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George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

George Soros Doubles Down: Accept 300k Refugees Costing $30Bn, Or Risk EU Collapse


Simply put, the billionaire says the EU must take in hundreds of thousands of refugees a year, spend at least 30 billion euros (a minor sum, since he believes it can all be financed by debt and taxes) or Europe faces an "existential threat."

I'm pretty sure he doesn't really believe that. HE is the existential threat to Europe.

I live in one of the few parts of the USA that still has net production over consumption. We have a net trade surplus. A buddy of mine lives in another part of the country that also has a high concentration of remaining productive capacity. And we both see the same thing: a concerted effort to dump as many needy, unskilled 3rd world immigrants into the area as possible. It's turned into an obsession by the powers that be.

Similarly, Germany, one of the few countries left in Europe that had productive capacity, a net trade surplus, and capital accumulation, has been assigned the same fate. It looks like an intentional pattern or plan.

Spending money on social welfare for un-needed "workers" in economies where real unemployment rates are soaring and are widely-expected to hit at least 50% will be the death-blow to what's left of "western" civilization.

The world is one big Imperial plantation, like the old East India Company. But George Soros and his ilk are group-thinking dinosaurs. They still think that all they need are some warm bodies to push buttons on the cash register at Micky D's and hand him his change. They're thinking of a service economy.

But either technology collapses with system crash, and we'll need a new generation of engineers and real workers to rebuild new technology that utilizes much lower energy levels, or we automate everything and you order your meal from a totally automated kiosk and don't need the unskilled flunky standing there to hand you your change. Not necessarily mutually-exclusive.

Soros and his ilk are the inheritors of a power-structure that replaced the old one circa the 18th century when control over finance turned out to trump control over the military aristocracy. No matter how many soldiers they had reporting to the nobility, their own soldiers would turn on them if they weren't getting paid.

Now finance is the obsolete power structure, with ossified thinking to match, that needs to be replaced.

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

Did George Soros tell Eve to eat the apple as well?

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

Why isn't Soros behind bars? Seriously?

I know he funds Hillary and Femen and a variety of other things, maybe he's just untouchable?

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

Good news George, I've got a solution to the migrant issue.

Simply have Israel take them all in. After all, it's much closer, and doesn't require the use of human traffickers to move hundreds of thousands of people across a continent and sea.

Yea I know they built a wall to keep them out, but remember, you've been telling us walls don't work anyway.

If they refuse to take them in, you can simply label them racist right wing extremists and threaten financial sanctions.

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

I'd be interested in seeing someone ask Trump in an interview or press conference, "As you may be aware, Russia has issued a warrant for Soros' arrest because of what they say have been unlawful actions against their nation. If elected, would you consider extraditing Soros to Russia to face trial?"

I don't know what Trump would say, but if he said "Yes" all hell would break loose in the media and with liberals.

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

Quote: (07-21-2016 12:03 PM)thoughtgypsy Wrote:  

Good news George, I've got a solution to the migrant issue.

Simply have Israel take them all in. After all, it's much closer, and doesn't require the use of human traffickers to move hundreds of thousands of people across a continent and sea.

Yea I know they built a wall to keep them out, but remember, you've been telling us walls don't work anyway.

If they refuse to take them in, you can simply label them racist right wing extremists and threaten financial sanctions.

Just let the refugees settle in the golan heights which Israel stole from syrians and annexed in 1981.

Take care of those titties for me.

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

Quote: (07-21-2016 12:03 PM)thoughtgypsy Wrote:  

Good news George, I've got a solution to the migrant issue.

Simply have Israel take them all in. After all, it's much closer, and doesn't require the use of human traffickers to move hundreds of thousands of people across a continent and sea.

Yea I know they built a wall to keep them out, but remember, you've been telling us walls don't work anyway.

If they refuse to take them in, you can simply label them racist right wing extremists and threaten financial sanctions.
[Image: attachment.jpg32724]   

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

The People's Counter-Proposal to Halt Terror in Europe:

1. No refugees whatsoever. Eliminate the refugee system in the West, except between Euro nations themselves and then only in time of political strife. The individual situation of each refugee is audited every five years for twenty years, and if it is ever safe from the to be repatriated then they are. There will be a clear policy against economic migration, except after strict procedures that analyze the labor supply for the need for such labor based migration. Most migration will be of the high-skill variety and through a formal, extended process of individual screening. Also, no high-skill immigration for professional positions that can be filled by equivalently skilled natives. Employer recruitment of specific employees, rather than migrant facilitated applications or blanket demands for foreign workers, will be the most utilized path toward migration.

2. Mandatory borders as anti-communist, anti-internationalist defense; a policy that is justified by the tendency of communists to use population discord to foment violent wars and revolutions, as well as the historical high body-count and long-term political danger to the world arising from those revolutions. These mandatory borders will first be legitimized through referendum of citizens, and then written into international law.

3. A repatriation of all asylum seekers, from the last 30 years, who have not been individually targeted by repressive regimes.

4. A repatriation of all foreign workers who are not deemed mandatory or who are unemployed.

5. A revocation of all citizenship of second generation or greater citizens who have kept their citizenships from their nations of origin, retroactive for one year, if the dual citizenship is still in-place. The retroactive nature of the policy will be to prevent post-policy surrender of citizenship to avoid being deported. The point is to remove un-integrated citizens. Citizens who have open-ended offers of citizenship from foreign nations will be prohibited from voting, from being elected officials, or from participating in the press. This is to prevent political influencers from being tempted or influenced by foreign allegiances or options to leave the nation, and thus to prevent foreign and internationalist subversion of the national interest.

6. A mandatory repatriation of anyone who has attended a radical Mosque in the last 20 years, as well as of their dependents. Other relatives will be kept under long-term surveillance.

7. A zero-tolerance Coast Guard who is free in their actions in securing the maritime borders while in international waters. Escorting boats or people to mainland Europe will be forbidden. At best, the coast guard will call a rescue boat who will meet them at sea, and then escort the boat or transport people to a non-European jurisdiction, perhaps a small island, for processing to be taken back to their national point of departure. Nations that do not take back attempted refugees that have left from their shores or borders will be invaded. Nations that do keep reasonable control of the aspirational refugees departing from their shores or borders will first face economic sanctions and then be invaded due to lack of political stability if it continues.

8. Trials for all undemocratically positioned oligarchs, such as Soros, as well as democratically elected politicians who have turned treasonous against the welfare of their nation in favor of internationalism. Every politician and press organ will need to declare loyalty to the nation to be allowed to operate. Press that inhabits only cyberspace will not be given any platform from which to base operations within the nation itself. Giving politically oriented press coverage to, taking money from, or meeting with un-democratically positioned internationalist oligarchs will be a crime for politicians and the press; and it will discount you from the possibility of holding any type of political office.

These actions will prove that the elite lip service to the claimed impossibility of what they refuse to do is nothing but lies, gaming of the populace, and condescension.

Instead of doubling down, Soros and the rest need to start negotiating toward these points to secure their freedom.
The morning that we begin to put the above into effect will be the start of a better, new day.

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

Ordinary people play around in the garden with the grandkids or play bingo when they reach that age, Soros spends his last breaths on earth to destroy Europe.

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

Quote: (07-21-2016 01:38 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Ordinary people play around in the garden with the grandkids or play bingo when they reach that age, Soros spends his last breaths on earth to destroy Europe.

Their dedication to their religion-inspired and promised world-utopianism is absolute and all-consuming.

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

This bastard needs to croak already

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

Quote: (07-21-2016 03:51 PM)Dark Knowledge Wrote:  

This bastard needs to croak already

I'm curious whether or not his kids will take up his mantle of trying to destroy Europe and the USA

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

How many of the 300k rapeugees is this Spawn of Satan taking into his multiple palaces around the globe? This man is pure evil incarnate. He needs to be tried for ethic cleansing and supporting terrorism in the court of human rights.

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Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

He has Zuckerberg for that... And that fucker won't die for many many years

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

Soros? Oh, he died years ago.

Not such a bad man, back then.

But the Rothschilds loved him too much to let him go.

Shame how things turned out. I warned 'em. Sometimes, dead is better. The person you put up there ain't the person that comes back. It might look like that person, but it ain't that person.

[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTAVccFsEm2QGN-a7KomCe...7EmCZoit7g]

The barrier was not meant to be crossed. The ground is sour.

The public will judge a man by what he lifts, but those close to him will judge him by what he carries.

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

[Image: Cn9M3KRVUAEpmL1.jpg:small]

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

Soros has the face of a man being kept alive by the blood of virgins and the bones of murdered men.

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

Quote: (07-21-2016 11:32 AM)Beijong Wrote:  

Why isn't Soros behind bars? Seriously?

I know he funds Hillary and Femen and a variety of other things, maybe he's just untouchable?

He can not be touched because he represents the most powerful people in the world.

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

Quote: (07-22-2016 01:02 PM)budoslavic Wrote:  

[Image: Cn9M3KRVUAEpmL1.jpg:small]

Great pic, this needs to be shared more.

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

Quote: (07-22-2016 01:02 PM)budoslavic Wrote:  

[Image: Cn9M3KRVUAEpmL1.jpg:small]

This is a top tier triggering pic you've shared.

Would get banned off facebook.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

Quote: (07-21-2016 06:49 PM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

How many of the 300k rapeugees is this Spawn of Satan taking into his multiple palaces around the globe? This man is pure evil incarnate. He needs to be tried for ethic cleansing and supporting terrorism in the court of human rights.

Can Putin or the Russian government take him out? You know, like the U.S did to Saddam Hussein? Soros even threw his fellow Jews under the bus while working closely with the Nazis to find Jewish hideouts in Hungary during WWII.

He is literally devoid of human emotion. I would trade an all night sex party with Ivanka Trump to see him drop dead.

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees


I would trade an all night sex party with Ivanka Trump to see him drop dead.

such great sacrifice [Image: lol.gif]

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

Seriously, what the fuck? Do the elite have longevity elixirs or something? Jesus fucking Christ why isn't he dead already?

In fact, why aren't any of them dead? Henry Kissinger is in his nineties. His nineties. David Rockefeller is over one hundred years old. A century old. Zbigniew Brzezinski is eighty six. They basically have at least 15 or so years left to torment the world before they're ancient hearts fail.

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

Quote: (07-22-2016 10:03 PM)CactusCat589 Wrote:  

Seriously, what the fuck? Do the elite have longevity elixirs or something? Jesus fucking Christ why isn't he dead already?

In fact, why aren't any of them dead? Henry Kissinger is in his nineties. His nineties. David Rockefeller is over one hundred years old. A century old. Zbigniew Brzezinski is eighty six. They basically have at least 15 or so years left to torment the world before they're ancient hearts fail.

Dick Cheney refuses to die too. He had 5 fucking heart attacks and he didn't even have a heart for awhile and was on a pump device until they found a transplant for him.

A diet of virginal young boy semen must do wonders for their health.

George Soros raises the stakes: 300K refugees

Longevity can be paid for these days, first step is an extensive DNA test to know which diseases you are at risk for and second, just as important, which medicines work for you and which doesn't. I saw a BBC series about this subject recently. This is probably the very beginning of humanity breaking into two, the long living elites (perhaps 120-130 as standard) and the plebs. The tech geeks talk about it a lot, stemcells, artificial organs, all that.

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