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Globalists weaponizing small children and very old people.

Globalists weaponizing small children and very old people.

The current heroes of the "Leftist-Globalists" and MSM, are... 2 very small boys. The boy who "stopped" (just for a short while actually) a Conservative, anti faggot-marriage manifestation in Mexico (what does he know about normal sexual life and natural laws of reproduction?); and the 6-year old who wrote a letter to Barry "offering to take refugees into his home" (what does he know about working hard for decades to buy yourself a home, before inviting unvetted strangers inside?).

Add to this, Leftists putting words into ex-presidents' mouths (Bush-father, 92 years old, and Chirac, currently dying in hospital), pretending that these very old (and formerly conservative) men have endorsed Globalist commie candidates, yeah sure and I'm voting for Pol-Pot.

I see a pattern here:
Leftists not respecting the most vulnerable people of our societies (very little kids, very old people), and even shamelessly weaponizing them for scoring cheap political points. Remember also how they weaponized the image of the (drowned) little Syrian boy (actually killed by fault of his scheming father, who kept the life-vest for himself, and was only emigrating to pay for his own dental work), to justify the invasion of more than one million of (not-Syrian by the way) migrants?

That's a big difference between leftist Globalists and Conservative people: we Conservatives do not use children or very old people, or bare-breasted females (see the hysterical Femen), to make our points. Globalists on the other hand are using every emotional trick available, stopping at nothing.

Mexico pro-gay "my uncle is a proud gay [Image: dodgy.gif] " little boy:

Barry reading a (fictional?) 6-year old boy's letter:
[Image: obama-refugee-socia-l.jpg]

Globalists weaponizing small children and very old people.

The local fox news channel and ABC channel have been showing many commercials with kids "pleading" for a better presidential candidate than Trump. Sickening to see this sort of emotional manipulation day in and day out.
Grasping for straws. Normal sane people can see through desperate attempts such as these and are repulsed by it. I know my family and I are.

Globalists weaponizing small children and very old people.

They're running out of ideas. Leftists are degenerates at the core so I'll expect anything from them.

Zdarzyło mi się pokonać armię ciemności albo dwie.

Globalists weaponizing small children and very old people.

Great observation. This is a new and very disturbing trend even when kids' statements are invented like that, but the next step is truly brainwashing children to such an extreme degree that they'll report their parents for being "problematic".

"Imagine" by HCE | Hitler reacts to Battle of Montreal | An alternative use for squid that has never crossed your mind before

Globalists weaponizing small children and very old people.


I mentally catalogue stuff like this for if there ever comes a collapse of civilisation and leftists arrive at the gates of my quaint little community. It will make mowing the persistent ones down a lot easier on the soul.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Globalists weaponizing small children and very old people.

The way Trump savaged Jeb and his brother, it does not surprise me that GHW Bush would say he is voting for Hillary. Sometimes it's personal.

It was wrong to report a private conversation publicly. That Kennedy won't be invited back.

Using children is an old propaganda meme for both globalists and nationalists. The Huns bayoneting Belgian babies in WW I. Iraqis throwing Kuwaiti babies out of incubators in Gulf War I.

Globalists weaponizing small children and very old people.

speaking of Globalists. I saw this on the news the other day, about the upcoming "Global Citizen Music Music Festival"

Headed by the guy from cold play, this music festival celebrates


The event was created in 2015 to mark the establishment of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a "to-do list" of 17 tasks to end extreme global poverty by the year 2030

The summaries of previous years events essentially are propaganda for globalist agendas and the stars are 'the usual suspects' of hollywood puppets.

This is like Kim Jong Un level of propaganda, without the black listing/killing of those who don't attend.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

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