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Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-04-2017 06:45 PM)Sooth Wrote:  

This stinks of influence by some unseen power that wants chaos.

Interesting theory...

In my opinion, it stinks of blacks who hate whites and want to torture them and exterminate them all.

(Only to go back living in primitive houses, without water and electricity, as in all places where blacks exterminated whites like Haiti, Zimbabwe and soon South Africa, work in progress)

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Washington Post appears to blame Trump for the attack.

"Pro-Trump narratives converge in one awful attack streamed on Facebook"


If you believe discrimination against white people is rampant, that Donald Trump supporters face persecution, that Chicago is a war zone, and the media is dishonest, then your entire worldview is likely to be confirmed by one awful story.

Chicago police have detained four black teenagers after one of them streamed a live video showing the group striking and shouting at a young white man, who was bound and gagged. In the video, the assailants say “f--- Trump” and “f--- white people” and say that the victim “represents Trump,” though it is unclear whether the man actually backs the president-elect.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

"If we took away women's right to vote, we'd never have to worry about another Democrat president."

- Ann Coulter

Team ∞D Chess

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

The Chicago police have buckled and the four cretins have now been charged with hate crimes. Justice prevails.


Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 10:24 AM)J. Spice Wrote:  

Seen on a different forum: Freedom, security, diversity. Pick two.
I choose to pick all three. That other forum sucks.

Delicious Tacos is the voice of my generation....

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 01:45 PM)HighSpeed_LowDrag Wrote:  

Segment on CNN last night about the attack:

LOL @ Sanders:


“We can’t callously call things hate crime,” Sanders said. “Is this hate for Donald Trump or pure hate of white people? That matters.”

TIL, it's only a hate crime if your actions are purely motivated by hatred for white people.

But if your hate is divided between hating whites, and hating Trump supporters, well then it's not a hate crime.


"Hate crimes are because of a person’s racial ethnicity, their religion, their gender, a disability, it isn’t your political leanings, because someone doesn’t like you’re political leanings and they do something bad to you, that is not a hate crime."

So if four Trump supporters kidnapped and tortured a mentally disabled black man, it wouldn't be a hate crime as long as they remembered to yell "Fuck Obama" right after they yelled "Fuck Black People"

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 12:45 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2017 12:31 PM)realologist Wrote:  

I hope they aren't prosecuted for hate crime actually. I hope they are prosecuted with the full extent of a just law for the terrible actions they took to get prosecuted for such a horrible crime. I hope this incident is what it takes to remove the ridiculous hate crimes anyway. Hate crimes are total bullshit.

As long as a person had the intent and action the motive shouldn't matter. The only place motive matters is in solving the crime. Once past that. Did they intend to kidnap and beat the individual? Yes. Did they do it? Yes.

The hate crime laws aren't going to go away if these monsters aren't prosecuted under them. It will just mean that the hate crime laws will be a weapon used only against white people.

I'm not sure why this is a desirable outcome.

This is also another very large reason why many Blacks are not able to fully assimilate into American society. Law should be blind, but whenever there is a bias or a lack of prosecution like this, deepens the divide.

Trump will be able to direct or ask his DOJ guys to come after these guys if necessary. Use Obama's Federal Hate Crime Law he signed into law against these idiots. Fight fire with fire until they get the message that reverse racism will not be tolerated.

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1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

This bullshit makes my blood boil. I have long believed that our culture needs to be more critical of itself. There is no excuse for this behavior, this was clearly racially motivated. BLM and the media demonizing Trump and his supporters was bound to lead to this. When you make your opponent the devil you justify whatever atrocities you commit because you're trying to defeat the devil, but you're still committing atrocities.

"The Carousel Stops For No Man" - Tuthmosis

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male


...He acknowledged that the suspects made “terrible racist statements” during the assault, but that investigators believe the victim was targeted because he has “special needs,” not because of his race. But he said authorities are still looking at whether the attack falls under hate crimes statutes....

So let me get this straight, if the attack was racially motivated, then it's a hate crime and much more serious, but if instead they merely decided to go out with the intention of "let's go kidnap and fuck up some retard" that's just run of the mill kidnapping and torture?

Personal feelings about hate crimes aside, I don't see how targeting race is much different than targeting mental ability or sexual orientation.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 02:45 PM)Seadog Wrote:  


...He acknowledged that the suspects made “terrible racist statements” during the assault, but that investigators believe the victim was targeted because he has “special needs,” not because of his race. But he said authorities are still looking at whether the attack falls under hate crimes statutes....

So let me get this straight, if the attack was racially motivated, then it's a hate crime and much more serious, but if instead they merely decided to go out with the intention of "let's go kidnap and fuck up some retard" that's just run of the mill kidnapping and torture?

Personal feelings about hate crimes aside, I don't see how targeting race is much different than targeting mental ability or sexual orientation.

I agree on this, race or special needs, they targeted the victim for either/both reason(s).

Both are a hate crime.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

honestly I was more shocked by the ghetto mom tased by a security guard video. that kind of people from that segment of society should be re-educated en mass but politicians would rather have them as a permanent low class of welfare slaves to exploit politically.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Made the mistake of watching a good ten minutes of this last night, thinking I wouldn't be affected by it...thank God Trump won, or else I'd be planning for the worst.

I remember reading a comments section on a Vox Day post essentially saying that the way to solve our violent black underclass problem is a second Liberia. I disagree with that - a generation of tough-on-crime legislation nationwide would do it. Dismantle the mainstream media, too.

That second one needs to be our main goal during the next four years. Even if, God forbid, Trump doesn't make it past four years, we'll never have another hysterical leftist candidate like Obama or Clinton for quite a while.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

I'd take long odds against the perps being spawn of single mothers. No father around to instill discipline and respect.

Check this video out:

This priest is an embarrassment. I'm Catholic and this guy quit the Catholic Church when he was found breaking his vow of celibacy with....a single mommy. He's now an Episcopalian. He totally cucks for single moms. Attacking men for being absent fathers.

Coulter tears him apart. Every single mom in the audience speaks about personal experience, not facts or studies.

The bottom line is that savagery and destitution is what happens when there are no men around to discipline children. Blacks are not alone in this, just the worst offenders due to having the worst percentage of single moms in their population subgroup.

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 02:07 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Washington Post appears to blame Trump for the attack.

"Pro-Trump narratives converge in one awful attack streamed on Facebook"


If you believe discrimination against white people is rampant, that Donald Trump supporters face persecution, that Chicago is a war zone, and the media is dishonest, then your entire worldview is likely to be confirmed by one awful story.

Chicago police have detained four black teenagers after one of them streamed a live video showing the group striking and shouting at a young white man, who was bound and gagged. In the video, the assailants say “f--- Trump” and “f--- white people” and say that the victim “represents Trump,” though it is unclear whether the man actually backs the president-elect.

Good grief, the author of that column is getting savaged in the comments. People are really, really angry about this.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 02:07 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Washington Post appears to blame Trump for the attack.

"Pro-Trump narratives converge in one awful attack streamed on Facebook"


If you believe discrimination against white people is rampant, that Donald Trump supporters face persecution, that Chicago is a war zone, and the media is dishonest, then your entire worldview is likely to be confirmed by one awful story.

Chicago police have detained four black teenagers after one of them streamed a live video showing the group striking and shouting at a young white man, who was bound and gagged. In the video, the assailants say “f--- Trump” and “f--- white people” and say that the victim “represents Trump,” though it is unclear whether the man actually backs the president-elect.

Good. The more the MSM shows its ass, the less everyday Americans will watch and read. Keep on doubling down, dumb asses. We're sitting on house money, and the house always wins.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 03:15 PM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

Blacks are not alone in this, just the worst offenders due to having the worst percentage of single moms in their population subgroup.

It is most definitely a reason, but probably not why you think. We all know every race does things like this, though this kind of violence is also very frequent in South Africa, torture with the sole purpose of rejoicing in suffering. That's a sociopathic crime, where as someone like Breivik or Dylan Roof are more likely to be narcissitic. There's a reason sociopaths usually have a history of animal abuse at a young age. It is not necessarily sadism, but thrillseeking.


Ferguson (2010) conducted a meta-analysis and found that 56% of the variance in Antisocial Personality Disorder, the formal disorder of sociopathy, can be explained through genetic influences.

Doesn't make one better than the other, but sociopathy is a genetic trait and my theory on why it happens more in some groups than others is due to lack of rule of law in some areas vs others. The European middle ages had a brutal rule of law, no prison, no fines, either corporal punishment, banishment or death. Violent crime was usually punished by death. There was far more low impulse control violence a few hundred years back in Europe.

Legitimate, judicial violence was deemed essential in the fight to suppress illegitimate, random violence. The monarch, in his role as the supreme judge, was expected to employ whatever violence was necessary in pursuit of social stability and safety for his subjects. Mutilations sent out a message of warning and deterrence; executions offered the ultimate guarantee against repeat offenders.


The need for governmental action against violent crime was strong. Manor records from England reveal that deaths from manslaughter were far commoner than accidental deaths.


by the early 1500s estimates would appear to indicate violent crimes running at the annual rate of twenty per 100,000 of population, ten times that of the nineteenth century.

That's my triggering theory which I know will not sit well with many, but I still believe it to be true. Medieval Europe simply snuffed out a lot of the sociopaths from the ages of Vikings and other barbarians who were as brutal and savage regarding violence as anyone. I imagine if you delve into Chinese history or Japanese history you find the same history of harsh corporal punishment in the past.

And then there's the single mother issue, because letting women control their sexuality will lead to selecting for these sociopaths, there was never a womanless sociopath, which means the sociopathic genes replicate.

IKE, saw the same in his work in the penal system, young repeat offenders where he could tell at a young age, these guys would end up committing some kind of violent crime later on due to being sociopathic. He recommends they should be put away for longer and earlier. I know it is triggering, but it is not a racist view, but a civilized one. No one is really served by letting sociopaths roam free.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 03:29 PM)C-Note Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2017 02:07 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Washington Post appears to blame Trump for the attack.

"Pro-Trump narratives converge in one awful attack streamed on Facebook"


If you believe discrimination against white people is rampant, that Donald Trump supporters face persecution, that Chicago is a war zone, and the media is dishonest, then your entire worldview is likely to be confirmed by one awful story.

Chicago police have detained four black teenagers after one of them streamed a live video showing the group striking and shouting at a young white man, who was bound and gagged. In the video, the assailants say “f--- Trump” and “f--- white people” and say that the victim “represents Trump,” though it is unclear whether the man actually backs the president-elect.

Good grief, the author of that column is getting savaged in the comments. People are really, really angry about this.

May I present to you the author Callum Borchers

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise:

[Image: CiQqjj9WkAAnCd5.jpg]

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 02:12 PM)Atlanta Man Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2017 10:24 AM)J. Spice Wrote:  

Seen on a different forum: Freedom, security, diversity. Pick two.
I choose to pick all three. That other forum sucks.

Well that's all of society's problems solved, then.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 03:49 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2017 03:29 PM)C-Note Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2017 02:07 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Washington Post appears to blame Trump for the attack.

"Pro-Trump narratives converge in one awful attack streamed on Facebook"


If you believe discrimination against white people is rampant, that Donald Trump supporters face persecution, that Chicago is a war zone, and the media is dishonest, then your entire worldview is likely to be confirmed by one awful story.

Chicago police have detained four black teenagers after one of them streamed a live video showing the group striking and shouting at a young white man, who was bound and gagged. In the video, the assailants say “f--- Trump” and “f--- white people” and say that the victim “represents Trump,” though it is unclear whether the man actually backs the president-elect.

Good grief, the author of that column is getting savaged in the comments. People are really, really angry about this.

May I present to you the author Callum Borchers

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise:

[Image: CiQqjj9WkAAnCd5.jpg]

I don't think I've seen a more punchable face.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 04:03 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2017 03:49 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

May I present to you the author Callum Borchers

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise:

[Image: CiQqjj9WkAAnCd5.jpg]

I don't think I've seen a more punchable face.

Quote: (01-05-2017 01:45 PM)HighSpeed_LowDrag Wrote:  

Segment on CNN last night about the attack:

I don't know man, I also want to Punch-Out! Don Flamenco & King Hippo so bad right now

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 04:03 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2017 03:49 PM)kaotic Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2017 03:29 PM)C-Note Wrote:  

Quote: (01-05-2017 02:07 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Washington Post appears to blame Trump for the attack.

"Pro-Trump narratives converge in one awful attack streamed on Facebook"


If you believe discrimination against white people is rampant, that Donald Trump supporters face persecution, that Chicago is a war zone, and the media is dishonest, then your entire worldview is likely to be confirmed by one awful story.

Chicago police have detained four black teenagers after one of them streamed a live video showing the group striking and shouting at a young white man, who was bound and gagged. In the video, the assailants say “f--- Trump” and “f--- white people” and say that the victim “represents Trump,” though it is unclear whether the man actually backs the president-elect.

Good grief, the author of that column is getting savaged in the comments. People are really, really angry about this.

May I present to you the author Callum Borchers

I am Jack's complete lack of surprise:

[Image: CiQqjj9WkAAnCd5.jpg]

I don't think I've seen a more punchable face.

He has strong competition:

[Image: ezrak.jpeg]
[Image: matt-yglesias.jpg]
[Image: pareene.jpeg]
[Image: dylanm.jpeg]
[Image: scalzii.jpeg]
[Image: twink4.jpg]
[Image: devin-faraci.jpg]
[Image: lindseyy.jpeg]

Spoiler, here's who won:

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

I don't know guys I'd rather punch these people.

[Image: 86c49167989877dfcfa9287ed954fcd2ced8786f...31097f.png]

[Image: ced93d935437cddb94bb22f1bed2e93fdd8c5790...c129a3.png]

[Image: 04846220b32b28d3b53af6bcd52c8d2c6b5c9a82...665e79.png]

[Image: 219eac978b6e640b8e95f4e226bb15e60876a54c...670a90.png]

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 04:30 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

I don't know guys I'd rather punch these people.

[Image: 86c49167989877dfcfa9287ed954fcd2ced8786f...31097f.png]

[Image: ced93d935437cddb94bb22f1bed2e93fdd8c5790...c129a3.png]

Oh man what I'd pay for a chance to go one-on-one with these motherfuckers, especially that first one. For starters I'd split his other eye open and give him a matching set.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

It seems like for the black underclass the legal system in this country just has absolutely no deterrent effect. These idiots must have known they were going to get caught since they didn't make any attempt to be anonymous. The only explanation for this that won't result in me getting a warning for posting German racialist phrenology studies from the 1930s, is that the torturers simply didn't expect any actual punishment to come from the legal system. Presumably they expected something like a warning or probation or some punishment that might scare a regular person straight but would look like non-punishment to them.

Four black Chicago youth livestream themselves kidnapping a white male

Quote: (01-05-2017 02:07 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Washington Post appears to blame Trump for the attack.

"Pro-Trump narratives converge in one awful attack streamed on Facebook"


If you believe discrimination against white people is rampant, that Donald Trump supporters face persecution, that Chicago is a war zone, and the media is dishonest, then your entire worldview is likely to be confirmed by one awful story.

Chicago police have detained four black teenagers after one of them streamed a live video showing the group striking and shouting at a young white man, who was bound and gagged. In the video, the assailants say “f--- Trump” and “f--- white people” and say that the victim “represents Trump,” though it is unclear whether the man actually backs the president-elect.

Who's with me?

[Image: giphy.gif]

Take care of those titties for me.

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