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Been on the right track working on myself, but stalled out recently

Been on the right track working on myself, but stalled out recently

Hey people, long time lurker, recently registered on RVF, this is my SECOND post. I'm going to be 38 in two months and I'm a long-time Leykis listener, but many things happened in my life that prevented me from dipping my toes in the world of dating/gaming/fucking women for a long time. The basic concept of not being beta has been with me since my early 20s because of Leykis, but there's always something missing without the rest. In other words, just listening to Leykis on and off for about a decade from 2002-'12 wasn't enough for me to not actually BE beta. I knew what I was; I just didn't know how to avoid being it.

I went through a really long angry phase that I've worked passed and my life is mostly in order. I have a lot of things working in my favor and I'm more fortunate than most. Without going into a lot of detail, I might not have the highest paying job in the world, but I'm financially secure beyond my wildest dreams. I live in a luxury apartment 0.3 miles from work and I walk to my office every day, even in bad weather. There are hugely popular bars within two blocks of my place where sluts of all ages (but mostly 20s) routinely wear little clothing (even in really cold weather) and get drunk. I have to learn how to better capitalize on the bar game.

I've read lots of opinions on the internet and watched lots of youtube videos. I've read Men On Strike by Helen Smith and Women's Infidelity by Michelle Langley, as well as lurking RVF periodically for over a year. I've also been watching Corey Wayne videos lately, and I think they're mostly good, but I can't quite put my finger on what's missing. Both Leykis and Corey Wayne offer great starting points, but I don't feel like either of them offers a complete roadmap to an abundance of pussy. Maybe Corey Wayne just drags out his stories too much and it gets boring for me. I've also listened to a handful of Paul Elam videos, including his debate with Roosh that's on youtube.

Additionally, about a year ago, I joined a meetup group dedicated to discussing No More Mister Nice Guy by Robert Glover, and some of the perspectives I've gotten from other guys in that group are interesting. I'm not trying to take any position about any of the conflicting philosophies of all the people I've just mentioned, but I'm simply pointing out that I have a rather well-rounded exposure to and understanding of lots of different redpill (or redpill-esque) perspectives, and I think each one has a little something good to offer.

Anyway, I'm not really sure what I want out of life, long term. I'm single, never married, no kids, got the snip when I was 30 (greatest decision I ever made, should have done it sooner, but now I'm getting to a point where I don't feel like I've put my sterilized status to good use and taken full advantage of it), and I grew up in an environment in which I never witnessed any affection whatsoever between my parents. The way sex was dealt with in my household growing up was rather weird. My father was lackadaisical and nonchalant, often joking around and making references to getting girls with big tits to ride next to him on a roller coaster so he could watch them bounce (and maybe cop an "inadvertent" feel), and he made little to no effort to hide his huge porn stash. Still, we never had "the conversation." I don't know which one of us was more uncomfortable about it, but suffice to say, it never happened, and that's another factor that messed with my head for a number of years.

My mother on the other hand was much more uptight about sex, or at least about shielding me from it when I was really young, probably in some horribly misguided attempt to help me maintain my "childhood innocence." One time when I was about four years old, I was with my parents and grandparents walking through JC Penney and I started running around looking up the dresses of mannequins, and everyone except my father went nuts, shaming me and making me feel like my simple curiosity about human anatomy was somehow wrong and something I should feel guilty about. They should have been commending me for knowing, even at that young age, not to run up to real random women and start "grabbing them by the pussy."

They should have recognized that by only attacking mannequins, I was demonstrating a reasonably decent understanding of what is or isn't appropriate. Instead of an age-appropriate lesson in response to my normal, natural, healthy curiosity, I was treated to overhearing the condemnation of my parents coming from my grandparents about how I was going to grow up to be a "pervert" and that it was my parents' responsibility to "fix" me. That and a lot of other similar shit that happened throughout my childhood really fucked me up for a long time.

I ended up repressing my sexual desire for decades, well into my 20s and early 30s. I never told my father I got snipped before he died, and my mother still doesn't know, but she is absolutely clear on my stance against having children and doesn't expect grandchildren. I really don't know what she thinks at this point - maybe she thinks I'm gay or asexual or some version of MGTOW (not that she's familiar with the actual term MGTOW). I rarely talk about sex with her now, and when I do, it's usually in the context of talking about friends of mine who are getting married or having difficulty with their LTRs or whatever - never really does the topic swing around to me or my pursuit of women. I guess I'm still ashamed of my own sex drive when talking TO HER, but not really to anyone else anymore. I suppose it's good that she now lives 2500 miles away.

Ideally, I would like to ultimately end up in a LTR, but there are so many factors working against that, plus I'm not done with being a total manslut. I've missed way more opportunities of women throwing themselves at me or at least giving me a clear green light than I care to admit. Psychologically, I think this all is rooted in my childhood, and I'm not sure I'm 100% over all those issues, but I do know that I want to make up for all those missed chances. I've worked really hard trying to figure myself out over the past few years, and I'm in the best mental place I've been in for as long as I can remember, maybe the best of my entire life.

But I'm not getting much pussy and that's a problem. It's now time for me to turn to RVF for help. The last girl I banged was the aggressor. That was back in October. I tend to friendzone myself, or at least I used to. The reason I got that bang had more to do with her nymphomania than any strategy I applied to her. I met her at a group meetup on a Saturday night and we agreed to get together to see a movie Sunday night. On the escalator up to the theater, she stuck her tongue down my throat. I didn't have to escalate or strategize or do much of anything really. It was something that happened "TO ME." It was not something that I MADE HAPPEN. I have to get better at making things happen and getting notches for myself.

Two hours of making out and a movie theater blow job later, we went back to my place and fucked. I banged her again two nights later, but then she went a little crazy because she was remarkably insecure and somehow, even at the age of 40, didn't seem to understand that two bangs within half a week of meeting somehow doesn't equate to me wanting to be in a LTR with her. I cut strings that Thursday and haven't talked to her since. She was going to be way too much trouble, especially with her two teenage kids.

But now I'm in a long dry spell and although I continue going to meetups and interacting with lots of people and having an overall good time whenever I'm out, it hasn't translated to dates or bangs or really much of anything.

I'm not on facebook for privacy reasons and I hate all the online dating sites, probably because I suck at using them and I never seem to get good results. I'm not good at cold approaches most of the time, although I have my moments. I don't experience what I would call AA, since there's really no anxiety to speak of, but I often get tongue-tied and I'm just plain clueless about how to open. I don't get nervous; my mind just goes blank. Much more often than not, I say nothing and let the opportunity fade away. I know this has to change. Once in a while I think of something good to open with, and sometimes I get the number. But the next problem is that once I get the number I don't have a long track record of effectively following up.

Sorry for the long length of this intro post and sorry if I rambled at any point. I'm not really sure what my best next steps are going to be, and although I feel like I'm definitely on the right track, I seem to have stalled out, and the goal of mastering the art of spinning plates with ease still feels so far away. After completely cutting ties 11 months ago with a woman I was emotionally invested in on and off for nearly 10 years (but only banged once) and after reading the Michelle Langley book, I'm really jaded about LTRs, and I think it's women's nature to be promiscuous, so I want the next best thing, which is a steady flow of pussy in and out of my bed. A lot of the anger I referenced earlier revolved around my bitterness at my not being in a position to lock a woman down; once I realized the problem is not me, but them, I let go of all that shit. Now I just want to fuck and enjoy my dick and my apartment and my money and all the good things I have going for me in life.

Been on the right track working on myself, but stalled out recently

Hey, congratulations for being in a great spot and recognising you want to change something.

Read BANG and then begin approaching.
BANG really steps out how to approach women and move your interaction forward with sexual intent.

Been on the right track working on myself, but stalled out recently

"When you're going through hell, keep going."

- Winston Churchill

YoungBlade's HEMA Datasheet
Tabletop Role-playing Games
Barefoot walking (earthing) datasheet
Occult/Wicca/Pagan Girls Datasheet

Havamal 77

Cows die,
family die,
you will die the same way.
I know only one thing
that never dies:
the reputation of the one who's died.

Been on the right track working on myself, but stalled out recently

First, I ordered Bang and I'm going to read it cover to cover when it arrives. Second, I'm familiar with that Winston Churchill quote, and I love it.

Not-so-quick update... I was out last Wednesday night for a function that wasn't organized as a PUA event, but in my own personal way I kind of twisted it around to make it that, at least for myself in my own mind. It's sort of a sensitive situation, so if you want all the details, just PM me. It involves a certain social media site that doesn't allow PUA oriented events that I don't want to mention by name here.

Anyway, I'm having a great time with everyone at a Korean karoake bar and gaining lots of confidence, feeling good. Around 10:30, people start clearing out one by one, but this one kid who seemed cool wasn't ready to call it a night. He convinced me to go out to a different bar with him, and I did. While we were there, he called a female friend of his for the specific purpose of hooking me up with her. She shows up and she's just barely a WB for me. Once I get better at game that won't be the case, but I know where I stand right now. We get kind of cozy after she shows up and everything is going well, but by now it's 11:45 and the place closes at midnight.

Onto the third place, which was a bar/retro arcade that I wasn't particularly excited about, but whatever. So we get there, have a few drinks, play a few games, everything is going fine or good. I'm working on escalating with physical touch and she's receptive.

Then she and I start playing PacMan and after a few minutes I get on a roll and clear an entire board really quickly without dying. I step back from the machine with an intense look on my face, as if I just accomplished something big, and next thing I know I'm down on the floor with a dislocated knee. Fucking Sammy Sosa throwing his back out by sneezing has nothing on me. Total crazy freak accident. I don't know if I banged my leg into the PacMan machine or what. The guy I was there with and the bartender helped lift me up after I pushed the patella back into its socket.

I sat down and she sat down right next to me and asked if I was all right. I said no and grabbed her hand, then looked up at her face and in one motion went in for the lips. No tongue and nothing sloppy, but lip to lip at least. Unfortunately, I knew from previous knee dislocations that I was in no shape to do anything sexual below my shoulders and I'm still not. [Image: cb.gif] Cockblocked by Ms. PacMan. Couldn't write this shit in a movie because nobody would believe it.

My knee has swollen to the size of a grapefruit and it's stiff. I'm walking with a limp and I figure it will be at least another week before I would feel comfortable hooking up with a chick (assuming I can find one) and probably a month before I can really feel normal again walking around and doing regular everyday things. I guess when I'm going through hell, I should keep going. [Image: boring.gif]

Right now I'm so fucking bummed because I was in such a groove before the injury. Nobody can know for sure, but if I were an oddsmaker, I'd give myself a 90-95% chance of getting the notch that night if I hadn't suffered the injury. I got the number, but she hasn't been responsive in the days since, which is not really my concern. If we ultimately reconnect fine, if not, that's fine too. She might think I was blowing her off because I don't think she realized how severe the injury was, but that's because it hadn't swollen and stiffened up yet. I knew from experience how bad it was going to be, and I was correct.

In other news, a new-ish buddy of mine who I've only known for a few months who is very red pill and familiar with the "manosphere" but doesn't have a lot of pickup experience has solicited my help, which kind of makes me uncomfortable because of my own relative lack of experience, but it seems I have more notches than him (I think). It was a bit of a canned hunt because this guy he works with has been trying to set up my buddy with the guy's stepdaughter, but the coaching I gave him definitely worked and the conversation we had beforehand raised both of our confidence levels.

We both know he has to proceed cautiously because it's sort of but not exactly like shitting where you eat. Nothing here is going to lead to an HR issue, and the guy works in a different department, so I figure it should be ok for my buddy to meet this chick to grab a bite to eat and take it from there. I suggested the drinks-only strategy, but my friend doesn't drink at all. Otherwise, I would have had him follow Leykis 101 and ask, "What time are you having dinner on Friday? Oh, 7:30? Great, let's meet for a drink around 9 or 9:15."

Instead, I had him text the following (*names changed to protect the guilty):

John*: Steve* said all these marvelous things about you and really built you up a lot, so I hope you don't let me down when we finally meet. [Image: wink.gif]

John*: I'm thinking we should meet up this weekend to grab a bite and I have a few places in mind. Give me a call when you're free to discuss.

Kim*: I don't believe everything that comes out of Steve*'s mouth.

Kim*: That sounds good. Let me know where and when.

I told him to keep things as brief as possible if she actually called, but that she would probably just text back, which she did. I thought that was a great way to put the ball in her court without really putting it there; i.e., we knew she would respond (we knew since Steve* has made it clear that he has told Kim* about John* and that she has been at least playing along with the idea of being set up by her stepdad), but gave her the option of calling or texting to make her feel like she was in control. I also told him to limit contact with her until he sees her face to face on Friday night and not to make any small talk with her whatsoever. Save it all for the in person meeting.

He's going to text her Friday around lunch time to establish an exact location and time. I told him to leave that open so that he could use that as a way to indirectly confirm on the day of that the date is still on. I don't like the idea of texting solely to confirm because it suggests potential insecurity/clinginess/low value. OTOH I also don't like not confirming and just showing up after four days of no contact whatsoever because of the increased probability of a flake-out. At least this way, he can tell her the time and place, and she can respond back to confirm. If she ignores him, it means she flaked, and he doesn't have to waste a trip.

He doesn't want to pick her up in his truck, so the explanation (only if she asks) is that he's got class and going to meet her directly from there, which is actually true. They'll each arrive on their own, which I told him means they'll likely leave separately as well, but he's not necessarily looking for the notch on the first night because of this chick's proximity to his work. He only wants to feel her out first and make sure she's not a total psycho, which I told him might be difficult to determine after only one date.

I told him if she asks about his past relationships, the answer is a sarcastic deflection. He came up with a pretty good one about concubines, which I enhanced by modifying to, "Do you want to know about all my concubines, or only my previous wives?"

Since this isn't a cold approach, I told him to keep his mouth shut as much as possible. Let her do the talking while he sits there just smiling and nodding, with appropriate questions from him sprinkled in here and there with proper timing. This will allow her to feel like he's a good listener and that he actually gives a shit about anything she says, while at the same time not giving her the chance to think he's a self-absorbed blowhard who talks only about himself all the time. Most importantly, it prevents him from putting his foot in his mouth. Roughly 3/5 of her questions should be answered with a question, and preferably in a playful but sexual way. The others he should be able to answer in a way that increases his SMV in her eyes.

I don't think he's going to be able to kino her much (due to his inexperience with game) and I really don't expect him to get the notch on the first date, but my coaching him really helped me to boost my own confidence, especially since I'm physically out of commission for the time being.

Did I coach him well? Am I right that there are enough degrees of separation to protect him from shit blowing up at work in case this girl eventually decides she hates him and wants to go nuclear on him? It's not too late for him to call the whole thing off if the consensus here is that it's too dangerous. Assuming this is a go, is there anything else I should tell him that could be beneficial for this specific situation?

I know this post is really long, as was my previous one, so thanks for reading. I'll try to keep them shorter in the future.

Been on the right track working on myself, but stalled out recently


Been on the right track working on myself, but stalled out recently

Quote: (03-20-2017 08:26 PM)Off The Reservation Wrote:  


Truth is stranger than fiction. What do you want me to say? This is the newbie forum. I thought this stuff was allowed?

Been on the right track working on myself, but stalled out recently

Well, hes not too far off. Thing is, youre making this harder than it has to be.

Rarely on an internet forum, do people really want to read through your whole life story, Keep it simple.

You want to improve but you are having a hard time.

Ok, take a break for a week and just relax and clear your head, sometime towards the end of that week make up plans on how you are going to improve to where you want to go, amend them as much as possible. Then after that week of rest, start working at it.

There will be times when you feel burnt out.

Take a week off, rinse and repeat.

Rome wasnt built in a day, it takes time, often 2-4 years to really get where you want to be.

Oh and yeah, Keep it simple! Simplify everything. Star with your posts lol

Hope this helps.

Also, on giving people advice. Usually Id say dont unless you are getting paid. Your friend asked you SO, he recognises that youve got something going on that you dont know you have. If you dont feel you can teach him try to figure out why, amplify that part of you and teach it to him.

Also simplify your methods.

Heres an example (also something Im working on)*

Get your body in TOP shape, six pack low body fat decently large muscles etc (this is about a year or two of work in it self or more).

Get nice clothes, for casual AND formal wear

Get good pictures (professional and only done after about reaching 13 % body fat)

Post those pictures on Tinder as a back burner.

Go out gaming (this could be done in the meantime) go to coffee shops, bookstores, look up low time intensive group activities.

Get some kind of hobby that women like. (do some simple research for this)

Take the lessosn in Bang, simplify them as they are a basis. the above builds on that (except for the body thing, that is your foundation.)

Im assuming you have a decent job, you could also get him to work on some location independent skill. . .

Take that, and try to simplify that even MORE and teach it to him, or teach it to him a little at a time. (this is why you get people to pay you, but that is another subject for another time.)

Keep it simple.

Isaiah 4:1

Been on the right track working on myself, but stalled out recently

Thanks for the detailed response, CJ_W. I knew not everyone would read my posts in their entirety, but I hoped a few would. I'm a big believer that in order to understand where we're going, we have to understand where we are, and additionally, we also have to understand how we got here. That's why I provided all that past background information.

I can point to several keystone events in my life that I believe influenced the path I've taken, so FOR THOSE WHO ARE INTERESTED, I wanted to be as much of an open book as possible. I'm fully aware that 90+% (maybe 99+%) of guys reading this thread won't give a shit about most of what I wrote, but I figured if there's something about me that someone else can relate to, it might help someone else better understand their own stuff.

I think the biggest reason why I've hit a wall at this particular time is that the next step in my improvement is to start doing a lot of frequent cold approaches, and it's a big step that's not easy for most guys in my position. At least it's certainly not easy for me. As for the rest, you are 100% correct about everything and I am going to integrate those suggestions into my plans.

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