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Are girls more dedicated to school?

Are girls more dedicated to school?

Quote: (07-24-2016 04:55 PM)debeguiled Wrote:  

Quote: (07-24-2016 04:46 PM)la bodhisattva Wrote:  

Every objective person knows girls ruin the lives of their peers beginning in 5th grade.

I am tempted to make this my signature.

Ha! I'd be honored.

Are girls more dedicated to school?


5. Increase the pay of teachers and eliminate pay increases for master's degrees. They don't improve teaching ability.

Actually , get rid of teachers..period. Before I went into law enforcement I was a teacher (3rd grade). Wasn't for me but i noticed something. Students that are pushed at home do well and those that aren't do poorly .

Most of what is taught in the older grades(past junior high) is basically a repeat of what is read in the textbooks. If one just reads the text never has to attend class.

Are girls more dedicated to school?

Screw you guys, you reminded me of one of the awakening moments in my life [Image: biggrin.gif]

When I started middle school (I was like 14,15 years old), one girl from my class (was 8/10 HB, now unbangable) asked me whether I had some materials to help her write some presentation or something (yes, I was a nerd, but with strong anarchistic tendencies - but that is for other time, I have crazy stories).

Not only I gave her the material, but I wrote her the ENTIRE FUCKING PRESENTATION!

And what did I get in return?

A handjob?

Blowjob maybe?

Nothing. No-thi-ng

Just one big thank you.

Since that time, "Never Again" was one of my maxims. Unless I pound her pussy first (payment in advance, girls), I will not lift a finger to help a girl (unless she is a LTR or FWB, which has to repay me later). Hate the game, girls, not the player.

Are girls more dedicated to school?

Women are better at following instruction. That combined with their physical inferiority explains why they submit to power, convert to Islam, sheepishly vote for big government, etc... that's why they can excel at school. That's why women are ideal government employees, they're easier to mold.

Obviously, this is completely different from innovation or general entrepreneurial ventures that make you rich, which is why most patents are still filed by men, and well you get the picture.

Are girls more dedicated to school?

Quote: (07-24-2016 02:18 PM)britchard Wrote:  

It's not just that school is catered to girls. You forgot that nowadays, girls can't just study, they have to be seen studying. Whenever I study, it's in my room, by myself. This is the same for every guy I know who actually studies.

Whereas lots of girls I know plan to study in public, as it looks 'cute'. They post pictures of their 'hard work' on facebook or instagram. I don't know a single guy who has ever done that.

True. Don't knock it though.

One more opportunity to day game.

- One planet orbiting a star. Billions of stars in the galaxy. Billions of galaxies in the universe. Approach.


Are girls more dedicated to school?

Quote: (07-25-2016 03:33 PM)Irenicus Wrote:  

Screw you guys, you reminded me of one of the awakening moments in my life [Image: biggrin.gif]

When I started middle school (I was like 14,15 years old), one girl from my class (was 8/10 HB, now unbangable) asked me whether I had some materials to help her write some presentation or something (yes, I was a nerd, but with strong anarchistic tendencies - but that is for other time, I have crazy stories).

Not only I gave her the material, but I wrote her the ENTIRE FUCKING PRESENTATION!

And what did I get in return?

A handjob?

Blowjob maybe?

Nothing. No-thi-ng

Just one big thank you.

Since that time, "Never Again" was one of my maxims. Unless I pound her pussy first (payment in advance, girls), I will not lift a finger to help a girl (unless she is a LTR or FWB, which has to repay me later). Hate the game, girls, not the player.

I think many of us have been there man. I know I helped out this FINE ethopian woman with the most perfectly shaped fit ass (guys in the hallway passing by were giving me approving head nods just while I was talking to her hahaha) with school work she had miss in the hopes it would lead to some pussy. Nope, nothing.

Goddamn, if I ONLY knew then what I knew now.

"Can you help?"

"Well, what are you gonna do for me?"

"What do you want?"

"What are you offering?"

*Take her to empty classroom, cover classroom cameras, and bang her fucking pussy out.*

"Ok, you help me now?"

"Nah. Later."

EDIT: Would NOT cover cameras; need evidence in the likely event of a false rape claim.

Are girls more dedicated to school?

This is an important topic for the manosphere, the education system in the west today is really enfeminated in most aspects. This video really reminds me about girls would be prioritized by teachers:

In the video they talk about how the system fails to take boys choice for reading as serious over the general inrest of girls. Lack of reading is a mojor reason for the increase of boys lower academic resuslts, but its interesting that an early discrimination might be the reason for that.
I personally remmeber this exact thing very well, when we where in third grade or so, and had to write som essay or story or whatever. All of us guys would write sci-fi stuff about getting caught on a island having to slaugther mutated monkey with your lazer gun to survive lol! While the girls wrote some poem about a day at the beach or the beauty in a flower which where highly favoured by the (female) teachers. Also when we used to group around a book about dinosaures or WWII and look at the pics, learning advanced latin names, evolutionary biology, history and the variouse places where battles where fought, not to mention knowledge about different types of tanks, guns and other mechanics while we where also reading! But that wasnt ok, since we had to read some 'realistic' school novel that the girls loved....

There are some ROK articles about this as well, and some main things should be male teachers for boys (goes hand in hand with gender segregated classes), PE evry day which can also go hand in hand with more games into learning. Basicly aknowledge the biological differences between the sexes.

Back to topic, are girl more dedicated to school? No, except all the great examples that many already posted here and how the system itselfe favoures them, there is also the aspect of females being better at communication and understanding emotions. Basicly being more manipulative. I remember how during ninth grade how our female teacher in social orientation told us guys (rightfully thou) to stop clowning around and get busy when we where just fucking things up, but later on during class some of the girls would sit in the front talking to her about her bf and eurovision [Image: tard.gif] I pointed out that they arnt working either which made her stunned and go: "um.. ok girls back to work" lol! [Image: biggrin.gif] This pattern continued at Uni, where we used to have weekly seminaries to discuss topics and tasks in a examination way where we problematisized things in order for the teacher to see that we actually followed the course and evrybody had to participate. The girls would rarely participate and just sit quiet. After the seminaries there was always one who would stay and talk to the teacher, obviously making excuses. Later on I found out through one guy who was in here group that she didnt feel comfortable participating in discussions since the tone could some times be 'harsh' and this wasnt a good way of examine things, and the special little snowflake got away with it!

In the 'progressive' country of Sweden this shows even more where the scoring in the PISA-test have droped rapidly. Thou immigration plays a role in this, even when you break down the stats and look at schools dominated by ethnic swedes the pattern still continues with decreasing preformance. Meanwhile, boys have a harder time then ever in achiving good grades while girls continues to improve their grades. Weird isnt it?

[Image: pisa-meritvacc88rde.jpg]

the blue, red and grren line represents the PISA-test in reading, math and sience while the purpel line represent the how average grades are set, kind of contradicting and in that purpel line most of the upbringing of it is because of girls, basicly they dont know shit.

Here is another one to show how the swedish grades have gone into an inflation without an increase in actual knowledge

[Image: merivc3a4rde-grundskola.jpg]

This article talks about about how discriminating the education system has becomed for guys, you can use google translate if you dont speak swedish. And MVG is the top score.


The comparison between the statistics on the university entrance exam and grades in elementary school, shows a structural imbalance in which girls are favored in the personal assessments that teachers do. This is also confirmed by statistics published in the Journal of Teachers 2011.

Girls were more likely than boys MVG, in relation to how often they wrote MVG on the core samples. The subject of physics wrote the boys better on the national tests. Yet girls got better grades in the subject when the teachers assessed.
Simplified has thus guys better results on the national university aptitude and testing, as corrected uniform and anonymous, while girls have superiority when the grades are determined by teachers' personal opinions.

Are girls more dedicated to school?

The existing system discriminates against boys and there is piles of scholarly proof for this. Boys don't want to play a rigged game.

Are girls more dedicated to school?

I have no doubt that schools in England have been fundamentally re-engineered to favour girls. Certainly since GCSE.
Female teachers are often (not always!) VERY biased against boys. I saw this with my coursework marked by female teachers. I was getting Ds or low Cs. My brother submitted them to male teachers 3 yrs later and got As with 15% spare! That could've cost me a place at Oxbridge.

They don't explain study skills which are esp important because guys are wired to be doing active things or being intensely stimulated, potentially in examlike bursts rather than lowlevel all day long. Whereas girls were traditionally weavers, sewers or baby minders. A male mind is more like an ADD mind in some respects.

Boys cram and alter the pace of their study. They are far more immune to "exam stress". Girls are one paced - geared towards continuous assessment. Girls aren't into career other than to "please Daddy" or the feminist hags. Boys often HAVE TO plan career or decent job or they become suicidal.

Maybe all boys schools do better because they aren't favouring the females over the boys. Anyway, God I utterly hated school. Miserable elderly hags. Witches minus the broomsticks really. I remember at primary school what bullies they were. At secondary school, there were some scum ones too. And I was the kid who finished top of the year and got to a good law school. I can only imagine how bad it must've been for other boys.

Are girls more dedicated to school?

Quote: (07-26-2016 06:41 AM)IDrinkYourMilkShake Wrote:  

This is an important topic for the manosphere, the education system in the west today is really enfeminated in most aspects. This video really reminds me about girls would be prioritized by teachers:

In the video they talk about how the system fails to take boys choice for reading as serious over the general inrest of girls. Lack of reading is a mojor reason for the increase of boys lower academic resuslts, but its interesting that an early discrimination might be the reason for that.

I personally remmeber this exact thing very well, when we where in third grade or so, and had to write som essay or story or whatever. All of us guys would write sci-fi stuff about getting caught on a island having to slaugther mutated monkey with your lazer gun to survive lol! While the girls wrote some poem about a day at the beach or the beauty in a flower which where highly favoured by the (female) teachers. Also when we used to group around a book about dinosaures or WWII and look at the pics, learning advanced latin names, evolutionary biology, history and the variouse places where battles where fought, not to mention knowledge about different types of tanks, guns and other mechanics while we where also reading! But that wasnt ok, since we had to read some 'realistic' school novel that the girls loved....

Jesus, I really never thought about until just now. I almost NEVER read any of the assigned books during the school year and/or during the summer (yes, during our summer break - assholes) during my K-12 years.

They were always in my mind "boring" and "uninteresting" and it affected my grades adversely. In reality, they REALLY were also girly, politically correct (many were about the struggles of minorities), and absolutely geared towards girls. Wow.....

[Image: mindblown.gif]

Books like:

1. The Secret Garden - I think we spent like a month or two on this in elementary school, read the book, watched the movie, discussed and analyzed it, etc.

2. Romeo and Juliet - High school English teachers had a HARD-ON for the book. Same deal. Watched the movie as well and had to do tons of analysis. Romeo is a hardcore beta.

3. Random books about the oppression of some minority were very common. Even back then, I was aware of it being a bit of a slap in the face since I grew up poor surrounded by plenty of rich minorities. Apparently, poor white people didn't exist in books for the most part.

I can only recall a few books that really caught my interest and I actually read:

1. Ender's Game - "a 1985 military science fiction novel by American author Orson Scott Card. Set in Earth's future, the novel presents an imperiled mankind after two conflicts with the "buggers", an insectoid alien species. In preparation for an anticipated third invasion, children, including the novel's protagonist, Ender Wiggin, are trained from a very young age through increasingly difficult games including some in zero gravity, where Ender's tactical genius is revealed."

2. Einstein's Dreams - "An imaginary re-creation of Einstein's discovery of the nature of time, this novel takes us through the young patent clerk's many dreams depicting compelling conceptions of time." (really loved this one at the time).

3. The Crucible - "A haunting examination of groupthink and mass hysteria in a rural community

The place is Salem, Massachusetts, in 1692, an enclave of rigid piety huddled on the edge of a wilderness. Its inhabitants believe unquestioningly in their own sanctity. But in Arthur Miller's edgy masterpiece, that very belief will have poisonous consequences when a vengeful teenager accuses a rival of witchcraft—and then when those accusations multiply to consume the entire village."

4. Death of a Salesman - "Willy Loman, the protagonist of Death of a Salesman, has spent his life following the American way, living out his belief in salesmanship as a way to reinvent himself. But somehow the riches and respect he covets have eluded him. At age sixty-three, he searches for the moment his life took a wrong turn, the moment of betrayal that undermined his relationship with his wife and destroyed his relationship with Biff, the son in whom he invested his faith. Willy lives in a fragile world of elaborate excuses and daydreams, conflating past and present in a desperate attempt to make sense of himself and of a world that once promised so much."

All of the aforementioned are things the average guy can relate to: War, science, fighting group stupidity, and struggling to survive. Yet books like this were pretty rare during my K-12 years. I remember these books very well because it was the only time I actually read the assigned books and gave a shit.

I remember female teachers scolding me for not reading their bullshit books and as I said, it adversely affected my grades. What a corrupt and discriminating system. It never really became quite clear to me until just now how bad it was and what negative effects it potentially had. Goddamn.

Are girls more dedicated to school?

Another aspect that tends to prove what us Red Pillers are saying is that super high achieving boys *tend* but aren't always rather Beta.. or lower.

I was a high acad achiever. But I have to be honest, I felt a little uncomfortable about it. So it really shows how fucked up our schools are where I am.

Teachers ie the female pro-feminazi crap are often CHOOSING who will be a good or bad pupil. With GCSE over 50% coursework and even A levels like that, you have some man hating hag dictating the future of men. Its an outrage. (Except for the fact, kids get degrees and then wind up at McDonalds these days...! But thats a different thread!).

Are girls more dedicated to school?

Quote: (07-25-2016 06:44 AM)Dantes Wrote:  

Another factor is delayed verbal skills in boys. Girls are ahead of boys in primary and secondary school. However, boys catch up once they reach adulthood. They remain ahead go girls in quantitative reasoning through the lifespan. Men don't reach they full potential until they enter college age studies. Schools do a terrible job of fostering the development of boys education and academic growth.

I definitely agree with this. No question girls are ahead of boys in primary school. This starts changing in secondary school and college it's a different story.

Are girls more dedicated to school?

Quote: (07-24-2016 01:59 PM)Wutang Wrote:  

It could be simply because there's more women hanging out in coffee shops but then I recall all the media articles about how women are overtaking men in education and I look back to my own experiences in school where it seemed like the girls would care way more about their grades and start freaking out if they got below a B whereas a lot of the guys would simply shrug their shoulders and go back to doing what they were doing. Have you guys made similar observations in your own life too?

Yes. Precisely.

One time I got a D+ in an advanced math class that I struggled in tremendously, because I always studied alone. I was proud of that grade, even though most of the other kids got better scores.

My buddy got a B. We never studied together due to schedule conflicts.

If I recall correctly, one of the girls seemed a bit upset she got a B-.

On a game note, the best place to run casual day game is in a college library. So many smoking hot Asian chicks studying (Daddy raised them right) that any solid gamesman could probably live carefree and more or less unemployed if his inner game is rock solid.

Are girls more dedicated to school?

I seem to remember getting girls to help me with my homework. I emptied an old car out the other day and found a few text books I borrowed from different girls and never gave them back.

If it was game it was accidental. Back then I was pure RGB 0-0-255 blue pill.

Are girls more dedicated to school?

Quote: (07-26-2016 01:46 PM)BelyyTigr Wrote:  

Another aspect that tends to prove what us Red Pillers are saying is that super high achieving boys *tend* but aren't always rather Beta.. or lower.

I was a high acad achiever. But I have to be honest, I felt a little uncomfortable about it. So it really shows how fucked up our schools are where I am.

Teachers ie the female pro-feminazi crap are often CHOOSING who will be a good or bad pupil. With GCSE over 50% coursework and even A levels like that, you have some man hating hag dictating the future of men. Its an outrage. (Except for the fact, kids get degrees and then wind up at McDonalds these days...! But thats a different thread!).

Hence the hysteria over the new A level and GCSE courses- no coursework for most subjects, and very little for the others.

Are girls more dedicated to school?

Quote: (07-26-2016 12:27 PM)BelyyTigr Wrote:  

Maybe all boys schools do better because they aren't favouring the females over the boys. Anyway, God I utterly hated school. Miserable elderly hags. Witches minus the broomsticks really. I remember at primary school what bullies they were. At secondary school, there were some scum ones too. And I was the kid who finished top of the year and got to a good law school. I can only imagine how bad it must've been for other boys.

To be fair Harry Potter captured that pretty well with the one character in the later novels who wears a pink coats and visibly enjoys tormenting students who disagree with the official line.

Now that I think about it, she would be a fantastic to do a meme crossover with Hillary.

Are girls more dedicated to school?

Looks like everyone covered the bases here in their responses except for one point. Don't girls focus on degrees and academic honors because they know that they don't have the inherent skills, risk-taking ability, and decision-making prowess to succeed on their own? In other words, they have to rely on building a strong paper resume, replete with advanced degrees and good grades, because otherwise it's hard for them to show any value in and of themselves, whether it be in an interview or on the job.

If you're networking or gaming in a situation with professional women, I'm sure you've found that they're quicker than men are to tell you where they went to school, what they majored in, what level of degree they received, what fancy job titles they've had, etc. They know that they have to base their professional image on these pieces of paper and sheepskin, because they otherwise can't compete with men.

Are girls more dedicated to school?

Re-reading the OP, the title of this thread can be answered very easily: yes.

Bitches love school. They love studying, being prepared, reading, taking notes, being organized, etc. they love the culture of it. The glamorized idea of being in college. They don't even give a shit about the endgame; academia is just busy work that keeps them stimulated and makes them feel proud and accomplished because it's what society tells them to do. Hell, at least 25%-50% of women go into degree programs that have vague or absolutely no clear career path to follow up with. I've known women that straight up say they want to be "career students" and just bounce from major to major their whole adult life.

Are girls more dedicated to school?

From the experience I've seen my nephew go through who begins high school this September and his Primary school, the entire setup is suited to coddling boys, endless assignments, homework etc. Activities that stifle play and boy v boy nature is encouraged outside of PE. Football and rugby are still bastions of male vs male competition thankfully and if the school has these on their roster they tend to be popular.

Outside of school these boys get lost in activities such as football and for the most part, computer games.

My nephew realised "girls are stoopid" at 6 years of age. I asked him that in front of others when they said why don't you go and play with the girls. [Image: lol.gif] He still thinks that way.

Its in a boys nature which makes them realise this, not indoctrination. Girls are a different species compared to them and they know it and female marxists hate this. The same way a domestic cat hunts 'because it can' is the same as putting a boy down and telling him to play with girls.

Only way to change their behaviour is through drugs and psychological warfare and I believe this is where the War on Boys comes about.

They even tried to label him as autistic for fucks sake! A boy who wants to be left alone to do his own thing but plays with his fiends and isn't a problem somehow has autism which requires financial aid. What complete and utter bollocks. His mother is a fucktard however but he has my family genes in him so (maybe [Image: lol.gif]) there is hope those genes win out.

Are girls more dedicated to school?

NO - schools are more dedicated to girls. Society's feminine prime social order is more dedicated to girls. The world is fucked as a result.

Are girls more dedicated to school?

yes, they are more disciplined but they lack the same drive of boys, so in the long run boys tend to be both the best and worst students and have a wider range of statistical distribution.

Are girls more dedicated to school?

The main reason why girls are more successful at school is - their innate desire to submit to something powerful.

During their early years (pre school), girls instinctively submit to their parents (by emulating them), because they have all the power. Thus, they tend to be easier to control.

As girls mature, their desire to submit to will of her parents will weaken.

Now, at school, the girls instinctively submit to the System, because they spend more time at school rather than with their parents (due to atrociously long school schedule, usually both parents working...). And how to achieve that (that is, to submit to the System)? By getting good grades. By good behavior. By activism.

Also, beginning at high school, when a girl reaches sexual maturity, she will want to submit sexually to a powerful man. That is why you see high school girls being GF/FWB with older, more established, masculine men (captains, rich men, PUA types...). That submission was held in check by religion, because the girls want to submit themselves to their Religion (a priest is a powerful individual in any community). And how she does that? Usually by keeping chastity.

Now, since there are so many girls, and so little men (thanks to popular culture, MSM...), many girls will, unfortunately, be unable to find a masculine man to submit themselves to.

And what fills that desire?

Ideology. Usually a leftist one.

I can give you example of my theory (sound like a Freudian one) on one of my cousins.

TLDR - Girls are better at school due to their innate desire to submit to something.

Are girls more dedicated to school?

Being successful in school requires a bit of book smarts and manipulation. Women are great at regurgitating what they've read or been told. Think about it for a second. Have you ever dated or gamed a girl, talked about politics or some other subject for a period of time, then heard her either minutes/hours/days/weeks later discuss that same subject using the exact language you used, making her sound like she knows more than she really does? Females can take knowledge and then use it to manipulate others into believing they are smarter than they are.

I acquired these skills in late high school/early college and developed them through grad school. I was a very successful student even though I partied at least 3 nights a week (although I was smart enough not to do it on the day before tests) and barely studied. I drew the ire of my female classmates because manipulating the system required less time from me than it did from them. I could halfway listen to a lecture, remember a couple of key points, get the gist of it, then scan the textbook, once again finding key points and taking note.

My female classmates would take copious notes and read the text twice and three times over. They were massively inefficient (much like they are in the workplace) because they didn't possess the logical capacities to pick out the key parts. They lacked the problem-solving capability to listen to a lecture, hone in on where the professor placed a lot of emphasis, and then find and focus on those same points within the text. That's where I excelled above them.

I applied this method to research papers as well. I could quickly find several peer-reviewed articles or books related to my topic, glance over them, then pick out key parts to quote/paraphrase. I would then mold my arguments based on those quotes, offer some counter arguments, then derive a central thesis that generally stayed in line with that professor's political views (manipulation). If I found statistics that didn't support those views, I ignored them. A 20-page paper took me about 5 hours to write. It took my female classmates about 2-3 weeks and several edits.

I will give the women credit, though. They are very dedicated to maintaining the image that they are super fucking smart, and will put in tons of hours to uphold that image. Plus they get in good with their professors, which positively affects their grades. A professor will be more lenient on a student who appears to try real hard.

As a side note, the only B I received in grad school, thereby fucking up my 4.0 GPA, came from my snarky bitch female professor who was the only one who taught this one required course, so I had no choice. Her graduate assistant was this girl who resented me, especially since we were the only two in our class with 4.0 GPA's at the time. And she was always in that professor's office, and from what I heard from third party sources, was constantly shit-talking me. It is what it is though. I'm successful at what I do now, which has nothing to do with my degree. Funny how that works.

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