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Nippon Kaigi- Japan looks to revert to imperialism

Nippon Kaigi- Japan looks to revert to imperialism

Quote: (08-13-2016 11:28 PM)Thaitanium Wrote:  

Interesting stuff to read. Continuing on what The Black Knight says and perhaps one of you that live there can answer something I've been wondering bout the Japanese population. Having been there twice now, I've travelled a bit outside of the big cities. Once you get there, you notice there are hardly any young people around. Its just old people with old houses. I know Japan will have a big problem in the future with their average age and losing perhaps tens of millions of people because of old age and few people being born.

Who is going to keep those small cities and small villages going? If all those old people die, there is nobody there right? These smaller cities will just become ghost towns? How will Japan look in 20-30 years? Just people living in the big cities that will keep on growing into a sort of megacities?

The Japanese will have no choice but to accept an influx of foreign born immigrants who will no doubt add to Japanese society and enrich Japanese culture.

Meet the new Japanese

Nippon Kaigi- Japan looks to revert to imperialism

I wasn't aware of Nippon Kaigi at all. So thx to OP for the heads up.

One quick google news search and I see "problematic" buzzwords describing them as fascist and that they are a cult.

They must be doing something right

Nippon Kaigi- Japan looks to revert to imperialism

It will be a cold day in Hell when the Japanese fill their country with that sort of cultural enrichment.

"Christian love bears evil, but it does not tolerate it. It does penance for the sins of others, but it is not broadminded about sin. Real love involves real hatred: whoever has lost the power of moral indignation and the urge to drive the sellers from temples has also lost a living, fervent love of Truth."

- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Nippon Kaigi- Japan looks to revert to imperialism

Quote: (08-13-2016 11:28 PM)Thaitanium Wrote:  

Interesting stuff to read. Continuing on what The Black Knight says and perhaps one of you that live there can answer something I've been wondering bout the Japanese population. Having been there twice now, I've travelled a bit outside of the big cities. Once you get there, you notice there are hardly any young people around. Its just old people with old houses. I know Japan will have a big problem in the future with their average age and losing perhaps tens of millions of people because of old age and few people being born.

Who is going to keep those small cities and small villages going? If all those old people die, there is nobody there right? These smaller cities will just become ghost towns? How will Japan look in 20-30 years? Just people living in the big cities that will keep on growing into a sort of megacities?

I spent some time in a small farming town close to Nikko. 10 years ago some architect friends bought a couple of traditional style homes and began their renovations. When the first one was done, they marketed it as a getaway spot and it fills up on weekends. Their guests go fishing, paint in the orchard, drink beer for breakfast and just enjoy the tempo.

Now they have both homes restored/modernized. Their staff are youngish girls from Tokyo who, after university and a couple years in the race, wanted a slower life and more time in the hotsprings.

Their neighbor on one side is 94 and him and his wife still work, him making charcoal, and her gardening. The other side is a young family from the city, with three young kids.

My friends had a BBQ for me and my girlfriend and invited all the neighbors, and especially the young people, all came by. The village is small, but there was by no means a shortage of young people there. All except a few were in relationships, obviously ready to start a family.

From this story, and I have others like it, my thoughts are that some rural towns will become ghost towns. But those are the towns that have nothing to offer people- like fishing, mountains, nature, onsen, etc. Many of the towns that look desperate are towns that only existed due to the baby boom and demographics. Towns rise and fall all the time. Just because a place exists now, does not mean it should exist in 30 years.

I believe that towns adhere to the same principles as the rest of the world. The strong survive, and those that have something to offer will thrive. When they lose that ability, their time is over.

Japan will lose many of these places, and all that will happen is some farmers will expand their crops and some nicer village close by will have to build a new school for the 'surprising' baby boom and influx of young people.

Nippon Kaigi- Japan looks to revert to imperialism

Nice aspirations... but the younger Japanese population, especially the men, have gotten so weak and soft over the past few decades. How in the hell do they intend to assert themselves as a world power? This whole thing stinks of desperate old men clinging to a lost legacy. Not to say that all Japanese men have lost their way, but as a culture they're caught in more of a death spiral... with dwindling birth rates & masculinity a rarity, quite the opposite of what they're seeking. Man, I gotta get back to Japan, it's been too long. Not a place I would want to settle down at this point in my life, but visit? Hell yeah. Tokyo Joe, 2017!

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Nippon Kaigi- Japan looks to revert to imperialism

Quote: (08-15-2016 04:14 PM)Dark Knowledge Wrote:  

Quote: (08-13-2016 11:28 PM)Thaitanium Wrote:  

Interesting stuff to read. Continuing on what The Black Knight says and perhaps one of you that live there can answer something I've been wondering bout the Japanese population. Having been there twice now, I've travelled a bit outside of the big cities. Once you get there, you notice there are hardly any young people around. Its just old people with old houses. I know Japan will have a big problem in the future with their average age and losing perhaps tens of millions of people because of old age and few people being born.

Who is going to keep those small cities and small villages going? If all those old people die, there is nobody there right? These smaller cities will just become ghost towns? How will Japan look in 20-30 years? Just people living in the big cities that will keep on growing into a sort of megacities?

The Japanese will have no choice but to accept an influx of foreign born immigrants who will no doubt add to Japanese society and enrich Japanese culture.

Meet the new Japanese

That's not in Japan nor will it ever be. Show me a picture like that actually in Japan please not Europe.

Nippon Kaigi- Japan looks to revert to imperialism

I'd rather have Japanese hegemony in asia instead of the Chinese.

The Japs maintained and preserved their centuries old culture. Mao destroyed his.

And Japanese culture is better, in my not so humble opinion.

Nippon Kaigi- Japan looks to revert to imperialism

This are muslims in Japan. Enjoy the diversity! Enjoy the cultural enrichment!

We will stand tall in the sunshine
With the truth upon our side
And if we have to go alone
We'll go alone with pride

For us, these conflicts can be resolved by appeal to the deeply ingrained higher principle embodied in the law, that individuals have the right (within defined limits) to choose how to live. But this Western notion of individualism and tolerance is by no means a conception in all cultures. - Theodore Dalrymple

Nippon Kaigi- Japan looks to revert to imperialism

The number of Muslims in Japan is insignificant, a few dozen thousand I believe, there are very few mosques around the country. I believe that when they start being a relevant nuisance they will be swiftly deported, and their numbers will never grow enough to represent a relevant problem.

"Christian love bears evil, but it does not tolerate it. It does penance for the sins of others, but it is not broadminded about sin. Real love involves real hatred: whoever has lost the power of moral indignation and the urge to drive the sellers from temples has also lost a living, fervent love of Truth."

- Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Nippon Kaigi- Japan looks to revert to imperialism

Quote: (08-12-2016 01:28 PM)Phoenix Wrote:  

It's been building for a while, and they need to do it. Eventually certain individuals in the head-knodding society that is Japan, rise to a position where there's nobody they need to nod their head at any more. Then they get to think and act freely. The logical conclusion they've come to is that there is something fundamentally, viscerally fucked about their nation, and that restoring certain aspects of prior Japanese societies will remedy that.

I'm inclined to agree. There's some validity to having a shogun or emperor say "fucking breed you spastics, or else I'll send you to the salt mine" to keep people adhering to basic social necessities. Unfortunately this tends to go hand in hand with warmongering --
shogun wants those babies so he can march then to their death to expand his territory.
_ _ _

I agree - and I found this story (from last January) EXTRAORDINARY! Headline summary: "In a Japan seemingly obsessed with sex, few seem to indulge"

WHAT A STRANGE - and unexpected - PARADOX! (And to be frank, somewhat disturbing that the young Japanese are so asexual.)

Japan, like many other nations, is suffering a birth dearth, and perhaps some kind of national zeal can jump-start enough optimism for the future to make the investment in having children worthwhile.

The world needs examples from where the reversal of demographic decline happens and is supported culturally.

Lunar, the OP also writes:


I have always considered Japan almost western. But if things escalate under globalism, what could this mean for myself? Canada and Japan seem like safe bets, but sometimes Canada seems like it has gone full retard.

Now it appears that doors might be closing tighter. Many Japanese love Trump, and I think that his ideas of Make America Great are resonating with the Japanese. They want to be in control of their country, to Make Japan Great Again. All around are the signs of a generation giving up.

Having children means a country will not give up! On being a people, on improving the future of the human race!

And the tranzi globalists cannot achieve this through an abstract "universalist humanism" that they prize and are committed on taking us all towards.

Successful reversal of the birth dearth must happen somewhere! When it happens, a model is born.

Currently, for example, More people in Europe are dying than are being born.

“The researchers find that 17 European nations have more people dying in them than are being born (natural decrease), including three of Europe’s more populous nations: Russia, Germany and Italy. In contrast, in the U.S. and in the state of Texas, births exceed deaths by a substantial margin. . . . Findings reveal that 58 percent of the 1,391 counties of Europe had more deaths than births compared to just 28 percent of the 3,141 counties of the U.S.”

And under Obama's "fundamentally transformed" into socialist (or fascist, to be more precise) America
has now entered this vortex of unsustainable self-inficted decline, too:

From theweek via Instapundit: "BIRTHRATES ALWAYS PLUMMET UNDER SOCIALISM: America’s falling birth rate is now a national emergency."


The new birth rate numbers are out, and they’re a disaster. There are now only 59.6 births per 1,000 women, the lowest rate ever recorded in the United States. Some of the decrease is due to good news, which is the continuing decline of teen pregnancies, but most of it is due to people getting married later and choosing to have fewer children. And the worst part is, everyone is treating this news with a shrug.

It wasn’t always this way. It used to be taken for granted that the best indicator of a nation’s health was its citizens’ desire and capacity to reproduce. And it should still seem self-evident that people’s willingness to have children is not only a sign of confidence in the future, but a sign of cultural health. It’s a signal that people are willing to commit to the most enduring responsibility on Earth, which is raising a child.

But reproduction is also a sign of national health in a more dollars-and-cents way. The more productive people you have in your society, the healthier your country’s economy. It’s an idea that was obvious back in the 17th century, when economist Jean Bodin wrote “the only wealth is people.”

"Yes, but then we got Paul Ehrlich," as Glenn Reynolds ruefully comments in his close.

My apologies for wandering so far afield from the subject of Japan. Perhaps someone will summarize the McClatchy piece about the asexual young of Japan?

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

Nippon Kaigi- Japan looks to revert to imperialism

I know the statistics say the birthrate has been down for years, but maybe cause I live in the suburbs, I see babies and kids EVERYWHERE. The construction workers and their hot ass hostess girlfriends are still fucking like rabbits. It must be all those nerd office workers that just wanna dry hump their anime pillows.

Nippon Kaigi- Japan looks to revert to imperialism

When you compare birthrates to Germany you see that higher educated people have less kids. The problem is more, who has kids. Low educated ones, people in the middle east, 3rd world people. Overpopulation is not an issue for 1st world countries but they fight a decline of birth rates. Those that should actually have a lower birth rate pop them out like crazy. In the past it was normal to have high birth rates because a lot of the kids did die young anyway but now the 3rd world has more and more access to better health care and now we face the over population and the youth bulge in the middle east and the 3rd world.

The main goal for the elites is, that certain countries have actual less birth rates. You can control people more easy when they are singles, focus on their career and feel the emotional emptiness with consuming things. Japan is just lucky that they don't open the gates to millions of invaders. But their culture is kind of strange. Everyone moves to Tokyo and is catch in the rat race of be busy.

We will stand tall in the sunshine
With the truth upon our side
And if we have to go alone
We'll go alone with pride

For us, these conflicts can be resolved by appeal to the deeply ingrained higher principle embodied in the law, that individuals have the right (within defined limits) to choose how to live. But this Western notion of individualism and tolerance is by no means a conception in all cultures. - Theodore Dalrymple

Nippon Kaigi- Japan looks to revert to imperialism

Quote: (08-17-2016 05:32 AM)Parzival Wrote:  

This are muslims in Japan. Enjoy the diversity! Enjoy the cultural enrichment!

[Image: image.jpg?w=500&c=1]

I have no idea, habibi. None whatsoever.

Nippon Kaigi- Japan looks to revert to imperialism

That was for the Turkish elections. Turks had come from all over Japan to the Turkish embassy to vote. Fights broke out, probably because people were arguing over different factions.

That said, I think every last one of them should be deported, just on general principle.

Nippon Kaigi- Japan looks to revert to imperialism

Quote: (08-17-2016 12:43 PM)SamuelBRoberts Wrote:  

That was for the Turkish elections. Turks had come from all over Japan to the Turkish embassy to vote. Fights broke out, probably because people were arguing over different factions.

That said, I think every last one of them should be deported, just on general principle.

Quite possibly the most worthless nationality in existence. Never seen an actual Turk national contribute anything to any nation where they settle.

They are a plague.

Nippon Kaigi- Japan looks to revert to imperialism

I've never met a Turkish person living in Japan.
But every time some dumbass foreigner pulls that shit, it makes my life harder, 'cause whether its fair or not I get viewed with the same lens. It's clear that these people have no intention of assimilating, and no intention of adapting their behavior to the wider culture. Being a good foreigner in Japan isn't even that hard. Expectations are so low that you're given plenty of leeway. You keep your head down. You don't do stupid shit. That's really all there is to it. But even that low bar is too much for these people to clear.

These people aren't immigrants, they're essentially invaders. The only reason they're not more of a threat is that the Japanese are too smart to let more than a few of them in. I guarantee you if they were there in any large numbers, they'd start the same bullshit they pull in all the other countries: poisoning dogs, demanding that the local shops stop selling alcohol, and blaring those obnoxious calls to prayer at all hours of the day.

Eventually there will be a crack-down on this nonsense. The whole "Diversity is our strength" ideology that'd caused so much damage in the United States simply doesn't exist in Japan. The Japanese make their policies for the benefit of the Japanese, and the idea that they have some kind of duty to let foreigners in would be considered absolutely insane. One day they'll just pass a law to round all these people up, and two weeks later every one of them will be gone, down to the last man, woman, and child.

I only hope that when that happens people who genuinely have something to contribute to Japan are allowed to stay.

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