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Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Quote: (09-21-2016 05:29 AM)Irish Wrote:  

For those guys saying it doesn't matter as long as you have your shit together blah blah. Yes I get that to an extent, but the way I look at it is this...

I can only imagine daygamers to girls are a bit like what street 'chuggers' are like to us (ie those folks with a clipboard or whatever on a main shopping street trying to get you to sign up to some bullshit charity $5 a month to adopt a bengali tiger kitten who will send you postcards and snapchat videos etc).

There was a time when I was first approached by one of these fuckers and didn't know what was going on, so I stopped, intrigued, and had a friendly chat. Only to soon find myself trying to sqwirm out of handing over my bank details. Other times I have occasionally signed up to some email list here and there etc but more and more I got tired and jaded of these guys and more dismissive. Still there was the odd one here and there who has a really different unique approach and can get you to stop and am sure have much more success than the others in getting sign ups etc. But it's got to the point for me now that when I see someone coming towards me on a main the street, no matter who it is I don't make any eye contact, put my hand up and just say "not interested" before they can even get their first couple words out.

There was a social experiment done somewhere (it was on a podcast somebody was talking about this but can't for the life of me remember who it was) where some guy (dressed to look like a chugger with clipboard etc) went out in a UK retail mainstreet somewhere with a bunch of £50 notes. All he was tasked to do was to try and hand out as many as he could. No catch, just trying to stop people in the street walking by to hand them free money. Can't quite remember the details but the results were something ridiculous like in the space of half an hour he was only able to hand out a total of 150 quid as everyone just dismissed him on the approach. I'm pretty certain I would've dismissed him also.

You could be the most awesome and different guy ever, but if everyone has become that jaded with chuggers that they struggle to hand someone a fifty fucking pound note in the street, it's unlikely that a chick who's already been clumsily hit on 4 or 5 times in the street that day will even give you the chance to get 2 words out at her never mind demonstrate how awesome and different to the other guys you are.

I'm sure you can still casually get chatting to a girl in a coffee shop etc, but for those guys who's main staple is direct street game, for sure the spammers must be ruining it for everyone.

I'm sure somewhere on the internet there's a ChuggerVForum where all these guys are bitching how UK city centres are 'completely played out' etc...

Irish makes a good point. Now even smaller niches are getting filled with hordes of men who learn via online / word of mouth.

Couchsurfing has long turned into a Tinder masquerade. Language Exchanges now filled with chumps swarming anything bangable. Tinder is well played out and hitting maturity state in certain Asian countries. Nightlife is still strong, but you just find the exact same girls on Tinder. Makes it kind of pointless, not to mention your wallet getting light.

At least in Asia daygame is still not that strong yet, but I've run into a few guys throwing some game on the street. Main factor being Asians hate the sun, so no guy is gonna get tanned daygaming outside for hours. Thankfully nothing too cringy yet as the beta Asian male is just way too shy to have the gusto to approach.

Once we have a couple more bond wannabes you'll see the local girls start avoiding foreigners, in Taiwan/Korea/Japan its already shifted.

The only thing left is solid social networking with the locals and increasing your SMV. I think ugly beta men have it probably the worst since the start of modern civilization. For those in the upper 20%, getting to 50-100 girls should be the new standard.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Quote: (09-21-2016 11:09 AM)Nascimento Wrote:  

The problem isn't regular day approaches.

It's spam approaches.

Regular guys that are picky and calibrated approaching a couple of girls a day give or take won't ruin a city. But when you have a horde of guys approaching dozens half-heartedly and playing the most extreme form of a numbers game, the situation in a city will get bitter fast.

That's what you're getting on the reg in places like Prague, Warsaw and Kiev during the summer now. Plus you've got the regular ticking over of independent daygame tourists. I still think that in larger cities if you avoid the Hack places, like the local version of Oxford Street, then you can prosper still. But the women will still likely have been approached in the near past, so you wont stand out in the way you would have done a couple of years ago, and are far more likely to get brushed off instantly than before...

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Quote: (09-21-2016 08:21 AM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

Been following this thread with interest.

When I was a newbie posting on one of those PUA forums in the semi-distant past, I was asking what the best openers were. After spoon-feeding me with a few good ones (and a lot of really corny ones), I asked them "what happens if a bunch of guys used the same openers in a city? Are girls going to start saying 'ah I've heard that one before'?"

The reaction from the PUA community was largely dismissive and a few veterans got on my ass for "trolling" or "being too negative". While I've never gotten a girl who actually told me she heard my opener before, this thread is the end result of what happens when guys go spam approaching with similar openers in a small area of a city.

I'm certainly on the side of those who say spam approaching is having a real effect. In SEA, there are a lot of street peddlers who try to sell you something all of the time. At first, I was exceedingly polite, smiling, checking out what items they had in case I needed something, and saying "no thank you" in a nice way.

But after about 100 times of getting approached on the street, I actively avoid eye contact to discourage them from peddling. Whenever they persisted, I give them a quick frown, a dismissive wave, and grunt a short "nothanks", picking up the pace along the way. I mean, just yesterday one particularly persistent peddler in Vietnam kept following me on his motorbike and I had to practically shout at him, "I said no. fuck off!"

Imagine what these girls are going through in the city squares with all these "daygamers". In the West, I see girls intentionally avoiding eye contact whenever I tried to catch their eye.

Bottom line? I think what these spam approacher RSD guys lack is tact and social awareness -- and these two intangibles are integral to one's overall Game.

It's a good analogy. I finally made it a point not to respond at all to scammy street peddlers, which gave some interesting standoffs including one Tuktuk driver in Bangkok who stood right next to me saying Tuk Tuk - Massage, about 50 times in a row, while I completely ignored him and didn't even recognize his presence.

I just think this proves we can't discount the fact that the sexual market is a market and that it is also pressured by globalism. Countries with traditionalism are 'catching up' to a universal steady state of sexual value and will do so much quicker the further from steady state they are.

Staying with the economics, you either become a first mover in a new market (this will mean risk and being uncomfortable) or you try to offer a better quality product.

In the end, going to a foreign country with different social mores and your social skills honed in a cut throat environment has always been 'lifestyle hacking' or rather 'lifestyle arbitrage' and all kinds of arbitrage are always limited in time.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Active daygame is really only meant for very large cities that give a sense of anonymity. London and NY come to mind. Even in a ''big'' city like Wien, it be unsustainable to actively day game along areas with a lot of girls. (MahU/MQ and the economics university come to mind) I think if you see a cute girl who catches your eye ,go for it,but understand most cities have a small world nature to them,west or east.

An example I was thinking of when I read this thread
Once I saw a women try to scam people into giving her money for taking a train in Grand Central Terminal. I saw her the day after and the week after in the exact same ticket area,I wonder if the scam is still going,there must have been at least more than one person besides me who called her out. Everyone has their routines,and the more exposure one has to randies anywhere the more one is at risk of getting ''caught'' ,scammer,daygamer or otherwise. Nightgame can be brutal,but at least one can be somewhat in the shadows to do it actively rather than passively like daygame.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

IMO it's pretty weak and scarcity-minded to worry about something like this.

The only challenge I'm concerned with is: Where are the I girls I want to meet?

Beyond that, I'm not bothered by even strong competition from true players - it's good for my game and social skills.

So I'm definitely not bothered by some thirsty kids running round annoying girls and getting swatted like flies.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

I was waiting for the next avoidance weasel to rear its ugly head - it's called "She must have been approached at least 5 times today". Good luck complaining about how bad it is, it must really help.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

I met a cute, rather innocent Indian girl in Southbank, London yesterday and she asked me ''So you got schooled PUA on how to act in order to get women to sleep with you?

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Quote: (09-23-2016 03:34 AM)apolis Wrote:  

I met a cute, rather innocent Indian girl in Southbank, London yesterday and she asked me ''So you got schooled PUA on how to act in order to get women to sleep with you?

"Surrey?" would have been my response to that. Fuck that bitch.

Maine and Canadian lobsters are the same animal. Prove me wrong.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Try 'Hey! You'll never get laid with that attitude!'

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Daygamer aspies - are just a minor addition to the hordes of 'traditional' losers who approach a hot girl on any given day.

Daygamers with actual good game - well that means you actually got some legit competition. Welcome to earth.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Further to the above, another RVF member came along to observe this when I texted him and we just asked a few of them outright. Some were taken back and shy to state they were gaming, but yes they admitted that they were gaming and that they paid for this bootcamp.

Oh and its not just street attraction, it is also RSD, and we must have observed at least 10-20 obvious participants in the Rynek alone (ok I really must stress the use of the leather jacket is absurd).

The timing of this thread along with today is crazy, I've always seen PUA's round here but this the first instance ive seen of 2 bootcamps running at the same time, in the exact same location. Whats more is that it is RAINING, so theres even less traffic out and about, they are probably queuing up to hit on the few girls that are out and about. I wonder what goes through the minds of these girls getting hit on by multiple foreigners in english in the space of an hour all of whom are wearing leather jackets [Image: biggrin.gif]

you should do some pics or videos if this ......

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Quote: (09-26-2016 04:32 PM)sync Wrote:  

Further to the above, another RVF member came along to observe this when I texted him and we just asked a few of them outright. Some were taken back and shy to state they were gaming, but yes they admitted that they were gaming and that they paid for this bootcamp.

Oh and its not just street attraction, it is also RSD, and we must have observed at least 10-20 obvious participants in the Rynek alone (ok I really must stress the use of the leather jacket is absurd).

The timing of this thread along with today is crazy, I've always seen PUA's round here but this the first instance ive seen of 2 bootcamps running at the same time, in the exact same location. Whats more is that it is RAINING, so theres even less traffic out and about, they are probably queuing up to hit on the few girls that are out and about. I wonder what goes through the minds of these girls getting hit on by multiple foreigners in english in the space of an hour all of whom are wearing leather jackets [Image: biggrin.gif]

you should do some pics or videos if this ......

Ah no point really, bootcamps have ended now and things have died down back to normal levels of leather jacket presence.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Quote: (09-26-2016 05:02 PM)NewMeta Wrote:  

Ah no point really, bootcamps have ended now and things have died down back to normal levels of leather jacket presence.

Maybe this increase in daygame bootcamps trend will create a market opening for pop-up imported crappy leather jacket shops in Eastern Europe? To the Lifestyle Forum!

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

True day game isn't over saturated anywhere, that's nonsense. The recent craze is droves of millenials that are approaching for 'sport' or to impressive their friends. They will die out soon, they don't have the stamina to be about this long term.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Quote: (09-20-2016 08:46 AM)Distant Light Wrote:  

Haven't been on here in ages...

One thing I learnt quickly is that guys are missing out on the city as a whole. Majority of my friends who were there (didnt hang with at night) disliked prague.

P.S...In every city there will always be areas that PUA types don't know of nor venture because their lairs aren't aware, able too or simply just don't have the connects to know...From what i gathered in 6 days, prague has a low key heavy party scene.

P.S.S...If dude is thinking 1 of 30 to get laid and is teaching pickup then that in itself shows that people are going about daygame totally wrong and aren't having a legit active sex life unless they are putting in tons of hours.

I agree with this, but, many guys don't know how to integrate into a city. They are like migrants trying to bring their (daygame) culture with them. They think partyboy, college boy, or RSD clown works for making friends/meeting girls.

Make it a point to go off the beaten path. Ask around where locals hang out. For example, in Belgrade everyone goes to freestyler and shake and shake wondering why you can't get laid. Try a kafana. I took Spider to one when he visited and we pretty much had our pick of girls we wanted to approach.

Granted you won't be able to have much fun (sex) in Belgrade on a week long trip. It takes time to build a life in Belgrade.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Prague is the worst for that.

You still get good results and that's why people keep coming. But at times you walk along the streets near Palladium mall and see attractive girls snatched by other daygamers before you even come close. Or pass 2-3 daygamers talking to other girls before you get to find your own target.

At the first floor of Palladium mall there is a cafe on the corner. You can easily see 2-3 daygamers there at any given moment of time. All looking drinking coffee and looking around for targets [Image: biggrin.gif]

Competition is harsh. Some best daygamers go there on euro-jaunts. I met Krauser there.

I believe overplaying the cities like that would be possible if people would rely on subtle IOIs to approach. Approaches get more results then and no girls would be bothered unnecessarily. That does require a bit more time however.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Quote: (10-07-2016 02:17 PM)Vinny Wrote:  

Prague is the worst for that.

You still get good results and that's why people keep coming. But at times you walk along the streets near Palladium mall and see attractive girls snatched by other daygamers before you even come close. Or pass 2-3 daygamers talking to other girls before you get to find your own target.

At the first floor of Palladium mall there is a cafe on the corner. You can easily see 2-3 daygamers there at any given moment of time. All looking drinking coffee and looking around for targets [Image: biggrin.gif]

Competition is harsh. Some best daygamers go there on euro-jaunts. I met Krauser there.

I believe overplaying the cities like that would be possible if people would rely on subtle IOIs to approach. Approaches get more results then and no girls would be bothered unnecessarily. That does require a bit more time however.

And yet if you go 3 kilometers away, there are zero day gamers.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Quote: (10-07-2016 05:08 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

Quote: (10-07-2016 02:17 PM)Vinny Wrote:  

Prague is the worst for that.

You still get good results and that's why people keep coming. But at times you walk along the streets near Palladium mall and see attractive girls snatched by other daygamers before you even come close. Or pass 2-3 daygamers talking to other girls before you get to find your own target.

At the first floor of Palladium mall there is a cafe on the corner. You can easily see 2-3 daygamers there at any given moment of time. All looking drinking coffee and looking around for targets [Image: biggrin.gif]

Competition is harsh. Some best daygamers go there on euro-jaunts. I met Krauser there.

I believe overplaying the cities like that would be possible if people would rely on subtle IOIs to approach. Approaches get more results then and no girls would be bothered unnecessarily. That does require a bit more time however.

And yet if you go 3 kilometers away, there are zero day gamers.

True. But there will be less targets.

And if you walk around for an hour without talking to anyone, approaches don't go that well. Its as if your brain goes into internal mode.

Being with a wind and keeping the conversation helps with that.

And even this is not always the case. When in Kiev I have ventured out to distant metro stations to game in the malls, still you can find the infamous classical Turkish trios [Image: biggrin.gif]

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Quote: (09-20-2016 08:46 AM)Distant Light Wrote:  

Haven't been on here in ages...

If "daygame" is your MAIN pathway (should be a supplement) then you along with all spammers deserve to deal with the BS...

I finally got to travel, ironically in Prague...

Had I been single, I could see the major potential to truly live it up. I didn't really see guys daygaming BUT ALSO...
- I barely hungout in old town
- Been out in praha 3, 4, and 7 (different world)
- Less than 3-4hrs was already invited to house parties, private boat party and some guy willing to have his personal driver show me around
- Have a map showing location of different underground spots
- Got inside info of where LOCALS go

I was only in prague for 6 days...

Like other poster said "a man of value will never go out of style". I was getting invites to germany and poland.

Guys doing all this daygame trying to get laid are wasting their lives. I too find all the pua youtube channels super generic...Guys thinking they're cool because they kissed or hugged a chick who exchanfe numbers

Clearly I lack experience BUT based on what I experienced in prague, the ability to build a lifestyle and maintain an unreal sex life is far easier than nyc. (Russian bottle girl of club in old town exchange info in less than 2mins...If I were single would have been a done deal)

When I say I had "hit the ground running" 9:45pm I landed 2am I was taken to praha 7, doing shots with a local guy while getting texts from a german guy who was owner of a music label that invited me to an after party.

One thing I learnt quickly is that guys are missing out on the city as a whole. Majority of my friends who were there (didnt hang with at night) disliked prague. However, I have some unrelated to women stories that were some of the most awesome times. My friends only know old town, I got to get a glimpse of the actual city. (Many local czechs never even been to old town)

I say let dudes continue to spam, they just make the barrier for entry that much higher as they annoy women as a whole. The "demand" for cool guys are getting higher and higher as the world gets plagued with social retards, thirsty dudes, young sponsor types and the forgetton nice/prociders...

P.S...In every city there will always be areas that PUA types don't know of nor venture because their lairs aren't aware, able too or simply just don't have the connects to know...From what i gathered in 6 days, prague has a low key heavy party scene. 2x in a row I was at a spot that was still going 9-10am...Although, I assume these 2 chicks were hookers, 2 girls were really trying to get my attention until finally the blantantly just stand infront of me making out (My gf was back in NY and wasn't gonna be influenced)

P.S.S...If dude is thinking 1 of 30 to get laid and is teaching pickup then that in itself shows that people are going about daygame totally wrong and aren't having a legit active sex life unless they are putting in tons of hours.

Could you brag anymore? Czechs know Old Town but it's like asking someone in Vegas if they've been to the Strip.

Prague is small, all of those numbers you listed are 10-15 mins away from the center.

Chill dude.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Anywhere where us British guys go on Stag Dos

Budapest- Fucked
Prague- Fucked
Krakow- Fucked
Riga- Fucked

Tallinn- Soon to be Fucked
Vilnius- Soon to be Fucked
Ljubjana- Soon to be fucked

Still good to go:
Kiev & Bucharest- Tainted but big enough to handle it
Romania- Second tier

Ukraine 2nd Tier
Russia 2nd Tier
Balkan Capitals except for Croatia (Tirana, Belgrade, Skopje, Sarejevo)

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Belgrade untouched? That's one of the most burnt out cities in Europe right up there Prague.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Quote: (09-21-2016 12:27 PM)Putin Closes Wrote:  

Couchsurfing has long turned into a Tinder masquerade. Language Exchanges now filled with chumps swarming anything bangable.

Oh man, don't even get me started on CouchSurfing here in NY. One of my buddies invited me to a few of their events, and I gotta say, the guys are absolutely bottom of the barrel beta orbiters who gross out 99.99% of girls. It's just pathetic. The women are mostly meh, I do recall seeing the odd 8 here and there but they were as you would imagine completely swarmed.

No shame in doing your bit to get laid, it's our lot in life after all as guys, but some are just so pathetic they should just give up and become monks.

Pussy ain't for pussies...

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Was watching those videos in Russian and it got me thinking. Maybe it's time to put in the extra effort to game chicks in their native language instead of English. I speak French and I know and have experienced the benefit of gaming French chicks in French.

When you speak English to the girls, you are talking to their brain. But when you speak their native language, you are talking to their heart. So true when you watch those Russian videos and see how girls would open up to you.

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Late to the party on this thread but I live in a city that is definitely burnt out, many girls have told me that they have been approached in the malls and they even have a local word for it now.

This does not mean you can't Daygame in these spots, I think now at the phase I'm at, I'm looking to Daygame efficiently, it's been years since I've spam approached anyway. How to set yourself apart? Well I'll aim this at those of you who've done the grind and know what you're doing and you're effective at it in a normal unburnt environment. This isn't for the beginners and aspies who are spamming (90-95% eventually drop out due to the grind and red pill bitterness).

In this city I do Warm approaches and I am being really selective. Warm approaches as I'm sure you all know are just a small hint of an IOI in any form, this will give a bit of initial warmth to the interaction as you can even call it out (break the fourth wall?). By being selective I don't mean by attractive girls are, (Belgrade for eg is full of stunners and you'd still be spamming if this was your criteria), it's picking up on cues of a girl who is receptive.

That greyhound stunner racing along past you to get to the train station is not an optimal nor efficient open, yes you might stop her and she might engage but it's highly likely she's in a rush and got somewhere to go. That small hamster lazily walking around slowly, eyes looking everywhere, looking down at her phone on occasion is the opposite - clearly the odds are higher to approach her. These are just two examples, there's many more you pick up when you fine tuned to the women. It takes time to spot these cues but there's a lot around that just mean you opening that girl at that moment leads you to being 'special' even if she was spammed 10 times in 10 days.

Don't forget to check out my latest post on Return of Kings - 6 Things Indian Guys Need To Understand About Game

Desi Casanova
The 3 Bromigos

Daygame Saturated Cities in Eastern Europe--Foreign PUAs Ruining Entire Countries?

Quote: (11-08-2016 05:54 AM)d_hzy Wrote:

Was watching those videos in Russian and it got me thinking. Maybe it's time to put in the extra effort to game chicks in their native language instead of English. I speak French and I know and have experienced the benefit of gaming French chicks in French.

When you speak English to the girls, you are talking to their brain. But when you speak their native language, you are talking to their heart. So true when you watch those Russian videos and see how girls would open up to you.

After watching several of these Russian PUA videos one could probably do a pretty good game analysis on these guys. Not only as it pertains to Russian girls but girls in general. They have several videos ranging from pure pickup to Vitaly-like prank pickup. One takeaway is that they are ridiculously persistent. They also use a lot of verbal game. I don't understand Russian but it almost seems Mystery-Method-esque.

I found this one particularly interesting. After putting the title through google translate the title came up as "Pickup girl unfaithful to her husband". In it the girl seems tentative but a little DTF and the guy seems to run some pretty good game. Can anyone of you Russian language experts give a synopsis of their conversation?

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