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Heads up: the "alt media" site Heat Street is an anti-Trump operation

Heads up: the "alt media" site Heat Street is an anti-Trump operation

I've been seeing this new site Heat Street pop up on my feed. It's quite professional with 30+ articles a day, mostly on anti-SJW topics that make it seem like they're on our side. But I dug in a bit more and discovered it's an anti-Trump operation that is being run by Dow Jones Inc, the owners of Wall Street Journal.

[Image: attachment.jpg31534]   

Their coverage of Trump is mostly negative, which is impossible considering they are anti-SJW or alt-right:

Today they dropped an article where they could no hide their agenda:

[Image: attachment.jpg31535]   


But GOP leaders are facing a massive pre-convention problem as the presumptive front-runner is apparently caught on tape pretending to be his own PR guy.

"Massive" [Image: lol.gif]

Anyway, be careful about trusting this site.

Heads up: the "alt media" site Heat Street is an anti-Trump operation

I'd been wondering about how quickly this site had popped up out of nowhere based upon the levels of resharing of articles I was seeing.

The first six articles on the topic from the usual MSM all say it was funded by Rupert Murdoch as a 'Libertarian Website'. Murdoch owns 75% of the print newspapers in Australia, so nothing is ever printed that doesn't suit his political agenda.

About a year ago, another forum member shared an anti-Narrative article from the Murdoch-owned with disbelief, and I mentioned how I'd also been seeing the signs that things were changing on there. I'd say it was testing the popularity of ideas: it's interesting that the few articles that allow comments on that site are now overwhelmingly-against the article, and, where previously opposing comments would have been edited or cherry picked to sound dumb, they're now allow more educated and complex thought to be heard. The cultural shift towards traditionalism is being deliberately-seeded day by day, in a subtler, more moderate way than defective SJW's are capable of.

I had a quick look this morning and here's an example, in the 'Lifestyle' section.

It's Not Only Parents Of Girls Who Should Be Worried About Equality

It's couched in the 'raise sensitive respectful men' rhetoric, but that's just the distractory tactic. The seeding of thoughtcrime is obvious:


This ‘call to arms’ for us to amp up our parenting feels like we’ve been charged with leading the way towards some kind of utopian, gender-balanced society of the future. Something that, in my opinion, is akin to believing little girls are sugar n’ spice and boys are a sweaty mess of snips and snails and puppy dogs tails.


I'd consider Heatstreet an attempt at Controlled Opposition, and I find it hilarious that these triumphant, alcohol-Fupa SJW Female Typists who are posting their empowerment queefs and who think they're changing the world, are only allowed to do so because it currently-suits Murdoch's purposes. It was always hilarious to hear SJW types raging about Fox News on Twitter, then sharing NewsLimited / NewsCorp artices that more suited their beliefs a message later. Either way, the same man gets richer.

As such, it's always worth investigating just who Female Typists work for before replying to their charges. Bait them by asking them if they believe 'the personal is political', then, when they spew Standard Issue Feminist Reply, ask why they then take a paycheck from a man like Rupert Murdoch, and how they live with themselves.

Heads up: the "alt media" site Heat Street is an anti-Trump operation

One of the loudest #nevertrump retards on that site is a woman named Louise Mensch.

She stated in recent interviews with Vox Day that she is a "conservative and a feminist," that conservatives are the "real progressives" and must combat "racism" and "sexism," she'd vote for Hillary over Trump if she could (she's a UK citizen), and that she loves immigration. When Vox pointed out to her that her convictions are more Marxist than conservative and that conservative ideological authors of the past (Russell Kirk and Edmund Burke) would say as much her response was that she "didn't care what some guy said in some book."

According to her Wikipedia page she is also the proud writer of 17 chicklit novels.

So there you have it. Here's an example of the intellectual vision and mentality this "anti" SJW website has.

Heads up: the "alt media" site Heat Street is an anti-Trump operation

Heat Street was brought to my attention last week as a false front.

It is superb to see. With this amount of effort and funding flowing into ever more desperate attempts to discredit the alt-right and Trump personally, it's quite clear that the amount of real fear in the back rooms of the chittering, entitled pundit class is starting to spill over.

With Vox Day already engaged, the writing is on the wall for them.

It is crucially important for rapid observation, orientation, decision and action to take place within the alt-right and on social media.

The initiative has qualitatively shifted, and the purpose must be to back the social justice sphere into a corner and kill it for a generation - not simply up until the election. That means pushing hard, being in quick communication, and savagely enjoying the work of it.

The correct track is being followed. Keep it up.



Heads up: the "alt media" site Heat Street is an anti-Trump operation

Quote: (05-15-2016 04:36 PM)Germanicus Wrote:  

When Vox pointed out to her that her convictions are more Marxist than conservative ... ... her response was that she "didn't care what some guy said in some book.".

Standard female lack of humility and the need to rewrite reality based upon their feels. Women view religion in this same manner.

Heads up: the "alt media" site Heat Street is an anti-Trump operation

Quote: (05-15-2016 05:02 PM)Dark Triad Man Wrote:  

With Vox Day already engaged, the writing is on the wall for them.

It is crucially important for rapid observation, orientation, decision and action to take place within the alt-right and on social media.

The initiative has qualitatively shifted, and the purpose must be to back the social justice sphere into a corner and kill it for a generation - not simply up until the election. That means pushing hard, being in quick communication, and savagely enjoying the work of it.

Not sure what is meant by that bolded sentence but I did find Vox Day's take on Heat Street interesting:


Here is the core problem with this cowardly paranoia: either the AltRight ideas can survive exposure to the mainstream or they cannot. There is only one way to find out, and that is to expose them to the mainstream. Therefore, those of us who are seen as "Alt Right figureheads" or influences of some kind should welcome every single outlet willing to consider them, whether it is friendly or hostile.

There was this in the comment section he responded to:


Q: Considering Roosh has (rightly) outed Heat Street as being a controlled opposition website funded by Wall Street, are you sure it's you who are using them versus they who are using you?

Vox Day: He's outed them? I know who owns them. Roosh is understandably more cautious about the mainstream media considering that he was more unfairly vilified than anyone I have ever seen since the Atlanta Olympic bombing suspect.

Considering that I was previously syndicated nationally by both Chronicle Features and Universal Press Syndicate, I find these supposed concerns about my being used by the mainstream media to be comically belated and borderline retarded. If you want to call me a sellout for it, go ahead, you're about 20 years late.

Heads up: the "alt media" site Heat Street is an anti-Trump operation

I don't see Vox's take and Roosh's take as contradictory at all.
Heat Street is pushing an agenda, and they're using Vox to get credibility. But they're not lying about their views (The owner(?) of Heat Street comes out as a feminist during the debate).
Vox is using Heat Street to push an agenda: to get his ideas out in front of people who haven't seen them before.

It's nothing dark, or nefarious, it's just a website run by another Cathy Young type of old school right-wing feminist. These people do exist, and there's a lot of them in the media.

In either case, I think Heat Street is doomed. Trying to sell #NeverTrump to rightie Millenials may be the worst model I've ever heard. I can't think of a worse choice for your new "edgy, hip" site.

Heads up: the "alt media" site Heat Street is an anti-Trump operation

On a side note, Heat Street just published this gem:

[Image: tonga-olympics-opening-ceremony.jpg]


The oiled up Tongan flag bearer, Pita Taufatofua, is the latest victim of the pernicious female gaze. His shining body was violated, not only by the drooling announcers at NBC… but by the world.

If that wasn’t bad enough, watch as his body is reduced to a mere object to be slathered in coconut oil by Jenna Bush and Hoda.

Muh Triggers!

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Heads up: the "alt media" site Heat Street is an anti-Trump operation


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Game is the difference between a broke average looking dude in a 2nd tier city turning bad bitch feminists into maids and fucktoys and a well to do lawyer with 50x the dough taking 3 dates to bang broads in philly.

Heads up: the "alt media" site Heat Street is an anti-Trump operation

I did think it was interesting that Murdoch was financing a Breitbart clone.

As the alt-right gains steam we'll see more oppurtunists trying to jump on the bandwagon.

Quote: (03-05-2016 02:42 PM)SudoRoot Wrote:  
Fuck this shit, I peace out.

Heads up: the "alt media" site Heat Street is an anti-Trump operation

Really messed that Heat Street turned out to be nothing more than an Anti-Trump organization. It's too bad because they have some good anti-SJW articles.

One less website I'll be going to.

Heads up: the "alt media" site Heat Street is an anti-Trump operation

I never see any mention of Heat Street anywhere on the web. Site is already pretty much dead if it can't generate organic traffic/links.

Heads up: the "alt media" site Heat Street is an anti-Trump operation

Heat Street

[Image: giphy.gif]

Heads up: the "alt media" site Heat Street is an anti-Trump operation

The Louise Mensch chick is trying to battle Mike on Twitter right now.

Just looked at her Twitter page, good lord, she's more anti Trump - openly - than most Hillbots I know!

Someone needs to bring this to Matt Drudge's attention, he keeps linking to her site.

You don't get there till you get there

Heads up: the "alt media" site Heat Street is an anti-Trump operation

Quote: (08-11-2016 08:13 PM)nomadbrah Wrote:  

Heat Street

[Image: giphy.gif]

Haha I just saw this one too
[Image: gIH5ZOpl.jpg]

Heads up: the "alt media" site Heat Street is an anti-Trump operation

The delusion of her pro-Evan McCuckin sentiment is staggering.

I saw some Tweet detailing the most convoluted manner in which Evan M. could become POTUS; which demonstrates they know he has no chance.
They just need to cross their arms & sulk in the corner.

Then there's the fact that Evan McCuckin is probably just a political stunt to hinder Trump.
Whereas most American's would respond to a question about Evan M. with - "who?"

Heads up: the "alt media" site Heat Street is an anti-Trump operation

Wikileaks email claims Heat Street's Louise Mensch penned an ad for Hillary Clinton

Heads up: the "alt media" site Heat Street is an anti-Trump operation

[Image: CusB0mQWgAE_S4d.jpg:large]

Hello fellow alt-right "anons", you up for some dank "lulz" around here?

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