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The Spread Of Islam In America

The Spread Of Islam In America

One of the good arguments to shove in the faces of pro-muslim advocates is the muslim hatred of dogs. Muslim immigrants in the west routinely lay poison bait in dog parks that cause horrendously painful deaths and poison local dogs in their own yards in their quest to drive out non-muslims and claim local neighbourhoods for islam.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Spread Of Islam In America

nike coming out with a sportswear hijab for muslim female athletes. So much pandering going on. For corporations, Muslims are the new gays. A few years ago it was all about the corporations and their rainbow flags. Now theyre all talking about Muslims.

For example you can take a look at starbucks wanting to hire a ton of refugees.

The Spread Of Islam In America

Money is the deciding factor whether corporations will pander to a certain group.

Once the veil is lifted (no pun) and people see what this religion is then you will see it slow down and have many leave it.

As geert wilders put shares aspects of religion. A place of worship, a holy book and customs. Where it differs is that it is totalitarian. Combined with the hadiths, your whole life is planned. How you eat, go to the restroom, marriage, food you can eat. Apostasy punishable by death. It is totalitarianism, much like fascism or communism.

The west is brainwashed. For example, the holocaust is drilled into the heads of everybody and no other holocausts ( massacres) are studied to that level. From Cambodia to Stalins Russia you had more people killed and it only gets a smidget of recognition. Once the Jewish narrative is replaced by a logical unbiased narrative then people will change and perhaps vote differently. Henceforth, the truth about ideologies (Islam) and globalism will have their true colors on display for the world to see.

The Spread Of Islam In America

How are dogs going to do anything to slow down muslim immigration when it hasn't even been slowed down by our large population of warpigs?

The Spread Of Islam In America

Quote: (03-07-2017 02:07 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

One of the good arguments to shove in the faces of pro-muslim advocates is the muslim hatred of dogs. Muslim immigrants in the west routinely lay poison bait in dog parks that cause horrendously painful deaths and poison local dogs in their own yards in their quest to drive out non-muslims and claim local neighbourhoods for islam.
Muslim don't hate dogs and you will find dogs in many Muslim countries being popular pets or house guards.

There is a branch of hardcore Islam (Salafis) that says the angels won't get in a house where there are dogs and idols (they consider statues photos as such...)

Islam has to be fought the same way Christianity was fought in Europe. In the end It's the same silly religion in which people believe there was once upon a time a guy who cut the see in two parts, and another guy who took all the animal species in his boat, and another guy who could walk on the water, and a god who kicked his creature out of paradise because of the trick played by another one of his creatures who was sent to rule a place where the descendant of the first creature will be burned eternally for not believing in this whole crazy story.

A fight against idiocy will eventually be concluded with a victory but if the fight is between one idiocy and another the outcome won't be a victory for anyone.

The Spread Of Islam In America

Quote: (03-05-2017 02:52 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Quote: (03-05-2017 12:47 AM)polymath Wrote:  

Am I allowed to disagree with OP here?

Not to be contrarian, but I thought this thread could use a little bit of peaceful dissent.

First, religious freedom is one of the founding principles of the United States.

Second, in my experience most immigrants are focused on paying the bills and sending their kids to good schools. I bet anyone named Mohammad who comes over to the States with 9 kids, and no savings, is so busy working that he doesn't have time to go to a mosque.

Modern welfare states are an islamist's paradise.

He can take 4 wives and have 4 children with each but since the state only recognises one wife (or none if they only marry under a well-screened imam) then each mother can collect a huge welfare cheque and he can collect unemployment himself. They can all live under the same roof and literally pull well over 100k in combined pensions while enjoying the benefits of economy of scale re:feeding and clothing the kids. Hell, three of the "single mothers" can get work and still retain a lot of benefits while the fourth "single mother" babysits the 16 kids. And not only will you pay for their unemployment and other benefits but you'll pay for other "minority only" special programs AND all their maternity costs and medical issues in general.

And if anyone in the welfare department says anything about it they get told to shut up. Push the issue and they'll be fired for islamophobia or some other hastily constructed bullshit.

Meanwhile, this is entirely in keeping with their faith, which states that the kuffar (us) is the servant of the muslim and exists for his benefit only. Welfare in that light is seen as just another form of Jizya (kuffar/infidel tax).

So 5 muslims become 21 muslims, and they all have a lot of time on their hands to engage in what we might term "community activism".

I have never seen or heard of anyone doing this, except perhaps some Mexican family way out in the exurbs of Houston in a crumbling old house. But Muslim familes?

I come from that heritage (Lebanese to be specific) and the only Muslim familes I know of are single family households with a husband and wife with 2-4 children, and maybe a dog. Yes, a dog. Not like the rapefugees poisoning dogs in public parks.

So I'd like to ask -- do you have any sources or articles that point out the welfare abuses by Muslims?

The Spread Of Islam In America

You can search them out as easily as I can.

And yes, there are plenty of lip-service muslims (which I mean in a nice way) that have dogs and stable nuclear families.

But the rapefugees are another matter entirely, and they are the ones being imported as an invasion force. Their abuse of the welfare systems and acts such as laying poison in dog parks or specifically tossing it into people's yards where they know there to be a dog are just a few small acts of jihad among thousands that they perpetrate every day with the overall goal of dominating and eliminating Western nations.

And unfortunately guys like you are stuck in the middle. A tough spot to be in, but the West cannot allow itself to be gagged against speaking out about the dangers of Islam just because some muslims have chosen integration over adhering to the strict letter of the Koran.

Islam has no place in our societies except as a periphery. A statistical anomaly. Just as a million dog or pig breeders have no business expecting to be able to open shop in an islamic theocracy.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Spread Of Islam In America

Quote: (05-04-2017 09:54 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

I have never seen or heard of anyone doing this, except perhaps some Mexican family way out in the exurbs of Houston in a crumbling old house. But Muslim familes?

I come from that heritage (Lebanese to be specific) and the only Muslim familes I know of are single family households with a husband and wife with 2-4 children, and maybe a dog. Yes, a dog. Not like the rapefugees poisoning dogs in public parks.

So I'd like to ask -- do you have any sources or articles that point out the welfare abuses by Muslims?

What the fuck do you talk about?

This is not even illegal in any of the Western countries. Yes - you cannot register 4 wives and Snopes has "debunked" that - those fakenews-spreaders.

But you can have one legal wife and 3 baby-mammas. Who is going to find out that all her social security is getting picked up by the husband (married only under Islamic law which is not accepted by the state)? Even that is not illegal.

The funny part is that most of the media has stopped reporting this especially in the US.

I saw TV reports a few years back where TV crews caught a few. Now this would be called Islamophobia.

Islam is one of the most evil and war-faring backwards ideologies in the world literally destroying the very fabric of an advanced civilization. It should be banned - worldwide for the sake of Muslims in countries like Saudi Arabia as well.

And mark my words - it will be banned one day.

The Spread Of Islam In America

Here one case that came out in Germany - man with 4 wives and 23 children receiving over 400.000$ per year in benefits (including rental properties).


The unacceptable phenomenon of bleeding taxpayers for Islamic practices that are actually against Western law is nothing new. In Ontario, it was announced last year that Muslims were claiming cash for numerous wives; Mumtaz Ali, president of the Canadian Society of Muslims, arrogantly stated:

“There are many people in the community who are taking advantage of this,” Ali said. “This is a law and there’s nothing wrong with it.”

Of course he is right - it is legal.

Even I could have 100 baby mammas - if I somehow convince them to move together renting an entire apartment building, giving me their social security and accepting me as their husband, then I have a medieval harem on my hand.

Of course there would be little holding those women back from moving away and living on their own.

However if I had the legal backing of Islam and good Muslim women being used to this kind of deal, then those women would be behaving well. And even if they did not behave - who cares? I could divorce them (we are not married legally anyway) and import another one - younger and more pretty. And as for her kids - I could get them and travel with them shit-hole-istan, then leave them with my extended family. The mother would never see them again and there is nothing the US will be able to do in this case. This by the way has happened multiple times.

The Spread Of Islam In America

^Don't forget. If one of the women leaves you without the express permission of yourself and the local imam you can just arrange to have acid thrown on her face.

How many thousands of acid attacks have been recorded in Britain in the last year? Several thousand from memory at least.

Up from what, prior to the presence of islam in the UK? I'm guessing about 2000 percent.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Spread Of Islam In America

I almost regret sticking my neck out here, but fuck it.

Quote: (05-04-2017 11:14 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

And unfortunately guys like you are stuck in the middle. A tough spot to be in, but the West cannot allow itself to be gagged against speaking out about the dangers of Islam just because some muslims have chosen integration over adhering to the strict letter of the Koran.

I fully agree that Islam is fundamentally incompatible with Western civilization, which is one of the many reasons why I never got into practicing it. Even my parents and extended family abandoned most of their practices once they moved to the US. It just doesn't work together.

The invasive immigration into EU and AU, and to a lesser extent the US, is indeed the root of the problem -- and let's not forget who is enabling this immigration.

Quote: (05-05-2017 03:14 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

What the fuck do you talk about?

What the fuck Zel? You getting triggered because someone isn't taking your words as gospel?

I'm talking about what I see with my own eyes, and what I experience in my own life. I will stick with what I said... I do not personally know of ANY Muslim doing this. Not one. I have never seen or met any muslims abusing welfare like this in my entire life. The only time I hear of it is through the news sources quoted in this forum.

Now I'm not saying muslims are above reproach (who is?).

I have my own criticisms against Islam, too.

But we have to realize that there is a broad range of muslims -- sunni, shia, jihadists, wahhabists, conservatives, moderates, very loose followers, non-practicing, reformers and apostates.

Making blanket statements as if "all muslims" are rapefugees, etc is not fair to loose followers, apostates, non-practicing muslims, and yes... some moderates... plus a few members of this very forum who were born into Muslim families.

Like Leonard said, tough spot indeed.

The Spread Of Islam In America

It probably has been mentioned before, but the kind of Muslims moving to the US are for the most part a different breed and social class than the ones in Europe. So frankly the American and European perspectives are never going to match when it comes to first-hand personal experience.

The Spread Of Islam In America

Nah - I take the fuck back.

I know that Muslims are good people too. I have ex-Muslim friends and go out with an Afghani (and son of an Imam) occasionally.

I differentiate between Muslims and Islam. Many simply don't let this religion influence themselves (or they don't know much about it or pick a very liberal Imam and get their knowledge from him).

I never said that all Muslims are this and that. But since the underlying ideology is highly negative, then automatically x-number of Muslims will be rotten (unless you pick only the highly secular very intelligent ones, but that is not the case). There are other issues which also are problematic in the West - inbreeding, thus lower IQs, less competitiveness in the high-IQ Western job market, thus even greater infatuation with Islam, because it helps you save face as a man.

We have a huge ass migrant invasion of Europe thread where we discussed all of this.

It is a tough spot and the globalists are not helping, but just creating a major conflict in the future. Ah well - nothing we can do about.

As for the kind of Muslims moving into the US - in the past that was true. But the US is getting now the EU ones as well. The old more educated or highly secular ones were coming in under the previous immigration model, because others had a tough time getting visas.

The Spread Of Islam In America

It sucks, but part of the problem is that the Koran is the Koran. We're now seeing the kids of moderate muslim immigrants "becoming radicalised" which is another way of saying "following Mohammed's teachings". These kids have not grown up in an impoverished theocracy and despite claims by the social justice crowd have not suffered any more racism than other more peaceful minorities. But still they plan and commit terror attacks or leave to fight for ISIS (before in some cases coming back and "reforming").

Beyond that, it's simple human nature that once you reach a certain a certain density in your region you reasonably expect things around you to change to something more suitable to "your kind". If a shitload of Chinese move into an area then a shitload of traditional restaurants are going to disappear in favour of Chinese ones, and on certain days of the year people are going to find themselves putting up with fireworks. That's the reality of immigration and culture. More muslims = more muslim culture, whether most of those muslims are moderate or not.

Sorry, CS. You seem like a really nice guy. But the West is starting to learn the hard way that when a demographic grows beyond the size of a "novelty" then they cease to enrich a nation and begin competing with the natives for cultural territory. And even more unfortunately in the case of muslims a few of them start to read the Koran, take it seriously and instead of replacing restaurants they begin driving trucks into crowds of white people.

In any case, you have my vote to be part of the "novelty" sized presence, particularly if you're from a more peaceful branch being persecuted by the homicidal zealots.

p.s. This isn't even limited to religion or race. It's coming from a guy that's watching yuppie scum move into his beloved country town and instantly running for positions of elected authority.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Spread Of Islam In America

Ok, glad we cleared that up, guys -- sounds like we're on the same page now. But that still leaves us with what to do about this, and unfortunately it doesn't seem we have a whole lot of options.

Personally, I don't even like to think about it or read the migration thread because it bothers me deeply. Of course it bothers all of us, it's a deeply disturbing trend. I don't mean to make it about "me" here, but if/when that major conflict we're lunging headfirst into finally does happen, I'm afraid that I'm going to have to make very serious decisions about whether to stay with my (mostly secular) family, or completely abandon them if they pick the wrong side. I hope that day never actually comes, but if it does...

The Spread Of Islam In America

^Make a red-pilled choice about which side is going to win and then back them fanatically.

Or find a safe third option you can escape to.

In any case, don't hesitate and don't bet on things simply blowing over.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Spread Of Islam In America

Quote: (05-05-2017 04:21 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

We're now seeing the kids of moderate muslim immigrants "becoming radicalised" which is another way of saying "following Mohammed's teachings".
no it's another way of saying "choosing an extreme interpretation of Islam".

Mohamed didn't leave written teachings a his time, all the Hadiths were written more than a century after his death so there are Muslim who don't take them in accounts, there are Muslims who only trust a limited number of verified one but still don't put it in the same level as Koran and there are the zealous ones who take all of them for sacred words.

Muslims who chose to only believe in Koran and remember the fact the verses didn't come out it the same time and each one had a context in a certain period can be fit in western societies.

Radicals aren't even fitting in moderate "Arab" countries like Morocco where the Burqa is banned by the law.

The Spread Of Islam In America

^Doesn't matter. Christian youths are not running off to behead Buddhists. Buddhist youths are not running off to behead Hindus. Hindu youths are not running off to behead Jews and Jewish youths are not running off to behead Christians.

If you can't derive some sort of mind-numbingly obvious home truths from those facts then you've obviously got an agenda to drive.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Spread Of Islam In America

Back to the french topic, France's biggest mistake was allowing the Saudi to pay for the mosques built there and let them send their radical preacher. It is something that was done a long time ago and the first radicals we've seen in Morocco were radicalized in France. The first Burqa I've seen in my life was in France while I grew up in Morocco in the 80ies and most of the 90ies.

You will even see French from Nord African descent wear much more oriental clothes and say eastern Arabic words thinking it's their culture.

When I went to France for studies after graduating high school I couldn't get along well with most them, even those who didn't practice Islam were too much conservative and in a weird way with weird rules.
- They didn't see mix couples in a good eye, like they own the Arab girls and can decide they should go out with white or black people.
- They were all listening to the same kind of music (mainly rap) while in Morocco there is diversity, at that age I was a lot into metal and they were shocked and told me it's white people's music. I told them "ok then rap is black people's music, why do you listen to it if music was something to be chosen according to race ?".
- Even those who didn't practice Islam were judging me for eating pork or not fasting during Ramadan and they didn't respect my right to not believe in that religion. In Morocco even people who were praying 5 times a day accepted that I didn't believe.

it's like they have created their own bubble with their own definition of the sacred Arab culture (mainly inspired by the bad clichés about Arabs).

The Spread Of Islam In America

Quote: (05-05-2017 05:21 AM)e-smile Wrote:  

Back to the french topic, France's biggest mistake was allowing the Saudi to pay for the mosques built there and let them send their radical preacher. It is something that was done a long time ago and the first radicals we've seen in Morocco were radicalized in France. The first Burqa I've seen in my life was in France while I grew up in Morocco in the 80ies and most of the 90ies.

You will even see French from Nord African descent wear much more oriental clothes and say eastern Arabic words thinking it's their culture.

When I went to France for studies after graduating high school I couldn't get along well with most them, even those who didn't practice Islam were too much conservative and in a weird way with weird rules.
- They didn't see mix couples in a good eye, like they own the Arab girls and can decide they should go out with white or black people.
- They were all listening to the same kind of music (mainly rap) while in Morocco there is diversity, at that age I was a lot into metal and they were shocked and told me it's white people's music. I told them "ok then rap is black people's music, why do you listen to it if music was something to be chosen according to race ?".
- Even those who didn't practice Islam were judging me for eating pork or not fasting during Ramadan and they didn't respect my right to not believe in that religion. In Morocco even people who were praying 5 times a day accepted that I didn't believe.

it's like they have created their own bubble with their own definition of the sacred Arab culture (mainly inspired by the bad clichés about Arabs).

The "radical' mosques are only partly to be blamed for this.

A good reason why Western Muslims become more radical is based on the difference between male and female self-worth and the difficulty for most of them to succeed in the West:

High-IQ Muslims in the West rarely need this prop, but there are few of them.

The Spread Of Islam In America

Quote: (05-05-2017 05:12 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

^Doesn't matter. Christian youths are not running off to behead Buddhists. Buddhist youths are not running off to behead Hindus. Hindu youths are not running off to behead Jews and Jewish youths are not running off to behead Christians.

If you can't derive some sort of mind-numbingly obvious home truths from those facts then you've obviously got an agenda to drive.

Muslim youth aren't either. You can't put 99,99999% of Muslims in the same bag as the crazy ones who are in the news. it's like saying Christians like to fuck little boys because there are facts of pedophilia in the church. it's also like saying Christians are polygamous because of the Mormons.

I'm among the ones who think Islam should be intellectually fought like other religions because the content of that belief is retard but stigmatization and rejection of Muslim people will only create more radicalization.

The Spread Of Islam In America

I have to laugh at all of this dog stuff. If anything, there are TOO MANY dogs in some Muslim countries. Packs of possibly-rabid stray dogs running around Egyptian and Iraqi cities can be scary. Plus the damn guard dogs people keep bark at night, keep you awake.

[Image: ?m=02&d=20080607&t=2&i=4676089&w=780&fh=...a-339480-1]
Stray dogs in Najaf, Iraq (Reuters)

Don't think OP or too many of you have ever visited a Muslim country. Yes, they are mostly corrupt and disorderly, but outside of Saudi Arabia, not the oppressive hellholes you imagine. Not much difference between Mexico and Morocco in many ways. The Islamists are a passing fire that will burn out indiginously if the west stops pouring gasoline on fires and great powers stop using those countries as a proxy battlefield.

Vice (booze, sex, drugs, gambling) will always find a way. Human nature. The booze flows in most Muslim countries, more than some Texas counties. Women can be seduced.

In the ranking of internal, external, and natural threats to the USA, Muslims taking over is #743. A lot of OP's sources are funded neocon/Israeli propaganda, so that the USA will be ready to bomb a Muslim country whenever "it is needed." Guandolo was FIRED from the FBI, now he's attacking a guy, McMaster, who spent years in Iraq and Afghanistan in combat against extremists. I guess he's a grifter, trying to hop on the gravy train.

Is it "red pill" to swallow bullshit and worry about the most hypothetical threat?

The Spread Of Islam In America

Quote: (05-05-2017 05:31 AM)e-smile Wrote:  

Muslim youth aren't either. You can't put 99,99999% of Muslims in the same bag as the crazy ones who are in the news. it's like saying Christians like to fuck little boys because there are facts of pedophilia in the church. it's also like saying Christians are polygamous because of the Mormons.

I'm among the ones who think Islam should be intellectually fought like other religions because the content of that belief is retard but stigmatization and rejection of Muslim people will only create more radicalization.

Sure, and all but the best of you can largely fuck off and do that back in your traditionally muslim nations so that the rest of us don't have to suffer routine terrorist attacks while you guys are getting your theological shit together, if it ever happens at all.

That way you wont have to worry about your precious feelings being hurt, which for some reason seems to slide of the backs of all other religious groups at least to the degree they don't run children over with trucks.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Spread Of Islam In America

Quote: (05-05-2017 05:24 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

The "radical' mosques are only partly to be blamed for this.

A good reason why Western Muslims become more radical is based on the difference between male and female self-worth and the difficulty for most of them to succeed in the West:

High-IQ Muslims in the West rarely need this prop, but there are few of them.
of course the radical mosques are only partly responsible but they were there to give a plan B to those who needed one.

I'm not sure about the male female difference as radicalizing factor but failure to succeed is definitely one and maybe the main one. it's the same logic for those who blame immigrant for their failure to get a job. like "it's the other's fault that I didn't succeed".

But I will dare to mention another factor and it's stigmatization and racism. while most of the french people I met were open minded, racism is also existing in France and can be felt often. it's harder for them to get a job (even a part time student summer job) and rent an apartment and if one is not wise enough it can breed rancor in their heart and that's the perfect material for making Jihadis.

That's why I think that radicalism must be fought in the same time as racism and that far right way of fighting Islam will only encourage radicalization. Sadly many those who fight racism in France are too much tolerant about Islam and many of those who fight Islam are too much tolerant about racism (or are racists themselves).

The Spread Of Islam In America

Quote: (05-05-2017 05:41 AM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Sure, and all but the best of you can largely fuck off and do that back in your traditionally muslim nations so that the rest of us don't have to suffer routine terrorist attacks while you guys are getting your theological shit together, if it ever happens at all.

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