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Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

The sleeping giant turns in his sleep. Not long now before he awakens.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Quote: (07-26-2016 06:22 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

Western governments are the ones letting Muslims into Western countries, overthrowing leaders in Middle Eastern countries, allying with and supporting extremist countries like Saudi Arabia, and creating and funding extremists groups.

That is not opinion. That is fact.

To be clear, I'm not saying that the West creates extremism within Islam. I'm saying that they're the ones who allow it to threaten us on any existential level.

And no one is saying not to use violence.

The point is that eliminating all Muslims or eliminating all threats to Westerners is not realistic.

We don't live in Narnia. There is always going to be some level of danger in the world.

Meanwhile, if you simply remove all the Muslims from our countries, properly use surveillance and intelligence, and exercise appropriate military force when necessary, you would reduce the chance of Westerners being killed by Islamic extremists down to practically 0.

Yes, it would still be possible for them to kill Americans, but it would be very difficult and would likely only be in small, isolate attacks. And again, you're not going to completely eliminate violence from the world. It's a pipe dream.

Even if Muslims were *poof* gone from Earth, you'd still have school shootings, gang shootings, drug violence, etc.

I don't think we actually disagree about anything, I think I'm just not communicating well today for some reason.

To be clear, I don't think we need to get rid of all muslims in the world. Nor do I want to. We simply have to adjust their attitudes in a way they understand, tailor our message to the intended audience. We've never done that, and I do not think the west has the stomach to do it right now.

Perhaps we'll get there as the islamic violence continues and intensifies.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Quote: (07-26-2016 06:09 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

But no one predicted these events with the timing and accuracy I have. Lots of people have said Muslims are coming but their timing has been all wrong, for example, Anders Breivik titled his manifesto 2080.

Also no one predicted the sequence of the events, which I did last year as well. If anyone want the original links I can send them, I have it on my twitter as well. Many mocked or derided me, not that I cared because I don't say things unless I have extremely good reason to believe it is true. And, I hate to brag, but I am a very sharp man.

Anyone can make wild Nostradamus claims - it takes a lot more logical skill and intellectual finesse to actually provide useful information that can be acted upon in the near future.

I'd actually be curious to see all of your predictions. I've only caught bits and pieces in the Migrant Invasion thread-- it would be great to see the original links.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Quote: (07-26-2016 06:23 PM)iknowexactly Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2016 05:12 PM)Enigma Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2016 04:13 PM)weambulance Wrote:  

Ah, those are two separate points, sorry.

The "we have to fight" thing was not really related to getting them out of Europe.

The only reason any of this is happening is because Western governments want it that way. ISIS could be wiped out in a week.

Not being argumentatitve, but how exactly could that be done? Aren't they pretty mixed in with regular population in the cities they are holding? (Rakka?)
Would the military have to level those cities with ~85% innocent people to take out the assholes in days?

Well, I'm being a little hyperbolic when I say "a week".

But if the US really wanted to stop ISIS, it would be a relatively quick process.

They're not well-trained, they're not well-equipped, and they don't have an air force. They're being propped up by a variety of countries which benefit from their presence in the region.

You wouldn't need to level the cities. Just provide enough air support to the Syrian/Iranian/Hezbollah/Kurdish/Iraqi forces on the ground that they're able to retake and occupy the cities.

This was very effective when Russia did it. The problem was there were still other countries meddling at the time.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church


Yes, exactly. All they would have to do is to:

1. Stop funding the governments supporting the rebels in Syria and Iraq (i.e., Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Gulf States, France, Germany).

2. Provide intelligence and support for the Syrian Army and Iraqi Army in their campaign to retake rebel and ISIS held areas.

2. Make connection with, or membership of, ISIS punishable by death. All methods need to be used to see this is carried out. This is very important, and has to be done despite all the whining and screaming that would be let loose. ISIS is not a signatory of the Geneva Convention and therefore has no rights under it. They have proven themselves to be beyond any civilized standards and no squeamishness should be felt in eradicating them. The same methods at Algeria used in the 1990s need to be used now.

It is critical to destroy ISIS on the battlefield and demolish their fantasies. Their leaders need to be shot or hanged without exception, and their heads stuck on poles in the town of Dabiq. They will understand the significance of this, since this town is where they think the "final battle" will come.

4. Europe needs to change its entire culture and way of thinking. Governments that are not up to the task of national defense need to be deposed and their leaders thrown in jail. We need to reverse 50 years of pacifism and weakness and cultivate countries that are proud, strong, and have competent militaries.

It will take generations, and a great many will die. But this is the price that has to be paid for the sins of our fathers in allowing this situation to come about.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

On the European front, severe and sustained repression has to come into the picture with regard to terrorists and their supporters or enablers. No other way to say it.

In medieval and early modern times, boatloads of refugees from didn't come to Europe because they knew that they would be literally sold into slavery, or impressed as galley slaves in the Papal or Spanish fleets. That's how the world worked back then. There was such a thing as deterrence. If you didn't shut up, or if you caused trouble, you were executed, period.

That needs to come back.

Spain at one time had violent terroristic anarchists and assorted dregs of all types. But they were either repressed or liquidated after 1936. And that was the end of that problem.

The simple reality is that repression and terror work effectively if done the right way. Forced detentions, massive intelligence surveillance, targeted liquidations, collective punishment, detention camps, and mass deportations if needed. This is what is needed to bring the situation under control.

Time will tell if the Europeans have the stomach to do what needs to be done.

If things keep going as they are, soon people will be looking for a strongman to step in and restore order.

In the longer term, the whole educational system has to be cleansed of SJWism, feminist bilge, cultural Marxist trash, and all the rabble who support it. Societies need to change from the top down.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

With the evidence mounting daily, I find it laughable that some people are still bathing in their first world privilege of thinking that we get to choose whether we want a war with Islam.

It's bad comedy. Sure, we get to choose. We get to choose to fight or to submit. Those are our choices.

This bizarre idea that we can get a handle on this situation and steer it to port is ridiculous. It seems to stem from the ignorant notion that black/arab muslims think like White Christians and will react in a measured and civilized manner to our demands, recognizing the sanctity of human life above all things and taking whichever option will preserve the lives of as many people as possible.

[Image: giphy.gif]

The moment you try and pull the ticks of islam from the ass of europe the rest of them will burrow down deeper and start injecting more poison.

What, you think they give a shit when 500 muslims die in the Med on a leaky boat? Nope. They. Do. Not. Give. A. Fuck.

So you know what's going to happen if you try to close the borders? Instead of sending 100 boats per day and doing return trips, they're going to send 1000 and they're going to sabotage them the second they see a border patrol vessel, forcing a humanitarian crisis. This is what they tried to do to get to Australia and it was very effective for a while. The only reason we didn't end up with more of these pricks is because the journey here by boat is a lot longer and harder.

Anyone who thinks that "policy" is going to thwart islam has another thing coming. They will not give you a choice about whether or not you resort to genocide. This will be their ultimatum.

"You will demonstrate the balls to commit genocide or we will wash you away in a human flood."

We have the choice to save our nations and our cultures OR keep our hands clean.

Nobody gets to choose both. Anyone with delusions about that better get their shit straight or lube their ass.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

@ Quintus

Why do you think ME countries that don't have Western qualms about the things you mention as solutions still have these same attacks?

Also, your comments remind me of the "Islam is worse than communism thread." Have you considered the massive amount of cognitive dissonance that would be generated in an "all are equal" liberal democracy? What percentage of today's Americans do you think would say the Japanese internment camps of WW2 were justified?

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

"keep our hands clean."

No, the hands will not be clean as everyone turns their backs on their neighbors being murdered and raped.

Either fight like an honorable man, or burn in hell. Those are your real options.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Quote: (07-26-2016 06:53 PM)Lucky Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2016 06:09 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

But no one predicted these events with the timing and accuracy I have. Lots of people have said Muslims are coming but their timing has been all wrong, for example, Anders Breivik titled his manifesto 2080.

Also no one predicted the sequence of the events, which I did last year as well. If anyone want the original links I can send them, I have it on my twitter as well. Many mocked or derided me, not that I cared because I don't say things unless I have extremely good reason to believe it is true. And, I hate to brag, but I am a very sharp man.

Anyone can make wild Nostradamus claims - it takes a lot more logical skill and intellectual finesse to actually provide useful information that can be acted upon in the near future.

I'd actually be curious to see all of your predictions. I've only caught bits and pieces in the Migrant Invasion thread-- it would be great to see the original links. <-- I didn't predict that there would be a temporary halt to immigration via the Turkish-German deal. But I don't think this will reverse the course of events for more than a year. So instead of one or two years, it becomes two or three. Massive war is still right around the corner. <-- I was wrong about elections getting suspended, but I was not wrong about the never ending state of "martial law" which has been ongoing for almost a year in France now

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Quote: (07-26-2016 08:21 PM)Different T Wrote:  

@ Quintus

Why do you think ME countries that don't have Western qualms about the things you mention as solutions still have these same attacks?

Also, your comments remind me of the "Islam is worse than communism thread." Have you considered the massive amount of cognitive dissonance that would be generated in an "all are equal" liberal democracy? What percentage of today's Americans do you think would say the Japanese internment camps of WW2 were justified?

All I can say is this: Yes, you're right, you can never reduce these sorts of attacks to zero.

But there is a perception of European weakness out there that needs to be overcome, and overcome fast.

The big problem is the lack of deterrence. Yes, Mideast nations do have attacks here and there, but they also have the death penalty to get rid of problems and people who are murderously violent. (Mideast countries have other problems, like sectarianism, corruption, bad leadership, etc., but that isn't really germane to this conversation.)

Europe doesn't have that any more. They have useless militaries. They've been atrophying behind the US protective screen for 60 years, like the Japanese. And now they are sitting ducks.

As for "liberal democracy", my answer is this: in history, "liberty" varies inversely with the external threat faced. The greater the threat, the less liberty citizens can expect to have at that moment. Frankly, the Ten Commandments have to be silent when someone is trying to kill you or take over your country.

Furthermore, I don't really care about liberal notions of "looking good" or "looking bad." We're beyond that point. And it is the fault of liberals that we are at this point.

Their "liberalism" proved to be nothing but an enervating weakness that sapped our will to resist and to fight. These people need to be stand silent or be punished for sapping the national will.

It sounds brutal, but that is how life is sometimes. We didn't ask for this task. It was forced on us by the cowardice and negligence of our fathers' generation.

Things need to change from top to bottom.

It's just that this murder of this priest today really made me realize that some sort of Francoist solution will be necessary. An innocent 85 year old holy man has his throat cut at his own chapel and all the Holy See in Rome can do is wring its hands in regret.

We're almost hitting rock bottom.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

I like discussing biology with the living.

You said:


We're beyond that point. And it is the fault of liberals that we are at this point.

This is about the way bacteria evade the immune system from here:


By releasing antigen into the bloodstream. Normally, the antigen of an invading organism that is recognised by the body exists on the cell wall of that organism. Some organisms, however, release these antigens from their cell walls to float freely in the bloodstream, where eventually they will meet their antibody, and will bind to them, thus rendering those antibodies ineffective. To provide an analogy, if the immune system were to recognise only the “face” of an organism, then organisms that use this strategy not only shed their “faces”, but also produce as many “faces” as they can, which act as decoys and confuse the immune system. This leaves the rest of the organism freedom to move about unhindered.

Or, to state it differently...(taken from comments elsewhere)


As a German, and one who unfortunately is not quite on the millionaire side of things, the Czech Republic and Poland indeed look attractive. If only their languages were a little more, er, accomodating … Slovakia might also be an option, a hidden gem.

Don’t worry about the language. If enough Germans migrate there, your language becomes the new language. The downside of that scenario is, your German ex-pat neighbors will bring their refugee problems in their rucksacks.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Attacking a church is another box ticked on the path to the chaos we see in every other part of the World that Muslims have a foothold.

Churches are very symbolic and totally defenceless.

Non Europeans probably do not realise how many churches there are in Europe; almost every Parish has one (there are around 40,000 in the UK alone). One can just stroll into most of them at any time of the day and have a chat with the vicar/priest/whoever.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Quote: (07-26-2016 08:10 PM)Leonard D Neubache Wrote:  

Sure, we get to choose. We get to choose to fight or to submit. Those are our choices.

It is not whether this choice will be made, it will be if it is made too late. Stay with me a second.

All these relatively small daily attacks remind me of Jurassic Park when they were talking about how one of the dinosaurs would test the electric fence for weaknesses.

I don't think we have seen anything yet. They will keep testing the limits of our patience and humanity. How many people have to die before political and military leadership takes firm action, the kind of missions that nobody wants to hear about? The kind of shit that sends a message. That's what I want to know. Exactly how many have to die before something is done?

I have already started getting many things together, and my family has our plan. I am talking to my closest friends. We know where we are going if something really goes bad (such as chemical warfare through air or water). I will pick up the biggest addition so far this weekend. A reliable 4WD SUV that will be able to carry everything I need to GTFO. I may never need it, but I am not going to underestimate what's on the horizon. And I will not rely on LEOs or military to save me.

Europe has crippled their people and I feel a lot of sympathy for their situation. To obtain a way to defend yourself may mean you become a criminal for the first time in your life. So strange to think about.

My plan is to first gather intelligence on what is going on and decide what to do next. And on that day, you're right, a choice will be made, but it's a choice I want to make on my own terms- not one that is reactionary.

Since I already feel like I'm quoting movies somehow, I'll just end by saying, there will be justice for people who think it's their right to end life for no reason but the hate in their soul and the words of their religious prophet. I think a question or two remain for me- what is important enough to change the mind of someone that is ready to sacrifice their life for their mission? And are you willing to get on that level to defend what's yours when they want to take it?

I almost don't want to think about it, but the only thing worse is being the one with their head in the sand that's about to turn to glass.

[Image: giphy.gif]

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Quote: (07-26-2016 09:31 PM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

Attacking a church is another box ticked on the path to the chaos we see in every other part of the World that Muslims have a foothold.

Churches are very symbolic and totally defenceless.

Non Europeans probably do not realise how many churches there are in Europe; almost every Parish has one (there are around 40,000 in the UK alone). One can just stroll into most of them at any time of the day and have a chat with the vicar/priest/whoever.

There were 3 churches within 400 yards of the house I grew up in UK. 1 burned down because of an electrical fault and was never rebuilt, one still stands, and the other is now a Mosque.

A lot of churches are being converted into Mosques in UK. Christianity is dying out in UK.


It’s often said that Britain’s church congregations are shrinking, but that doesn’t come close to expressing the scale of the disaster now facing Christianity in this country. Every ten years the census spells out the situation in detail: between 2001 and 2011 the number of Christians born in Britain fell by 5.3 million — about 10,000 a week. If that rate of decline continues, the mission of St Augustine to the English, together with that of the Irish saints to the Scots, will come to an end in 2067.

That is the year in which the Christians who have inherited the faith of their British ancestors will become statistically invisible. Parish churches everywhere will have been adapted for secular use, demolished or abandoned.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

The young Jihadi was a the son of a school teacher - he liked Rihanna and the Simpsons and grew up solidly middle class.

But of course we know that - the recent Pakistani terrorists were even from wealthy families and they went on a rampage killing Christians.

It is not poverty that causes it - it is Islam, because Islam in it's core is radical. You can push it back with force, but it will raise it's ugly head if you allow it to.

And David Wood once said it right - even secular or casual Muslims hear from everyone - media, academia, politicians that Islam is a great religion and Mohammed a wonderful man - like Jesus. So if you hear it from Western sources and your Imams, then why doubt the teachings at all? Then all it takes is being pissed off about one drone attack, start checking out Imams online, reading som Quran and Hadiths and voila - you have your Jihadi. They should have let him go to Syria - simply rescind the ciitizenship for everyone flying to join ISIS.

[Image: CoUQ5yzXYAEYpeW.jpg]

I blame Islam for poisoning the mind of this young mind. He let an ideology destroy his life and the lives of others.

And of course one should blame the authorities and the female judge - if you make attempts to join ISIS, then you should not be stopped to do so. The morons send them to therapy while in truth they should be welcomed by a SWAT team at the airport - and then off to Guantanamo to never appear again anywhere.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

@ Leonard D Neubache

Careful what you wish for. Germany turned itself into a war machine within a decade with nothing like the type of military training or mass production & technological advancement we have today.

Once a train gets enough momentum it needs an equal if not greater force to stop it. 7 billion on the planet currently. No certain way to claim you or anyone you know will survive such a total war scenario.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

[Image: attachment.jpg32884]   

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Quote: (07-27-2016 01:32 AM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2016 09:31 PM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

Attacking a church is another box ticked on the path to the chaos we see in every other part of the World that Muslims have a foothold.

Churches are very symbolic and totally defenceless.

Non Europeans probably do not realise how many churches there are in Europe; almost every Parish has one (there are around 40,000 in the UK alone). One can just stroll into most of them at any time of the day and have a chat with the vicar/priest/whoever.

There were 3 churches within 400 yards of the house I grew up in UK. 1 burned down because of an electrical fault and was never rebuilt, one still stands, and the other is now a Mosque.

A lot of churches are being converted into Mosques in UK. Christianity is dying out in UK.


It’s often said that Britain’s church congregations are shrinking, but that doesn’t come close to expressing the scale of the disaster now facing Christianity in this country. Every ten years the census spells out the situation in detail: between 2001 and 2011 the number of Christians born in Britain fell by 5.3 million — about 10,000 a week. If that rate of decline continues, the mission of St Augustine to the English, together with that of the Irish saints to the Scots, will come to an end in 2067.

That is the year in which the Christians who have inherited the faith of their British ancestors will become statistically invisible. Parish churches everywhere will have been adapted for secular use, demolished or abandoned.

Hate to say it, but it's not the Muslims fault that Christians aren't having enough kids (or kids at all).

To be fair, how many real Christians are left in the west?

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Quote: (07-27-2016 10:11 AM)rw95 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-27-2016 01:32 AM)WalterBlack Wrote:  

Quote: (07-26-2016 09:31 PM)CrashBangWallop Wrote:  

Attacking a church is another box ticked on the path to the chaos we see in every other part of the World that Muslims have a foothold.

Churches are very symbolic and totally defenceless.

Non Europeans probably do not realise how many churches there are in Europe; almost every Parish has one (there are around 40,000 in the UK alone). One can just stroll into most of them at any time of the day and have a chat with the vicar/priest/whoever.

There were 3 churches within 400 yards of the house I grew up in UK. 1 burned down because of an electrical fault and was never rebuilt, one still stands, and the other is now a Mosque.

A lot of churches are being converted into Mosques in UK. Christianity is dying out in UK.


It’s often said that Britain’s church congregations are shrinking, but that doesn’t come close to expressing the scale of the disaster now facing Christianity in this country. Every ten years the census spells out the situation in detail: between 2001 and 2011 the number of Christians born in Britain fell by 5.3 million — about 10,000 a week. If that rate of decline continues, the mission of St Augustine to the English, together with that of the Irish saints to the Scots, will come to an end in 2067.

That is the year in which the Christians who have inherited the faith of their British ancestors will become statistically invisible. Parish churches everywhere will have been adapted for secular use, demolished or abandoned.

Hate to say it, but it's not the Muslims fault that Christians aren't having enough kids (or kids at all).

To be fair, how many real Christians are left in the west?

Wrong. Christians have the highest birthrates of White people.

The death of Christianity is purely from apostasy. If Islam was denigrated in schools, universities, and media, the same way Christian has been, we'd see similar rates of apostasy.

But that's not what our elites want, they want to see more Islam and less Christianity. Christians who remain Christians still have kids but many Christians still foolishly let their children get brainwashed and turned away from God by sending them to terrible schools or other social environments.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

^Well there you go. The Christians have lots of kids. But of those kids, how many of them stay Christian?
I still don't exactly see what the elites stand to gain by flooding Europe with Islamic terror. I don't see how it ends well for them.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Quote: (07-27-2016 11:17 AM)rw95 Wrote:  

^Well there you go. The Christians have lots of kids. But of those kids, how many of them stay Christian?
I still don't exactly see what the elites stand to gain by flooding Europe with Islamic terror. I don't see how it ends well for them.

There's a few theories about why this chaos has been created , ie. socially engineered by certain people(and it has been created, have no doubt about that)
Stefan Molyneux has spoken about this in recent months, but I need to track down the exact episodes where he zones in on the reasons why this is happening (as opposed to the chaos it's causing), will get back to you on that soon.
But another interesting and not implausible scenario is that certain very powerful people, at least some of whom are of Zionist persuasion/background, are trying to implement Kalergi's masterplan to effectively genocide white Europeans in their homelands. Merkel, Hollande, Cameron, Sarkozy have all played their part in this. And in particular you have Peter Sutherland and George Soros, surely two of the most evil twisted men on the planet, pushing and promoting for Europe to take on millions of "refugees"(ie. some genuine refugees yes but the vast majority of whom are third world, welfare seeking migrants), while well aware of the chaos and destruction this is causing.
Here's an extensive interview about this, it's long but well worth listening to.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Quote: (07-27-2016 01:07 PM)amity Wrote:  

Quote: (07-27-2016 11:17 AM)rw95 Wrote:  

^Well there you go. The Christians have lots of kids. But of those kids, how many of them stay Christian?
I still don't exactly see what the elites stand to gain by flooding Europe with Islamic terror. I don't see how it ends well for them.

There's a few theories about why this chaos has been created , ie. socially engineered by certain people(and it has been created, have no doubt about that)
Stefan Molyneux has spoken about this in recent months, but I need to track down the exact episodes where he zones in on the reasons why this is happening (as opposed to the chaos it's causing), will get back to you on that soon.
But another interesting and not implausible scenario is that certain very powerful people, at least some of whom are of Zionist persuasion/background, are trying to implement Kalergi's masterplan to effectively genocide white Europeans in their homelands. Merkel, Hollande, Cameron, Sarkozy have all played their part in this. And in particular you have Peter Sutherland and George Soros, surely two of the most evil twisted men on the planet, pushing and promoting for Europe to take on millions of "refugees"(ie. some genuine refugees yes but the vast majority of whom are third world, welfare seeking migrants), while well aware of the chaos and destruction this is causing.
Here's an extensive interview about this, it's long but well worth listening to.

You'll forgive me if I don't listen to the interview, but I am familiar with the Kalergi plan.

I'm a bit skeptical of the claims that this whole thing is a Jewish conspiracy to destroy Europeans, but for the sake of argument let's say this is true. What does the average Jew get out if the deal? Jews living in Europe would find themselves surrounded by millions of Arabs who hate them and are ready, willing and able to kill them. Sure, they have a homeland to escape to, but Israel is pretty much in the same position, surrounded by Arab countries who are more than willing to blow them off the face of the Earth. And what does the Zionist elite get out of it? Rule over a group of people who hate their kind more than just about any other people in the world, and who would have no qualms about killing them?

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

I think I have thought out an effective plan to stop Islamic terrorism against Western targets.

Firstly, there is the obvious step of banning all Muslim immigration to Western countries, without exception. This however won't solve much as there has already been far too much infiltration.

So it's time to abandon all of our Western-style humanity and hit back in the kind of brutal fashion that our ancestors understood. Here is my plan.

For ever person who is killed by an Islamic terrorist attack in a Western country or against Western interests, one Sunni mosque will be chosen at random to be destroyed in the country from which the attacker comes from. For example, if a Tunisian mows down 85 people in Nice, 85 random Sunni mosques in Tunisia will be turned to dust.

The retaliatory attacks will be surgical strikes and every attempt will be made to limit damage to the mosque itself. The attacks will also occur simultaneously during Friday prayers. Of course, we are not complete savages, so there will be plenty of advanced warning by way of leaflet drops so that the faithful can decide for themselves whether they want to take the risk.

In cases of domestic Islamic terrorism, such as when an American Muslim citizen attacks American citizens, of course we shouldn't bomb mosques in our own territory. In cases such as this, for every person killed, one mosque will be cleared, shut down and demolished.

The backlash will be severe. There will be riots and even more terrorist attacks, and this is where we need to have the stomach for blood and display icy cold resolve. We simply continue on our stated goal to destroy one mosque for every victim of Islamic terrorism, even if it means the destruction of thousands of mosques and tens of thousands of deaths. In the end, there is no way they could ever withstand such an exchange.

It's nice to dream sometimes.

Hostages held at knifepoint in French church

Quote: (07-27-2016 09:57 AM)Foolsgo1d Wrote:  

@ Leonard D Neubache

Careful what you wish for. Germany turned itself into a war machine within a decade with nothing like the type of military training or mass production & technological advancement we have today.

Once a train gets enough momentum it needs an equal if not greater force to stop it. 7 billion on the planet currently. No certain way to claim you or anyone you know will survive such a total war scenario.

What are you...Godwin's grandson?


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