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Red Flags In The Game

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (03-10-2012 08:28 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (03-10-2012 08:16 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I am happy to say that in the past year I have only experienced mild cases of number 6.

Funny that I met an american girl at the club last week and she asked for my LAST name after talking for just a couple minutes. Does she think I'm stupid? Most Euro girls I've banged have no idea what my last night is. They don't seem to care.
That's funny. She only needs your first name to google you. What do you say it is? My fake name is Rotan St. Criox

Mine is Dexter St. Jock

Red Flags In The Game

Here's my take:

Food Lovers- I don't care if she loves to eat-I'm about banging her now and for the next few months maybe. So what if she's fat in 5 years?

Weed- Again don't care as long as she's not a drug crazed maniac

Churchy types- Oh Lord-stay away. Too much work to bang and probably half crazy too

Small dogs- I don't care. I'm not banging her dog.

Texts but won't answer calls- annoying, and a point against her, but not a dealbreaker

Mirror Lookers- Good point made here. They are vain and phony. The key with them is to not play into their frame- asshole game works

Detectives- just awful. I break off contact immediately

Fat girls- Detest them. OP makes a good point- these girls have been so validated in their fatness by this sick society they're not ashamed to go out-even wearing tight clothes-I saw a bunch last night-when they should be at home dieting and exercising. Disgusting

Club girls-they're fine with me. I don't care if they are broke and like to party. I just want to bang them

Materialistic girls- Again, no problem for me because I'm not going to be buying her anything. I've banged girls who would laugh as they told me about getting other guys to buy them things.

No friends- yeah they usually have some type of social skill problem. Better for short term only

Only guy friends-the same

Facebook junkies-attention whores with severe social status insecurities. I avoid

Girl with boyfriend- fine with me.

Lotta body art- I agree 100% with OP, always wrap it with these girls- they are sluts

Feminists- No problem- I used to specialize in this type. Most of them like it rough

Beta Baroness- lots of them out there. The key is to pass her shit tests early on-primarily by denying every request she makes and giving her nothing except a bit of disrespect. If you alpha these girls well they become quite docile

Brimming schedule-yes very annoying. Not a problem though because i will only ask i girl out twice max and if she's "too busy" i just move on.

Knows everyone-desperate to prove how popular she is. If she is "too busy" or flakes on me i just move on

Girls who like nice cars-yes they are goldiggers. Can be banged a few times if you have the right image and lead them on

Fred durst looking friends- good description of this type. I avoid

Here's one of my own-Phag Hags- girls with lots of gay male friends they're always hanging around. The great majority of these girls aren't lesbians, but most have some severe issues of anxiety with heterosexual sex. Usually frigid, a bit strange, and a real waste of time

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

Red Flags In The Game

Church goers are often the easiest to bang.


Because there are a lot of hoes in the church.


Because going to church is how they deal with being hoes. They hoe all week, then at the end of the week, they go ask for forgiveness.

A lot of fucked up people period are in the church, it's therapy for them and it absolves them of guilt from the fucked up lives they are leading.

I'll second watching out for girls with gay friends.

Some of these gay friends are bisexual, and when the girl is vulnerable, the bi-buddies are usually slid the pussy, because even though the dude is bi, he really just likes fucking, and he's not going to try to steer it into a romantic relationship. From her end, she gives it up to him because he's a friend, and she won't feel guilty for doing it.

Obviously this is bad for you, because you don't want to be having sex with chicks who fuck gay men -- thanks to Tumblr and what not you now have girls who are publicly putting it out there that they are even attracted to bi-men.


Texters who won't pick up phone calls often have dudes. Take it a step further, they are living with dudes who are supporting them so the last thing they want to do is fuck up and end up out on the street. I recently met a chick who is currently in this predicament and told me she only takes calls when she's in her car by herself.

Red Flags In The Game


Red Flags In The Game

Seems like red flags for wifey types. If your just going for the bang like MrXy said all that other shit doesn't matter. That's why there is a 3 date rule.

The cycle of disrespect can start with just an appetizer.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (03-12-2012 03:08 AM)TexasMade Wrote:  

Seems like red flags for wifey types. If your just going for the bang like MrXy said all that other shit doesn't matter. That's why there is a 3 date rule.

A big part of game -- as it pertains to women -- is knowing which chicks to not fuck with because every chick that you would fuck is not a chick that you should fuck.

Dudes who've really been in the game don't play it with just a wet dick.

Life is chess, not checkers.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (03-12-2012 06:23 AM)jariel Wrote:  

Quote: (03-12-2012 03:08 AM)TexasMade Wrote:  

Seems like red flags for wifey types. If your just going for the bang like MrXy said all that other shit doesn't matter. That's why there is a 3 date rule.

A big part of game -- as it pertains to women -- is knowing which chicks to not fuck with because every chick that you would fuck is not a chick that you should fuck.

Dudes who've really been in the game don't play it with just a wet dick.

Life is chess, not checkers.

Good point. In that case if I'm smashing long term the no friends, tats, attention whores, and detectives are ones to avoid.

The cycle of disrespect can start with just an appetizer.

Red Flags In The Game

Red flag: Girls who cry after orgasms.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (08-02-2011 05:14 AM)thegmanifesto Wrote:  

How many American girls does this leave that don't have red flags?

Maybe 12?

Agreed, and you have to look at red flags sometimes and say screw it, most things worth having in life come with some kind of risk.

Red Flags In The Game

Red flag: High-end fashion brand whores.

These chicks like to show stop with Celine bags, Charlotte Olympia heels, and Chanel sunglasses.

If they can afford it with their own bread, that's fine, then she's probably a really fly bitch -- bonus points if she'll hook you up too, and if your game is tight, she will.

But most can't really afford that shit, they're either charging it up on credit cards or they're using guys to buy the shit for them -- I know chicks with fly shoes and bags getting out of beat up, old cars, think how dumb that looks, this chick's bumper is hanging off of her '99 Neon, but she's getting out of it with a Balenciaga tote in her hand and Gucci sunglasses concealing her eyes.

Regardless, chicks like this are a red flag because they will drain your bank accounts, not just because they want bags and shoes, but they want the other things that come with that type of lifestyle and presentation.


P.S. Lower-level chicks who want to be stylish will mostly rock Coach and Michael Kors because the shit is more affordable -- both brands have outlet stores all over the country, on the other hand, anything that doesn't have sales, like Louis Vuitton and PRADA, is mostly for perpetrators; they're either trying to get ballers or they already got suckers.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (08-19-2014 11:18 AM)jariel Wrote:  

Red flag: High-end fashion brand whores.

These chicks like to show stop with Celine bags, Charlotte Olympia heels, and Chanel sunglasses.

If they can afford it with their own bread, that's fine, then she's probably a really fly bitch -- bonus points if she'll hook you up too, and if your game is tight, she will.

But most can't really afford that shit, they're either charging it up on credit cards or they're using guys to buy the shit for them -- I know chicks with fly shoes and bags getting out of beat up, old cars, think how dumb that looks, this chick's bumper is hanging off of her '99 Neon, but she's getting out of it with a Balenciaga tote in her hand and Gucci sunglasses concealing her eyes.

Regardless, chicks like this are a red flag because they will drain your bank accounts, not just because they want bags and shoes, but they want the other things that come with that type of lifestyle and presentation.


P.S. Lower-level chicks who want to be stylish will mostly rock Coach and Michael Kors because the shit is more affordable -- both brands have outlet stores all over the country, on the other hand, anything that doesn't have sales, like Louis Vuitton and PRADA, is mostly for perpetrators; they're either trying to get ballers or they already got suckers.


You'll always see girls with coach purses, or whatever. Rocking the newest dress or jewelry. Yet they're broke as hell or even worse have a child they need to take care of.

My ex was like this always wanting tiffany's, micheal kors, coach shit, or a new cocktail dress. I always told her ass to live within her means (she drove a beat up truck that wasn't even really hers) and worked as a "promo girl". I dumped her cause she was shady and probably cheating on me.

She ended up finding some unlucky bastard she moved in with and still does the same shit. I'm glad I wont be the one getting her pregnant.

Red Flags In The Game

7. Girls Who Immediately Want To Know Your Full Name

Number 7 is probably the most dangerous for me as an author. I never, ever reveal my pen names to a girl, no matter how serious we are. If you dump her, she can retailiate with 1000-strong army of facebook feminazis and destroy your Amazon rating (and God knows what else). If overseas, tell them a different last name (if they demand it). I'd even go so far as to get a fake ID with the fake name (google it). Keep that one in your wallet and the real one in a lockbox along with a passport in your room. She WILL go through it when you're sleeping or in the shower. Expect it. It is hard-wired into them and you can't change this. If you're one of the .01% of guys in the world who managed to shag one that doesn't, congratulations. You found a unicorn.

There is no reason at all to tell a girl your real last name be it in Indonesia, Phils or Japan unless you're getting hitched. Telling her your PEN name will be suicide. Not can be...but WILL BE. If you knock her up, then its suicide + castration.

I met a girl on Skype from Phils who was the sleuthy type of girl. Lots of fun to talk to but asked way, way too many questions: Where my blog was. Which genre I wrote in. Asking for samples. She wasn't even a girl I was remotely interested in as far as banging--just had her as friend only but still I wasn't taking any chances and nexted her pronto because I don't like playing with fire.

Trust no one but your closest MALE buds.

Red Flags In The Game

The Girl With a Brimming Schedule.

This is typical of many girls from tinder. They invite you to hang out with their friends (to use you as validation) or just never agree to a date. They don't even flake, as their schedule is so full that they never go out on single dates.

Red Flags In The Game

9. Girls Who Hit The Club Multiple Nights A Week

Yeah boy, those "open schedule" chicks are flexible for a reason - most likely sleeping on someone's couch til she 'gets on her feet'. Probably "going to school" in her 30's, to do what she should've done a decade before

Ask her what she's going to school for? Nursing or to do hair


Red Flags In The Game

Girls who say or insinuate they have been dated raped.

Girls who have consistently used drugs

Girls who take antidepressants

Observe how she speaks about her friends and family when they are not around. This will give you a good indication of the kind of person she is and how she will treat you.

Red Flags In The Game

Girls whose Facebook profile pictures are 90% of them in near model or modeling-type situations. Yes, I know many of you are anti-Facebook, but this is a very telling thing when looking for at least a mini-relationship girl.

Girls who work for celebrities, especially in marketing.

Girls who live with their family and whose family is heavily fucked up (drug users, severely obese, etc...). She will have major problems no matter how much she tries to separate herself but still live at home.

I wish I didn't have such good examples in my own dating history of the above, but fuck it it's true, gotta add them to the list.

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Red Flags In The Game

Great subject, I was going to start my own thread, but since it's already here, I'll add to the great material that's already been posted:

- A girl who makes you jump through hoops before she gives her number. For example, she wants to meet first, text each other using the app (OKC, Tinder, etc) and only then exchange number if things go well. You know what, If she doesn't trust me enough to give her phone number, I'm not wasting my time on her.

- The advice about girls who ask for your full name before you even meet is spot on. Fuck'em, no point talking to them. Either a scammer or paranoid.

- High maintenance, suggests having dinner on a first date. Next, bitch!

- Negative/Rude/Snarky/Arrogant. Next.

- Flakes on you, especially during the weekend when you had other options and chose to ask her out. Not always a good enough reason to delete the number, but she goes to the bottom of the pile.

to be continued

Red Flags In The Game

Here is another one: a smoker. I used to smoke regularly, but now I try to only smoke when I travel. However, when I hang out with smokers, girls or guys (no homo), I'll usually bum a cigarette or two from them, but then start feeling guilty being a mooch and buy my own pack and start smoking a lot until it runs out. Lack of willpower, I know, but it means that hanging out with smokers is bad for me.

Red Flags In The Game

There s a girl in my social group that has one red flag from every of your post. She s borderline crazy.

I would add be careful with girls who play the victim card. If she also happens to have lots of social proof she can fuck you up. They can throw the rape card almost out of nowhere

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

Red Flags In The Game


Avoid these like the plague.

They are narcisists on a mission to boost the number of likes they get for their obnoxious 'selfies'.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (08-31-2012 03:49 PM)jariel Wrote:  

Red flag: Girls who cry after orgasms.

Oh hell.....I'm gaming one now who has told me she masturbates each morning and night and "cries like a baby" after she cums.

She's also repeatedly told me she's "batshit crazy"

"If anything's gonna happen, it's gonna happen out there!- Captain Ron

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (08-20-2014 12:22 PM)MrXY Wrote:  

Quote: (08-31-2012 03:49 PM)jariel Wrote:  

Red flag: Girls who cry after orgasms.

Oh hell.....I'm gaming one now who has told me she masturbates each morning and night and "cries like a baby" after she cums.

She's also repeatedly told me she's "batshit crazy"

^^^ sounds like a real keeper! [Image: lol.gif]

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (08-01-2011 09:49 PM)jariel Wrote:  

5. Girls Who Won't Answer Your Calls, But Always Answer Your Texts
I'm sure almost all of us have called a girl, only to have her text you right back. The reason for this is because they have other men in their lives and don't want to get caught playing the field. They get so many texts from all kinds of people, and since it's "just texting" their behavior appears innocuous.

This one annoys me. I've encountered two separate girls in Florida (small n, so far) whose voice mails were full. I had never encountered that in my life, before.

One even texted me right back to tell me she deleted some voice mail's so I could leave her one. Nyet.

Red Flags In The Game

Cant believe you guys havent called this one:

- Girls who have had abortions.

Means that not only is she having sex with men so low in the chain shes not willing to bear their children, but also that she is being irresponsible at it.


She's also repeatedly told me she's "batshit crazy"

Funner than base jumping and requires no equipment.

Red Flags In The Game


Oh hell.....I'm gaming one now who has told me she masturbates each morning and night and "cries like a baby" after she cums.

She's also repeatedly told me she's "batshit crazy"

95% chance she was abused as a child.

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