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The Tommy Robinson thread

The Tommy Robinson thread

Anyway, to get this back on track I'll post a Politico article about him. It's triggering a lot of leftists on twitter who are saying "why are you giving this racist such a high profile position" blah blah blah.

The man to ‘make the British establishment’s head blow off’.


The man known as Tommy Robinson is a 36-year-old father of three from Luton, England, with a history of violence and multiple spells in prison.

A veteran of far-right street movements, he does not — yet — have a political party to call home, refuses to talk to the mainstream media and has been kicked off Twitter.

Yet Robinson — whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon — can lay credible claim to being one of the most influential people in British politics, alongside top-rank politicians such as Prime Minister Theresa May, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and former Foreign Minister Boris Johnson.

With more than 1 million followers on Facebook, the anti-Muslim activist is the biggest beneficiary of a burgeoning ecosystem of right-wing populist media — a loose web of networked social media pages, video accounts and hyper-partisan news sites that amplify each other’s messages, providing figures such as Robinson reach rivaling traditional media outfits.

The power of this digital uprising to reshape politics offline has yet to be tested at the ballot box, though many argue recent Yellow Jackets protests in France illustrate the ease with which memes and viral videos can have real-world consequences. The U.K. government increasingly worries about the threat posed by this populist web, whose editors are nameless and whose stars, like Robinson, command huge followings.

After he was jailed for contempt of court in May, Robinson became a cause célèbre among the international populist right. His cause was picked up by figures such as U.S. President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager Steve Bannon and far-right Dutch leader Geert Wilders.

More recently, Robinson has been in the news again — this time for taking a step in the direction of electoral politics. Late last month, he was appointed as a political adviser to Gerard Batten, the leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party, triggering an exodus of the party’s old guard, including former leaders Nigel Farage and Paul Nuttall, who said they were dismayed at the party’s swerve toward the far-right.

Concern about Robinson’s increasing influence is shared across the political spectrum.

“How could somebody like [Tommy Robinson] appear in British politics in normal times?” said veteran Tory MP Ken Clarke, when asked about the far-right figure.

Robinson is short, squat and angry, with closely cropped hair, a jutting jaw and a sleeve of tattoos, including a crusader knight and a quote from Winston Churchill: “There is a forgotten, nay almost forbidden word, which means more to me than any other. That word is England.”

He first laid claim to notoriety as founder of the English Defense League, an anti-Muslim street movement that bubbled up out of simmering race tensions in the town of Luton, north of London, in 2009.

Robinson, who took his pseudonym from a prominent football hooligan, was previously a member of the overtly racist British National Party for a year in 2004. The EDL consisted mostly of loose groups of football hooligans leading street demonstrations against “the rise of radical Islam.” It gave Robinson a platform, allowing him to lead rallies and appear on television talk shows.

Robinson resists being labeled as racist or even anti-Muslim, and in 2013 he quit the EDL, expressing concerns about “far-right extremism.” He then worked with Quilliam, a think tank dedicated to countering extremism, especially radical Islamism, before quickly returning to anti-Muslim campaigning.

“He’s a drifter, who is chaotic and untrustworthy,” said David Toube, Quilliam’s director of policy. “He’s a guy who’s seen the main chance and gone for it.”

Before being jailed for contempt of court earlier this year, Robinson had already spent time in prison for assaulting a police officer, mortgage fraud and entering the U.S. on a false passport. But the contempt conviction turned his incarceration into a political cause.

By then Robinson had built up a powerful social media presence, which he used to highlight crimes by Muslims and refugees, including terrorist attacks and so-called grooming gangs: the systematic rape and abuse of girls as young as 11 by groups of mostly British Pakistani men.

He was held in contempt of court for violating reporting restrictions by carrying out a Facebook live video report outside a rape gang trial at Leeds crown court.

Robinson’s imprisonment turned him into right-wing social media martyr. News of his travails ricocheted across Britain’s rapidly growing populist media, then shot across the Atlantic to right-wing U.S. news sites and burst through into traditional media.

“Tommy Robinson was able to play on the perception that liberal politicians and institutions were turning a blind eye to the issue of grooming gangs,” said Toube.

“That failure allowed him to step into the breach and capitalize on the issue. Worse: It has made it easy for Tommy Robinson to dismiss proper criticism of his scaremongering as the sort of thing that the ‘liberal elite’ would say to ‘cover up the truth.’”

It is a theme Robinson returns to again and again. After a “Brexit betrayal” march on Sunday December 9, which was widely panned as a flop in the media, Robinson took to his Facebook page to attack the “lies.”

“TENS OF THOUSANDS of normal everyday people descended on London today to peacefully protest about the Brexit Betrayal,” he wrote. “The MSM and establishment are just so scared!”

In June, the conspiratorial U.S. media site Infowars warned that Robinson faced “certain death” after being transferred to a “Muslim prison” in the U.K. as he awaited his appeal.

Robinson was released on August 1 after an appeals court ordered a retrial. The case is still ongoing, even as Robinson’s influence has continued to grow.

Robinson’s 1 million Facebook followers make him the second most-popular British political figure on the social media platform, behind Jeremy Corbyn, with 1.4 million. Theresa May and Boris Johnson both have fewer than 600,000.

On social media, often more people are reading and sharing stories about Robinson than almost any major political figure, according to figures compiled by the social media monitoring service Newswhip.

The week following his imprisonment for contempt stories about him were read, shared and commented on 1.2 million times on Facebook and other social media sites.

Apart from May, no other major political figures in the country reached this level of online interest over any seven-day period this year.

Corbyn’s high point came in mid-August at the height of an anti-Semitism crisis, when stories about the Labour leader topped 600,000 social media interactions in a week. Up until December, May’s was in July — as her Cabinet came close to falling apart after the Chequers summit to agree a new Brexit plan — when she hit 2.7 million interactions in a week.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the prime minister is by far the biggest U.K. political figure on social media, averaging 607,000 interactions a week. Robinson meanwhile, racked up a weekly average of 175,000, putting him in the same league as Boris Johnson (180,000) and Corbyn (219,000).

But when it comes to interactions per story, Robinson is the runaway winner. Over the whole year, Robinson stories generated an average of 1,164 interactions each. That’s more than double the next political figure on the list: arch Brexiteer Jacob Rees-Mogg, who gets 660 interactions per story. Next is Nigel Farage with 550, then Corbyn with 326 interactions per story, then Johnson with 245, followed by May with 177.

Robinson’s numbers are undoubtedly boosted by interest from the right in the U.S. Four of the most viral stories about Robinson, according to Newswhip, were written by popular U.S. conservative websites, InfoWars, Breitbart, Fox News and But U.K. stories about Robinson in the mainstream publications MailOnline and have also gone viral.

Inside No. 10 Downing Street there is a weary recognition of the Robinson cut-through. “We’re not oblivious to that fact,” one government official said.

Were Robinson to try to leverage his online popularity into votes at the ballot box, there’s no guarantee he would succeed. Exclusive polling for POLITICO by the U.S. firm GQR research reveals Robinson’s support base remains small.

In a survey of 1,447 adults in September, only 8 percent said they knew what he stood for and agreed with it. Some 32 percent knew and disagreed, while the rest didn’t know. Only 11 percent said he was “on their side,” while 40 percent said he was not.

For people who did know about him, his defining features were racism, prejudice against Muslims, and being dangerous. Overall, the public did not believe he was patriotic, brave or genuine — the traits his supporters see in him — though almost a third (28 percent) said he was “fighting for what he believes in.” This, however, is smaller than the proportion who think he’s racist — 30 percent.

Numbers like these haven’t stopped UKIP leader Batten from taking a gamble on Robinson and his army of online followers. Batten maintains that Robinson represents “ordinary, decent working-class people … who were the backbone of the [Brexit] vote in 2016.”

Both men have made no secret of their desire that Robinson join UKIP, with Batten, 64, expressing admiration for the younger man’s social media firepower.

“I’m not an unqualified supporter of his,” said Batten, who has been working to transform UKIP into a populist party, similar to those found in Europe. “He’s done some things he shouldn’t have. He’s rash and reckless. But if he wasn’t that man, he wouldn’t have had the courage to stand up against the forces he’s standing up against, which are evil. He’s far more good than he is bad.”

It doesn’t hurt, Batten added, that Robinson brings so much internet star power to a political party that has struggled for support after the 2016 Brexit referendum. “To get anywhere under [Britain’s first-past-the-post electoral system], you have to be a mass movement. Sometimes you have to take risks to do that.”

Robinson has hinted about where he sees his future. Speaking at the December 9 Brexit “betrayal” rally, he said: “Let this be the start of a political mass movement in this country.”

Robinson has said he would like to join UKIP, but has been prevented from doing so by a Farage-era ban on members or former members of far-right political parties.

The party’s ruling body deferred a decision in December on whether to make an exception for Robinson. They are expected to take the matter up again after March 29, 2019, when the U.K. is due to leave the EU.

Were he to be allowed in, Robinson would be eligible to stand for any position within the party, including the leadership.

Steve Bannon, a vocal supporter, insisted Robinson was not thinking of the leadership, but appeared to welcome the chaos it might cause.

“He doesn’t even want to do it,” Bannon said, sitting on the rooftop of Hotel de Russie on Piazza del Popolo in Rome in September. “It’s a great story. I mean why wouldn’t it be? First off you get Tommy Robinson, you get to lighten up guys that like Tommy Robinson — and you make the British establishment’s head blow off.”

As part of the emergency agreement which saw Batten take over as leader unopposed in the spring, the party veteran promised to hold another election after a year in the job. With Farage’s departure, alongside a dozen other senior figures, the party is devoid of big names to challenge Batten.

Batten himself has not decided whether he is the man to lead the new UKIP and even said he might give up on politics entirely if Brexit is overturned.

“I’ll be 65 next year,” he said. “Do I really want to work seven days a week until I’m 70 years old?”

I'm not sure of the age demographics of the readership of Politico, but is this meant to scare them?

"Robinson is short, squat and angry, with closely cropped hair, a jutting jaw and a sleeve of tattoos, including a crusader knight and a quote from Winston Churchill: “There is a forgotten, nay almost forbidden word, which means more to me than any other. That word is England.”


Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

The Tommy Robinson thread

Quoting this post from another thread as it is pertinent here.


Quote: (12-27-2018 10:18 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Islam no longer enters into my day-today concerns. 911 is right. It's scary spider dangled on a string to keep the idiots afraid while the Jewish elite build a prison around us and dissolve all genetic and cultural bonds between Westerners. I was one of those idiots for a long time so this is a bitter pill for me to swallow.

There would be no difference if you imported a billion Muslims to the West or a billion African primitives. The Islam part is more or less irrelevant.

The only thing that matters is who is holding the levers of power that allows the importation to happen.

Muslims commit terror attacks and kill a few dozen at most. The Zionist monsters are destroying entire nations and the peoples that inhabit them. But guys want to thump their chests and talk about exterminating Muslims like cockroaches when they'd never have 10% of the balls it would take to suggest the same for Jews, who in smaller numbers are committing far more heinous crimes against humanity all across the world.

I can avoid Muslim countries. I can even avoid Muslim neighborhoods (for now).

I can't avoid suffering the machinations of the Jewish elite, day in, day out.

Any of you big-men want to look into what the Jewish elite do to goy children? It's an open secret in Hollywood. You don't have to dig deep. Yeah, that's unwilling little children, not stupid adult women. But that shit doesn't hit the papers or CNN so who gives a fuck, right?

If you want to beat your chest and shout about how Muslims need to be exterminated like cockroaches because "not all Muslims are terrorists but pretty much all terrorists are Muslims" but you don't have the balls to say that Jews should be exterminated like cockroaches because "not all Jews are globalist elites but pretty much all globalist elites are Jews" then you are a fucking cuck pretending to be a big-man, shaking his fists at Muslims while taking Jewish dick in the ass. And take note that that's self-depreciative because I've been that guy for years now.

I'm not saying it's time for cattle-cars and work-camps, but there is no fucking point bitching about Muslims when the Jews who arranged and continue to arrange this little fiasco are still acting with impunity, largely still in the shadows. I'm supposed to be on a break here on threat of being doxxed but this shit is really starting to come into perspective for me. I'm not going to bother crossposting this in the Tommy Robinson thread but this is the very reason that TR (whether honest or a shill) is barking up a completely irrelevant tree and causing harm when he corrals his followers against learning about the trickery of the very Jewish elite. He could click his fingers and banish every Muslim in the West and tomorrow the very Jewish elites would simply replace them with 100 million sub-Saharan Africans. What is the anti-Islam brigade going to bitch about then, I wonder? How African Spirit Worship is destroying the West (but it's not about race, brah, and give it a rest with that Jew stuff, 6 gorillion blah blah blah!)

You know what I have in common with Muslims? The very Jewish elite are fucking me and my people day-in day-out.

You know what I have in common with the very Jewish elite?


If Pamela Geller and Tommy Robinson and all their kind put on their big-boy pants and let go of their pro-semitic brainwashing then we could fix all of this shit in 6 months flat.

911 is right to be extremely suspicious of those characters. "They're just not as red-pilled as we are" is pure hamster faggotry. They do this shit for a living. You think they haven't connected the same dots as the rest of us?

What a fucking joke.

The Tommy Robinson thread

Tommy Robinson is not our enemy.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

The Tommy Robinson thread

Pro Israel think group funds Tommy Robinson.

Our New Blog:

The Tommy Robinson thread

^ Mr. "I don't care about politics".

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

The Tommy Robinson thread

He is Jewish, why can't you see that. He looks like a Jew.

His real name isn't even Tommy Robinson.

Why are you such a fanboy for this shill?

Our New Blog:

The Tommy Robinson thread

You're obviously bored, stop trolling. You emailed me to say exactly that.

[Don't use real names of members. -Mod]

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

The Tommy Robinson thread

How do you know he isn't Jewish?

Our New Blog:

The Tommy Robinson thread

Tommy Rubinstein?? [Image: lol.gif]

The Tommy Robinson thread

I know people have contrarian opinions on him here (and some troll out of boredom), but Tommy is going after the BBC (and Hope Not Hate) big time and it's worth a share. I'm 95% sure I'll be at the event in Manchester on the 23rd if anyone wants to join. The BBC are releasing a hit piece on him but he's made a counter-doc by the sounds of things, exposing all their lying and manipulation, as well as the scheming of the revolting Hope Not Hate marxist organisation. The one that doxxed Millennial Woes amongst other things (funded by Soros - as mentioned by Tommy in the below video).


From what I can gather, the BBC are going to be caught out paying people to say lies on camera about him.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

The Tommy Robinson thread

What's going on in Britain at the moment appears to be a game of hungry hungry hippos for the normies in the center before the shooting inevitably starts (the muslims will kick it off sooner or later if the heritage Britons don't).

Whatever Robinson has on tape wont turn things around or stop the media doing what it does. They'll just be a tad more discreet. Democracy is already irrelevant there. The uniparty system has been in place for some time so the votes are redundant. Neither party is offering an end to the kind of harassment and vilification nationalists endure. It's ironic that people are more upset that Millenial Woes was doxxed than they are that having to remain anonymous for your safety as a 1960's level conservative is considered the new normal.

So hungry hungry hippos it is. Hopefully he gets as many people as red pilled and pissed off as possible. The more the merrier.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Tommy Robinson thread

Maybe Len, but this shit is absolute gold for our side. It's clear the elite absolutely despise the white working class, and it's laid bare in this short clip he shared today. God knows what he's got in the full expose. They are so insulated from the real world that they describe talking to a working class person like "talking to a cannibal in the amazon" or even a space alien! Essential viewing.

Incredible watching him take these fuckers to town. I'm ashamed to be middle class when I see things like this.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

The Tommy Robinson thread

Quote: (02-10-2019 11:09 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

Maybe Len, but this shit is absolute gold for our side. It's clear the elite absolutely despise the white working class, and it's laid bare in this short clip he shared today. God knows what he's got in the full expose. They are so insulated from the real world that they describe talking to a working class person like "talking to a cannibal in the amazon" or even a space alien! Essential viewing.


'Has it ever occurred to you, Winston, that by the year 2050, at the very latest, not a single human being will be alive who could understand such a conversation as we are having now?'

'Except-' began Winston doubtfully, and he stopped.

It had been on the tip of his tongue to say 'Except the proles,' but he checked himself, not feeling fully certain that this remark was not in some way unorthodox. Syme, however, had divined what he was about to say.

'The proles are not human beings,' he said carelessly.

Quote: (02-26-2015 01:57 PM)delicioustacos Wrote:  
They were given immense wealth, great authority, and strong clans at their backs.


The Tommy Robinson thread


The Tommy Robinson thread


Tommy Robinson Zionist drug tourist and thug?

Tommy boy in high spirits. High jinx. Banter. If this is as bad as it gets, well, Tommy boy ain't so bad. Zionist shill, oh yeah, for real, according to him. Having a laugh, mate.

I like Tommy. I might be wrong. But I think he's alright.

His reaction?

He don't seem bovvered.

You should hear the way some of me and my mates talk about black people when we are pissed right up. And some of them are black! Then again, you should hear the way those god damnmed ******* talk about white people. Aloha.

Once again, I find myself in no man's land. I have no love or allegiance for Tommy. I like him. Hell, I fucking respect the dude. But he doesn't speak for me, and I ain't fighting in any war for him.

Teedub, you've done a good job championing him. I know people that would hate you on sight just for that. But I know you're not a racist, and when people try to paint Tommy boy with that brush, it wears thin.

Tommy will never lead a political party. He's a rabble rouser, and fuck yeah, I'm alright wit dat homie.

Here's another perspective:

I've become apolitical now I see how truly fucked the system is. I can be partisan, but I'd rather not. I think Islam is a problem. But so are the jews! Aloha!

The biggest problem is weak willed and spineless white boys. I call them boys coz they ain't men. And this is a man's job. Women need not apply.

Tommy is bought and paid for. That's alright. I still like him. I still think he has something to say. He has an agenda. So what. Let him speak.

I have no allegiance to Tommy boy. But at the same time I respect him. Is that alright?

Some people thought this vid was a head shot.

Tommy boy is a coke head Zionist shill.

Yeah he was pissed up, yeah he was being a prick. So what.

"Drug tourist"



Tommy lives through this and rides on. His star ascending.

They will need to do more than this to take him down.



The Tommy Robinson thread

Big day tomorrow.

Teedub, must be hard being the one man Tommy Robinson promotion machine when you don't get much love back. Respect to you. We don't always agree. But I'll always cover you RVF brother if you need it. My views on Tommy aside. I respect your courage of your convictions.

This was an interesting interview:

This, perhaps gives more of the greater story of what is about to happen tomorrow:

Basically there has been a major disruption in the Tommy camp - betrayals. It got quite nasty. The jury is still out in some quarters. But it turns out that Tommy and team have been playing the long game. Double-crossing the double-crossers.

It all kicks off tomorrow live on youtube apparently, when Tommy sets up his screen and posts his Panodrama documentary. Don't miss it.

I'm on the Tommy train as much as I am on the Trump train - that is - I do believe in them, until they prove me wrong. Yeah, everyone else can then say I told you so - it's how it goes. We need heroes. I don't think Trump or Tommy is a hero. But I'll give them a chance to speak up for the common man. That day is getting soon now.

Perhaps someone can post the live links.

Tommy doesn't speak for me. But I don't dislike him, either. I don't think he's a bad lad, and I think his voice should be heard, not least because he represents 100's of 1000's of people in the UK.

You've done a great job Teedub of bringing Tommy and his story to light. At quite great detriment to yourself. I have great respect for you.

Maybe one day we can crack a shed load of beers and talk shit.

Check out the internet tomorrow folks. It's a story about a man that got betrayed by a woman, but who was actually still on his side, all to sting and betray the greater machine that controls us all. It doesn't get better than that, even if you just like a bit of internet drama.

But there is a bigger game at play here.

Tune in.

It will be 'fun'.

The Tommy Robinson thread

Gotta love a Rigsby rant. I always picture you with a large glass of red wine for some reason. Cheers pal, we'll catch a few beers someday soon!

Yep, unfortunately I can't make the protest today, but it's going to be epic. 10,000 expected to go. Here's a live stream of everything going down, including his expose film.

Journalists are legitimately fearful.


Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

The Tommy Robinson thread

Quote: (02-23-2019 07:50 AM)Teedub Wrote:  



[Image: sbCdjSJEGghGM.gif?resize=245%2C170]

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

The Tommy Robinson thread

It would seem Lucy Brown was the undercover reporter. Therefore she and Tommy organised the apparent fallout between the pair of them, including her insulting him on various podcasts, in order to get the trust of the BBC and get the footage needed. Hats off. It's not honourable, but it's effective.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

The Tommy Robinson thread

Here's the best copy I can find of the documentary. And yes, the man in the thumbnail is the odious Nick Lowles of Hope not Hate.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

The Tommy Robinson thread

Quote: (02-25-2019 04:54 AM)Teedub Wrote:  

Here's the best copy I can find of the documentary. And yes, the man in the thumbnail is the odious Nick Lowles of Hope not Hate.

Fucking go on Tommy..

I cant actually tell how significant the video is in the long run.
Liberal journalist turns out to be a thirsty gamma that says all kinds of shit when he's drunk and horny.

Both parties, Tommy fans and the liberal npc's and the media will retreat to their confirmed biases..
Roosh thinkers will point out that if we aren't DOING something, stockpiling Heinz baked beans and catapults, producing 3.8 children each, taking on ((((their)) control of ((Tommy))) .. we're part of the problem.

But I love this.

Chris Patten was interviewed when he was given the brief to look into the Jimmy Saville affair (leadership of a white wash) .
He said to the BBC NPC woman interviewer "you know one thing I've noticed dealing with this is that journalists are unable to take responsibility for anything that they do, at all."

See the look on that woman's face when he said that...

Anyone who knows people who work in the media will know the truth of that.

The media are greatest dividers in this current age, I think they are the most protected criminals on the planet right now.

CNN reporters giving speeches at Antifa rallies before Antifa then go and attack peaceable conservatives. Giving pro antifa and anti white man speeches from their nightly pulpits.

"Might as well go and talk to cannibals in the Amazon." EXACTLY my prejudiced oh-so-superior friends.

This is a global class war on behalf of rapacious trans national capital, demonising poorer local communities that stand in their way, and the media are the white collared black shirts. Complete with their cheering fans..

Nazis! Torch light parades! Fascism!

Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. [Image: banana.gif]

The Tommy Robinson thread

Aaaaaand just like that, Tommy was banned from Facebook and Instagram;


London (CNN Business)Facebook and Instagram are banning British far-right activist Tommy Robinson for what they said were violations of their community standards.

Robinson, whose real name is Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, is being removed from both platforms because he posted anti-Muslim content and engaged in activity offline supporting hate figures and groups, Facebook said in a statement.
"Tommy Robinson's Facebook Page has repeatedly broken these standards, posting material that uses dehumanizing language and calls for violence targeted at Muslims," Facebook said.
"This is not a decision we take lightly, but individuals and organizations that attack others on the basis of who they are have no place on Facebook and Instagram."

Totally brazen move by the establishment. They feel themselves to be in such a position of strength that they think they can do what they like, without even trying to hide it anymore. Or they could be in a complete panic and this is all knee-jerk. I can't decide which.

‘After you’ve got two eye-witness accounts, following an automobile accident, you begin
To worry about history’ – Tim Allen

The Tommy Robinson thread

Less than 24 hours after releasing his Panodrama undercover documentary exposing the bbc, Tommy Robinson has been banned on Facebook and Instagram. The UK is a country I don't recognise. Blind, leftist pandering and islamisation on an unprecedented scale. I don't recognise my country. TR was probably the only person capable of making the masses see this death by a thousand cuts. No words for the state of the UK.

The Tommy Robinson thread

Nick Lowles and the rest of Hope Not Hate will be behind this most likely. They're quoted directly in the Daily Mail. Revolting organisation. Something needs to be done about them, but I can't make any suggestions otherwise I risk being banned.

YouTube is actually surprisingly lenient on the dissident right.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

The Tommy Robinson thread


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