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Red Flags In The Game

Red Flags In The Game

One of the posters mentioned in the Speed Dating thread something about girls telling him how much they love food, and it reminded me of some of the red flags in the game I've come across over the years.

1. Girls Who "Love" Food
When they're young, some of these girls can eat everything and not gain a pound. Their love of food doesn't change, but their metabolism does. These are girls who were hotties in their early 20s that end up looking like tanks by their mid-late 20s.

2. Girls Who Smoke Weed Before Bed
Before I get into this one, let me just state I'm not knocking weed. However, if a chick needs to smoke before she goes to bed, that's a dead giveaway that she's not only a pothead, but she does other drugs on the regular as well, i.e. white, molly, bars, etc.

3. Girls Who've Recently Started Going To Church Again
These are girls who either were hoes. If you like a chick who's had 200 dicks in her, go right ahead, but in this case, if she is no longer acting like a hoe, she's going to be extra difficult in terms of giving up the pussy, and it makes no sense to let a girl who's been on her back more times than Simmie Black play the born-again virgin with you.

4. Girls Who Have Small Dogs
Little dogs are fucking annoying. They're so damn little, yet they bark so much, and for no damn reason. These little mutts are high-maintenance, and so are their owners.

5. Girls Who Won't Answer Your Calls, But Always Answer Your Texts
I'm sure almost all of us have called a girl, only to have her text you right back. The reason for this is because they have other men in their lives and don't want to get caught playing the field. They get so many texts from all kinds of people, and since it's "just texting" their behavior appears innocuous.

6. Girls Who Constantly Look In Mirrors
These bitches are vain, and thus have an incredibly high opinion of themselves which usually isn't justifiable. These are the ones who will talk as if every guy hits on them, everyone wants to be their friend, etc. They really are full of fake swag, and you'll find out pretty quickly that who they are and who they pretend to be with the rest of society are two different people.

7. Girls Who Immediately Want To Know Your Full Name
These bitches are little detectives. They want your full name not just so they can Facebook you, but so they can google you as well. Some will even take it further and look your shit up on county records to see if you've caught any cases -- that shit doesn't pop up on a google search. This shit will never end. They will go through your car, phone, etc. after you start seeing them, and the shame is, they never really know what they're looking for, and for most of us, will never actually find anything.

8. Fat Girls In The Club
Most of us know that girls are incredibly insecure. I know chicks who if they get a pimple on their cheek, will literally hide out from society for a week until the shit clears up. So that raises the question, why are so many fat chicks invading the clubs now? It's because they've become comfortable with being fat, which means they've been fat a long time. Some of these girls can have pretty faces, but don't try to turn them into project dimepieces. Once a chick is comfortable enough to go out to a night venue where thirsty dudes are on the prowl, she's internalized that her fatness is ok and doesn't stop men from being attracted to her. For chicks who are fat and haven't even had kids yet, they are ultimately going to get even fatter.

9. Girls Who Hit The Club Multiple Nights A Week
These bitches are unemployed, and thus broke. Granted, in your college years, you can go out 4-5 times a week, and just say fuck class in the morning, but you can't really do that when you have a job, at least no semi-responsible person would do that. With free cover charges, and night spots, in addition to thirsty dudes, offering free drinks, a chick with no money can still go out and have a great time.

10. Girls Who Have Name Brand Everything
We all know bitches are materialistic as fuck, but be careful of the chick who has name brand everything. A lot of these chicks have "paymasters" who constantly buy them shit -- these are the ones that won't get pussy, but the chicks will answer their calls and shit and make them feel liked and cared for -- and the ones who do have their own money, they're terrible with it because they can't stop buying shit. Obviously, a girl who's bad with money and/or likes to spend others is not relationship material.

These are just some of the things I've come across as a player in the game, please feel free to share what you constitute as a red flag.

Red Flags In The Game

Good starter list.

The Girl with no friends - Unless she's new in town, two things cause this:

- She was a huge slut who's extreme whoring and backstabbing alienated all of her former female friends, use once and dispose.
- She was raised super sheltered and never learned the requisite social skills needed to get by. These girls start out well, but eventually morph into super-needy and cloying girls that will text or call you six times a day.

The Girl with only guy friends - A subspecies of the girl with no friends. She doesn't get along with women 'because they're bitches', when in reality, the reason she doesn't get along with women is because she exhibits masculine behavior.

As for her guy friends, well, they fall into two camps;

- Guys that have fucked her, and guys that she will still fuck on occasion when bored or lonely.
- Guys that are orbiting her that will never get to fuck her, but will nonetheless sabotage you at every turn.

Girls glued to Facebook, Twitter and their phones - Easily distracted and always trying to one-up on status. These girls have no attention span and are constantly concerned with getting 'the coolest pic for my profile!' or 'hearing about so-and-so's new baby!'

My advice to most girls in their twenties is this; work on your life before concerning yourself with the lives of others.

The girl with a boyfriend who's 'at home or out of town so I'm out with my girls having fun, weoooooo!' - I'm not saying don't fuck her, fuck her all night long.

But, and this is a mistake I see lots of guys who have no game that get one of these girls make; don't take the bait. 'Oh yeah, once I break up with Matt we can be together!', 'I only cheated on Mike to get him back for cheating on me!'

She will never break up with her boyfriend for you, and she cheated on her boyfriend because she's a could, not to get back at him. If by some weird situation she dumps her boyfriend and gets with you, history will repeat itself. Never say you weren't warned.

Girls with prominent body art - IE tramp stamps, sleeves or massive shit on their backs and ankles.

First, add fifteen cocks taken for each tattoo larger than your fist, second understand that Hepatitis C is up to six times more common in people with tattoos. Tattoos are so ubiquitous that you'll run across these girls everywhere, I've fucked enough girls with tattoos, what I'm trying to say is; never go in raw on a girl with lots of ink.

A small, tasteful tattoo in a naughty place? Nothing wrong with that, but I go to the beach these days and the body art, with the sleeves and tit tats and tramp stamps, shit is getting out of line.

Self-identified 'Feminist' - Extremely common in universities and colleges. The only things they know about feminism are how to bitch and argue and how to get fucked.

Actually, quite fun.

Red Flags In The Game

I think this will just turn into another indictment of 95% of American women. Anyhow...

The Beta Baroness - these chicks lead on lame guys to get them to do their homework, taxes, computer maintenance, phone service, weathervane cleaning, anything. And these girls are incredibly mercenary and venal. They will never for a moment put you ahead of themselves, or consider your feelings at any expense to hers. The moment she decides you don't materially benefit her is the moment she cuts you off.

The Girl With a Brimming Schedule - she never has time for a date because she's busy with her yoga class and dinners at her favorite restaurants. This girl can not stomach a moment of silence or solitude, and is frightfully insecure. She only feels good about herself because she's always going somewhere. And That's Why She Is Better Than You. Very similar to The Girl Who Knows Everyone. She also puts lame, generic activities with her friends over hanging out with you, to prove her Grrrl power. She also thinks being a bitch will make you want her even more.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (08-02-2011 01:20 AM)basilransom Wrote:  

I think this will just turn into another indictment of 95% of American women. Anyhow...

Eh, I'm not totally sure it'll be a full indictment, but there will be some overlap between types.

Here is what I would estimate for girls ages 18-27 are percentages of the types I specified, given what I've run into and heard about;

No friends (too evil and slutty) - 10%
No friends (no social skills) - 5%

Only guy friends - 15%

Facebook/Twitter/phone whores - 40%

Girl fulling to cheat on her boyfriend - Over a long enough timeline, this is well over 80%

Girl with crazy ink - 10%

Self-declared Feminist - 50%

Red Flags In The Game

How many American girls does this leave that don't have red flags?

Maybe 12?

Red Flags In The Game

Girl who notices and comments on cars:

Contrary to popular belief most girls really don't notice or care about cars too much. But if a girl is actually commenting on what she's riding in or talking about wanting a Lexus, she's a money hungry, materialistic whore who is expecting a guy to "buy her nice things".

Girl who has lots of male friends that look like Fred Durst:
[Image: Fred_Durst-12491.jpg]
She is likely to be very trashy, drug addicted, and either a single mother or looking to have a happy accident so she can get a free check every month. Will go out in sweatpants and flip flops with a doo-rag in her hair because she was up all last night taking bong rips.

Red Flags In The Game

Many of Roissy's ways to spot a slut apply here:

"A flower can not remain in bloom for years, but a garden can be cultivated to bloom throughout seasons and years." - xsplat

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (08-02-2011 11:00 AM)Caligula Wrote:  

Many of Roissy's ways to spot a slut apply here:


On second thought, noticing slut tells in a prospect should warm the cockles of every man's heart.

The real red flags are those of girls who require high investment and yield no return. Teases and flakes basically.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (08-02-2011 12:20 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

Quote: (08-02-2011 11:00 AM)Caligula Wrote:  

Many of Roissy's ways to spot a slut apply here:


On second thought, noticing slut tells in a prospect should warm the cockles of every man's heart.

The real red flags are those of girls who require high investment and yield no return. Teases and flakes basically.

Good point. I look for slut tells all the time and consider them when deciding how fast to escalate. More slut tells, bolder and faster escalation. Some girls will absolutely refuse to kiss in a venue where they may be spotted by friends; committed sluts won't care.

Incidentally, if you spot the above red flags you should escalate fast to eliminate the high maintenance girls / teases.

Even kissing is no guarantee and pressing for the bang is the only way to find out. Happened the other week. We'd been making out at the bar, had spent about an hour together. I pushed for close at my place. Tried various angles, including Roosh's "don't worry there's an obstacle course on the way" line. Not going to happen she said - "you're wasting your time." My response: "No you're wasting my time. I'm going to find another girl. Goodbye."

It was worth it for her shellshocked expression.

"A flower can not remain in bloom for years, but a garden can be cultivated to bloom throughout seasons and years." - xsplat

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (08-02-2011 12:52 PM)Caligula Wrote:  

Good point. I look for slut tells all the time and consider them when deciding how fast to escalate. More slut tells, bolder and faster escalation. Some girls will absolutely refuse to kiss in a venue where they may be spotted by friends; committed sluts won't care.

Incidentally, if you spot these red flags you should escalate fast to eliminate the high maintenance girls / teases.

Even kissing is no guarantee and pressing for the bang is the only way to find out.

Isolation is a very important tool as well. The circumstances may not favor physical escalation, but if she is willing to follow you to say, a different part of the bar, to a different venue, for a walk around, odds that she is a tease are much lower. There's something about a woman following a man around... she just won't do that with a man she just met unless she's seriously considering banging him at some point.

Look for signs that she's prolonging her stay because of you. Maybe she's already paid her bill, and she's been sitting at the bar for half an hour chatting.

I met a woman last night at a bar, and though she did nothing more than kiss, we drove from the first bar to the second, walked around the neighborhood, and we chilled at her place for a bit. She claimed to be a good girl, yadda yadda.

Also, scope out her logistics. I was talking to a girl a few nights ago, and found out she was traveling. Lights go off. For a wedding, ok. Find out she was set on going home with the bride, even though she talked to me all night. (She was kind of a loser, and no one wanted to talk to her, seemed like.) She texted me the next night at 11:30 PM, but I responded too late, didn't recognize the number.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (08-01-2011 09:49 PM)jariel Wrote:  

2. Girls Who Smoke Weed Before Bed
Before I get into this one, let me just state I'm not knocking weed. However, if a chick needs to smoke before she goes to bed, that's a dead giveaway that she's not only a pothead, but she does other drugs on the regular as well, i.e. white, molly, bars, etc.

Sex and drugs can also be a beautiful combination.

I don't do drugs very often but when I do I want to be with a young cutie. (or 2)

Red Flags In The Game

[quote] (08-02-2011 02:37 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

[quote='jariel' pid='77760' dateline='1312253380']
2. Girls Who Smoke Weed Before Bed
Before I get into this one, let me just state I'm not knocking weed. However, if a chick needs to smoke before she goes to bed, that's a dead giveaway that she's not only a pothead, but she does other drugs on the regular as well, i.e. white, molly, bars, etc.[/quote]

Sex and drugs can also be a beautiful combination.

I don't do drugs very often but when I do I want to be with a young cutie. (or 2)
You guys are chronicling the symptoms of the main problem,which is- a bitch trying to be clever. These are the symptoms of that particular pathology.
Twice in the past 2 weeks I've told bitches 'keep your number and keep it moving' after their tiny brains misunderstood my interest as desperation-a major failing with Kenyan slutdom. Listening to a 26 year old hottie getting an attitude while trying to be deep because I want to hit it is beneath my dignity.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (08-03-2011 02:16 AM)afronoob Wrote:  

[quote] (08-02-2011 02:37 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

(08-02-2011, 02:49 AM)jariel Wrote:  2. Girls Who Smoke Weed Before Bed
Before I get into this one, let me just state I'm not knocking weed. However, if a chick needs to smoke before she goes to bed, that's a dead giveaway that she's not only a pothead, but she does other drugs on the regular as well, i.e. white, molly, bars, etc.

Sex and drugs can also be a beautiful combination.

I don't do drugs very often but when I do I want to be with a young cutie. (or 2)
You guys are chronicling the symptoms of the main problem,which is- a bitch trying to be clever. These are the symptoms of that particular pathology.
Twice in the past 2 weeks I've told bitches 'keep your number and keep it moving' after their tiny brains misunderstood my interest as desperation-a major failing with Kenyan slutdom. Listening to a 26 year old hottie getting an attitude while trying to be deep because I want to hit it is beneath my dignity.

IDKWH earlier. Let me repost.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (08-02-2011 02:37 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Quote: (08-01-2011 09:49 PM)jariel Wrote:  

2. Girls Who Smoke Weed Before Bed
Before I get into this one, let me just state I'm not knocking weed. However, if a chick needs to smoke before she goes to bed, that's a dead giveaway that she's not only a pothead, but she does other drugs on the regular as well, i.e. white, molly, bars, etc.

Sex and drugs can also be a beautiful combination.

I don't do drugs very often but when I do I want to be with a young cutie. (or 2)

IDK why,but my replies aren't appearing. For me the worst thing is a bitch trying to be clever. I can deal with materialism/shallowness/mattress starfish but a woman misusing her simple headspace for oneupmanship/pointscoring and all that bullshit of womenhood who feel compelled to be witty/sarcastic/clever/important is the killer.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (08-01-2011 09:49 PM)jariel Wrote:  

1. Girls Who "Love" Food
When they're young, some of these girls can eat everything and not gain a pound. Their love of food doesn't change, but their metabolism does. These are girls who were hotties in their early 20s that end up looking like tanks by their mid-late 20s.

For some reason, I've met a number of girls lately who fit #1.

These girls are always asking "have you been to blah blah restaurant?" They then proceed to tell you three or four things off the menu that you just need to try.

I'll also add to the list girls who either keep changing their phone numbers or have their phones temporarily disconnected.

A friend of mine met a chick who keeps changing her number because she's been secretly escorting for a while -- typical Miami girl shit.

Also if you call a girl and get one of those FL04 type messages, I think that's for Metro PCS users, that means her line has been turned off because the bill hasn't been paid, and if the bill hasn't been paid, that means she's broke.

Red Flags In The Game

I am glad to see that I don't wear those flags.

Deixa que essa fase é passageira, amanhã será melhor você vai ver a cidade inteira seu samba saber de cor!

Red Flags In The Game

I am happy to say that in the past year I have only experienced mild cases of number 6.

Funny that I met an american girl at the club last week and she asked for my LAST name after talking for just a couple minutes. Does she think I'm stupid? Most Euro girls I've banged have no idea what my last night is. They don't seem to care.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (03-10-2012 08:16 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I am happy to say that in the past year I have only experienced mild cases of number 6.

Funny that I met an american girl at the club last week and she asked for my LAST name after talking for just a couple minutes. Does she think I'm stupid? Most Euro girls I've banged have no idea what my last night is. They don't seem to care.
That's funny. She only needs your first name to google you. What do you say it is? My fake name is Rotan St. Criox

Red Flags In The Game

Wow, this thread is pretty epic in my opinion, lot's of good info being dropped, props to jariel, nonpareil, and basilransom.

I'd also be weary of women that talk a lot of shit about their friends, ex-boyfriends, family, etc. If she's talking mad shit about all her friends behind their back, she's probably shady, and lies a lot, and might very well be talking shit about you to her friends behind your back.

Add to that women that play the victim card, or have a victim complex. They blame everything on everyone else, everything is always someone else's fault, they try to get you to feel bad for them, to try to manipulate your inner white knight complex. These ones will never take responsibility for their own actions.

Another red flag to be aware of are women that try to make you jealous. Guys experienced in the game, won't put up with this shit, but newbies and guys who feel like they are "dating up", will often times put up with a lot of bull shit. If she's always talking about how such and such guy hit on her, bought her a drink, etc., she's trying to make you jealous. It might be subtle stuff, like commenting on how she likes another guys shirt/jacket/tattoo, etc., or she might be like "wow that guys soo tall, etc." She might comment on how her friend is dating a "hot new guy", then go off about talking about him, under the guise of how they are so compatible, or whatever.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (03-10-2012 08:28 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (03-10-2012 08:16 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I am happy to say that in the past year I have only experienced mild cases of number 6.

Funny that I met an american girl at the club last week and she asked for my LAST name after talking for just a couple minutes. Does she think I'm stupid? Most Euro girls I've banged have no idea what my last night is. They don't seem to care.
That's funny. She only needs your first name to google you. What do you say it is? My fake name is Rotan St. Criox

If a chick immediately asks for my full name, my reply would be, "Are you a cop?" Smiling of course, but she'd probably get the message. If someone needs that kind of info before you've even had a conversation, you might not want to get involved with them in any way.

"The best kind of pride is that which compels a man to do his best when no one is watching."

Red Flags In The Game

Back in the old days we didn't have to worry about people looking us up on facebook, online court records, google, linkedin, rooshv, etc.

I kinda miss those days...

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (03-10-2012 10:39 PM)Timoteo Wrote:  

Quote: (03-10-2012 08:28 PM)el mechanico Wrote:  

Quote: (03-10-2012 08:16 PM)Roosh Wrote:  

I am happy to say that in the past year I have only experienced mild cases of number 6.

Funny that I met an american girl at the club last week and she asked for my LAST name after talking for just a couple minutes. Does she think I'm stupid? Most Euro girls I've banged have no idea what my last night is. They don't seem to care.
That's funny. She only needs your first name to google you. What do you say it is? My fake name is Rotan St. Criox

If a chick immediately asks for my full name, my reply would be, "Are you a cop?" Smiling of course, but she'd probably get the message. If someone needs that kind of info before you've even had a conversation, you might not want to get involved with them in any way.

Paranoid. She's a [killer/rapist/deadbeat] screener, and THAT image of men is at the forefront of her mind. Paranoid chix are no good for either ONS or LTR. Can't bond and won't fuck.

Red Flags In The Game

Great post. Girls that immediately ask you what type of work you do. This is usually the tell of an entitlement princess begining her mental screening. I tell them I'm in the attitude adjustment business.

Red Flags In The Game

She's a Cheater

I had one girl straight up tell me that she never had a boyfriend she didn't cheat on. It probably didn't help that her parents were divorced, in part due to extensive cheating on both sides.

Hit it and quit it.

Red Flags In The Game

Quote: (08-01-2011 09:49 PM)jariel Wrote:  

4. Girls Who Have Small Dogs
Little dogs are fucking annoying. They're so damn little, yet they bark so much, and for no damn reason. These little mutts are high-maintenance, and so are their owners.

I never thought of it that way, this might explain a lot [Image: lol.gif]

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