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2016 DNC Convention Thread
016 DNC Convention Thread
One woman on the CNN panel said her parents were illegal immigrants, and that it's unfair to judge all illegal immigrants under the same blanket, just because one immigrant committed a crime against one American.

The Trump supporter pushed back with, "This is a country of laws." But Vox Day suggests pushing back with, "Okay, so the death of one innocent American isn't enough to make you think illegal immigration is a bad idea. But what about two dead Americans? Would two dead Americans convince you that illegal immigration is bad for America? What's your number?"

(I've used this, once, and it gets the person heated very quickly.)


Unrelated: Senator Gillibrand used to be hot.
016 DNC Convention Thread
Now the DNC is taking Bernie Sanders signs away. So much for them believing in democracy. And is CNN muting the boos or something?

[Image: demconvention.jpg]
016 DNC Convention Thread
Oh god Al Franken after that weak ass woman shilling for "MUH EQUAL PAY FOR EQUAL WORK"
016 DNC Convention Thread
Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump - Al Franken
016 DNC Convention Thread
I'd like to see Al Franken talk shit to Mike Tyson in front of his face. Now that would be something i'd pay to watch.
016 DNC Convention Thread
I'm trying to eat and they keep cutting to these fat ugly old hags and it's becoming extremely difficult.
016 DNC Convention Thread
The press reporting the convention.

[Image: 3354-d6504c7d5a71e9c2c50b417de470d9f4.gif]

Take care of those titties for me.
016 DNC Convention Thread
Quote: (07-25-2016 07:50 PM)MMX2010 Wrote:  

One woman on the CNN panel said her parents were illegal immigrants, and that it's unfair to judge all illegal immigrants under the same blanket, just because one immigrant committed a crime against one American.

The Trump supporter pushed back with, "This is a country of laws." But Vox Day suggests pushing back with, "Okay, so the death of one innocent American isn't enough to make you think illegal immigration is a bad idea. But what about two dead Americans? Would two dead Americans convince you that illegal immigration is bad for America? What's your number?"

(I've used this, once, and it gets the person heated very quickly.)


Unrelated: Senator Gillibrand used to be hot.

Yeah. Speaker said something about how fearful they are to be an undocumented (illegal) immigrant in the U.S. Meanwhile...don't forget that they enjoyed rubbing this bullshit in our face:

[Image: CoP_oOfXYAAvynI.jpg:small]
016 DNC Convention Thread
Finally Franken is off, good lord I remember him on SNL in the 90's when he did funny skits. Not so much now.

[Image: 64724661.jpg]

Quote: (07-25-2016 07:56 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

The press reporting the convention.

[Image: 3354-d6504c7d5a71e9c2c50b417de470d9f4.gif]
016 DNC Convention Thread
Another video. [Image: lol.gif]

Read my Latest at Return of Kings: 11 Lessons in Leadership from Julius Caesar
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016 DNC Convention Thread

The pandering...sweet jebus, the pandering.

Yes, it's what always makes Democrat conventions tortuous to watch or listen to. I can only take it in small doses.

If only you knew how bad things really are.
016 DNC Convention Thread
Oh hey it's time to wheel out the disabled for more shameless pandering.

"She has invested in me."

Sure and now it's paying off in political returns.
016 DNC Convention Thread

Well, that's it. I'm going to vote for Hillary. She's got a heart of gold.
016 DNC Convention Thread
I just spat coffee all over my monitor in uncontrollable laughter when wheelchair girl came out.

Epic pandering, hah!
016 DNC Convention Thread
Clinton wisely did not go full retard with this current speaker. Only partial retard. .
016 DNC Convention Thread
I'm not listening to this SNL reject comedian that somehow ended up being a senator. Trump has been tearing it up in Carolina, got huge cheers for saying he will fight for their jobs and cooperate with Russia to destroy Isis.

“Nothing is more useful than to look upon the world as it really is.”
016 DNC Convention Thread
[Image: 50443260.jpg]
016 DNC Convention Thread
Quote: (07-25-2016 07:51 PM)Clemmo Wrote:  

Now the DNC is taking Bernie Sanders signs away. So much for them believing in democracy. And is CNN muting the boos or something?

[Image: demconvention.jpg]

Whats next, make people take off their bernie shirts?

Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? Psalm 2:1 KJV
016 DNC Convention Thread
[Image: Voroshilov,_Molotov,_Stalin,_with_Nikolai_Yezhov.jpg]
[Image: The_Commissar_Vanishes_2.jpg]
016 DNC Convention Thread
Bernie Sanders is up next.

Crank up the volume, boys! Let's see what the Bernie's supporters have to yell this time.

[Image: when-i-turn-up-the-volume_o_681619.gif]
016 DNC Convention Thread
Comedic intent or not, Al Franken's suggestion that the Clinton campaign is so important that it trumps leaving eight and four year old children home alone with a microwave isn't funny at all.

Compare that to Mr. Trump making fun of an adult, independent reporter with a disability. Which looks worse?
016 DNC Convention Thread
He never "made fun of that reporter's disability," it's a work of confirmation bias. He does those hand motions all the time.

But I suppose it's a work in confirmation bias, and that's really the only thing that matters. The disability angle is the most potent of this gathering of losers so far.

Read my Latest at Return of Kings: 11 Lessons in Leadership from Julius Caesar
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016 DNC Convention Thread
Fuck Silverman AND Al Franken? WTF?

Just said she put some cream on the "bern"

Oh dear.
016 DNC Convention Thread
Sarah Silverman everybody. Ba dum bum.
016 DNC Convention Thread
For fuck's sake a double dose of unfunny boring ass Franken. Silverman tries to make a lame Bernie joke and falls flat.


Silverman: "Bernie has succeeded in so many ways"

Yes, like getting a deluxe holiday package with Jet to shill for Hillary.

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