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Official introduction thread

Official introduction thread

Hello Everyone,
I discovered this forum several years ago when my son decided to move in with me. I was divorced and in the military and had almost no part in raising him. At 13 years old when he moved in with me I was shocked at what his mother had turned him into and was very concerned with raising him because I also happen to live in the most pussified city in what could be the most pussified state in the U.S. In short, I discovered this forum while looking for advice on how to raise a son right.
Using advice from this forum I am happy to say my son has made progress, but also I have discovered many shortcomings of my own. Just lurking on this forum has helped me out quite a bit and I hope that I can contribute in some way.
I am a former infantryman, US Army and like to think that I have been at the top of the game at points in my life but have also sunk to the lowest of lows. Always fighting forward but also aware that just like everyone else I have my own personal struggles.

Official introduction thread

Hi all,

41 years old, widowed 4 years ago after 14 year marriage. No children though. I basically lost my former social circle at the time and I generally need to start over again in all aspects of life. I knew game existed and the overall structure but at the time thought it wasn't for me. I didn't know there was a "formal" market for pua training until a couple of years ago.

I am looking for an ltr but gaming is absolutely needed.
I had one mini ltr since I was widowed and a couple of flings. However, I am looking for higher quality woman along with everything else for the best lifestyle I can achieve.

I chose this forum and Roosh's brand of game due to focusing beyond lines and vague inner game notions. I like how it's a whole self improvement lifestyle.

Official introduction thread


Long time lurker here. Been viewing the forum now for about 5 years and figured I should probably make an account.
I am big into health and fitness, mostly view the weightlifting forums and the deep forum. Hopefully I can add in some input and help continue to make this forum a great place to learn and discuss.

Official introduction thread

Hello RVF

I am DAone27, I am from the Cayman Islands, I have been doing some traveling lately but nothing too Hardcore as yet. really love reading about the adventures and find all of this amazing. I have shared it with a couple of my buddies and they are all hooked.

I am def a fan and will be contributing more and more just trying to find my groove of things.

Official introduction thread

StoneColdSteveAustin here. Was introduced to the forum by a few lads I went to highschool with, and it has since changed my entire outlook on life. I was probably the exact definition of a beta. Absolutely no drive whatsoever. Hopping from relationship to relationship. 3 days after I was shown this I ended things with my long time girlfriend to explore the game and to experience life the way I should have been for a long time. I've since started a workout regimen and I use all my time to better myself as a man. I'm new to all of this(3 months) but I am on the path to righteousness. Shout out to Tex for being the fucking man. Will do my best to pull my part around here. The sky is the limit comrades. -StoneCold

Official introduction thread

31 year old here, went from being blue-pilled from my teens to early twenties, right into the black pill from my mid-twenties to about a year ago.

I've been red-pilled about everything else for a while but refused to take the red pill about Game. Opting to cope by telling myself I didn't have the wealth/job/status to get women, despite lifting, being in good shape and decent looking/funny.

Want to make up for my wasted twenties, the catalyst was a 21 year old temporary girl at work, who I put on a pedestal and idealized because she seemed accessible LTR material.

Pretty sure that's gone tits up now, so time to take the lock off my cock and get to it.

Official introduction thread

Hey everyone, been following this forum since 2014 or so and didn't make an account because all my questions were being answered by all of the great peeps here. Currently living in Tokyo and doing what I love, would be great to meet fellow members who live here.

Official introduction thread

Hello everyone! I'm Toyosi from Nigeria... Male, a graduate and an entrepreneur .... If you're a Nigerian feel free to pm me will love to meet you in person. .....I love this forum so much and members on this forum are so nice n loving... It's nice to meet y'll

Official introduction thread

Hello everyone,
I'm from Canada and here to learn from you all the ways of men. I'm a 30 year old virgin so I have a lot of catching up to do [Image: shudder.gif]

Official introduction thread

Yo fellas, 23y/o Kiwi lad here, currently living it up in South Korea! Looking to gain knowledge from this great forum and hopefully meet a few members during my time here.

Official introduction thread

Hi there!

I've been lurking in this site for some time and I've decided to register properly [Image: smile.gif] . I'm a 26 y/o spaniard guy, and in a period of studying the game and all its applications. I'll be in Poland the next academic year, so I'll be able to practise and experience game in real life. Although I consider myself a k-selected guy, there are many things useful for me to learn here.

Keep well!

Official introduction thread

Greetings Warriors,

I'm a London-based entrepreneur with an elite education, dedicated to personal growth and to making creative contributions at the leading edge of humanity. I believe that Western society has been abandoning the values and the people (Faustian man) who forged it and I am looking for companions who share my perspective.

Most people with my background are happy to be shuttled into position as cogs in the wheel of the extant power structure in return for meaningless financial and social trinkets. If you are a red-pilled man with considerable ability, a track record of achievement and want to build alliances with people who share your values then I'd love to hear from you.

I'll be spending time in Los Angeles later in the year, so any L.A. based people who fit that description should get in touch also. Thanks to Roosh and everyone on here.

Official introduction thread

Hello All,

I am a 23-year-old who works and lives in Dallas, TX. White male, strawberry blonde hair, turquoise eyes, slim body build, and just around 6 feet tall.

In regards to game - I have 3 notches so far and they are from drunk hookups. The main reason why I do not get laid is probably because I have anxiety from a "what to do next" kind of mentality. By no means am I anti-social - I am an Account Executive in my day job. I just have issues when it comes to approaching, escalating, and closing.

My main priorities in life right now are to learn game and build a location-independent business income through copywriting. While game is one of my ultimate goals in life, building a business is definitely the main focus right now and will remain so until I achieve my goal.

Speaking of that...

My main goal right now is to build a copywriting business that earns between $3-4,500 per month and quit my day job by the end of this year. By the beginning of March 2018, I want to be living in SEA, SA, or Europe. Bangkok is the most likely candidate at the moment, and a lot of that is because I went there earlier this year and loved it. However, I am still open to considering other areas. I would just need to travel and experience them first. I'm open to suggestion from anyone who has advice or recommendations as well.

Ultimately, I would like to give back to this forum for all it has given to me. Even though I do not have good game at the moment, the things that I have learned have been invaluable. A lot of my motivation for moving abroad and game came from the forum's posts. It would be nice to pay it forward to other guys who have the same issues.

It would also be cool to hang out with some of the guys here, given the opportunity.

Official introduction thread

What's up.

Long time lurker, here to make a mark and see how good I can become.[Image: banana.gif]

Official introduction thread

hello gentlemen,

my name is silva, john silva.

not much of a player, but I did fuck a blonde, blue eyed married coworker who's husband is the best friend of my boss...

im here to learn

Official introduction thread


I'm early 30's Hispanic living in California. I found ROK in December '15 and have been reading there quite a bit since.
I had heard murmurs of the forum, but only decided to check it out a few days ago. Looking forward to exchanging information, thoughts and stories.
Anyone in OC, feel free to dm me anytime.

Official introduction thread


Nearly 18 years old but a long time lurker of this forum, originally from Poland but lived in UK for most of my life. My goal is building on the foundations of game swiftly and improving myself in various aspects. At my age I still have a long way ahead of me but my possibilities are endless.

Official introduction thread

Hello all.

I joined rooshvforum as a member after reading the forums for a long time. I would like to help in ways that I can and also gain valuable feedback and help from fellow forum members and veterans.

I'm 27 and feel like I have to start from the beginning regarding game. I lived most of my life in the states but I am now in South Korea. I would love to meet up with fellow RVFers in Seoul.


Official introduction thread

Hi I'm 23 Irish (live in Northern Ireland) like every Irish guy I'm very hard to offend lol. I'd like to learn and even help out on aspects of UK game. Travel hasn't really occurred to me, maybe it will sometime.
Basically I suck at game and I'm trying to learn because I've found myself at clubs thinking okay I'll talk to her soon and I just keep putting it off. Most importantly I'm fed up of being treated like shit by girls (yes I was that guy who took her out of dates and showered her with affection in hopes she'd like me back).
I work out a lot but not exactly gifted in the appearance area outside of knowing how to dress good and my body, which is more like a movie body over bulk and strength. Most girls I've been with have said I have a nice body.
I'll respect this board and everyone here.
Let's rock!

Official introduction thread

Hey killers, I found ROK in early 2015 probably via Danger And Play.

My game is barely above average, I have long dry spells and am looking to fix it.

Glad to be here.

Official introduction thread

I figure it might be prudent to post here as a hello to you all.

I'm a fairly recent Roosh convert; I only found his material in January, although I was red pilled in early 2016 after my 3 year LTR broke up with me, and immediately went to someone else (lol).

I'm a 22 year old financial analyst, and I consider myself an intermediate at game. I've never had issues getting laid, because I know my SMV is high, and I'm blessed with being tall, and having almost 4 years of serious lifting in the books. That said, I want to be able to game women and not rely on just the 6 foot, muscular analyst stereotype to pull women. I'm looking forward to learning, and sharing what I know with the esteemed members here.

Official introduction thread

Hey everyone,

I'm a long time forum reader and extremely sporadic poster. I decided to contribute more to the forum so I'm introducing myself here.

I'm particularly interested in the cultural issues that are discussed here, and I look forward to sharing my knowledge with the forum.

Official introduction thread

Yo. I'm Minh!! That my real name!! [Image: smile.gif]

Official introduction thread

Hello everyone, I am a long time lurker and decided that I should contribute myself and should try to post some of my experiences living abroad. Currently in Japan

Official introduction thread

Hi everyone,

been lurking a while. Have 15 years travelling experience.

Good to be here.

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