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Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

He might be going this in depth since it forced to be shown in full. It reminds me of his primary speeches which I don't think they posted in full on the major channels.

Finally finished! Good speech but draggy, and he yelled a lot. Its going to be dissected down to every word by tomorrow with a ton of snark and outrage.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Barron already looks like a cold, powerful CEO at 10 years. That stage is badass. About the only thing the Republican establishment has done right.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

You guys are being too Harsh.

This is the biggest Nationalist Anti-Globalist Populist speech a presidential candidate of a major party has given in probably at least 4 Decades.

He absolutely crushed it. Tackled every issue and said everything that the people who voted for him wanted.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

[Image: attachment.jpg32731]   

Take care of those titties for me.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:36 PM)8ball Wrote:  

You guys are being to Harsh.

This is the biggest Nationalist Anti-Globalist Populist speech a presidential candidate of a major party has given in probably at least 4 Decades.

He absolutely crushed it. Tackled every issue and said everything that the people who voted for him wanted.

I agree, I just think his delivery isnt all that smooth when he's on the telepromter. Content was better when I read the speech before hand then listened to it. Some people (Obama, Rubio) are just better speakers then he is. Doesnt mean they are more qualified to be POTUS, they just have better cadence and delivery. I sure as hell hope our guy wins because I hate that cunt Hillary w/a passion.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

He goes in-depth on many points, because his speech is the only ones that most voters will watch in full. They simply don't care about the other speakers. I only watch a few, and my friends simply don't watch other speakers. I think it's a good strategy. And the complains from liberals that I see right now is that he lacks details.

It was a rousing speech. TLOZ is not going to like it though. If only for the volume. Some people are going to be reminded of Hitler.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Found the doctors speech. Not great. Didn't go over ACA regulation issues which was disappointing. Must be in 40s but looks like she is 20.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:36 PM)8ball Wrote:  

You guys are being to Harsh.

This is the biggest Nationalist Anti-Globalist Populist speech a presidential candidate of a major party has given in probably at least 4 Decades.

He absolutely crushed it. Tackled every issue and said everything that the people who voted for him wanted.

Agreed. This was like a 'greatest hits' speech of almost every issue that's drawn me to Trump, delivered with fire and style.

My only complaint is that I didn't eat dinner earlier, and so I've been starving through the whole speech. But I couldn't get up and miss any of it either.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

"To my undocumented friends, I love you so much & I am so sorry you have to hear this. You are wonderful Americans."

Every single subtweet is calling out her bullshit - they're not Americans, we worked hard and waited to get here legally, OUT OUT OUT.

Bantsmasters are out in force tonight, hopefully everywhere on twitter.

That Amanda Marcotte "I can't even" tweet is also glorious:

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

If you watch this speech as a technical analyst from the point of view of how it will affect his chance, you won't enjoy it very much.

If you watch this as a patriot who loves America and hates evils, almost every moment is golden and invigorating. It's immensely powerful and resonating! It hits so many right note. It stays true to what's right more than pandering.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

[Image: attachment.jpg32732]   

Take care of those titties for me.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Flipping through the progressive news channels right now.

NPR is being forced to speculate and dissect crime statistics by minutia. They seem stumped. Maybe this went over better than we expected.

LOL CNN chick just got down crying about how Ivanka mentioned her dad helping regular people and they didn't bring any people he's helped out to speak. She must've slept the last few months.

LaH-tee-nah is going wild over Joe Arpiao being a speaker trying to pull a victim card.
Van Jones is trying to do the same thing.

When they pull the racecard first, they don't have much in the deck.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

The candidate with the longer acceptance speech has won 8 of the past 11 elections. I wonder if this is a subtle challenge to Hillary?

I wonder how long she can go without coughing?

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Van Jones is about to kill himself on live TV, going on about authoritarianism and so on. Stark contrast to his interview this afternoon.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:54 PM)Dismal Operator Wrote:  

Van Jones is about to kill himself on live TV, going on about authoritarianism and so on. Stark contrast to his interview this afternoon.

Enigma tried to warn you guys...

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:53 PM)Chevy Woonsocket Wrote:  

The candidate with the longer acceptance speech has won 8 of the past 11 elections. I wonder if this is a subtle challenge to Hillary?

I wonder how long she can go without coughing?

She coughs be sure she has muff diving balls stuck in her throat.

BTW, I'm predicting right now, in a desperate pandering move as we get closer to November, Hitlery! will claim she's bi.

“….and we will win, and you will win, and we will keep on winning, and eventually you will say… we can’t take all of this winning, …please Mr. Trump …and I will say, NO, we will win, and we will keep on winning”.

- President Donald J. Trump

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

CNN saying they're getting texts from Republican congresspeople saying they're ashamed, etc.

Super latino hysterial cunt and Van Jones. lol.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

[Image: attachment.jpg32733]   

Take care of those titties for me.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 10:54 PM)Dismal Operator Wrote:  

Van Jones is about to kill himself on live TV, going on about authoritarianism and so on. Stark contrast to his interview this afternoon.

Don't watch "analysis" on CNN. Never ever watch any ANALYSIS on cnn.

The only time you should watch that channel if they are giving something live that no other network is giving or they simply have the better footage(which sometimes they do).

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

The Neocons are salty about America First.
[Image: 3yBfodR.jpg]

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Yeah CNN is too soul-sucking to me (and I just typed "soul-cucking there" - haha!")

Fox stream, Gingrich on Hannity:

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Quote: (07-21-2016 11:07 PM)RaccoonFace Wrote:  

The Neocons are salty about America First.
The party of giving the Democrats everything they want? The party of globalist? The party of invading foreign countries that did nothing to us?

That party should be dead! The party of America First is now.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread


‘Low-Energy Jeb,’ Whispers Jeb Bush Sitting Alone In Dark Watching Televised Trump Speech

CORAL GABLES, FL—Staring unblinkingly ahead Thursday night as Donald Trump’s presidential acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention played on the television in front of him, former GOP candidate Jeb Bush reportedly whispered “Low-Energy Jeb” to himself while sitting alone in the dark. “Low-Energy Jeb; Low-Energy Jeb,” the two-term governor of Florida is said to have quietly mumbled under his breath, his expressionless, stubble-covered face and stained T-shirt lit only by the flickering glow of the TV set while he sat on the sofa in his basement rec room, a day-old and half-empty Chinese food takeout container sitting on the side table next to him as he fixedly watched his former competitor in the presidential race speak to a packed arena. “Weak candidate. Weak. By far the weakest of the lot.” At press time, a faint smile had curled across the onetime presidential frontrunner’s chapped lips as he muttered a fully memorized victory speech aloud, thanking the people of Iowa for their resounding support and telling a nonexistent crowd of supporters that they had launched him on his path to the White House.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

Trump mentioned Israel only once, and it was short and perfunctory.

Official 2016 GOP Convention thread

[Image: attachment.jpg32734]   

Take care of those titties for me.

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