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2016 DNC Convention Thread
016 DNC Convention Thread
American black people are overall good public speakers, the black pastor Trump got also is really good. Why is this, it it the church thing?
016 DNC Convention Thread
Quote: (07-25-2016 08:40 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

By the way, Lena Dunham is on the bill to speak. Can't wait to see how that goes over.

It's almost like they're attempting to parody themselves.

Anyway, in other news, the closest thing that the far-left has to a mouthpiece is more-or-less endorsing Trump as the anti-Neocon:

As the Election Turns: Trump the Anti-Neocon, Hillary the New Darling of the Neocons - Counterpunch
016 DNC Convention Thread
Warhawk Warhawk!

I'm glad he is not the VP. He would be tough to deal with.
016 DNC Convention Thread
Even though I like the tone and intent of Cory Booker's speech, his words are easily refuted by stating that illegal Mexican and Muslim immigrants aren't Americans at all. I think that point alone would stymie even Cory Booker.
016 DNC Convention Thread

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV
016 DNC Convention Thread

Reddit LiveThread delivers Trump Counter

[Image: attachment.jpg32817]   
016 DNC Convention Thread
Quote: (07-25-2016 08:40 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Quote: (07-25-2016 08:36 PM)MMX2010 Wrote:  

Eva Longoria, "I was born in a small town in south Texas. And if you know your history, Texas used to be part of Mexico. I'm 9th generation American: my family never crossed a border; the border crossed us!"


I Googled that line and she's been spouting it now for ten years. The first reference I can find to it was her saying it on the Today show in 2006.

Wonder if she thought it up or if it was handed to her as a talking point.

By the way, Lena Dunham is on the bill to speak. Can't wait to see how that goes over.

She also once complained that the White House was "too white" and should be another color.

There was a youtube video that I can't find anymore where she took a DNA test, I think it was 23andme(?) and she had a look of horror on her face when the presenter told her she was 70% European.
016 DNC Convention Thread
Since his tone and intent are to use emotional appeals to convince people to embrace complete fucking bullshit, I think he's a scumbag. But he is effective, certainly.
016 DNC Convention Thread
Quote: (07-25-2016 08:49 PM)philosophical_recovery Wrote:  


Reddit LiveThread delivers Trump Counter


Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.
016 DNC Convention Thread
HAHAHAHA. Black Lives Matter! chant Can't say anything nice about cops.
016 DNC Convention Thread
Quote: (07-25-2016 08:51 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Quote: (07-25-2016 08:49 PM)philosophical_recovery Wrote:  


Reddit LiveThread delivers Trump Counter



016 DNC Convention Thread
Quote: (07-25-2016 08:51 PM)weambulance Wrote:  

Since his tone and intent are to use emotional appeals to convince people to embrace complete fucking bullshit, I think he's a scumbag. But he is effective, certainly.

He's from New Jersey of course he's a scumbag.
016 DNC Convention Thread
Quote: (07-25-2016 08:44 PM)Libertas Wrote:  

Corey Booker is the only one that's doing OK, bringing people together as "America" instead of focusing full-blast on identity politics. Corey Booker could have been a threat, but he's way too interesting for her.

Ironically he invoked a Republican (Lincoln) in his speech. It's a minor thing but a reprieve from the Democrat vs. Republican shit slinging, painting the opposite sides as all evil.

And there goes his mentioning about single moms. No emphasis on building families whatsoever.
016 DNC Convention Thread
Doesn't anyone else hear bookers gay lisp?

[Image: attachment.jpg32818]   

Take care of those titties for me.
016 DNC Convention Thread
Quote: (07-25-2016 08:51 PM)weambulance Wrote:  

Since his tone and intent are to use emotional appeals to convince people to embrace complete fucking bullshit, I think he's a scumbag. But he is effective, certainly.

[Image: giphy.gif]
016 DNC Convention Thread
Silverman revealed herself to be a big cunt. This may end her career, she fucked up big time.

Also, insulting your base to get them to vote with the establishment? Are they fucking serious?

This entire convention is such an epic fail, it's already going down in the history books. Watching a house burn down. A house divided cannot stand.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.
016 DNC Convention Thread
Quote: (07-25-2016 08:47 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

American black people are overall good public speakers, the black pastor Trump got also is really good. Why is this, it it the church thing?

Definitely. There is a pastor cadence to speaking that is very effective. I live in the south and go to church here and the pastors are incredible speakers.

Same goes for music, choir and vocal soloist gospel music is in every church here and the talents of the people that have been doing it since they were 4 years old are amazing. Hence, so many country music artists come out of churches.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV
016 DNC Convention Thread
Wow... Gwen Ifil on Public Broadcasting Socialists talking to Robbie Mook the Hillary Campaign butt boy manager mentioned that our ENEMIES the Russians hacked the DNC while Hillary anti-Trump ads claim he is dangerous on Nukes and she negotiated arms reductions with PUTIN running on NH TV stations... OBTW since the EU/US Obama Clinton Soros Globalists sanctions that canceled all treaties in the Russians eyes they have been on a major New Mobile Nuclear Missiles launchers and Mega New Titanium nuclear missile submarines while Obama lets our arsenal atrophy because its his back door way to nuclear disarm unilaterally. Then Al Freakin and Sara Bitch face Silverman concoct a phony Hillary-Bernie unity skit when NobodyButtBernie Berners start chanting Bernie and she the FeelTheBerner calls them RIDICULOUS! What is it with these J.A.P. women DWS and SBFS condescending to their own people??? Can't Understand Normal Thinking here.

Then Paul Simon comes off his embalming fluid drip to sing Bridge Over Troubled Waters kumbayah in a voice that can barely carry a tune anymore - Lady Smith Black Mombassa Diamonds on the Soles of Her Shoes harmonies it was not. Capped with Cory Booker preaching love for Black Lives Matter and all other formerly subjugated Americans and then attacks Trump for being divisive and hateful!

Booker claiming he is from New Jersey while Trump filed multiple bankruptcies - failing to mention that major economic collapses and the Mob and Crooked NJ politicians with their hands out demanding huge tax increases, free comps, hookers and kickbacks which made it impossible to do business in Atlantic City and Trump wisely cut his liabilities there in NJ and moved to build major Hotel Casinos in growth markets like Las Vegas and licensed his brand name and design services to Hotels and Casinos around the globe with access to his whales database once the properties met his quality standards. Booker who only solicits money from businessmen like the politicstitute he is lambasting one of the major jobs creators in our country against all corrupt odds.

Then Chase was sent home last minute before the fantasy suite - no JoJo bang for Chase - talk about an LMR Kick In the Nutz as Chase mentioned - Oh the Humanity... can't make this stuff up!
016 DNC Convention Thread
Quote: (07-25-2016 08:52 PM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

Quote: (07-25-2016 08:47 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

American black people are overall good public speakers, the black pastor Trump got also is really good. Why is this, it it the church thing?

Definitely. There is a pastor cadence to speaking that is very effective. I live in the south and go to church here and the pastors are incredible speakers.

Same goes for music, choir and vocal soloist gospel music is in every church here and the talents of the people that have been doing it since they were 4 years old are amazing. Hence, so many country music artists come out of churches.

Very few people are able to speak publicly anymore. If you go back to pre-television, everyone in politics were great public speakers.
016 DNC Convention Thread
Quote: (07-25-2016 08:52 PM)Samseau Wrote:  

Silverman revealed herself to be a big cunt. This may end her career, she fucked up big time.

Also, insulting your base to get them to vote with the establishment? Are they fucking serious?

This entire convention is such an epic fail, it's already going down in the history books. Watching a house burn down. A house divided cannot stand.

I doubt it will end her career but it will end her gigs on awards shows etc. She pulled a steve harvey fuck up and definitely will not apologize...because that would be out of character for a cunt like her.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV
016 DNC Convention Thread
Quote: (07-25-2016 07:17 PM)Libertas Wrote:  

I thought I was going to get annoyed watching this for four days.

I can't. This isn't annoying. It's comical. It's such bad persuasion. You are watching a trainwreck going over the cliff in slow motion.

My mom, a lifetime Democrat, is absolutely livid at this convention. Voting Trump.

Same story with my Mom, life long Democrat. When they started killing cops and the Democrats were making excuses for the murderers, she was terrified of what was going on and their reactions to it. After all this madness lately she's on the Trump Train now.

She said she doesn't know what the hell anyone is talking about at the DNC, like with the "Love Trumps Hate" thing, and thought it all looked like a Star Wars convention! [Image: lol.gif]
016 DNC Convention Thread
Corey talking about the hardships of slavery and illegals crossing over like he was personally there to experience it. Only northstar he's ever seen was from behind his penthouse or mansion.
016 DNC Convention Thread
I feel NOTHING when leftists speak. Is it bad?
016 DNC Convention Thread
Jeez what a bunch of useless kumbaya bullshit.

David Clarke on Fox: "he used everything but a car in every driveway and a chicken in every pot." [Image: lol.gif]
016 DNC Convention Thread
Quote: (07-25-2016 08:55 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Quote: (07-25-2016 08:52 PM)Dr. Howard Wrote:  

Quote: (07-25-2016 08:47 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

American black people are overall good public speakers, the black pastor Trump got also is really good. Why is this, it it the church thing?

Definitely. There is a pastor cadence to speaking that is very effective. I live in the south and go to church here and the pastors are incredible speakers.

Same goes for music, choir and vocal soloist gospel music is in every church here and the talents of the people that have been doing it since they were 4 years old are amazing. Hence, so many country music artists come out of churches.

Very few people are able to speak publicly anymore. If you go back to pre-television, everyone in politics were great public speakers.

Very true. I'm a natural and comfortable public speaker and people are in awe of it like I have a 10 inch cock. I'm not even that good, like a 7/10 but people have lost those skills so much that on average people are 3/10.

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV

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