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50 documentaries to see before you die
0 documentaries to see before you die
Quote: (03-01-2018 12:14 AM)911 Wrote:  

Quote: (02-28-2018 07:44 AM)brick tamland Wrote:  

7/7 Ripple Effect.

I highly recommend this one. It is about the London train and bus explosions of July 2005. It is almost as detailed as anyone making a "home-made" documentary can get. You will just have to tolerate the narrator's voice / speaking style.

There it is Brick, the original was 1 hr long, this is the expanded updated version.

Richard Hall (who's a great investigator on so many things) speaking with the maker of the film and the witchhunt on him:

0 documentaries to see before you die
0 documentaries to see before you die
Scott Noble made some fascinating documentaries just a few years ago, although unfortunately none in recent times. Apparently he's working on some new material that will use higher specification technology than his previous work.

All or most of his work was published online for free. Check out metanoia-films dot org.
thus far I've enjoyed Psywar, while being taken aback by ''Plutocracy''. If your understanding of the USA's history comes only from the mass media, ''Plutocracy'' will prove that history is always hovering overhead and doesn't so much as repeat itself, but rather perpetually haunts the present.
0 documentaries to see before you die
Quote: (02-19-2017 03:56 AM)Traktor Wrote:  

This is a short documentary about 109 year old Richard Overton who is the oldest living WW2 vet. If you are feeling a bit down, just watch this. His final quote says it all.

I watched that video, it really was nice to watch. It's good to see how happy he was in his old age. He's definitely seen a lot in his lifetime, more then most of us ever will.
0 documentaries to see before you die
Just watched Cocaine Cowboys. It was dope, no pun intended.

I feel the thread title is misleading. It should be about documentaries in general.
0 documentaries to see before you die
Europa: The Last Battle

A 10 part series, 10+ hour, compiled on Cultural Marxism, the Bolsheviks and another group, its very comprehensive and moves in chronological order from 19th century to the present day and cover everything you could imagine on the subject
Done by a Swedish man called Tobias Bratt. It's less off putting to normies than The Greatest Story Never told.

Leon Trotsky gets the long deserved fucking boot as well early on, will horrify you when you see college students identify with him. They don't even know this information about him and what his movement was, what they had to do. It'll make you want to vomit with how he took part in executions himself, how communists wanted to make people hate their parents in Tsar Russia. Familiar?

The documentary has been deleted off youtube time and time again since its release last year. It's gruesome and pure evil in the 1st part. Absolutely terrifying and fantastic work, the descriptions of just how many gulag camps there were by the guards is just beyond words, what would happen to young people.....

I'm half thinking of filling a few cheap USB keys and dropping them in a few places. Will rock your world if you haven't being exposed to it.

0 documentaries to see before you die
^Thanks for this. Will definitely watch. Funny thing is no amount of gore tuns people away from communism.
0 documentaries to see before you die
Quote: (03-29-2018 08:51 AM)Piankhi Wrote:  

^Thanks for this. Will definitely watch. Funny thing is no amount of gore tuns people away from communism.

Its more the descriptions of the suffering than any visual information conveyed in the doc.
Honest to god heartbreaking.
0 documentaries to see before you die
Quote: (03-29-2018 09:18 AM)Syberpunk Wrote:  

Quote: (03-29-2018 08:51 AM)Piankhi Wrote:  

^Thanks for this. Will definitely watch. Funny thing is no amount of gore tuns people away from communism.

Its more the descriptions of the suffering than any visual information conveyed in the doc.
Honest to god heartbreaking.
I watched the 1st part last week and it is mind-blowingly horrific the tortures that (((Bolsheviks))) inflicted on the Russians. I put the Youtube playback speed to 1.5x to get through the darkness as quickly as possible. Trotsky was a demon.

Seeing this account of pure evil is moving me towards Christianity.
0 documentaries to see before you die
I was a big fan of Christopher Hitchens but I never understood why he was a Trotskyite and socialist. Was he an agent of the globalists?
0 documentaries to see before you die
I just saw a doc recommended on this thread: Kumare, which is a fantastic film about a dude that impersonates a yogi/guru in the US to see if he can get away with it. It was actually thought-provoking, and moving, forcing me to think deeply about modern religion and fascination with so-called Eastern Religion, I've never thought more in a documentary about religion: , although there is a good British documentary/ TV, series called the Monastery that had a similar less powerful effect on me when younger, about some guys spending 40 days in a Monastery, albeit very good--the transitions they went through: .

The other one that is good, is called Senna, also recommended on the forum--it is a film about the heyday of F1 racing in the 80's (the cars were the most powerful and most deadly ever in the history of F1), and about a young Brazilian prodigy willing to put it all on the line to win--and he was one of the greatest, if not the greatest ever. It is a story of Christian faith, pure grit, and passion to suceed. You will find it inspiring even if you are not into F1--I was not into F1 when I started it: .
0 documentaries to see before you die
Just watched 42 Grams on Netflix. tumultuous story of a michelin restaurant in chicago. went from an underground restaurant in an apartment to a 2-star restaurant in 1 year. maybe not top 50 ever, but worth watching.
0 documentaries to see before you die
Quote: (03-29-2018 01:33 PM)Piankhi Wrote:  

I was a big fan of Christopher Hitchens but I never understood why he was a Trotskyite and socialist. Was he an agent of the globalists?

I think he was a reformed socialist, reformed bisexual, reformed antiwar guy. This was back in the 70s when all that stuff was the rage.

Media love people who go from one extreme to the other. Seriously, they always have them commenting about stuff, former nazis, former cult members, etc.

Hitchens was a sharp guy though.
0 documentaries to see before you die
I'm lining up a handful of doccies to watch from the top 100 list on the site topdocumentaryfilms dot org. The top 100 were rated by ordinary Joes as far as I know.
It's a decent place to look around if one is looking for more content. Not surprisingly quite a few have also been recommended in this forum. Of course the subject matter one is interested in will depend on one's taste. Not every title in their top 100 will be of interest to red pillers.
0 documentaries to see before you die
Ok so I just watched Icarus, which is a great doc from last year. Starting as a film where the narrator tries to dope without getting caught to prove how shitty anti-doping is currently, just to prove this point, ends with him discovering the doping in the Russian Olympic athletes via knowing, being confided in (and being advised to dope in his earlier endeavor) by the head of the Russian anti-doping lab.

This is a story of modern russian, and historical russian doping, and their desire to win at all costs. Grigory Rodchenkov, the russian lab-director in question, eventually goes public about systemic russian doping, and how he oversaw it all. Eventually having to go into hiding, this is a fascinating tale of high level russian politics, and the efforts to silence Russian dissidents. Several of Rodchenkov's colleagues were assassinated (heart attack) based on their role in the doping:
0 documentaries to see before you die
"All power to the people"

This is a little-known (by other standards) documentary released in 1996. Although its main focus is the rise and fall of the black panther party, it is also very valuable as a history lesson of the tumultuous late 1960s and early 1970s in the USA. It sets the record straight about the motives and plans of the panthers and portrays them in a much more earnest light than the MSM has.
What was very sobering in this work was a detailing of the illegal means used to crush the BPs and their allies, the latter including the American Indians' movement. Most will recall it by the name COINTELPRO. One of the methods was outright cold-blooded assassination. However there were other methods such as infiltration and unconventional warfare, including the use of drugs against BPs. I always wondered why so many panthers ended up on drugs (such as Tupac Shakur's mother) but it turns out that hooking them on drugs was a version of chemical warfare. Psychological warfare was also used, including through the MK Ultra programme. The film also takes a look at the high profile assassinations of the period - MLK, RFK, Malcolm X and others. Those leading Panthers who were not killed often ended up wrongfully imprisoned for lengthy periods, some to this very day. The film points out that there are numerous political prisoners in the USA. The powers that be do not allow for free political activity on home soil.
Very briefly towards its end, the film, with some prescience, touches on the unlawful wide-scale surveillance of citizens, and the increasing militarization of policing, and the setting up of many concentration camps, soon to be used, under the umbrella of FEMA. For all intents and purposes there is a standing army on US soil during peacetime. The enemy? All of the citizens. All of the latter topics were of little concern at the time the film was made, but in this century these nefarious activities are well known.
0 documentaries to see before you die

0 documentaries to see before you die
The New American Century.

Excellent documentary. Many people will remember the nefarious ''think tank'' called the PNAC, which called for a ''new pearl harbor''. They got their new pearl harbor when 9/11 happened and ever since then, the US military has had carte blanche and unprecedented power especially in the middle east. Similarly the military contractors and energy companies have never been richer. Along the way, thousands of US soldiers and millions of innocent civilians have been executed and displaced.
How did we get here? The film answers by tracing the rising influence and eventual takeover by the neo-conservatives. There is great archival material tracing the rise in power of neo-cons such as Cheney, Perle, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz. We learn how the permanent war economy was entrenched, especially through the use of manufactured pretexts starting in 1898, and then the world wars, and Vietnam, right up to the borderless war on terror, where the enemy is anyone, anywhere and everywhere.
The excesses of Halliburton and outright corruption are also looked at. The controversial ''cost plus'' system was so thoroughly abused that Halliburton destroyed perfectly fine trucks just for having a flat tyre. They would then re-order the same equipment they had disposed of, all at taxpayer's expense.
There is also a look at the gratuitous killing of civilians and human rights abuses in the nations the US invaded after 9/11.
0 documentaries to see before you die
Freeway - crack in the system.

This one is about Freeway Ricky Ross, the famous 1980s LA drug kingpin who in his prime sold over $1 million per day and had a net worth of about $1 billion.
This doccie is biographical in nature, as we meet Ricky soon after the end of his nearly 20 year prison term. He's able to give a very sharp sense of his reflections about the crack era and his role in it. Prison was sobering as he contemplated his life in fine detail and emerged a changed man. Inside the cells was where he learned to read for the first time, becoming so obsessed with his new skill that he, by chance, discovered the Judge's error during his sentencing, that led to his life sentence being overturned on appeal.
The first time he came out of jail he had planned to quit the game, but his former associate, who was now an informant, led him into a trap, promising cheap drugs to restart his empire, that led to his arrest and a lifetime sentence. His wealth was then taken away.
Thankfully, the film discusses the misdeeds of the Reagan administration in the form of the Iran Contra affair. Ricky was a mere piece on the CIA's chessboard, as the crack era arrived and destroyed Black communities. The CIA sold crack to fund the destabilization of yet another South American nation. Over 500 000 people are now in prison due to drug related offences, compared to just 41 000 when Reagan became President.
Unfortunately Ricky found himself being a cog in the CIA's big drug trade machine and his 1 billion USD fortune was probably pocket change in the scheme of things.
0 documentaries to see before you die
The Internet's Own Boy.

The documentary about the late, great Aaron Swartz is truly touching and personal, with interviews of those closest to him, his associates, colleagues and tech insiders, inventors and academics. Aaron could have been the next tech mogul, serving elite interests against the common man but he chose a path of activism and eschewed a king's fortune. His activism placed him in the crosshairs, with the FBI, DoJ and Secret Service pursuing him for a rather trivial act (downloading journals), from which he never intended to earn a dime. Contrast the government's actions against him, with their actions against the bankers who crashed the economy and nearly wiped out the middle class, and earned bonuses for doing so.
The prospect of a conviction and jail time would have seriously damaged Aaron's political aspirations. He steadily became financially and psychically worn out and eventually his life ended, although exactly how so is still questioned by some. Out of respect, I suppose, the film rightly does not touch this topic.
In the end, an example was made out of him, in order to have a chilling effect on the growing movement for access to knowledge, for societal reform and for government and corporate accountability, amongst others.
0 documentaries to see before you die
Stealing a Nation.

A 2004 documentary about the literal total depopulation of an island inhabited for 200 years by the indigenous population, in order to establish a US military base. Enough said.

0 documentaries to see before you die

0 documentaries to see before you die
^^^^ I found that CoC video to be 'blocked in my country' i.e. shoahed.

But the original creator channel below has it it spilt into 7 parts that has so far escaped the censors.

0 documentaries to see before you die
The New Americn Century by Massimo Mazzucco is pretty fucking depressing.

Don't debate me.
0 documentaries to see before you die
Wild Wild Country

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