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Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 11:07 PM)RaccoonFace Wrote:  

The Neocons are salty about America First.
[Image: 3yBfodR.jpg]

The greatest service he has rendered for his country, if this is so.


Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

The sheer audacity of msm commentators and op-eds ... PBS's David Brooks actually compared it to demagogues like Burr and McCarthey. Time for PBS to be sold to the highest bidder and forced to earn their money.

Our country is facing tremendous dangers including trade enemies, drugs enemies, military enemies, radical islamic terrorists enemies and domestic marxist socialist militant feminist communists... Mr. Trumps speech addressed all of these clear and present dangers with a plan to crush these enemies by rebuilding our country, our economy, our military by becoming economically and financially prosperous again and insuring all Americans share in that security and prosperity.

Most aspirational speech since Ronald Reagan crushed Jimmy Carters malaise in America loser mentality.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Ultra shitlord Martin Shkreli threw his full support behind the Trump train tonight and is now currently doing battle with Twitter staffers about it:

He also tried to run Twitter game on Ana Kasparian after the TYT/Infowars dustup this afternoon.

[Image: tard.gif]

Haha what a guy. He has his FU money and he just does not give a shit anymore.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Switched back to CNN, Manafort and godmode Stephen Miller (speechwriter!) on and dominating:

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

I'm so tired of that Nicaraguan cunt on CNN that loves Yeb.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

CNN pundit asked Stephen Miller about the length of the speech being a record.

Miller mentioned the record primary votes and said this candidacy has set a lot of records.

"...ok, not really answer the question but..." in a very agitated tone.

They're so rustled lol I love this

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

I suppose my concerns about this speech are ultimately coming from the idea that Trump has to pivot. After rolling my eyes for years to the constant jerking off to Reagan, I was subconsciously looking for a Reagan moment from Trump tonight.

The political pundits and media hacks have been saying these sort of things, modeling their views on past elections, and still treating Trump like he's standard Republican, saying how he won't play well to a diverse electorate and things of that nature.

That is all status quo, establishment thinking, and perhaps I'm being guilty of trying to impose that broken analysis onto what Trump is doing. What if Trump doesn't actually need to pivot? Remember that 70% of people think the country is going in the wrong direction and Trump is the most clear change candidate we've ever seen. He's done no advertising and spent no money nationally and is basically in a dead heat with Hillary despite her having the entire media establishment behind her.

The early analysis on the networks have been that this is a bad speech because it is so dark and scary. Libs on Twitter have been convulsing, cowering in fear despite being in the comfort of their safe spaces. Next week the Democrats are going to keep hammering the identity politics, pandering and fake kumbaya nonsense that everyone, even normal folks, are tiring of.

The differences are between them are going to be pretty clear, and I'm actually a bit happier he didn't polish his message as much as I would have liked initially. Most Republican candidates have been instructed by the media to be like the Democrats, only to turn around and call them racists who hate everyone but rich whites anyway. Trump gave it to us raw and uncut, while Clinton will undoubtedly come with a Political Scientists dissertation which gets the seal of approval from spergy data analysts. It'll be a real contrast in an election for the first time in my lifetime, which is all I've been looking for to be honest. Roll on November.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

In the Fox focus group this woman just called Hillary a murderer on live TV. [Image: lol.gif]

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 11:07 PM)RaccoonFace Wrote:  

The Neocons are salty about America First.
[Image: 3yBfodR.jpg]

^^That's because she thought "Republican Party" was actually the menu name for the 3 dozen fucking donuts she just inhaled.

“….and we will win, and you will win, and we will keep on winning, and eventually you will say… we can’t take all of this winning, …please Mr. Trump …and I will say, NO, we will win, and we will keep on winning”.

- President Donald J. Trump

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Manafort looks like he isn't afraid to snap some necks.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

As a strategist I'm conflicted about whether Trump should pander (i.e pivot) or stay true to principle and character. But as a patriotist I love this no-pander straight-shooting speech very much. He doubled and tripled down on many signature issues.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

People say they want him to talk policy and Trump gave it to them. Tell them that if they say it was too long.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

CNN putting 9 person panels on after every political event is so rough. Its such drivel and all over the map. Its like a shitty "shared family" movie first dinner scene where all these bratty kids get to know one another and talk at random. No wonder the ratings are falling. Its repugnant.

With that out of the way, the speech didn't have sweep me off my feet feel to it. His tone and delivery wasn't very aspirational whatsoever. It never uplifted me and made me sit up in my chair. Maybe its because we're so familiar with all the issues. Maybe people don't want aspirational after being sold the Obama bullshit for so long. Maybe everyone over 30-35 just wants someone to say "We're in deep shit. Now lets get to work."

The content was 80% harsh reality, 10% uplifting, and 10% something else which I can't put my finger on. IMO, it went on for far too long.

All that being said, the speech wasn't for us or to get high energy. It was for everyone else out there and the early report are that its working. We'll see next week when the polls come in.

EDIT: Reflecting on it now, this was written for bernie supporters. 90-95% of conservatives will vote trump and the remaining will never vote for hillary. If Trump scoops the good intentioned bernie supporters, there are tons of them, he smashes hillary. It makes sense now.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

I'm out of touch. Who is this Cenk dude and why does anybody give a fuck what he thinks?

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

[Image: 1V9L1uG.png]

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread


Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Trump Speech poll results on CNN are very favorable. Can't wait to see how these cucks spin it.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

[Image: 695klAJ.png]

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 11:47 PM)Chauncey Wrote:  

Trump Speech poll results on CNN are very favorable. Can't wait to see how these cucks spin it.

[Image: Cn8YjycWcAAKsU1.jpg:small]

75% at least somewhat positive.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

[Image: etC4rcU.png]

Pathetic effort from the HAG. I'm sure this plays with the obese safe space'rs and the perpetually "raped", but not many beyond that. The HAG's campaign tries so hard to match Trump's natural humor but ends up with some child-like, forced, feminine, lame effort. I imagine a chunky 24 y/o "social media specialist" who thinks this is just excellent because it's what she shares with her friends on facebook.

Americans are dreamers too

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 11:42 PM)Chauncey Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:53 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

I'm out of touch. Who is this Cenk dude and why does anybody give a fuck what he thinks?
He's a smug, liberal cocksucker (and a Turk) who has a show called "The Young Turks" on a second rate cable network. He's a IRL internet tough guy. He purports to hold liberal views and has been a staunch denier of the Armenian Genocide.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 11:42 PM)Chauncey Wrote:  

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:53 PM)Dusty Wrote:  

I'm out of touch. Who is this Cenk dude and why does anybody give a fuck what he thinks?

He is a youtube personality, his channel is called "the Young Turks". They are sort of a news organization but they never actually do any reporting, they just give commentary, and are generally very liberal and pro Hillary.

If you have never heard of the Young Turks, you aren't really missing anything. I don't watch their channel, for obvious reasons but know who they are.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

I'm not sure what you guys claiming Trump went on for too long are smoking. The one and only reason that Trump is not ahead in the polls by 10% is that the American people have been presented not with Trump, but with the shitlib media's purposely distorted portrayal of Trump.

The vast majority of the American people don't follow Trump on twitter or watch his rallies or even spend more than 10 contiguous seconds thinking rationally about "who is Trump." Instead, they sit like zombies in front of the television and osmotically absorb CNN and ABC propaganda points sorry "analysis."

That speech was one of the handful of precious moments, to include the upcoming presidential debates, when Trump had the opportunity to speak directly to the American people mindlessly glued to their television screens without having his message distorted by the media's lies and sophistry. You best believe he took as long as he possibly could and methodically went over every single goddamn point that defines his candidacy. The longer he had the American people sitting there on their couches nodding along, the harder it will be for the shitlibs to wash away the message under their propaganda torrents of "commentary" immediately after the speech ended.

Was it tiring for some? Maybe. Hopefully it was tiring enough that after 90min of Trump speech they only had the appetite for 5 min of CNN talking puppet bullshit rather than the other way around.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Skippped out on work early to watch the speech at a bar in Ottawa. Was completely surrounded by uninformed Trump haters, his pledge to protect LGBT people from ISIS won over some far-left, media kool-aid drinkers I was arguing with. Even totally uninformed idiots can feel his love! November is gonna be a landslide

"The price of being a man is eternal vigilance." - Kareem-Abdul Jabar

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

MAGAnificent speech.

Take care of those titties for me.

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