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Pretty much the best daygame I have ever seen Part Deux: Sarcasm Edition

Pretty much the best daygame I have ever seen Part Deux: Sarcasm Edition

These guys are not playing around

Pretty much the best daygame I have ever seen Part Deux: Sarcasm Edition

Go to the part at 2:30... what a bunch of nerds. That's some funny shit.

Then, go to 5:34, when he gets the fat chick's number. [Image: icon_lol.gif] He holds it up like it's a trophy, right in plain view of the girl he just got the number from. I wonder if she responded to his text?

Just sad.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Pretty much the best daygame I have ever seen Part Deux: Sarcasm Edition

I need to practice that cart-wheel opener, shit looks solid; especially on nights I want to go home alone.


Pretty much the best daygame I have ever seen Part Deux: Sarcasm Edition


Pretty much the best daygame I have ever seen Part Deux: Sarcasm Edition

Quote: (07-16-2011 08:53 PM)MiXX Wrote:  

I need to practice that cart-wheel opener, shit looks solid; especially on nights I want to go home alone.


How dare you knock the cart-wheel opener, I would have never gotten my paraplegic notch without it.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Pretty much the best daygame I have ever seen Part Deux: Sarcasm Edition

Got through that one. They were doing what they do? What did they do? Whats the deal with the high five closes?
These guys call themselves PUAs and the prance around New York and high five girls if they talk to them?
Ive never seen any pua stuff before I found this forum and after this I will google lair chief to figure out what that means.

Pretty much the best daygame I have ever seen Part Deux: Sarcasm Edition

krauser ripped on this vid is his blog

Pretty much the best daygame I have ever seen Part Deux: Sarcasm Edition

I couldn't even watch the whole thing.

We need a new Cringe Factor emoticon.

Pretty much the best daygame I have ever seen Part Deux: Sarcasm Edition

Quote: (07-16-2011 08:54 PM)UgSlayer Wrote:  

I've known cats that used to run that semi-harassing, you-gotta-a-man black-dude game from the bad old days. Like the guys that go after the fat white girls, these guys gave black guys a bad name and wasted their time with this self-inflicted-rejection game.

I remember Roosh did a post on this waaaaay back where he said there's a whole generation of black dudes who grew up thinking 99.9 percent of girls had boyfriends. [Image: lol.gif]

Quote: (07-17-2011 07:32 AM)Roosh Wrote:  

I couldn't even watch the whole thing.

We need a new Cringe Factor emoticon.

I didn't even start the video, given the early reactions. I've had enough cringe for the week. This emoticon comes pretty close to cringe-worthy. Is it new? [Image: sick.gif]

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