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Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 02:31 PM)Coldfire Wrote:  

This bullshit makes my blood boil. I have long believed that our culture needs to be more critical of itself. There is no excuse for this behavior, this was clearly racially motivated. BLM and the media demonizing Trump and his supporters was bound to lead to this. When you make your opponent the devil you justify whatever atrocities you commit because you're trying to defeat the devil, but you're still committing atrocities.

BLM and the media demonizing Trump and his supporters was bound to lead to this: Don't forget the responsibility of many Hollywood movie-makers and "stars". I mean, for the last two decades, Hollywood has been producing movies ridiculing and even demonizing White people (see how 95% of hateful villains in movies are "Caucasians"). This Hollywood policy of casting Whites as villains, was and is bound to create racial hatred (against Caucasians) among part of the public (the less-educated ones).

For example, do you remember the disgusting, enraged video vomited by De Niro [Image: dodgy.gif] , where this de Niro duderino shouted in front of the camera his absolute, violent hatred of D. Trump and his supporters? Hollywood people like him are responsible for the climate of anti-Trump (and often, anti-White) rage, currently experienced in the US and abroad.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 03:15 PM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

I'd take long odds against the perps being spawn of single mothers. No father around to instill discipline and respect.

Check this video out:

This priest is an embarrassment. I'm Catholic and this guy quit the Catholic Church when he was found breaking his vow of celibacy with....a single mommy. He's now an Episcopalian. He totally cucks for single moms. Attacking men for being absent fathers.

Coulter tears him apart. Every single mom in the audience speaks about personal experience, not facts or studies.

The bottom line is that savagery and destitution is what happens when there are no men around to discipline children. Blacks are not alone in this, just the worst offenders due to having the worst percentage of single moms in their population subgroup.

Great video, I wonder why Ann never had kids. Too much of a ball buster? Lesbian?

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 04:41 PM)DamienCasanova Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2017 04:30 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

I don't know guys I'd rather punch these people.

[Image: 86c49167989877dfcfa9287ed954fcd2ced8786f...31097f.png]

Oh man what I'd pay for a chance to go one-on-one with these motherfuckers, especially that first one. For starters I'd split his other eye open and give him a matching set.

I'm glad I pay taxes so the police can deal with these motherfuckers.

The eye scar one is Tesfaye Cooper. He's only 18 but he's been fighting his whole life you can just tell. Just about any situation where you put him down is gonna be self defense.

When I was in the navy I took a class about military policing. Its amazing what I remember from the training.

In that mugshot, Tesfaye isn't trying to look really mean and cool. He's trying to alter his image so he's tougher to identify in photo line ups. He doesn't want people to "Tesafaye" against him.

This thing with the kid is probably low on the list of bad shit he's done.


Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Those "we don't call 911" signs might seem tough and cool but your lawyer would slap you if he saw you put one up.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

^^Sensible CCW carriers are quiet about carrying, they don't brag, aren't brash, and if in a bad scenario always look for every scenario to avoid discharging their firearm first.

You can be gun toting supporter, (I'd never personally open carry) and not rock those signs at your house.

Like someone said that's asking to be robbed.

I might show off a few rifles on social media, that's about it.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Shaun King, a white method actor who is best known for his dedication to pretending to be black 24/7/365, had this to say:



KING: Stop using the attack on a mentally challenged white man in Chicago to promote a racist agenda against Black Lives Matter

In Chicago, at least four young black men and women did something truly awful. On a damn Facebook Live video made public Wednesday, they allegedly kidnapped a mentally challenged white man, beat him, humiliated him, cut his hair, and yelled “f--k Donald Trump” and “f--k white people” while filming it for the world to see.

I just arrived back in America this morning after a week away and just watched the video moments ago. It’s awful. I have deep empathy for the victim. Twenty years ago, a racist mob of young white men beat me so badly that I missed 18 months of high school recovering from three spinal surgeries and fractures to my face and ribs.

I hate violence. Nearly 100 people are killed with guns per day in this country. Every 98 seconds someone is sexually assaulted in this country. Hate crimes are on the rise from coast to coast. Our incoming President of the United States admitted that he sexually assaults women. Women all over the country came forward to allegedly confirm it. His first wife, in a sworn deposition, said that he raped and brutally assaulted her. Ivana Trump later said she didn’t want the allegation to be considered in a literal or criminal sense.

This country is sick.

However, I see thousands of white folk online asking me why I’m not speaking out about it.

Beyond the fact that I literally just got back in the country a few hours ago with my wife and five kids, my answer is simple. As soon as I clicked on the first official story about the incident, I saw that four people had already been arrested for it. If more people were involved, whether it was two more black folk or 20, guess what, they’ll be charged and arrested, and convicted, and sentenced, and jailed for it as well. We will see their mugshots and videos of them walking into court with jail clothes any minute now. That’s how justice works in America.

This country does not need me to speak out on crimes committed by black folk because nobody in this country is held more responsible for the crimes they commit, and even the crimes they don’t commit, than black folk in America. Right now, young black men in America are incarcerated at a rate higher than South Africans were at the height of Apartheid.

I speak out on injustice. What happened to this man in Chicago was terrible. It was criminal. I hate it, but guess what — justice was swift. It was miraculously swift.

Justice is always swift and easy when black folk mess up, but you know who’s not in jail right now? George Zimmerman.

You know who’s not in jail right now? The officers who fired 41 shots at and killed Amadou Diallo on the doorstep of his Bronx home.

You know who’s not in jail right now? The officers who killed Eric Garner and Rekia Boyd.

You know who’s not in jail? The men who murdered Emmett Till.

Neither are the two white men who recently lured a mentally challenged black student into a locker room and rammed a hanger up his rectum.

We march for them. We protest for them. I write about them and Facebook and tweet about them — because justice has not been served in those cases. It almost never is.

Just Tuesday, a video surfaced of a police officer in a North Carolina high school slamming a petite 15-year-old black girl so hard on her head that he gave her a concussion.

Do you think he’s in jail? Nah. He’s on paid leave.

Trump calls for 'federal help' to combat Chicago murder rate
That’s always the story. These are the people and families I spend my limited time advocating for.

So no, I won’t be writing angry tweets about what these folk did in Chicago. They are already in jail. They will be punished, I am sure, to the fullest extent of the law, but I’ve written about case after case after case of drug offenses and incidents of sexual assault and even murders committed by white folk where the system gave them a helping hand. The Stanford swimmer, Brock Turner, who was caught in the act of raping a woman, but spent a summer in jail for it instead of the 10 to 20 years he deserved, comes to mind.

Black folk and white folk both use and sell drugs at almost identical rates, with the rates for whites actually being slightly higher in both categories, but African-Americans are sent to prison at four to 10 times the rates of whites for various drug offenses.

Black folk are held super-responsible for every mistake and criminal offense made. We rarely have to march for justice in our communities. American prisons are full of black folk who are being held responsible for every mistake they’ve ever made.

I have a childhood friend in prison right now, a good man, doing 10 hard years in prison for selling weed. He was a full time barber, a father, who sold weed on the side, but the system had no mercy on him whatsoever.

Now I actually see thousands of other whites saying I caused this assault. Of course I reject that foolishness altogether. What’s most disturbing is that I hardly see many whites who are particularly angry about the crime speaking sympathetically about the victim. They are mainly using it to advance their racist agenda and demonize random black folk who had nothing to do with such a thing. Furthermore, I have routinely seen tens of thousands of African-Americans standing up and fighting and protesting for white victims of police brutality and toxic masculinity. The Alt-Right Movement does not care about violence in this country. Thousands of whites murder people every year, but you’d be hard pressed to find a protest or march headed by their movement on white on white crime.

As I type, the top trending topic in the country is now #BLMKidnapping. BLM stands for Black Lives Matter. The people in the video never even suggested such a thing. The Black Lives Matter Movement has never advocated such a thing. I have never advocated such a thing.

Chicago officials said Thursday that the victim was attacked because of his mental disability, not because he’s white.

What we are witnessing here is that fact that when particular African-Americans commit a crime, many whites use the crime to cast aspersions and stereotype all black folk. It’s a ridiculous double standard rooted in racism and oppression.

Human beings do ugly stuff. I see it all over the world. Sometimes we learn what motivates people to be vicious, sometimes we don’t. I can think of a lot of people throughout history who this ugly crime in Chicago could be inspired by, but it damn sure isn’t me or the Black Lives Matter Movement.

I have never once heard one person in this movement mock the disabled. You know who I did see and hear mocking the disabled? Donald Trump. You know I did hear openly advocating violence from the microphone at his rallies last year? Donald Trump. He has drastically lowered the standard of decency for this country to a level that I have never seen before.

I’ll close with this final thought.

Yes, Dr. King’s words are true — “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,” but what we have right now is a system that clearly applies justice differently depending on three factors: the color of your skin, your zip code, and your bank account. I am glad the people who assaulted this young man were swiftly arrested. That’s how justice should work for all of us. But you and I both know that swift justice in this country primarily happens when black folk commit crimes.

This young man doesn’t need hashtags blaming me or a movement, he needs compassion and counseling. He also doesn’t need me advocating for justice. It will soon drop like Thor’s hammer without my help.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 05:27 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

^^Sensible CCW carriers are quiet about carrying, they don't brag, aren't brash, and if in a bad scenario always look for every scenario to avoid discharging their firearm first.

According my Allstate homeowners insurance, burglars are looking for:

1. Drugs
2. Guns
3. Cash
4. Jewelry
5. Electronics

In that order.

Those "Insured by Smith & Wesson" type signs are a great way to alert burglars that you have what they are looking for.


Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

One of the perps Tesfaye Cooper AKA 'PBG HotHead' has a hilariously low budget rap video.

Here’s A #BLMKidnapping Perpetrator’s “Dope” & “Hoes” Gangster Rap Music Video


Despite our best efforts, GotNews could not decipher any of the lyrics to the “music”, except for the words “dope”, “nigga”, “hoes”, and “money”, which occurred frequently.

[Image: pbghothead740-1-740x400.jpg]

[Image: pbg4.png]


Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 03:15 PM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

I'd take long odds against the perps being spawn of single mothers. No father around to instill discipline and respect.

Check this video out:

This priest is an embarrassment. I'm Catholic and this guy quit the Catholic Church when he was found breaking his vow of celibacy with....a single mommy. He's now an Episcopalian. He totally cucks for single moms. Attacking men for being absent fathers.

Coulter tears him apart. Every single mom in the audience speaks about personal experience, not facts or studies.

The bottom line is that savagery and destitution is what happens when there are no men around to discipline children. Blacks are not alone in this, just the worst offenders due to having the worst percentage of single moms in their population subgroup.

Cringeworthy & mind-boggling watching the endless procession of statistically illiterate mouth-breathers sent from hell to attack a realtalker---egged on by that ludicrous faggot of a priest.

And all because no one ever told these hoes that anecdata != data.

We suffer more in our own minds than we do in reality.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Mark Dice takes a step towards the 14.


Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 05:33 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2017 05:27 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

^^Sensible CCW carriers are quiet about carrying, they don't brag, aren't brash, and if in a bad scenario always look for every scenario to avoid discharging their firearm first.

According my Allstate homeowners insurance, burglars are looking for:

1. Drugs
2. Guns
3. Cash
4. Jewelry
5. Electronics

In that order.

Those "Insured by Smith & Wesson" type signs are a great way to alert burglars that you have what they are looking for.


I think that list is pretty accurate. Why? The top three things on that list, in that order, are the three things which people are least likely to report stolen, for obvious reasons.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

[Image: YrF4HO.jpg]

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

I couldn't watch the video. Social justice race-baiting freaks have stoked so much animosity in this country, they're being used as pawns by George Soros-funded groups to create racial division and it's clearly working. Disgusting.

This is what happens when leftist media spends all day peddling false narratives about Donald Trump and his supporters.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 05:33 PM)Kona Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2017 05:27 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

^^Sensible CCW carriers are quiet about carrying, they don't brag, aren't brash, and if in a bad scenario always look for every scenario to avoid discharging their firearm first.

According my Allstate homeowners insurance, burglars are looking for:

1. Drugs
2. Guns
3. Cash
4. Jewelry
5. Electronics

In that order.

Those "Insured by Smith & Wesson" type signs are a great way to alert burglars that you have what they are looking for.


What about a sign saying, "Sure I've got Cash, Jewelry and Electronics, but I also have a Gun... Do you feel lucky?"

[Image: d98c3fb06b405b04ea6e7b876cebe533.jpg]

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Pay no attention to the "fuck white people." This was really about ableism.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 06:22 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Mark Dice takes a step towards the 14.

Who is Mark Dice?

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 07:24 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2017 06:22 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Mark Dice takes a step towards the 14.

Who is Mark Dice?

Alex Jones lost cousin.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Brittany Herring's now got an article on KingsWiki:

,,Я видел, куда падает солнце!
Оно уходит сквозь постель,
В глубокую щель!"
-Андрей Середа, ,,Улица чужих лиц", 1989 г.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 05:52 PM)rotekz Wrote:  

One of the perps Tesfaye Cooper AKA 'PBG HotHead' has a hilariously low budget rap video.

I have a great idea for a track, if only I can think of a word that rhymes with nigga.....wait a minute..... I GOT IT!

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

This kidnapping is just wrong.

It's more than enough to scare me out of Chicago and even worse, affirm to me Chicago's "Chiraq" reputation.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

PJW sums it up pretty well.


Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Two things on Shaun King.

Given that SJWs always lie, it'd be interesting to see whether his medical records confirm that he suffered those broken ribs, spinal surgeries, and facial lacerations. His high school attendance record can also confirm or deny his claim of missing eighteen months of high school.

Secondly, if he insists that Brock Turner committed rape, you can mock all of his social justice causes by claiming people like Philando Castile were rapists.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Here's Brother John's take on the story:

,,Я видел, куда падает солнце!
Оно уходит сквозь постель,
В глубокую щель!"
-Андрей Середа, ,,Улица чужих лиц", 1989 г.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 08:10 PM)IvanDrago Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2017 05:52 PM)rotekz Wrote:  

One of the perps Tesfaye Cooper AKA 'PBG HotHead' has a hilariously low budget rap video.

I have a great idea for a track, if only I can think of a word that rhymes with nigga.....wait a minute..... I GOT IT!

That's actually not him.


Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Hate crime. Pure and simple. Throw the book at them. Balance the scales.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

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