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As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Girls and effeminate white knights seem to believe there's a neatly defined binary between cool, normal guys and weird, creepy, "rapey" guys. They assume the cool, normal guy they're dating is always perceived as good guy, and the creepy, touchy-feely guy hitting on them at the bar is some kind of deranged serial predator.

Newsflash: It doesn't work like that. When his game was off or when he was out of his element, your "cool guy" boyfriend was the "creep"... plenty of times. And the "creep" you rejected at the bar has probably banged girls cuter than you.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-21-2016 04:56 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

100 years ago, women didn't go out in public at night without a chaperone, who was usually a family member.

In my neighborhood, there are two Irish bars, Kelly's and the Shamrock, where decades ago, maybe like the 50's or even 60's, women weren't allowed to sit at the bar. They were allowed in those places, but they had to sit at the tables. I can't picture the tables in Kelly's (I never really went to that place), but anyone who has been to the Shamrock knows the tables behind the huge oval bar behind the side of the oval bar farthest from the entrance.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

I don't think anyone from this board is missing much from that SJW bar. It's always had a shitload of hipsters in it any of the times I've walked in there. I wonder if that bartender got laid after rescuing her and giving her his Facebook URL? [Image: eatpuss.gif]

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-21-2016 08:12 PM)slothpiece Wrote:  

I wonder if that bartender got laid after rescuing her and giving her his Facebook URL? [Image: eatpuss.gif]

What are the chances he got a threesome with her and another girl he did the same thing with?

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-21-2016 05:01 PM)Cuchulainn2016 Wrote:  

I actually had this happen to me once, not in DC, in fact, in a much less leftie place, and it was a few years ago.

Popped in for a beer in a small bar one night, starting talking to 2 girls and a guy at the bar.

Very quickly, I'm just talking to one girl.

Barman comes over, asks the girl if I am "annoying" her. I laughed and he went away.

15 mins later, he asks a second time, we both ignore him.

Another 15 mins and he asks a third time, she says "No".

I tease her a bit about her "knight in shining armour, riding to her rescue", he comes back and asks her if she wants him to throw me out. She looks at him, looks at me, looks back at him and laughs and says "Like that's going to happen". He asks again, and she just tells him to fuck off.

I have found that 90% of the time, when someone attempts to cockblock me, it just makes the woman more interested.

[Image: gamerecognized.gif]

Quote: (07-21-2016 06:41 PM)Black Knight Wrote:  

Notice how the Overton window has shifted so far that bad game is now impending sexual assault. Precog bartenders are convicting you of future crimes based on their intuitions about whether the girl is "uncomfortable."

Not even bad game, necessarily. He could have just been making conversation; I'll do this regularly to folks at a bar, but every so often you run into a some weirdo who decides to sit at the bar (instead of a table), and when you just try and be friendly they look at you as if you have 9 penises hanging out of your nose.

Given that I get along with the other 95% like a house on fire, I'm fairly certain that my nose is penis-free. This bitch just wanted something to be dramatic about.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-21-2016 11:11 AM)Geomann180 Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:47 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2016 08:24 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

[Image: 457879110.jpg]

So sexy! Kawaii.

Silcon valley 7.

She might steal Cuckerberg from Cindy Wu.


The mating ritual of the asian ham planet is such that when two females of the same species encounter each other in the wild there is a brief struggle to see who can eat who first to earn the privilege of becoming the rich jew's lifemate.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

You'd have to have one heck of a case of yellow fever to find that smug face and atrocious personality worth committing to. Pure desperation in most men's cases, or for Fuckerburg, he is too busy plotting evil in his day job.

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Does DC have any laws which state that "unwanted conversations" can result in a sexual harassment charge? The article makes it appear that just chatting up a broad is a pre-cursor to sexual assault...It sounds Orwellian, though at the similar time, the growing amount of female teachers fucking their male students are growing.

Co-relation or causation, as in, empowered feministe women don't want men, but they want the schoolyard bully to fuck them in the ass, rather than a grown man talking to them? Is that how the feministe movement operates these days for reality?

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-21-2016 11:27 PM)RBerkley Wrote:  

Does DC have any laws which state that "unwanted conversations" can result in a sexual harassment charge? The article makes it appear that just chatting up a broad is a pre-cursor to sexual assault...It sounds Orwellian, though at the similar time, the growing amount of female teachers fucking their male students are growing.

Co-relation or causation, as in, empowered feministe women don't want men, but they want the schoolyard bully to fuck them in the ass, rather than a grown man talking to them? Is that how the feministe movement operates these days for reality?

I typed in Holler Back DC into Google and Collective Action for Safe Spaces (CASS) came up as the first result. It's safe to say this is the same propaganda blog that came out a few years ago promoting shaming guys approaching them on the streets or whistling at them walking by. Nothing to see here. Move along.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-22-2016 12:22 AM)slothpiece Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2016 11:27 PM)RBerkley Wrote:  

Does DC have any laws which state that "unwanted conversations" can result in a sexual harassment charge? The article makes it appear that just chatting up a broad is a pre-cursor to sexual assault...It sounds Orwellian, though at the similar time, the growing amount of female teachers fucking their male students are growing.

Co-relation or causation, as in, empowered feministe women don't want men, but they want the schoolyard bully to fuck them in the ass, rather than a grown man talking to them? Is that how the feministe movement operates these days for reality?

I typed in Holler Back DC into Google and Collective Action for Safe Spaces (CASS) came up as the first result. It's safe to say this is the same propaganda blog that came out a few years ago promoting shaming guys approaching them on the streets or whistling at them walking by. Nothing to see here. Move along.

I know some guys in Canada who were forced to admit misconduct for just talking in a way which makes a chick feel uncomfortable.

I'm noticing that the USA is starting to pick up the Canadian feminist rhetoric these days.

In cities like Toronto, if a woman encourages a man to be drunk for "hot sex", she can later claimed how she was raped months later.

I thought that if a consenting couple has a woman agreeing that both parties are to be drunk to have sex, that it completely implies that they agreed to drunk sex? However, as in Canada, it appears that even if the woman encourages the man to be drunk for "hot sex", he is still viewed as a rapist. I wonder how many years he will get for being lured for drunk sex and now being accused of rape in one of the most feministe cities in North America.

It's beginning to get scary if a woman can initially consent to drunk hot sex for both her and the man, and then later claim that she was raped, and have the man, who was encouraged to be drunk, to be charged as if he kicked down the door of a 14-year-old teenage girl's bedroom to force her into a child pornography ring.

Does it mean that in Canada if a woman is drunk, and she runs over innocent pedestrians on the street, she is not liable for her actions, putting blame on the people she ran over?

The laws are getting stranger and stranger and more anti-male. I blame SJWs for starting the misandry, and Anita Sarkeesian for introducing Canadian values into the USA culture.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Anti-street-harassment and affirmative consent laws are turning more and more anti-male.

How will the clubs gain profit if men are afraid of being accused of "conspiracy to commit sexual assault" by saying "Bonjour" to a chick, and even more afraid of being hauled into court for sexual assault charges if the chick who encouraged to drink some wine during sex, goes full 360 and later claims how she was raped against her will as if a child pornographer organization kicked down the door of an eight-year-old girl's room, placed their guns to her head, and forced her to perform child pornography using threats of violence and sadistic torture?

These SJW laws are pathetic, but they are infringing on the freedoms, liberties and human rights for men because those laws are open to abuse by the women to wrongly put an innocent man in jail.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Clubs and bars are already suffering. With apps like tinder, chicks can already screen men they want and avoid the icky men at the bar/club. Many bars and clubs that used to be solely meat markets will close in the coming years. They are already surfing as huge sausage fests. Mark my words, many will close.

John Michael Kane's Datasheets: Master The Credit Game: Save & Make Money By Being Credit Savvy
Boycott these companies that hate men: King's Wiki Boycott List

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Most of the stuff you used to do at bars and clubs you can do better elsewhere in 2016 (listening to music, meeting people, drinking, getting laid etc). Bars and clubs still serve one purpose in the current year: a place to take dates (both the bar as a more low key first location and the club as a very high energy second venue).

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-21-2016 08:07 AM)eatthishomie Wrote:  

A few weeks ago, a woman came into the ChurchKey bar in Washington, D.C., to have a drink alone, but a male patron had a different idea.

He sat next to her and chatted her up. While the conversation seemed innocent enough at first, the bartenders working nearby sensed the woman was growing increasingly uncomfortable. If you're a woman and you've ever been to a bar by yourself, you're probably all too familiar with this scenario.

However, what happened next was altogether different. According to Sam Nellis, the bar's manager, two bartenders on staff intervened three separate times to dissuade the man's advances. Finally, when he went in for an unwanted kiss, one bartender said, "Hey! Don’t you think you’re getting a little aggressive there?"

When the man got up to use the bathroom, they made sure the woman was OK, helped her exit the bar through the back door, and got her into an Uber so she could get home safely.

How did these bartenders know what to do? The answer can be summed up in two words: Safe Bars.

What do you think the odds are of this scenario playing out in a "Safe Bar" vs the odds that "Safe Bars" threw a few bones Churchkey's way to say that it did? And maybe score themselves some new SJW clientele to boot!

I've been having a blast in this city actually, but yea this is dumb. The NFL needs to drop some pads and grow a pair, funding this shit.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

This is going to backfire. Bars that go in on this will potentially be opening themselves up to scrutiny at best and liability at worst when some woman claims that something happened to her and that the bartender, barback, etc. who was SUPPOSED to be watching out for her, either didn't notice or didn't act. I don't see why bars, which already have the burden of so much potential liability on their hands, would welcome even more opportunity for trouble in this manner.

"In America we don't worship government, we worship God." - President Donald J. Trump

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-22-2016 01:10 AM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

Clubs and bars are already suffering. With apps like tinder, chicks can already screen men they want and avoid the icky men at the bar/club. Many bars and clubs that used to be solely meat markets will close in the coming years. They are already surfing as huge sausage fests. Mark my words, many will close.

Inside the DC beltway, they already are. On days that in the past when the bars and clubs should be hopping (nice evenings in the spring and fall), things are very quiet. There was a nice Tuesday evening this spring, and I went to Arlington Rooftop and it was deserted.

In North Arlington, a lot of bars have gone under, even one's that I figured could weather the storm such as Hard Times Cafe (had really good chili)

In Georgetown, they're basically aren't any public night clubs left (there are some private membership ones) and bars like Mr Smiths, which was an institution, have gone under.

There are some new places east of U St, but not enough to make up the difference.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-21-2016 11:47 AM)Aurini Wrote:  

I can't decide what's stupider: that a woman goes to a public bar to drink by herself, or that special training courses are needed to learn body language 101. Talk about a socially malformed generation.[/align]

The "escorted out the back door" part is hilarious; what a drama queen.

I'd bet dollars to donuts the little vignette never even occurred. This is all about money and demonstrating a successful shakedown of the NFL in a medium designed to both preach the message and potentially reach future donors (victim organizations).

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-21-2016 08:07 PM)Merenguero Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2016 04:56 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

100 years ago, women didn't go out in public at night without a chaperone, who was usually a family member.

In my neighborhood, there are two Irish bars, Kelly's and the Shamrock, where decades ago, maybe like the 50's or even 60's, women weren't allowed to sit at the bar. They were allowed in those places, but they had to sit at the tables. I can't picture the tables in Kelly's (I never really went to that place), but anyone who has been to the Shamrock knows the tables behind the huge oval bar behind the side of the oval bar farthest from the entrance.

There is actually a bar in Manayunk called "Cresson Inn", its a run down place that attracts locals in a college neighborhood. There is still a sign at the second entrance towards at the end of the bar that "Ladies Entrance"

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-21-2016 05:25 PM)Days of Broken Arrows Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2016 05:01 PM)Cuchulainn2016 Wrote:  

I actually had this happen to me once, not in DC, in fact, in a much less leftie place, and it was a few years ago.

Popped in for a beer in a small bar one night, starting talking to 2 girls and a guy at the bar.

Very quickly, I'm just talking to one girl.

Barman comes over, asks the girl if I am "annoying" her. I laughed and he went away.

15 mins later, he asks a second time, we both ignore him.

Another 15 mins and he asks a third time, she says "No".

I tease her a bit about her "knight in shining armour, riding to her rescue", he comes back and asks her if she wants him to throw me out. She looks at him, looks at me, looks back at him and laughs and says "Like that's going to happen". He asks again, and she just tells him to fuck off.

I have found that 90% of the time, when someone attempts to cockblock me, it just makes the woman more interested.

That's a nice story. Now we need to address its unintended consequences.

Should we take seriously people as professionals who need to be patronized to this degree in public by the waitstaff? If someone isn't up for the basic task of having a conversation in a bar, what makes you think they can socially handle a relationship in any other realm without an authority figure present?

Or let me put it another way. If a bartender is needed to monitor a woman to that degree when she's having a basic conversation IN PUBLIC, then why isn't some authority figure needed to watch female doctors when they have male patients in private? Or female advertising reps when they have male clients? Or female ANYTHING?

The bartender might have thought he was doing women a favor, but his behavior just presented a solid argument as to why they should not be part of the professional world at all. Anyone who needs to be monitored like a child in the public realm to that degree needs to be monitored all the time.

In short, the bartender unwittingly came out in favor of Sharia Law at worst or American law from 100 years ago at best.

More worryingly is that if it happened today, in Nottingham in the UK, the barman could call the police, and even if did not commit any real crime, I would have a police record stating I had committed a hate crime.

Nonsense like this is bad, but when it ends up in an innocent person being "marked" as a hate criminal, and no doubt "punished" with loss of job/status etc. it becomes much more serious and worrying.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-22-2016 07:32 AM)beta_plus Wrote:  

Quote: (07-22-2016 01:10 AM)John Michael Kane Wrote:  

Clubs and bars are already suffering. With apps like tinder, chicks can already screen men they want and avoid the icky men at the bar/club. Many bars and clubs that used to be solely meat markets will close in the coming years. They are already surfing as huge sausage fests. Mark my words, many will close.

Inside the DC beltway, they already are. On days that in the past when the bars and clubs should be hopping (nice evenings in the spring and fall), things are very quiet. There was a nice Tuesday evening this spring, and I went to Arlington Rooftop and it was deserted.

In North Arlington, a lot of bars have gone under, even one's that I figured could weather the storm such as Hard Times Cafe (had really good chili)

In Georgetown, they're basically aren't any public night clubs left (there are some private membership ones) and bars like Mr Smiths, which was an institution, have gone under.

There are some new places east of U St, but not enough to make up the difference.

Maybe even the most game unaware men in the DC area are finally realizing (no doubt thanks to Roosh in all likelihood) that given:

1. DC area women in general are cunts by viture of the type of person attracted to the town.

2. The gender ratios are whacked - I spoke to a chick in NYC a while back who got no love in NYC but in DC according to her, she got A LOT of attention. Have heard this story a TON of times: The DC Princess Transformation phenomena is real and an astounding thing to witness in the wild.

3. And now the bartenders are professional trained to cockblock.

... I think even the average/non-red pill guy is waking up and saying fuck it now. Why waste your evenings paying for overpriced drinks to go hit on a bunch of unfriendly stuck-up twats in a place with fucked up ratios and now a professionally trained staff of cockblockers? You HAVE to be incredibly dense, desperate, or have a love for uphill battles/tough game training to put up with that shit. There are still gaming opportunities but not worthwhile ones with night game unless you got access to some private lounge/bar/event. Again, I think even non-red pill guys are seeing that now.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

So the bar lost 2 paying customers immediately? They can keep doing this and be brutally outcompeted by those that don't.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Please, stop posting Kim Jong-un pics.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-22-2016 07:32 AM)beta_plus Wrote:  

Inside the DC beltway, they already are. On days that in the past when the bars and clubs should be hopping (nice evenings in the spring and fall), things are very quiet. There was a nice Tuesday evening this spring, and I went to Arlington Rooftop and it was deserted.

Was it during Spring Break? Or early summer when school (GMU & Law) was out?


In North Arlington, a lot of bars have gone under, even one's that I figured could weather the storm such as Hard Times Cafe (had really good chili)

That was a restaurant more than a bar. It was aging and surrounded by better options. It will certaintly be replaced by another trendier eatery/bar, especially with the metro across the street in a desirable urbanized neighborhood, and in any case a plethora of other options are in eyesight (Don Titos, etc). It was a just a chain anyway that was slightly out of place in Clarendon.

I haven't seen the drop in crowds in Clarendon, during school at least. Seems like there are still many students with money to burn Thursday to Saturday, and DC area types with disposable income and a willingness to spend it on entertainment and nightlife.

As far as NYC girls shocked at the attention in DC, I hope that is true, it would explain the difficulties here.


your "cool guy" boyfriend was the "creep"... plenty of times.

And I would add that "creepy" is used to any source of negative feels the girl has, even if it is just annoyance.

Nightgame is not my specialty but from what I have seen, bartenders are always busy here making their drinks and the places are usually crowded enough that the type of spying envisioned is highly unlikely.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

[Image: 457879110.jpg]

[Image: madtv_a.jpg]

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

I was wrong

Was out at Churchkey tonight and confirmed this story. "My buddy and I have a bet, there was an article about a girl being snuck out the back of the bar because a guy was hitting on her. I said it was bullshit, he said it was true. What do you know about the story?"
"Oh it's definitely true, I was the one who escorted her out."

[Image: facepalm.png]

No one here will be surprised that it was a chick bartender - not especially attractive, wearing no makeup, two nose piercings, and at least one tattoo on her wrist.

Here's the thing - in this bar the back door is through the kitchen, and the kitchen is right across from the men's room! So she walked her right past where this dude was taking a piss, through the kitchen, down the back stairs into an alley...Fucking stupid. After she told me the story about sneaking her out she said "So wait, did you win or lose the bet?"

"Oh I lost, I thought it had to be bullshit"

She was clearly not a fan of mine after that.

I was talkign to a guy first and then a girl for a while right at the bar - One thing I did notice in this was that when they came around, they would ask, "How's everything going?" and stare at each person in the group. It wasn't a simple "can I get you anything?" They were definitely trying to ascertain the dynamics of each interaction. Whatever, they have a great beer list, I'd go back and piss off the SJWs again.

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