brought into it. The kids by definition had no choice but to be born into this shit and have no defences against the shit they're going to have to see.

Sorry, y'all, but by not forcing his harem to have its collective tubes tied Adam has directly created at least one more behaviour-issue kid/teen/adult whose psych issues the rest of us will have to pay taxes to manage. Never mind the problems of the poor bastards they hook up with and fuck up as they go down.

There isn't an actual family here. Just a sharehouse of three single parents to two kids. Complete with all three single parents being uncommitted sluts who can still bang who they want when they want because social conventions don't real, y'all, and even having a / sign available to answer the question "Who will I fuck tonight" doesn't satisfy.

Particularly hilarious is his suggestion that they can all see other people, but supposedly nobody has the time. I promise you at least one of his harem has plenty of time and therefore cock on her hands.

Just because it doesn't look like the standard Appalachian incestville that most polyamorists create doesn't make it any more stable. The fact both the women have straight teeth and no librarian glasses makes the arrangement less stable, not more. When did you last encounter a hard 8 or so who was not fucked in the head in some major way?

"But she's pretty, so the arrangement will work out." Show me her three parents, then. More likely for each of the women it's one -- which is where the problem really originates.

As for the suggestion polygamy is "natural" or "semi-natural?" Nope. Darwin already ruled on that one, the polyamorous among our human ancestors went extinct.


The team found that the fossil finger ratios of Neanderthals, and early members of the human species, were lower than most living humans, which suggests that they had been exposed to high levels of prenatal androgens. This indicates that early humans were likely to be more competitive and promiscuous than people today. […]

Emma Nelson, from the University of Liverpool’s School of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology, explains: “It is believed that prenatal androgens affect the genes responsible for the development of fingers, toes and the reproductive system. We have recently shown that promiscuous primate species have low index to ring finger ratios, while monogamous species have high ratios. We used this information to estimate the social behaviour of extinct apes and hominins. Although the fossil record is limited for this period, and more fossils are needed to confirm our findings, this method could prove to be an exciting new way of understanding how our social behaviour has evolved.”

(Reference came from Heartiste.)

Let's remember Neanderthals are said to have had bigger brains than humans did, that they were supposedly "smarter" and more "enlightened" than good old homo sapiens.

Like it or not, postmodernism is dead. Science keeps on showing that human beings are epigenetically programmed to thrive under some societal conditions and not under others. Polyamory is in the latter category. For what it's worth, I tried Googling "high achievers who came out of polyamorous households." Didn't come back with any names, though did come back with lots of leftie advocacy in favour of them. Some of the pessimists among us go so far as to say it's late-stage self-destructive behaviour for a civilisation. I don't think that's far off the mark; this sort of arrangement only exists under two conditions: where there's an excess of resources or a crippling shortage of them. Prominent and common polyamory is a sign there is a big fucking problem with your civilisation, not a sign that it's "advanced" or "tolerant".

Remissas, discite, vivet.
God save us from people who mean well. -storm

London PUA Adam Lyons is expecting a baby with one of the two women

Quote: (05-22-2017 11:52 AM)Menace Wrote:  

So instead of only one pussy, you now have two.

Because one can sit on your face while the other rides you. Because you can bang one missionary while the other sits pussy facing forwards and licks her out while you lick her ass hole. You can wash your hair by two of them peeing on you mixed with baking soda. The possibilities are endless.

Minus the sex, though, it's a disaster waiting to happen.

London PUA Adam Lyons is expecting a baby with one of the two women

Quote: (05-23-2017 12:17 AM)Paracelsus Wrote:  

For what it's worth, I tried Googling "high achievers who came out of polyamorous households." Didn't come back with any names, though did come back with lots of leftie advocacy in favour of them. Some of the pessimists among us go so far as to say it's late-stage self-destructive behaviour for a civilisation. I don't think that's far off the mark; this sort of arrangement only exists under two conditions: where there's an excess of resources or a crippling shortage of them. Prominent and common polyamory is a sign there is a big fucking problem with your civilisation, not a sign that it's "advanced" or "tolerant".

Bertrand Russel's parents had a poly relationship with his father consenting to be cucked by a tutor that worked for the family. That said, Bertrand has spoken about how troubled his childhood was and of the history with mental issues both him and members of his family has had. For some reason it looks like polyamory was a trend with the intellectual class of late 19th to 20th century British society.

London PUA Adam Lyons is expecting a baby with one of the two women

So for some people 2 wives (or "wives")=2x the sex. Well some people are in for a rude awakening...

But that's none of my business (sips tea)

London PUA Adam Lyons is expecting a baby with one of the two women

Quote: (05-22-2017 10:57 PM)Lights Wrote:  

The fact that people (in a 'game' forum) are celebrating this as some kind of achievement

confirms that most guys are still clueless.

Most guys aren't celebrating this and calling it out for what it is.

London PUA Adam Lyons is expecting a baby with one of the two women

Does a woman of quality actually pursue this? Are these pick-up artists interested in women of quality? I suspect most of them aren't. You don't women of quality in bars, and most of them are very focused on bars. That was what I always despised about much of the seduction community. It seems like they just wanted bar trash.

London PUA Adam Lyons is expecting a baby with one of the two women

I was happy for him when he had his first wife Amanda. This on the other hand..

London PUA Adam Lyons is expecting a baby with one of the two women

Just looking at the pictures I feel like one of the girls is a closet dyke in it for the hot pregnant one.

London PUA Adam Lyons is expecting a baby with one of the two women

Quote: (05-22-2017 08:22 AM)captain_shane Wrote:  

Quote: (05-22-2017 08:09 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

while the true poly bottom feeders look like this:

[Image: mytwohusbands.jpg?w=500&h=333]

Incest, and Poly. That's a new one.

He gets to have sex with twins every night.

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