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Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

Background: I'm 20 and living in a Western country. Sick of the disgusting girls here, want to travel to an EE country. Currently am broke, so need to earn some money to get unstuck and stop being so miserable here.

What sort of entry level jobs should I be looking for? Partially I'd be okay with something decent paying but mainly I want something that's got a high chance of hiring me, but also is the least suffering(eg cleaning, shift work).

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

Are you sick of the girls or are you sick that you cannot do anything while broke? Why are you sick of the girls? Have you been to an EE country?

Girls are girls everywhere homie. If you can't pull here you can't pull there, well maybe in the phils.

What skills do you have? What background do you have? Are you introverted? Any experience in anything?

It's hard to give advice and say "do X" if you do not have the experience. Sales gigs require experience, ditto for remote jobs. FYI, entry level usually means just out of college....and you're 20.

Cattle 5000 Rustlings #RustleHouseRecords #5000Posts
Houston (Montrose), Texas

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Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

Quote: (08-03-2016 05:55 PM)Armada Wrote:  

What sort of entry level jobs should I be looking for? Partially I'd be okay with something decent paying but mainly I want something that's got a high chance of hiring me, but also is the least suffering(eg cleaning, shift work).

Thanks in advance for your help.

The problem is that those are the jobs that basically everyone without significant work education or work experience is looking for. The reason you often see adults 15 years older than you are working retail, or in grocery stores, or in fast food restaurants isn't because they love shift work, it's because that's what's available to them.

But looking at it from the perspective of my mid-30s...20? Gee whiz, that's still really young. I'd worked a couple jobs before that, I understand kids are perhaps somewhat more sheltered then, but it wasn't really by much.

Keep in mind that at least on first glace, you appear to be able to type in well-structured complete sentences, apply the rules of grammar, and even use paragraph breaks, which in fact already puts you in front of some college students (and college graduates!) that I've worked with. You might not be as unskilled as you think.

If worse comes to worse, it certainly seems like you'd have the ability to put together something you could hand into a more "upscale" shift work environment...I sort of hate to say it, but it looks like Starbucks is one of the better places for young people to do their initial grind: decent perks, good benefits, money for college, tips. There are likely some other places like that which do college reimbursement.

You could work part-time and hustle on the side; drive for Uber or Lyft on the weekends, maybe. That could ease the monotony of the shift work grind.

If you've ever done some programming, or take a couple week online coding course from nothing and you find that it's something you enjoy doing and have a knack the programming thread here, suck up the retail/coffeshop bullshit for a year while you improve your skills/take classes, then run with that and never look back.

In general it's hard for me to recommend 4 year college these days for anything but "serious" majors like the hard sciences, medicine, law, etc. but I think 2 year colleges are a reasonable compromise. You could do a year at the coffee shop gig, in the meantime be scouting really hard for a 2 year degree/trade program at a school you like, that you know you can stick with. You'd be in a good position to go for the 4 year afterwards if at some point you decide you want that. Beg, borrow, or steal the money you need to get won't be the oldest guy or girl there by a longshot.

So that'd be ~3 years total. I know it feels like a long time to you, but from my perspective (and probably many other older guys) the difference between 20 and 23 is hardly anything. I'd give my left nut to be 23 again; you'll still have your whole life ahead of you.

I wouldn't be thinking of bailing out to EE just yet. Give it some early 20s were the worst period for me in terms of just about everything, and I think that goes for many young men, so I understand that desire to get away and be "anywhere but here." But I think it would likely end in disaster. Suck it up, buckle down for a bit, and put in the work required to put you in a stronger position. The girls aren't going anywhere; I assure you you'll be able to bang the same college girls you could at 20 at 23, and if you play it right you'll definitely be able to be more selective. [Image: sleepy.gif]

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

I'm both sick of being broke and sick of the girls. Here the girls are ugly and overweight and feminist. If I see videos of Moscow or other EE cities my mind is blown by the natural beauties walking the street.

I'm very good at math, okayish with physical work etc. I don't have any work experience as such but my hobbies are various sports and physical activities, as well as computer games. I'm very introverted. I could go to college but that just feels like an awful option to me right now, especially since it means I'll be stuck here even longer.

By "shift work" I meant night shift. Sorry to have given ambiguous phrasing.

By "cleaning" I meant any sort of chemical cleaning products which I really don't like. Does Starbucks/cafe work for instance make you do dishes or clean tables/floors with chemical products?

I'll look into doing trade programs. I've dabbled in programming but found that doing projects seem much too difficult and complicated for me. I doubt I'll enjoy trades but I don't think I have a choice.

The reason why I had no experience up until this point is because even thinking about doing most jobs makes me feel like I want to kill myself. But I've since realised entry level jobs actually suck a lot and so I'll have to deal with it at least temporarily.

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

Quote: (08-03-2016 08:07 PM)Armada Wrote:  

I'm both sick of being broke and sick of the girls. Here the girls are ugly and overweight and feminist. If I see videos of Moscow or other EE cities my mind is blown by the natural beauties walking the street.

It is impressive, but real talk if you can't pull in the US (or some similar Western country) it's unlikely you'll be pulling anywhere else. And I wouldn't sell all Western broads short so quickly, there are all sorts of women out there. An introvert might get the impression it's all attention-whoring social media feminists, and that's unfortunate because it's really not like that.


I'm very good at math, okayish with physical work etc. I don't have any work experience as such but my hobbies are various sports and physical activities, as well as computer games. I'm very introverted. I could go to college but that just feels like an awful option to me right now, especially since it means I'll be stuck here even longer.

Shouldn't think of it that way. A job where you have to face the public day in and day out might be a solid option, as there's no way to pull girls without social skills, and there's no way to get solid social skills except by doing and observing over and over again.


By "cleaning" I meant any sort of chemical cleaning products which I really don't like. Does Starbucks/cafe work for instance make you do dishes or clean tables/floors with chemical products?

Of course, everyone has to pitch in on cleanup duty, but it's usually on a rotating schedule. You wouldn't be doing it all the time. If it's a complete dealbreaker, you could always try and say you have severe sensitivity to those products, and make up for it by being the guy who always takes out the trash, or sweeps the patio, or some other somewhat unpleasant task that doesn't involve cleaning chemicals.


I'll look into doing trade programs. I've dabbled in programming but found that doing projects seem much too difficult and complicated for me. I doubt I'll enjoy trades but I don't think I have a choice.

The reason why I had no experience up until this point is because even thinking about doing most jobs makes me feel like I want to kill myself. But I've since realised entry level jobs actually suck a lot and so I'll have to deal with it at least temporarily.

It sounds like a motivational issue. You're at the bottom of the mountain and looking way way ahead at the peak and saying to yourself "How am I ever going to do this?"

I'd say that for the moment you should stop looking up there. A crappy job doesn't have to be a completely crappy job if you select one where as an introvert you can feel you're also learning social dynamics. Then you can think of it as "game training" where you're also making money, which doesn't feel nearly as bad. It's not like it will be forever.

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

Could do your best to land a job selling insurance.

Take a civil service exam and apply for civil service jobs like corrections officer, police officer, firefighter - albeit, it will probably take a while for them to get back to you.

Get a license to drive buses or trucks. Try to land a gig dealing with garbage.

Try to land some type of internship or an equivalent of one, and use that to try to build up to better jobs. If you mass apply to internships, you should have a solid chance at landing one since you're also competing against college students who have no real work experience. You'll probably have to lie and say that you're in college though.

Try to learn skills in marketing or programming on your own time, and use that to land a job - this will take time, but with months of hard training you should see some results.

All else fails, go retail and try to climb the ladder.

Hard to say what type of job you can get or want without listing what you're willing to go through. Also, what is your time frame? If it's just like a 2 year time frame, you could go to community college or trade school and get a vocational oriented 2 year degree or trade.

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

Basically, without any kind of education or experience you won't ever find a job in Eastern Europe or really any other country. Also, I wouldn't base my whole weltanschauung on a couple youtube videos you saw from Moscow. Can you even speak a foreign language?

Right now you need to work on you. You seem pretty lazy and unmotivated. Why don't you have any education or skills at age 20? How are you surviving right now with no work?

Even if you were to escape to a new country, you'd bring along your personal baggage and you'd be poor and jobless in a foreign country, which sounds a bit like hell. Get a gig at a grocery store or a call center, pay off debts, accumulate some savings, investigate your local community college, and start writing down what you want out of life.

Right now the last thing you need is a girl, amigo

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

If your interested in EE/Russia your going to have to look for location independent work. Some examples of location independent work are starting a internet business or even getting into stock trading. Stock trading might be ideal for you since you said your good at math. Also remember that English is usually not a native language in this region of the world, so learning a foreign language might have to come with that as well. Your going to have to give more details of why your not pulling chicks in the western country your living in. Western countries are some of the easiest countries to get laid in. You said your pretty much miserable with your situation and introverted. Your definitely want to become more outgoing and work on your inner game, and build your self confidence. The best thing for you job wise since you don't have any education or experience is get something like a license or certificate. Get a forklift license, security license, or something like that. Work a crappy job that you like and find something on the side which will make you location independent. Yeah EE/Russia has beautiful women but they also have some top quality guys in there circle as well. The best place location wise would be a place where your probability of dating beautiful women has dramatically increased just due to your own nature and characteristics. The best thing for you is the fact that your still 20 years old. If you can give more detail on your height, weight, ethnicity, what country you live in and etc. I can try to come up with a better answer for you.

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

No, I can't speak a foreign language. I'd read that in a country like Poland you don't have to, but worst comes to worst, I'll integrate with the country I move to and learn the language. The trouble with the country I live in is it's very anti-intellectual, there isn't much to do, the bitches are gross, the values are too progressive, etc. If I'm moving anyway I might as well go where the hotties are. Edit: The country I am in has much grosser bitches than the US

I'm currently living off disability allowance from the government. Kind of disappointing but I'll take it. I'm unmotivated to actually do work(at the entry level at least) but I'm more motivated to actually have the money so I can have freedom to travel and explore and buy stuff I want.

Not sure being broke in EE would be worse than the country I'm in at the moment. I'm currently really frustrated with my current situation and feel really miserable. If it turns out the problem is me, instead of the country, that would mean that I have serious issues in my head.

Probably would take your advice and get some savings. I don't have any debt and my country doesn't have community colleges. But there is something similar which I could possibly look into.

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

Quote: (08-04-2016 03:06 AM)Armada Wrote:  

Not sure being broke in EE would be worse than the country I'm in at the moment.

It will be.


If it turns out the problem is me, instead of the country,

The problem is you.

Believe me, I began running away to other countries at 19, and where ever I ended up I was still me, still the same problems. It's great to have new surroundings and that can help invigorate you, but at the end of the day you will still need to find your way in life and figure out how you will sustain yourself. And it will be 10 times more difficult than at home.

If you are not able to find a way to make money in your home country you will not make money as a foreigner in E.E. Don't confuse this statement- you can make money anywhere, but if you've lacked the motivation or ability to do so in the location you have the most advantages then you will lack those things everywhere else.

Americans are dreamers too

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

A bit off the beaten path . My mate is from Lyon and his elder brother relocated to Barcelona a few years back so in order to fund their South East Asia trip they negotiated with and paid the owner of a kebab shop (just off las ramblas) 1000€ /week and started selling Mojito's by his stall . In 4 weeks they'd made 10k and embarked on a life changing around the world trip for 6 months . This was Spain where everything is lax so never had any troubles with the law but in another country( France, Switzerland, London) you might get your cocktail kiosk shut down by the law within hours . Still a good idea though and a few warm countries and places where you might get away with it and come out with a fat wad of cash .

A bit more conventional and patitent way would be to spend 1 or 2 years working unskilled jobs like at pubs and hotel frontdesks and save a decent amount before emabarking on your adventures . You are only 20 and plenty of fun and action to be had for you in western countries too . Don't neglect your current life projecting on some promised land , there isn't one . Happiness is to be found within first and then everywhere , unlike Pokemon go .

My previous post on how you can hack it in a big city with entry level jobs and turn your town into a pussy paradise thread-57378.html

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

Nie mam pieniędzy , bez pracy i żadnych perspektyw . Będziesz mieć seks ze mną?

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

Moc grze nie można lekceważyć

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

Labour market in my EE country is quite competetive here and there are even many university educated young people without jobs. Their biggest problem is the lack of experience. So the most of young people try to get some experience during their studies at least in part-time jobs, so they will have anything to offer.
I am not sure, what you mean by zero education, but in my country it means only elementary school. With it you can hardly get any perspective job and typical workers on this level are gipsies with shovels. So get at least GSCE.

But remember this. Financial situation in EE is quite different than in west. Prices here are much lower, but also the sallaries are much lower (ratio is not very good). So if I was from west and would like to move to EE, I would do it like this:
Get job in west, earn money, save as much as possible, learn how to struggle with life, learn eastern languages, bang girls (if you don´t bang there, you won´t bang here anyway). Now you are 30, you have some savings which are not so big, but you move to EE, where is much bigger value of your money (instead of 1 beer you can buy 4 beers ... apply this on everything). Now you have good savings to start some bussiness. People here are obsessed with western stuff, so find something really western what EE country is lack of and do it (restaurants, some hipster shit,....).

"Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people."

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

Quote: (08-04-2016 04:34 AM)Armada Wrote:  

Moc grze nie można lekceważyć

Istnieją malarze w moim domu . Trzeba odwiedzić swój dom w zamian.

Seriously. The other members are correct. You're young enough to invest some of your life in setting yourself up with a good income. Chasing tail should come secondary to that. One pursuit will serve you fantastically year over year. The other will not.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

Try to get into a high end restaurant (with high avg. checks). Nice steak houses are great- you can start as a bus boy or bar back and work your way up to a server/bartender. I did this and pulled avg $150/night in tips alone as a busser. It's not glamorous but you can make good money and it will help you improve your social skills and the art of selling/ bullshiting. Plus there are always fine girls around and everyone goes out after work so good social circle game amongst other restaurants. Try to befriend someone who works there to get your foot in the door then the rest is on you.

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

You need to have something to offer people.

You can offer women game, but for most, game is an unpaid internship.

You speak English. That's about all a rural Chinese school needs from an English teacher, bonus if you are white, double bonus if you are nordic white. But that scene is like a tarpit unless you have a plan for your life, which you do not.

ESL in Eastern Europe would require formal qualifications. No race advantage, just social prestige. If you're not a native speaker that would count against you, unlike in China.

You mention that you want to avoid suffering. Well, so does everyone else. Being able to tolerate hardship is something you could offer that few others could. There are plenty of threads about working on oilrigs, in construction, in skilled trades. Invest the savings and exit the field after a few years.

Cooking is easy to learn, and if you can't afford to eat out, you have no business not knowing how to cook delicious meals for yourself. Pick a cuisine, get cookbooks, watch youtube videos. After being your own test audience for a few months, you'd have enough experience to work in a Western style restaurant in Asia, likely for higher pay than you could in the US, and also with a lower cost of living. You could later start a restaurant of your own.
If you have a surname associated with a particular country, choosing that country's cuisine would help you build your brand.

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

Get a job as an electrician's apprentice. You will get paid for learning. Hard work, but useful around the world.

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

Hey, an update.

I went to my psychologist about this. He said I was making myself unnecessarily miserable and suffer more than I have to when I think this way- that basically my mindset was an "in between" mindset. When I feel unfulfilled, anything I would do I'd feel bad because I wasn't working. Yet when I had to do the groundwork to actually find a job in the first place, I just found it too difficult to actually do. This went on for close to a year where I would go back and forth between trying to find work and not. I even discussed this thread, that I talked to people online about finding work.

He suggested that I "make peace", at least temporarily, with the fact that I would be unemployed for now and not to be focused on work until I was in a better place. His reasoning was that he had many other clients who were unemployed and they were able to lead perfectly fulfilling lives. So he told me I shouldn't think about finding work for now and focus more on the rest of my life and get back the feeling that gives me meaning and purpose in life.

At first I was very hesitant to accept this because it really felt like I was a failure. And the RVF/self improvement mindset that you have to work your way to a better life. I had a bit of a breakdown and was crying for about an hour. But I figured he was probably right on this. I could look for work any time I want. I just have to work on myself first. It sort of lifted a weight off my shoulders, relieved my stress, and gave me closure.

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

Quote: (08-04-2016 09:20 PM)Armada Wrote:  

Hey, an update.

I went to my psychologist about this. He said I was making myself unnecessarily miserable and suffer more than I have to when I think this way- that basically my mindset was an "in between" mindset. When I feel unfulfilled, anything I would do I'd feel bad because I wasn't working. Yet when I had to do the groundwork to actually find a job in the first place, I just found it too difficult to actually do. This went on for close to a year where I would go back and forth between trying to find work and not. I even discussed this thread, that I talked to people online about finding work.

He suggested that I "make peace", at least temporarily, with the fact that I would be unemployed for now and not to be focused on work until I was in a better place. His reasoning was that he had many other clients who were unemployed and they were able to lead perfectly fulfilling lives. So he told me I shouldn't think about finding work for now and focus more on the rest of my life and get back the feeling that gives me meaning and purpose in life.

At first I was very hesitant to accept this because it really felt like I was a failure. And the RVF/self improvement mindset that you have to work your way to a better life. I had a bit of a breakdown and was crying for about an hour. But I figured he was probably right on this. I could look for work any time I want. I just have to work on myself first. It sort of lifted a weight off my shoulders, relieved my stress, and gave me closure.

Hey man, you're only 20. Try to do things that make you happy until your mind is in a better place. Don't crush yourself over lack of work, you have the rest of your life to stress over that.

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

Try working at UPS as a Loader/Unloader, you can move up the ladder pretty fast if you're an excellent learner and ambitious. They will also pay for college and benefits after a few months.

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

Armada, don't be so hard on yourself, man, there's many ways to accomplish your goals, check out my location independence thread:


You mentioned you liked math, if that's the case, you may enjoy starting a web business of some kind or back end coding.

Good luck!

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

If you want to work, travel and bang on a limited budget with limited skills then you might want to look into either becoming an air host(ess) or getting work on a cruise ship (security maybe).

Both have limited requirements other than being presentable and reliable.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

And what about trying not to ask yourself what job you should look for but what job you would like to do. There must be something, some childhood dream. If you don´t have enough qualification fot it, you can set it as the goal and then things get done themself.

"Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people."

Best entry level jobs for someone with zero education/work experience

Gonna be honest (and I think you need the truth vs. some psychologist coddling you so he/she can take more of your parents'/government's money):

You sound like a fucking bitch. You complain about "the West," etc but really you are part of the problem. Lazy, entitled, spoiled

By "cleaning" I meant any sort of chemical cleaning products which I really don't like. Does Starbucks/cafe work for instance make you do dishes or clean tables/floors with chemical products?
^ really? You have zero skills and "don't want to clean?" You need some more tampons or something?

I'll look into doing trade programs. I've dabbled in programming but found that doing projects seem much too difficult and complicated for me. I doubt I'll enjoy trades but I don't think I have a choice.
^ "projects seem much too difficult and complicated for me" aww. Believe it or not, life isn't easy!

The reason why I had no experience up until this point is because even thinking about doing most jobs makes me feel like I want to kill myself. But I've since realised entry level jobs actually suck a lot and so I'll have to deal with it at least temporarily.
^ stay at your mom's house then. Like wtf?

I'm unmotivated to actually do work(at the entry level at least) but I'm more motivated to actually have the money so I can have freedom to travel and explore and buy stuff I want.
^ doesn't want to work.
But wants money to travel and have fun.

Fucking lol

Seriously you are pathetic. I hope you feel like shit about yourself

No but really I hope you feel bad so you're motivated to do something. I mean this as tough love. At least you are asking questions - next step is to do something. Get off the pc and occupy yourself somehow so you aren't mental masturbating yourself into the abyss - just try anything you have any inkling of interest in. If it isn't for you go to the next thing

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You aren't getting laid because you still believe in "game".

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