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Red Flags In The Game

Red Flags In The Game

Red flag: Girls who dye their hair wild colors.

Red flag: Girls who get freaky in bed too soon into the relationship.

Red flag: Girls who write poetry.

Red flag: Girls with tumblr pages.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (08-31-2012 03:49 PM)jariel Wrote:  

Red flag: Girls who cry after orgasms.
I have to disagree with this.

The female orgasm is very different to the male orgasm.

It is not uncommon for women to cry after powerful, intense orgasms, and in my opinion, by no means precludes a woman from further interaction.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (09-20-2014 12:26 PM)Trev Wrote:  

Quote: (08-31-2012 03:49 PM)jariel Wrote:  

Red flag: Girls who cry after orgasms.
I have to disagree with this.

The female orgasm is very different to the male orgasm.

It is not uncommon for women to cry after powerful, intense orgasms, and in my opinion, by no means precludes a woman from further interaction.

So because it's common, which I think a lot of men would disagree with, it's not a red flag?

I think your premise that it's common is incorrect.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (09-24-2014 11:35 AM)jariel Wrote:  

Quote: (09-20-2014 12:26 PM)Trev Wrote:  

Quote: (08-31-2012 03:49 PM)jariel Wrote:  

Red flag: Girls who cry after orgasms.
I have to disagree with this.

The female orgasm is very different to the male orgasm.

It is not uncommon for women to cry after powerful, intense orgasms, and in my opinion, by no means precludes a woman from further interaction.

So because it's common, which I think a lot of men would disagree with, it's not a red flag?

I think your premise that it's common is incorrect.

I mean that it is common after a certain type of orgasm for a positive crying to occur. I've done it a handful of times to my current gf. She says it isn't unusual, she has a spiritual approach to sex(could be an actual red flag for some? Which would make your original assertion correct.)

There are some women who might cry during sex at some point, or after orgasm for other reasons, possibly caused by traumatic experiences. I don't know how common this is.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (09-24-2014 05:06 PM)Trev Wrote:  

I mean that it is common after a certain type of orgasm for a positive crying to occur. I've done it a handful of times to my current gf. She says it isn't unusual, she has a spiritual approach to sex(could be an actual red flag for some? Which would make your original assertion correct.)

There are some women who might cry during sex at some point, or after orgasm for other reasons, possibly caused by traumatic experiences. I don't know how common this is.

It might be common for your GF, but modern women have programmed themselves to hold their feelings and emotions back, so it takes a lot for a woman to do some shit like cry in front of you after you've made her cum.

To me it's a red flag, because it says a lot about the attachment she has to her sexuality. If you ever decide to break up with your girl, don't be surprised if you find out she's the type to not let go easily.

Red Flags In The Game

Red Flag: Setting up dates - When she says " I cant do that night", and she doesn't offer you alternative dates like "but I can meet you next Tuesday.." Classic LTR screening technique.

Red Flag: When you have to confirm everything with her. If a girl really wants to see you, and you are screening this girl for LTR or marriage potential, she will show up without you reminding her. She will show almost no signs of flaking. And if she does, she apologizes, offers you options, and seems genuine.

Red Flag: its been said before, divorced family, or family of extensive divorce, parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, blended families, parents with multiple marriages. If divorce is pervasive in her life, it will be even easier for her to end your relationship. Despite her best attempts to break the chains.

Red Flag: Shes not a flexible giver. She doesn't give to you. Time, money, frequent flowing easy sex. She is hard to plan things with. She is hard to talk to. She is just hard to deal with. Gifts are rushed, not thoughtful to you specifically and feel insincere. She is not a giver. Or at least one to you.

And she is inflexible with you. She wants to change you, talks about it a lot, doesn't go along with your plans, exerts her plans over you mostly, for you to go along with. Gets massively butt hurt and sad when you say no. Just say no.

Red Flag: Her finances are a mess. Rent, credit cards, job, home, loans, anything related to exes that jilted her financially. Any hint of this and she is not a keeper, at all.

Red Flag: She tells you she got an abortion. She tells you she was sexually abused. She tells you she was wronged by men in general. Usually it will be her dad or past significant other. That her dad is a racist, or a bum, or some other victim bullshit she will lay on you. Or you will learn the life story about her ex-boyfriend she got an abortion with, and find out he's still a family friend. Its only a matter of time before you are the next male target in her life. Get out soon enough before you become this while you are with her, and she has the keys to your apartment.

Red Flag: She talks a lot about exes. She talks a lot about other men. She notices other men when you are out with her, and makes comments on them. She tells you all about her past relationships and past sexual relationships, unprompted. She has diarrhea of the mouth in regards to this. At the end of the day she is trying to up her value in her eyes. As it is innocent SMV selling, it paints her past with pictures you cant get out of your mind. Smart women, or women that really like you, wont go there.

Red Flag: She smokes heavily and/or drinks almost everyday. Especially if she has been sick before. Maybe she smokes and once had cancer. Not a keeper my man. Not baby making stock.

Red Flag: Her home is gross. Despite how much she works, or how much her dog pisses all over everything, if she cant handle her home as a single person with relatively no responsibility other than a job, how the hell do you expect her to do that when you marry her and she is juggling kids, and possibly still working.

Red Flag: Her siblings are messed up. Substance abusers, fat, broke, criminals, whatever. If they are still in her life and she has not severed ties, you will be their new benefactor my friend. You may not learn this until you are with her for a while.

At the end of the day, all of the preparation and work you have put into being a man of character should not go wasted on someone of lower quality than yourself. Especially if you are looking for more, someone to stay in your life, you want her to elevate you, not bring you down and waste your time, money and health.

Red Flags In The Game

Is prior experimenting with another woman a red flag to people?

A good friend is falling for a girl..haven't met her but she told him on the first date she had a lover/made love to another woman years ago...and sometimes finds women sexy

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (11-16-2014 09:45 PM)Kaizen Wrote:  

Is prior experimenting with another woman a red flag to people?

A good friend is falling for a girl..haven't met her but she told him on the first date she had a lover/made love to another woman years ago...and sometimes finds women sexy

Yes, I believe I read on one of Tuth's Return of King's articles that this type of lesbo leaning is indicative of sluttiness.

Probably not long term relationship material as it denotes a sexual deviant-like mindset. But hey, for a great fling with possible threesome.....could be awesome. [Image: banana.gif]

- One planet orbiting a star. Billions of stars in the galaxy. Billions of galaxies in the universe. Approach.


Red Flags In The Game

My last girlfriend had some points that I consider 'red flags' but I let the forum decide whether they are real red flags.

1) Not a flexible giver in terms of: her wanting me to come to her all the time, otherwise it makes the relationship 'too inconvenient' for her. It was not that she visited me never but almost always I had to go to her.

2) Bad anticonception: not doing the pill and no condoms either, she thinks she can 'calculate' when we can have sex.

3) Uninterested in her father, but in her defense, I do not know the real reason.

And some other quirks that individually are not so strange but collectively are strange.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (08-20-2014 11:28 PM)Catch 22 Wrote:  

Quote: (08-01-2011 09:49 PM)jariel Wrote:  

5. Girls Who Won't Answer Your Calls, But Always Answer Your Texts
I'm sure almost all of us have called a girl, only to have her text you right back. The reason for this is because they have other men in their lives and don't want to get caught playing the field. They get so many texts from all kinds of people, and since it's "just texting" their behavior appears innocuous.

This one annoys me. I've encountered two separate girls in Florida (small n, so far) whose voice mails were full. I had never encountered that in my life, before.

One even texted me right back to tell me she deleted some voice mail's so I could leave her one. Nyet.

This one has to be spot on for playing the field. I made a couple attempts early on of calling a girl who wouldn't answer the phone (gave an excuse over text reply), which I found odd --- and to be quite honest, I didn't realize why --- another lesson in listening to intuition.

She would always come out with a friend, too, which I assume was another way to suggest she was not culpable for meeting up with me. When she finally texted me that she had "good news" and it had nothing to do with me, but rather some achievement she had, I finally had had it and it dawned on me --- listen to your gut early.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (11-16-2014 09:45 PM)Kaizen Wrote:  

Is prior experimenting with another woman a red flag to people?

A good friend is falling for a girl..haven't met her but she told him on the first date she had a lover/made love to another woman years ago...and sometimes finds women sexy

Depends what you're after. If it's just a relationship in your twenties, why not. If it's wife material, then i would say it's a definite red flag. She could knock out a couple of kids with you, get bored, have a fling with a woman then decide to commit to that path. Next thing you know your two sons are being raised by a lesbian couple. Nightmare scenario, frankly.

Red Flags In The Game

Definite Red Flags for a LTR:

Smoker - maybe fine to have the odd cigarette while out drinking, but a girl that smokes cig's when she's sober is gross to me. Plus clearly has a problem making healthy choices that require a little will-power (eg giving up). On that score, how fucking easy is it to give up smoking these days, what with all the products, and it being all but outlawed anywhere inside. With all the health information out there, if you can't make the right choice and quit, you're a bum IMHO, man or women frankly.

Tattoos - Even aside from any sluttiness they may reveal, i find them aesthetically gross, and a sign of poor life choices / impulse control. When i see people with lots of tats, i think deep down they don't feel they are enough as they are, hence all the ink.

Excessive social media presence - Drama queen, attention whore tendencies. Anyone with an excessive amount of 'friends' online (anything north of 200 on FB i find odd tbh), the latter maybe not a dealbreaker, but a tick in that box for sure. The worst are the ones with loads of online 'friends' but few IRL. Minor bug-bear but girls that excessively post 'inspirational' quotes or 'self-help' slogans online, sometimes feels like they're "protesting too much" with all that shit.

Can't cook, or eats bad food - The latter is a definite dealbreaker in any kind of serious relationship, for obvious reasons. I eat super healthy, and even if someone can genetically eat pizzas on the reg and stay thin, it's not doing their health any good longterm. Eating healthily is a major part of my lifestyle, i've lived where girls in the past where our food consumption has been out of whack on this score, and it's a fucking nightmare. Especially if they are whiney about me buying 'boring food'. Can't be doing with it, and I won't compromise on that front.

Slobbish tendencies, barely working out or not playing sports - For obvious reasons. Even girls that dont put weight on, will go to pot later on, plus it shows a flippancy with their health and laziness that i find a major turn off.

Drinks to excess regularly. I mean binge drinking, slurring words level drunk. I like a drink myself from time to time, but for a women in her 30s to get hammered more than at the most once a month is a definite red flag.

Ones i'm flexible with -

Divorced parents and the like - as long as they are on decent terms and don't bad talk them overly, or talk about their childhood in a negative light. My parents divorced, i was raised for most part by a single mother, and while i recognise it's far from ideal, would feel hypocritical excluding anyone on that basis. Plus i think if people are smart they can learn from the mistakes of their families, as much as be doomed to repeat them.

Girls who've had abortions - Again, i've been had instances of these (not my womb personally, but hey). Yes it's a negative, but on one side you could say she's not letting herself be a victim of a shitty circumstance.

Girls who have (relatively) few friends - Honestly half the drama from girls comes from their friends. As long as she's got a couple of good friends, then i don't see that as either good or bad.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (05-03-2016 01:48 PM)serpico Wrote:  

Girls who've had abortions - Again, i've been had instances of these (not my womb personally, but hey). Yes it's a negative, but on one side you could say she's not letting herself be a victim of a shitty circumstance.

[Image: 78WrbYS.gif]


Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (05-03-2016 02:05 PM)Geomann180 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-03-2016 01:48 PM)serpico Wrote:  

Girls who've had abortions - Again, i've been had instances of these (not my womb personally, but hey). Yes it's a negative, but on one side you could say she's not letting herself be a victim of a shitty circumstance.

[Image: 78WrbYS.gif]


Ex's of mine i've got pregnant. Facetiously put, but not that hard to work out, shirley...

Red Flags In The Game

I've seen multiple posters mention getting an abortion as a red flag. Is this a moral issue for them or is it because some girls have meltdowns about it after the fact?

Red Flags In The Game

She reads Reddit.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (05-03-2016 05:54 PM)Mujeriego Wrote:  

I've seen multiple posters mention getting an abortion as a red flag. Is this a moral issue for them or is it because some girls have meltdowns about it after the fact?

From a moral point of view (or "moral", I don't want to sound moralist or "hollier than thou") one and only one is enough, in the sense that you make a grave mistake once and will not repeat it ever again. More than once, it is like serial murdering your own children (morally for certain if not physically also), so problems like meltdowns (from remorse apparently) etc. are really small change compared to it.

Red Flags In The Game

Hey Gents - first time posting in the Game section of the forum.

One YUGE red flag I've noticed (follows the nosy girl / first name red flag) - if she is employed in some from of law enforcement / border services / corrections / legal profession.

There are lots of these girls out there and they make a pretty good living. However:
Surrounded by dudes ALL day
Shiftwork with dudes day and night
Will usually put out very quickly but want to come back to Jesus after the first go around and slow things right down - bad for ongoing sex
After the first bang are very very nosy and have the tools to do their research on you...first names only while drunk and even then...

Anyway, lots of these girls are out there, they are horny, fit and have their own cash but come with a mountain of problems.

Red Flags In The Game

I also share what I learnt from my 2 LTR's and what I consider as red flags:

- When a girl you're in a relationship with ask to go out alone with her friends and when you're not invited and she says : I need some space with my female friends. ( means she misses the attention from other dudes and wants to ride another cock, my western gf asked this a lot while my asian gf never asked this. MAJOR RED FLAG)

- When a girl refuses to give her cellphone to let me check it. ( This is an Obvious one, I would check now and then her cellphone, if she refused , I'd say something like so you still want to play and have something to hide?)

- Any selfish behaviour like when I give her money for the supermarket and she only buy things for herself

- If she has lived in a huge city alone for more than 5 months. Girls who live alone in big cities like New York, Shanghai,.. ride the cock caroussel more than ever. If she lived whole her life so far with her parents, she'd get some bonus points.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (01-06-2018 06:54 AM)SpursFan741 Wrote:  

I also share what I learnt from my 2 LTR's and what I consider as red flags:

- When a girl you're in a relationship with ask to go out alone with her friends and when you're not invited and she says : I need some space with my female friends. ( means she misses the attention from other dudes and wants to ride another cock, my western gf asked this a lot while my asian gf never asked this. MAJOR RED FLAG)


[Image: Lf53hKN.jpg]

Tell them too much, they wouldn't understand; tell them what they know, they would yawn.
They have to move up by responding to challenges, not too easy not too hard, until they paused at what they always think is the end of the road for all time instead of a momentary break in an endless upward spiral

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (01-06-2018 08:41 AM)blck Wrote:  

[Image: Lf53hKN.jpg]


Years ago, a married woman was crashing at my place for a couple weeks. I blew my load, got up to top off the drinks, and when I got back, she's *literally* sitting there topless with cum dried onto her, texting her husband that she "just needs space right now".

Sweet little church girl, too. She's a mom now.

Hidey-ho, RVFerinos!

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (01-06-2018 06:54 AM)SpursFan741 Wrote:  

- When a girl refuses to give her cellphone to let me check it. ( This is an Obvious one, I would check now and then her cellphone, if she refused , I'd say something like so you still want to play and have something to hide?)

I'm curious to what other guys on the forum thinks about this?

Wouldn't it demonstrate insecurity to the girl if you ask to check her phone?

I'm ambivalent, I'd let my girl see my phone if it wasn't because I have conversations with my boys about taking shits, jerking off and shit like that I wouldn't be too comfortable with my girl to see. I think there's probably some room for privacy even in a relationship. Or what do you guys think?

Red Flags In The Game

A cute blonde, thin with boobs and a small round butt, matches with me eagerly. I immediately think "jackpot", just my current type. We are setting it up, I am determined with this one, good banter, she lives real close. But when we were wrapping up our chat, she said one thing that turned me off completely; "I'm just stoned, getting ready for bed."

I'm no wet blanket, and I dont desperately need sex, I get it often enough. This seemingly cute girl who "goes to spin class everyday", uses drugs at home by herself. Which is far different than only using socially with friends. Now, where I am at in my life, this is not the type of girl I want to bring into my life. Despite the ass on this pothead.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (01-06-2018 10:24 AM)The Alpha Virgin Wrote:  

Quote: (01-06-2018 06:54 AM)SpursFan741 Wrote:  

- When a girl refuses to give her cellphone to let me check it. ( This is an Obvious one, I would check now and then her cellphone, if she refused , I'd say something like so you still want to play and have something to hide?)

I'm curious to what other guys on the forum thinks about this?

Wouldn't it demonstrate insecurity to the girl if you ask to check her phone?

I'm ambivalent, I'd let my girl see my phone if it wasn't because I have conversations with my boys about taking shits, jerking off and shit like that I wouldn't be too comfortable with my girl to see. I think there's probably some room for privacy even in a relationship. Or what do you guys think?

Yes, thats such a butt hurt, weird move on his part. Probably why she wants to go out alone with her friends and fuck other guys.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (01-06-2018 06:54 AM)SpursFan741 Wrote:  

I also share what I learnt from my 2 LTR's and what I consider as red flags:

- When a girl refuses to give her cellphone to let me check it. ( This is an Obvious one, I would check now and then her cellphone, if she refused , I'd say something like so you still want to play and have something to hide?)

Let me introduce you to black flag whose thread you should check for a little internal compass readjustment, if you want to read more just follow the link

Quote: (04-25-2014 07:11 AM)Icarus Wrote:  

A few more comments by Black Flag on the insanity of women.

March 11, 2010:


When a woman finds that a man has been slithering through her things, spying and snooping for evidence she’s been cheating, when in fact she has been doing no such thing, when in fact she has not even been giving thought to it; that man is instantly omega. Toxic. He is dead to her.

Or you can keep doing the same and blaming women for it...

[Image: IMG_6360.jpg]

Tell them too much, they wouldn't understand; tell them what they know, they would yawn.
They have to move up by responding to challenges, not too easy not too hard, until they paused at what they always think is the end of the road for all time instead of a momentary break in an endless upward spiral

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