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Turkey set to release 4 mil refugees to EU

Turkey set to release 4 mil refugees to EU

Having lived there 3 years and I kinda know the President better than most outsiders, Turkish President just threaten EU by saying, "I will let refugees to go to Europe, don't cry if I do so."

I think this is going to start a big mess in Europe.

Turkey set to release 4 mil refugees to EU

You "know" Er-dog-an?

Turkey set to release 4 mil refugees to EU

Quote: (12-01-2016 02:36 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

You "know" Er-dog-an?

Soon, all Europe will know him when he opens borders to 4 million refugees [Image: dodgy.gif]

Turkey set to release 4 mil refugees to EU

It's Europe's fault, not Erdogan's.

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Turkey set to release 4 mil refugees to EU

Quote: (12-01-2016 05:31 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

It's Europe's fault, not Erdogan's.

I think so too.

They made a deal in June, saying that EU will give 4 billion Euro to Turkey to cover of some of their expenses since they spent $21 billion on refugees since 2011. Plus, Turkey wanted visa-free access, EU accepted the deal but they haven't given visa-free access to Turks and only sent 400 millions instead of 4 billion.

This frustrated Erdogan and this is why he's threatens. Well, I can't blame him.

Turkey set to release 4 mil refugees to EU

Quote: (12-01-2016 05:31 AM)Handsome Creepy Eel Wrote:  

It's Europe's fault, not Erdogan's.

He is blackmailing the EU who are lap dogs themselves and quislings at heart.

What we should have done is threaten to expel Turkish nationals back to Turkey, kick them out of NATO and put economic sanctions on them and seize assets to cover the cost of their immigration sabotage.

If they want to play hardball by undermining the European continent with religious, economic and social warfare then they will know how quickly their country will turn to shit once the Euro money pot freezes them out. Whose going to save them then? the US? Russia? Not in a hundred years.

They are a few short steps away from being a basket case Islamist country and they're well on their way to being outright fascists towards foreigners.

EU leaders are puppets and will do nothing. We will see millions more from the ME pouring in.

Turkey set to release 4 mil refugees to EU

Should probably be in the main thread, right?

Sadly the EU are pussies and they have no negotiators like Trump. That shitty apparatus cannot be dissolved soon enough. Let's see what happens in Italy on the 4th.

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Turkey set to release 4 mil refugees to EU

Quote: (12-01-2016 03:45 AM)MCMV Wrote:  

Quote: (12-01-2016 02:36 AM)Vicious Wrote:  

You "know" Er-dog-an?

Soon, all Europe will know him when he opens borders to 4 million refugees [Image: dodgy.gif]

You're evading the question.

Turkey set to release 4 mil refugees to EU

Just in time for the 2017 European election season coming up.

Turkey set to release 4 mil refugees to EU

Fun fact - there is ALREADY a mess in the EU.

Erdogan doing this was coming and talked about in the Turkey coup thread.

One of his nuclear options was this and he sure as hell is going to unleash them because of the EU condemn his actions to consolidate power.

Expect more terror attacks this coming year - remember Turkey shares a border with Syria.

Plenty of military age males have slipped into Turkey to escape the Kurds and Assad's armies.

Turkey set to release 4 mil refugees to EU

[Image: 3a5e5e5b80079b38392f4daae7bf023421e869e9...ff06da.jpg]

Wait, will Brexit be instituted enough to not allow them in? Forgive my American ignorance.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Turkey set to release 4 mil refugees to EU

He threatens to release them at once - officially the refugees are now Weapons of Mass destruction.

He will release all 4 mio. by the way - just not at once. He will stick to the 500.000 to 1.000.000 he releases currently.

Turkey set to release 4 mil refugees to EU

Quote: (12-01-2016 04:38 PM)heavy Wrote:  

[Image: 3a5e5e5b80079b38392f4daae7bf023421e869e9...ff06da.jpg]

Wait, will Brexit be instituted enough to not allow them in? Forgive my American ignorance.

Brexit is not going to be completed by even 2019. The MPs here don't want it and the lawyers in london even more so.

If the 4 million or more immigrants were unleashed on the EU they would bring Greece to its knees in a short time and the transport networks to a standstill.

Right now the numbers can be managed on coach, train and plane; dropped right into the heart of the EU. If too many come at once like they did in 2015 it would be uncontrollable and they'd run across Europe once more.

France, Germany, Austria, Sweden and the UK will be targets for ME migrants. African migrants tend to stay in France, Italy and Spain except for Somalis who flock further north for some odd reason.

Turkey set to release 4 mil refugees to EU

Quote: (12-02-2016 10:10 AM)Zelcorpion Wrote:  

He threatens to release them at once - officially the refugees are now Weapons of Mass d̶e̶s̶t̶r̶u̶c̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ immigration.

He will release all 4 mio. by the way - just not at once. He will stick to the 500.000 to 1.000.000 he releases currently.

Fixed it for you.

Oh absolutely it's been talked about forever in the immigration thread - the EU isn't ready to handle this much of an influx from the East - since they're already overwhelmed from the south.

Turkey set to release 4 mil refugees to EU

The gastarbeiter / immigrant labor programs always work the same:

Import cheap, docile, low-educated (male) labor to undercut local residents
Reward them with permanent residency, generous welfare compared to old country
Require no assimilation
Allow them to ship over 80 of their closest relatives under grounds of family reunification
Provide welfare
Require no assimilation
Allow them to mail order a wife from home
Require no assimilation
Experience birth rates of old country
Require no assimilation
Enjoy cultural enrichment
Make speech about "diversity is our strength"
Make speech about "we need more tolerance toward immigrants and those less fortunate"

Rinse, repeat.

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