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As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

... now bartenders are being WKs.


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July 18, 2016
Bartenders in D.C. are learning how to stop sexual assault, and so far, it's working.
This new bartender program is showing sexual assault the door.
Ally HirschlagBy Ally Hirschlag
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A few weeks ago, a woman came into the ChurchKey bar in Washington, D.C., to have a drink alone, but a male patron had a different idea.

He sat next to her and chatted her up. While the conversation seemed innocent enough at first, the bartenders working nearby sensed the woman was growing increasingly uncomfortable. If you're a woman and you've ever been to a bar by yourself, you're probably all too familiar with this scenario.


Photo via iStock.


inRead invented by Teads

However, what happened next was altogether different. According to Sam Nellis, the bar's manager, two bartenders on staff intervened three separate times to dissuade the man's advances. Finally, when he went in for an unwanted kiss, one bartender said, "Hey! Don’t you think you’re getting a little aggressive there?"

When the man got up to use the bathroom, they made sure the woman was OK, helped her exit the bar through the back door, and got her into an Uber so she could get home safely.

How did these bartenders know what to do? The answer can be summed up in two words: Safe Bars.


Photo by Safe Bars.

Safe Bars is a training program that teaches bar staff to recognize the subtle signs of an impending sexual assault and stop it before anyone gets hurt.

Why is that so important? Because 1 out of every 4 women will experience some form of sexual assault in their adolescence or early adulthood. And at least half of those crimes occur while the perpetrator was under the influence of alcohol.

Considering those statistics, it's not hard to see why a program like this is so important.


Photo by ChurchKey, used with permission.

"The training helps us to recognize the subtle difference between a person okay with physical contact and someone who does not want to be touched," Sam told Upworthy.


"For example, if someone is leaning away from the other person or if they have their arms crossed." But it's also about reading the dynamic of an interaction over a period of time. If a woman suddenly becomes withdrawn in a conversation with man, that should put employees on alert.

When an employee told Sam about the program, which is part of the advocacy group Collective Action for Safe Spaces (CASS) and Defend Yourself, he was immediately on board.

"Frankly, it was one of those moments where you think to yourself, 'How is this not already a thing that everybody does?'"

The program is new and is currently being funded by a $20,000 grant from the NFL, which has recently donated approximately $10 million to initiatives battling sexual violence, including this program, after being criticized over multiple incidents where players have been accused or convicted of assault.

The program is usually taught in two-hour sessions but can be customized to fit your establishment's requirements.

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It involves learning how to identify subtle signifiers of sexual aggression and role-playing to practice curtailing it. While the training doesn't guarantee that every sexual assault can be stopped, it can certainly help bar employees be more alert and ready to take action.

While it's relatively early in Safe Bar's launch, the story from ChurchKey is encouraging.


Photo by ChurchKey, used with permission.

Safe Bars is already planning to expand the program to other cities, bringing it to bars that want to put an end to sexual assault in their establishments.

Sam can't wait until the system is a given in his city and hopefully, one day, the world.


"My dream for Safe Bars is that it becomes ubiquitous in D.C. I hope that one day it will be a prerequisite for operating an establishment that serves alcohol."

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

[Image: 457879110.jpg]

Bruising cervix since 96
"I just want to live out my days drinking virgin margaritas and banging virgin señoritas" - Uncle Cr33pin

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-21-2016 08:24 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

[Image: 457879110.jpg]

Why post a pic of some MGTOW gamer dude? I don't get it.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Just look at all this garbage language:


When an employee told Sam about the program, which is part of the advocacy group Collective Action for Safe Spaces (CASS) and Defend Yourself, he was immediately on board.

"Frankly, it was one of those moments where you think to yourself, 'How is this not already a thing that everybody does?'"

The program is new and is currently being funded by a $20,000 grant from the NFL, which has recently donated approximately $10 million to initiatives battling sexual violence, including this program, after being criticized over multiple incidents where players have been accused or convicted of assault.

I swear these SJW fearmongers make American men look like evil incarnate. We must be the most demonic men to ever grace the earth. Language like this shows that most Americans never spent any time abroad nor own a passport to be thinking like this.

It's either that or the proverbial bogey man of rape is being used for money reasons. Women finally have created more jobs for themselves by getting powerful corporations like the NFL to be publically shamed for any employee's behavior. They have been swindled into donating money into bullshit organizations, that go toward Starbucks and Macbook Pros, so they can shitpost and surf HuffPo with a salary. The NFL can write it all off on taxes as charitable donations, just to keep white knights and basic bitches busy on payrolls, and keep critics quiet.

None of these things will lessen real rapes and crimes. If most men left the country for foreign women or went MGTOW, these idiots would pat themselves on the back for a job well done on their Shaming Programs, completely ignoring other statistics in other areas of social life here.

Even when you know the games these people play with our society, it's still disgusting to watch this shit.

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TravelerKai's Martial Arts Datasheet
1 John 4:20 - If anyone says, I love God, and hates (detests, abominates) his brother [in Christ], he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, Whom he has not seen.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Man should've just said that he was Muslim and that he was going to jihad that pussy.

They would've backed off, bought him drinks, and appreciated the diverse experience.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Meanwhile, vibrator sales for women in DC have increased x100

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-21-2016 08:31 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Just look at all this garbage language:


When an employee told Sam about the program, which is part of the advocacy group Collective Action for Safe Spaces (CASS) and Defend Yourself, he was immediately on board.

"Frankly, it was one of those moments where you think to yourself, 'How is this not already a thing that everybody does?'"

Fucking millennial language perversion.

Couldn't just say "that sounds like a good idea".

The science is always settled with them.

How Is This Not A Thing Everybody Does is their slogan par excellence.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-21-2016 08:24 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

[Image: 457879110.jpg]

So sexy! Kawaii.

Silcon valley 7.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:47 AM)El Chinito loco Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2016 08:24 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

[Image: 457879110.jpg]

So sexy! Kawaii.

Silcon valley 7.

She might steal Cuckerberg from Cindy Wu.


As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

I can't decide what's stupider: that a woman goes to a public bar to drink by herself, or that special training courses are needed to learn body language 101. Talk about a socially malformed generation.[/align]

The "escorted out the back door" part is hilarious; what a drama queen.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-21-2016 11:47 AM)Aurini Wrote:  

I can't decide what's stupider: that a woman goes to a public bar to drink by herself, or that special training courses are needed to learn body language 101. Talk about a socially malformed generation.[/align]

And a reason for guys to better learn body language and overall charisma.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-21-2016 08:24 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

[Image: 457879110.jpg]

I don't get this picture.... Females with her lack of attractiveness are in no danger of being raped. The only males who present her any peril are the blind.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-21-2016 12:14 PM)Truckn Wrote:  

I don't get this picture.... Females with her lack of attractiveness are in no danger of being raped. The only males who present her any peril are the blind.

That's an almost universal quality of the type of women who are obsessed with rape culture and false rape accusations.

Deep down, they all have major self esteem and personal image issues.

When they parade themselves around in public yelling to everyone that we're living in a rape culture, and all men are secretly craven rapists, what they're really doing is airing their neurotic rationalization of their self image to the rest of the society.

They know they're damaged psychologically, and repulsive physically. But rather than face reality and do something about it, they recoil deeper into their own self delusion, this time hoping to drag everyone else into their toxic game.

A woman complaining about "rape culture" is really just saying to the world "I'm so repulsive, that I must cling to the notion that I'm attractive enough that men want to rape me!"

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

These programs are only going to make the problem worse. The over emphasis on making women feel safe is preventing a generation of men from learning how to read and interact with women. Before 3rd parties started stepping in women had to learn quickly how to stop interactions they didn't want to go further. In turn men who pushed boundaries and couldn't read situations got told off by the women they were pursuing. When a third party steps in it's a lot easier to blame them rather than learn a lesson.

To make matters worse, third parties are often very shitty at reading situations. Once I went to go meet up with a girl I was dating at a nightclub. I walked in and saw her and her friends talking. I walked up behind her, slapped her ass, and told her to go get us some drinks. After my chick left another girl came up to me and started lecturing me about how what I'd just done wasn't ok. She'd just assumed that I'd walked up to a stranger and slapped her on the ass and that my girl had walked away because she felt assaulted. I went along with it and said, 'I'm pretty sure she liked it'. This sent the chick off into a rage. She started yelling at me about my entitlement and what not. Then my girl came back and started making out with me, so I smirked and said, 'Guess I was right' and walked away.

People project what they want to see onto other people and their interactions. This is going to end badly.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-21-2016 02:13 PM)thoughtgypsy Wrote:  

A woman complaining about "rape culture" is really just saying to the world "I'm so repulsive, that I must cling to the notion that I'm attractive enough that men want to rape me!"

...while simultaneously alienating all the men around her, thus preventing her from ever having to try, and fail, at seducing any of them.

Everybody gets whatever they want in this life.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...


Like DC needed anymore white knights...

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

100 years ago, women didn't go out in public at night without a chaperone, who was usually a family member.

Then we liberated women so they could be "independent." Except it was bullshit.

In lieu of family members, we've recruited everyone else in society to do the job they used to do: Teachers, cops, dorm R.A.'s, administrators, HR "professionals," and now...bartenders.

This is why so many professions have become unprofessional. The workers can no longer do their jobs because they have to spend time protecting and serving women. Teachers don't teach. Office workers can't work. Cops don't catch criminals. And now bartenders aren't focusing on making martinis.

Instead, they're doing what Mom and Dad used to do, all so we can make believe women are "liberated" and "equal." You don't hear the word "chaperone" anymore. We're above that now. Except we're not. We still employ them. We just don't call them that.

This is progress?

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

I actually had this happen to me once, not in DC, in fact, in a much less leftie place, and it was a few years ago.

Popped in for a beer in a small bar one night, starting talking to 2 girls and a guy at the bar.

Very quickly, I'm just talking to one girl.

Barman comes over, asks the girl if I am "annoying" her. I laughed and he went away.

15 mins later, he asks a second time, we both ignore him.

Another 15 mins and he asks a third time, she says "No".

I tease her a bit about her "knight in shining armour, riding to her rescue", he comes back and asks her if she wants him to throw me out. She looks at him, looks at me, looks back at him and laughs and says "Like that's going to happen". He asks again, and she just tells him to fuck off.

I have found that 90% of the time, when someone attempts to cockblock me, it just makes the woman more interested.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-21-2016 05:01 PM)Cuchulainn2016 Wrote:  

I actually had this happen to me once, not in DC, in fact, in a much less leftie place, and it was a few years ago.

Popped in for a beer in a small bar one night, starting talking to 2 girls and a guy at the bar.

Very quickly, I'm just talking to one girl.

Barman comes over, asks the girl if I am "annoying" her. I laughed and he went away.

15 mins later, he asks a second time, we both ignore him.

Another 15 mins and he asks a third time, she says "No".

I tease her a bit about her "knight in shining armour, riding to her rescue", he comes back and asks her if she wants him to throw me out. She looks at him, looks at me, looks back at him and laughs and says "Like that's going to happen". He asks again, and she just tells him to fuck off.

I have found that 90% of the time, when someone attempts to cockblock me, it just makes the woman more interested.

That's a nice story. Now we need to address its unintended consequences.

Should we take seriously people as professionals who need to be patronized to this degree in public by the waitstaff? If someone isn't up for the basic task of having a conversation in a bar, what makes you think they can socially handle a relationship in any other realm without an authority figure present?

Or let me put it another way. If a bartender is needed to monitor a woman to that degree when she's having a basic conversation IN PUBLIC, then why isn't some authority figure needed to watch female doctors when they have male patients in private? Or female advertising reps when they have male clients? Or female ANYTHING?

The bartender might have thought he was doing women a favor, but his behavior just presented a solid argument as to why they should not be part of the professional world at all. Anyone who needs to be monitored like a child in the public realm to that degree needs to be monitored all the time.

In short, the bartender unwittingly came out in favor of Sharia Law at worst or American law from 100 years ago at best.

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Will the bar staff come to my aid if a landwhale won't leave me alone? I often roll solo and some times unfortunate looking women chat me up. I try to be nice and give them negative body language and show of disintrest. Bu...but, where's the bartender to help me out?!

I hope this class isn't biased in the females interest, that wouldn't be true equality!

Chicago Tribe.

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Snowplow is uber deep cover as an alpha dark triad player red pill awoken gorilla minded narc cop. -Kaotic

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Did Jordan Gleason recently move there?

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

The bar scene is shitty anyway and night game is soon phasing out. These stupid initatives will soon mean that those bars will go out of business. No man would go to a bar where he cant flirt with women, and no woman really goes to a bar to "drink alone". These bar owners will reap the seed they sow.

Ass or cash, nobody rides for free - WestIndiArchie

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

What Bitch goes to a Bar alone... to not get fucked, or to not Hustle some free drinks? She won't admit it, but her pussy dried up when those guys took her out the Backdoor

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Quote: (07-21-2016 08:31 AM)TravelerKai Wrote:  

Just look at all this garbage language:


When an employee told Sam about the program, which is part of the advocacy group Collective Action for Safe Spaces (CASS) and Defend Yourself, he was immediately on board.

"Frankly, it was one of those moments where you think to yourself, 'How is this not already a thing that everybody does?'"

The program is new and is currently being funded by a $20,000 grant from the NFL, which has recently donated approximately $10 million to initiatives battling sexual violence, including this program, after being criticized over multiple incidents where players have been accused or convicted of assault.

I swear these SJW fearmongers make American men look like evil incarnate. We must be the most demonic men to ever grace the earth. Language like this shows that most Americans never spent any time abroad nor own a passport to be thinking like this.

It's either that or the proverbial bogey man of rape is being used for money reasons. Women finally have created more jobs for themselves by getting powerful corporations like the NFL to be publically shamed for any employee's behavior. They have been swindled into donating money into bullshit organizations, that go toward Starbucks and Macbook Pros, so they can shitpost and surf HuffPo with a salary. The NFL can write it all off on taxes as charitable donations, just to keep white knights and basic bitches busy on payrolls, and keep critics quiet.

None of these things will lessen real rapes and crimes. If most men left the country for foreign women or went MGTOW, these idiots would pat themselves on the back for a job well done on their Shaming Programs, completely ignoring other statistics in other areas of social life here.

Even when you know the games these people play with our society, it's still disgusting to watch this shit.

That's why every man should boycott professional sports. SJW's and the NFL with $10m for this shameless pandering? Now the NBA is moving the All-Start game because the host state has an anti-phag law? Screw that! Boycott all professional sports. Go do your exercise yourself, screw this crap.

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Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value. -Albert Einstein

As if night game in DC didn't suck enough...

Notice how the Overton window has shifted so far that bad game is now impending sexual assault. Precog bartenders are convicting you of future crimes based on their intuitions about whether the girl is "uncomfortable."

Either society must treat women as equal to men and able to handle themselves in basic social situations with the agency of any other adult (i.e., saying directly, "I'm not interested and would like to be left alone"), or we all acknowledge they are special snowflakes who need male protection, with all of the responsibilities and limitations that come with that status.

Edit: DoBA makes this point even more eloquently above.

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