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Official introduction thread

Official introduction thread

My name is Moma and I am based in Toronto, Canada. I used to live in London, England and Miami, Florida.

I have plans on heading back into U.S to live.

Canada is killing me.

My next trip is down to the Eastern Carribean (Trinidad and St Vincent) for personal business. I'll keep myself prepared in case the opp presents itself for me to break off some chocolate down there.

Also planning to hit up West Africa at EOY.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Official introduction thread

Quote: (04-07-2011 03:13 PM)Mrs. Chocolate Wrote:  

I would post mine. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Mrs Chocolate, we've already seen your face. Booty pics would be appreciated. Don't trip, most of us guys have seen hundreds of booty pix so we won't go overboard.



Love 'em or leave 'em but we can't live without lizardsssss..

An Ode To Lizards

Official introduction thread

I know that, I just don't take booty pictures.

Deixa que essa fase é passageira, amanhã será melhor você vai ver a cidade inteira seu samba saber de cor!

Official introduction thread

Quote: (04-09-2011 07:59 AM)Mrs. Chocolate Wrote:  

I know that, I just don't take booty pictures.

Then....I just don't take face pictures. [Image: smile.gif]

Case closed.


Official introduction thread

My Name is Hydrogonian.

Hydrogonian is my real name.

I cry when I orgasm, I make a killer Mocha Pots de Crème, and my favorite color is green because I can't help but to get jealous at the the fine poontang that I ain't gettin'.

I have a love/hate relationship with Mountain Dew Code Red.

I'm looking for some serious killer bros to sarge with.

I'm an ambidextrous masturbator.

I'm not as funny as I think that I am.

I love you guys, and by 'you guys' I mean Ms Chocolate.

I'm looking to start an extended love affair with a pic of Ms Chocolates ass, and perhaps her Chocolate bunny if I can cash in our often torrid digital exchanges into hot sweet, sweet passionate monkey love one day.

I'm going to go buy a chocolate bunny right now, and eat it very, very slowly.

Official introduction thread

Hydro getting ready for a Friday Night:

Official introduction thread

Mixx: Case closed! NO more pic requests. I will die in my curiosity along.
Hydro: NO booty pictures. Why a chocolate Bunny? Omg... Go figure. You are so sexy in the video...haahha

Deixa que essa fase é passageira, amanhã será melhor você vai ver a cidade inteira seu samba saber de cor!

Official introduction thread

yo. 19, based in the UK.

i've read some absolute gold on this forum over the last few months, so thought it was about time i registered and dropped some knowledge of my own as my experience with travel and girls grows.


Official introduction thread

Quote: (04-10-2011 03:17 PM)Mrs. Chocolate Wrote:  

Hydro: NO booty pictures. Why a chocolate Bunny? Omg... Go figure. You are so sexy in the video...haahha

Notice my dedication to your Chocolate Bunny in my avatar pic, Mrs Chocolate.

Now no one will be mislead about my intention to worship your chocolate bunny, as it is on show whenever I post.

Official introduction thread

@hydro: Thank you I learnt a new word: worship. (cool)
Do you ever ate this candy in my picture? It's a bomb!
BTW, where is your picture?

Deixa que essa fase é passageira, amanhã será melhor você vai ver a cidade inteira seu samba saber de cor!

Official introduction thread

What's up Forum?

My name is Dre'. I've visited over 20 countries. This is my first post but certainly not my last, I hope I can bring some valuable information to forum.

Official introduction thread

What up y'all.

I'm westsider from the west coast (southern cali).

I hate when people call it 'cali', so I don't know why I just did.

Hydrogonian-you are as funny as you think you are, and I wanna see Mrs. Chocolate's video.

I am looking for some troops to sarge the City of Angels and Houston, TX this summer.

Official introduction thread

Hi forum I'm solo, 27 yrs old. Recently joined but have been reading the forum a bit longer so I almost feel like I know some of you. Came across Roosh's blog while searching info about women in Latin America, where I have lived and hope to return to.
I had an epiphany about 10 years ago while in high school, where I realised that if I just aked out/tried to pick up like 20 very beautiful girls I would get one (numbers game). I din't put it into practice that time and only ended up reading some of the game material that was available then. Basically, the times I've been successful with girls I've either gotten lucky in drunk game or have been running game unconsciously.

I've suffered a lot mentally from low game awareness/approach anxiety and other issues (defo not trying to make out a crying-story here, just sharing my experiences) in the past. Man, could I have used all this knowledge from like 3 years of age! Anyway I have started a program or whatever you wanna call it to change my life and to reach the oldest goal in my life: to be successful with girls.

Official introduction thread

I'm a 25 year old Brazilian/portuguese guy from Sao Paulo and I found this great forum while searching for information about Girls in Scandinavia.It was great to read Roosh's adventures down here in Brazil.I've been gaming here since my teenage years and I can say that Brazil is really packed with hot girls.But now I want to travel around and see how it goes in other places,like many of you did.I'm looking forward to read Bang and the Day Game book.

Salutes from Brazil,


Chicks need to be on rotation like a Netflix queue

Official introduction thread

Oa, nice to see a copatriote! Welcome Mr. GM

Deixa que essa fase é passageira, amanhã será melhor você vai ver a cidade inteira seu samba saber de cor!

Official introduction thread

Bem vindo!

Official introduction thread

Quote: (04-30-2011 10:51 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

Bem vindo!

Obrigado Mrs Chocolate e Roosh!I just bought Bang from Amazon,can't wait to start improving my game.

Chicks need to be on rotation like a Netflix queue

Official introduction thread

MR. GM, and MRS. C should TOTALLY hook up. No way two copatritas from Brazil can meet-up on this forum and not hit it off! If a copatrita girl from Spain signs up to this forum to give valuable advice, I'm all over her.

[Image: smile.gif]


Official introduction thread


I'm not his type. He is looking for blonds.

Deixa que essa fase é passageira, amanhã será melhor você vai ver a cidade inteira seu samba saber de cor!

Official introduction thread

Hi all!
I am 19 and hail from India.
I am currently an undergrad (Bachelor of Science)
I am just starting last year of my college. I am looking forward to start an online business, but I'd love to welcome ideas.
An interesting thing is that, I work as the Vice President for a global organization which provides international internships.
So, if you guys are willing to go for internship, you can pm me.

As for the game, India is a shithole when it comes to banging chicks! Nice girls, but stop right there! Just 'nice'!
The culture etc. restricts girls to open up. Plus no concept of fraternity etc. here.

So my game usually relies on the time when I am abroad and when I am working for the global organization building 'International Relations' [Image: biggrin.gif]

"To the man who only has a hammer, everything he encounters begins to look like a nail."
—Abraham Maslow

Official introduction thread

Quote: (05-01-2011 11:15 AM)Mrs. Chocolate Wrote:  


I'm not his type. He is looking for blonds.

Not necesseraly lol...Hot and interesting girls are my tipe.Right now my focus is on Scandinavia because I'm applying to study in Sweden next year,and I'm gathering information about how the game goes there.
Anyway,its great to see copatriotes like Chocolate and fellow Latins Like Mixx!I'll definitely learn how to improve my game as a latino reading Mixx's posts.[Image: icon_razz.gif]

Chicks need to be on rotation like a Netflix queue

Official introduction thread

Interesting, Mr. GM

Deixa que essa fase é passageira, amanhã será melhor você vai ver a cidade inteira seu samba saber de cor!

Official introduction thread

Quote: (04-08-2011 12:52 PM)Moma Wrote:  

Quote: (04-07-2011 03:13 PM)Mrs. Chocolate Wrote:  

I would post mine. [Image: biggrin.gif]

Mrs Chocolate, we've already seen your face. Booty pics would be appreciated. Don't trip, most of us guys have seen hundreds of booty pix so we won't go overboard.

We've been trying to get her to post a good booty pic forever. She won't give in. I've seen her head to toe pics. She's in good shape. I'm sure she'd look great naked. She's smart and sweet too. You Brazilian guys should get in touch with her.

Official introduction thread

Thank you Speakeasy. I guess you know me better.

Deixa que essa fase é passageira, amanhã será melhor você vai ver a cidade inteira seu samba saber de cor!

Official introduction thread

Wow Chocolate..I should definitely add u on seems that u have great reputation around here..

Chicks need to be on rotation like a Netflix queue

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