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Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)

I am a total Travel-Noob. Hardly ever went out of my ~250 000 city in europe. Small guy (168cm), not good looking, skinny type (but train since 7 years, which made me more normal-skinny), early thirties. Not a manager or good paid worker. Game wise total hardcase, first gf with 23. Then later going for notches, got more than my age but mostly with older / not so beautiful women.
Am paranoid/detail oriented on one hand, prone to be taken advantage of on the other hand, as well as anxious. [Image: smile.gif]
(i read the phil-thread in total; i would not describe me as strong determined communicator but rather meek)

Going to Manila for 30days. Want to journal a bit. Also put in some info that i think might be helpful for guys going there (want to write keywords in fat). And appreciate you chiming in helping me out.

Travel (chat with 2 girls)
Looked up vids on ‚airport‘ because i have like never been to one. Got there 3 hours before, so it was casual.
Middle stop in Peking, a thailand girl showed me the way and we talked all queu long. Even had some kino and tease. She waits for me after first security station. Perhaps i also told her to wait. Then there is guy seperating us – guys with only one travel bag and guys with heavy bags. We are separated. I ask the guy if i also can go to the other line with her (heavy bags) but he said no. She was ok with leaving i guess. After this check i wait in the area after it, basically waiting for her. Because she has 6hours to wait, me like 12h. Didn’t get her, i also had a hard time recognizing her, should have been more attentive to what she wears.

Try to get wifi internet working in peking, simply did not work, altough i got the password by showing boarding pass in the ‚information‘ desk and asking her why it doesn’t work. Asked 3 westerners if they got the internet to work. 3 no’s. One is manager and uses his european roaming (!) to surf. He laughs when i tell him that i go to Manila, wishes me a lot of fun. Later it worked on my netbook, but never on mobile phone -> i read it only works with chinese simcards, perhaps it’s right (netbook has no simcard). Slept mostly in the next 8 hours of waiting (did only sleep 2 hours in the looong flight).

Met a 2nd girl on waiting for flight to Manila. She is philipinne but is swedish since she is 3. She is taken but she is very cool, i wait + talk with her the 3 hours the plane is delayed because of taifun.

Because of plane delay i miss my pickup guy. I get globe simcard, right there on the stand after i get out with my luggage (before i go to money exchange there and i get 48 pesos for an euro, change 50euros there only, guess not the best course but it’s ok), girl there loads with 300 pesos next to supersurf for 999 (supersurf was the standard which she offered first when i asked i want 30day unlimited internet). I send like 5 texts, suddenly it says ‚load is only 20 pesos‘. I go to the girl. 5 texts and load from 300 pesos down to 20? She cannot explain what happend, just showed me the confirmation texts on my phone. I look up the rest of my load with sms command and it said ‚2 pesos left + 195 free texts‘. I told the girl. My theory is that i somehow bought 200 free text with the 300 peso load?

My luggage bag was a bit broken from the flight, 2 rolls were damaged. I wait another 2 hours there to wait for office of fight company to tell it. It ‚opens‘ at 9, but there is noone there at 9. But some guy from another company comes and helps me out, saying the other guy is probably late because of traffic, very friendly. So if i can wait till 10-10:30, then he surely will be there. We both have a laugh when i tell him that i’ll just send them an email.
I wait for another 30 minutes, then girl comes. The philippino girls there fill the document out and give me a copy and make photos, perfect.

Go out to the white taxis, like i read here. They are supposed to be regulated, anti-scam – in opposition to the yellow cabs where you better point at the meter for him to start it.
I go there, guy there looks at list of where i want to go and tells me the price and tells the driver the price -> it was 950 pesos to quezon city. Don’t know if it’s right. The taxi makes some stop where he went out and did something before he came back. Didn’t tell him ‚no stops‘ beforehand.

Room is nice but i took the wrong electricity-adapter with me. Was exhausted but cannot go to sleep before i get my mobile running again. So go to mall and buy an adapter for 50 pesos.
On the way i ask a woman and she also shows me currency exchanger and tells me to only go to currency exchangers in supermarkets! Like in every bigger supermarket there is a money exchanger. I think i got 52 pesos for an euro, but just if i remember correctly.

Also buy toilet paper and drinking water. There was no paper in my room. There is water in a big canister but i thought i better buy it new. Used the toilet paper and badam – toilet clogged! I somehow fix this and find out that most people (?) only use water. I guess i will also just use water from now on, i’ll just use my shower right next to do it.

Internet is great, both the mobile for my phone as the wlan that is provided in my room/apartment. (i guess there is nothing wrong with doing sensitive things on wlan)

When i was in the mall – people here write it’s alot of 5’s and 6’s, for me most of the women were 8’s and 9’s. Because they are so small and slim. I did not approach like for 5 months, am totally stifled, not that i tried any game being there. There was 2 separate girls looking after me when i went towards and bye them next to the condo.

Went to sleep at 17h, woke up at 1:00 in the morning. Felt alone and anxious. [Image: smile.gif]
Began the process of sorting all my stuff and make it all nice, getting comfy, and now i feel better.
Put off the plastic on stuff like handles of cabinetts (it’s like it was totally and plastic not yet removed, i read that phillipinos just don’t remove the plastic?). Also put away 3 holy crosses.
There is no toilet bin in the room, so i guess i buy that too.

Also changed my phone numbers on line and viber from my old country number to the new one (google it; https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysi...cc817881).
And fixed my travel-safe to the fourth leg of a couch – this is not perfect but i found nothing better to fixate it on. And blocked the sight with bag under the couch.
In the week before flying for security i made netbook and my phone require code when opening, like every time. Also installed desktops v2.0 to change to new desktop with no links on it and stuff. And installed avast anti theft app on phone, which lets me delete data from afar and also locate it and close it up it seems.

0: 1300 mobile phone, 1000 taxi, 200 toilet paper, 100 water, 50 electricity adaptor, 50 pizza hut, 50 cocktail

Right now i am worried about bringing girls in my condo because of security. I have to show identification to them and they write it up. Highly guess another irrational fear of mine. Now plan to give them small-medium piece of chocolate i brought from my country when i walk by. And another time 20 pesos for opening the door which the other guy always does.

Next: Going to hairdresser, finding a good meeting point for girls in the mall, inviting first girl from pipeline

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)

Hey welcome to the Philippines man!
As we've been telling you in the Phil's thread, don't over think things. Just go with the flow and you'll have a blast!

Here's a tip for not getting ripped off by over priced cabs in airports:
Go to the departure section and get a cab dropping people off there. Make sure they use the meter and you would pay a lot less than the 950 you paid. We've all got taken by the scam at least once. I did my first time in Asia 5 years ago in Bangkok where after a very long flight, I just jumped on the first cab in the arrival area and paid 950 Bahts for a ride which normally costs 2-300B tops.

Don't fret it man, happens to everyone, have an open mind and be ready for some serious fun!

Smile more, you will naturally being surrounded by sweet slim and sexy Pinays. [Image: smile.gif] smile at them and if they do, which they will more than you can imagine, just say hi and take it from there.

I'm cheering for you man! Make the most if it! This trip will not only open your eyes but can also be a turning point in your life as far as priorities are concerned.

Cheers bro, + 1!

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)

Roccker, way to go man on pulling the trigger and going on travel despite all your doubts. I suspect you'll have a blast, and accumulate lots of fond memories that you'll later look back on with nostalgia.

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)

Having the girls sign in isn't that big a deal. Think of it like insurance.. in the small case that a naughty girl might consider helping herself to something in your place.

Also, if you come home late, there is a good chance that the security is AFK or passed out asleep anyway. In my couple of months there staying at probably 8+ different places if I came home past 2am somewhere there was a 50%+ chance that they were just asleep.

Currently [Home]

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)


Internet is great, both the mobile for my phone as the wlan that is provided in my room/apartment. (i guess there is nothing wrong with doing sensitive things on wlan)

Is internet on both mobile and wlan good enough for international voip? How reliable is the internet, it's not like it's down a few times a day?

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)

Thanks all!
Quote: (12-17-2015 02:01 PM)Cheetah Wrote:  

Is internet on both mobile and wlan good enough for international voip? How reliable is the internet, it's not like it's down a few times a day?
Have just been here for like 2 days, internet sites load as fast as at home and also on the few facebook vids i watched, did not skype yet.

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)

Can we lock this and move this post to the Philippines thread?

There's no reason to start another Philippines thread.

There's no special snowflakes - this trail has been thoroughly burned through (and fucked through).

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)

Quote: (12-17-2015 06:15 PM)Dagnasty Wrote:  

Can we lock this and move this post to the Philippines thread?

Ah, ok!

Met first girl, young sexy, was thinking 'omg i am getting laid' [Image: smile.gif] when she said she is already on way to my room. But didn't happen. She said she can tell by my behaviour that i had lot of girlfriends, i think she just meant that i tried to escalate. After a while we went to mall, i went to get haircut, we went to karaoke but it was full, then 160 pesos meal, then 300 pesos taxi fare i confirmed before she came. At first i had a better feeling but later i think she was in business mode. Well. Not the time to get depressed just yet [Image: smile.gif]

Interestingly many things i read here confirmed: She told me to shave fully instead of 3 day beard, she was telling me a loooot of stuff i 'should' do putting me kinda in the role of a child.

Since arrival and more i have stomach problems, i only did eat half a pizza and some rice like in the last 2-3 days total.

300 taxi fare
160 meal
230 haircut
Water, carrot juice, bananas, toothbrush… 500 pesos

Chatting with a girl.
She is 25minutes away with taxi. She wants me to come to her. She lives alone next to other shopping center.
I ask what she does today. She says 'Nothing. ... But sometimes i escort politicians and stuff to the casino'
I guess she wants to say she does sex for money. I am willing to pay, i ask her if she wants to visit me. she says i shall visit her.
That she will take care of me. I do 'can i pay for your taxi[Image: smile.gif]' She says i come now, she comes to me next time.
I am tired and not so much in mood for 'adventure' new places and taxi and everything and also had the fantasy of not her but some guy waiting there.
Well well.

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)

I'm sorry, are you trying to say that you figured out the girl you were talking with was a hooker? And that you were keen to pay?

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)

This is the "didn't bother to read shit" ignorant newbie's journal to experiencing Philippines for the first time.

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)

What's with all the hate?

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)


then 300 pesos taxi fare i confirmed before she came. At first i had a better feeling but later i think she was in business mode. Well. Not the time to get depressed just yet

Can you explain this part? I'm confused. It sounds like you're paying for a hooker, but it could just be something lost in translation.

Americans are dreamers too

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)

We chatted. She said something like she has to come with taxi, if thats ok with me? My interpretation was that she asks for money for taxi. I wrote her i will support her taxi with 300 pesos. Of course too much and bad game, well: it's 6 euros. (300 pesos = 6 euros for a hooker? Really?)
'Business mode' I meant she was not attracted to me but showed me around to: eat and consume stuff with me (like going to karaoke or something)

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)

Quote: (12-19-2015 10:13 PM)Roccker Wrote:  

We chatted. She said something like she has to come with taxi, if thats ok with me? My interpretation was that she asks for money for taxi. I wrote her i will support her taxi with 300 pesos. Of course too much and bad game, well: it's 6 euros. (300 pesos = 6 euros for a hooker? Really?)
'Business mode' I meant she was not attracted to me but showed me around to: eat and consume stuff with me (like going to karaoke or something)

That makes more sense

Americans are dreamers too

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)

Diarrhea went away by eating lots of bananas and carrot juice.

Wondering on the 24th what i’ll do. Guess i’ll just be alone, it’s ok.

Sleeping times: D0: 17-1.00d1: 19-3:00 day3: 21h-5:00 day4: 23h-8:00

When i read 'pipelining is waste of time‘ i though, well well, i want to make the best of it and still do it!
But now the girls don’t know me anymore, i fixed it by telling them profile name and website and telling them to look me up before.
For about 6h straight i wrote copy paste messages on viber and text to all the numbers and set dates.
On viber i have exact same picture (face+shoulders) as in filipinocupid, but they still ask for pictures. I ask one what she wants to see, she says ‚face‘. Careful when messging viber girls – some have not been online for months, then better text them. Also they seem to understand 9pm much better than 21:00.
Hit up all the numbers and still ‚only‘ filled the next 3 days so far. Well. If i run out it’s a motivation for daygame.

Gave some chocolate to securities and entry with girls is problemfree. Last time even neither me nor girl had to show Id or tell anything.

Food costs about half from my country in center europe – eg 1/4th of pizza costs 1 euro in phil, costs a little over 2euro in my place. Nice. But if i normally eat out only once a month, then i can now eat out 2 times a month to stay at the same price. But if i eat out 3 times a day… especially when i buy for the girl also.
Perhaps i start to cook in my place. (or ask girls to cook)

How can i know how much a taxi costs? Eg when google says it’s 20 minute drive, what would be a very raw approximate oft he price? (eg 10 minute drive, what price would that be approximately?)

Date girl2: She is cool. She is super career woman. She is not so good looking compared to most other girls here, she has a tummy. I go to mcdonalds with her cause i want something to eat. I ask her if she also wants cheeseburger like me. She orders some stuff but gives me 100 pesos (more than her share, i give her the pesos that were too much).
I tell her lets go to condo, i wanna know if i pay too much, she knows prices of condos.
Straightforward to sex. She says she missed sex, it has been a long time. She asked for condom (i always do condom, she was just faster).
Later we talk openly. She asks if i will see her again, i say i don’t know exactly what future brings. She asks if i will see many girls, i say i guess i will.
She says she met another guy from fc, but he is 47 and she likes younger.
Later i go with her to train, she somehow doesn’t know how to get home, perhaps she wants to stay. We search around, at some point in time i tell her i go. Reason: Next date is scheduled and i am already few minutes late. She says she does not talk me anymore, well. She texts me later.

Girl3: Young and beautiful. I buy 6 chicken nuggets for us both because i am hungry, she does not take one. Date is basically me telling stories and teasing her and her laughing. And not saying much. When i say ‚let’s go a few steps‘ and i go towards my condo she says ‚hey! You are not going home, are you!?‘. It becomes a joke rest of evening. We spend some time, she lets kino be but not too much. I let her go, later she texts me she likes me. Gonna meet her again i guess.

G4: She is 38, to me she looks like a former super-hotty. Now she has small tummy but still very good looking to me. She says she is soo eager to meet me, like she has fallen in love just by my picture. She asks me if she can sleep with me (i guess sleep at my place). Kiss on lips right on the hello, few seconds later kiss, we go right to my place and get naked. At this point i suspect she is a hooker and am curious how she brings up money. Turns out she is not.
Sex is interesting. G2 and G3 seem genuinely surprised delighted how big my penis is when they see it. My penis is not big and i never heard something like hat from any european women i ever been with.

Morning wake up with her at 8. She asks if i have something coming up, i say yes. She asks if i want her to leave now or want to go for breakfast with her. I say breakfast and pay her breakfast. In europe i never pay for drinks, and surely not for meals, here i somehow feel bad if i don’t do it. Because i am ‚so rich‘ compared and somehow feel a bit bad a bit for just using them for sex. Which is weird, the last 5 years in europe i have at least 2 girls at the same time, having just sex meets and nothing else.

Had set date with girl 5 in the morning, but i did not respond to 3 texts of her yesterday and she does not respond to mine now. I was always with girls, it’s hard to see the relevant texts when there are so many. Guess will meet her other time, i am actually happy to have some time for myself, eg writing this post. I guess 2 girls a day are enough for me, also my sexdrive is not that big.

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)

Pipeline away! Every first timer needs that experience

In the meantime...

[Image: popcorn3.gif]

A man is only as faithful as his options-Chris Rock

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)

Awesome to hear you're having a blast there man! And you know what? This is just the beginning buddy![Image: smile.gif]

Keep at it, pipeline away but also, one of the funnest thing to do in MNL and the Phils in general is to just roam around malls, streets stores and smile and say hi to any cute girl that strikes your fancy or as we say in here, pass the bonner test for you![Image: smile.gif]

Keep up your entertaining reports and don't mind the negativity in here. These guys don't mean any harm they might be just frustrated to see you struggle. But struggling is part of the growth that we all go through!

Happy banging amigo!

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)

Quote: (12-19-2015 11:50 PM)Roccker Wrote:  

How can i know how much a taxi costs? Eg when google says it’s 20 minute drive, what would be a very raw approximate oft he price? (eg 10 minute drive, what price would that be approximately?)

Download the Grab Taxi app. It will give you fare estimates before you attempt to book and they're pretty accurate.

You're cracking me up with these Mcdo dates [Image: lol.gif].

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)

Go to Mall of Asia and do a bit of day game. Get out of your comfort zone a bit. If you hook a girl take her on an idate to your favorite restaurant McDicks and buy her a milkshake and split a 6 pack of McNuggets [Image: wink.gif]

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)

Well I'll be damned. The first post read like Nathan from South Park, I wasn't filled with confidence. But now multiple lays, great to see. Get some day approaches in if you can to get better quality than online.

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)

Manila never fails to deliver, keep up the good stories!

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)

QC is not the best city to live in for a foreigner, should of stayed in makati or the fort. Also Fcupid have the worst quality of girls ever in the Philippines. All i use is tinder. Nightgame have the best girls btw. hit up Valkyrie if you have a chance at them 8s 9s and occasional 10s. Girls there ain't easy there though, met plenty of entitled girls at the club. Managed to get a rich girl from the club to drive me home in her new bmw lol.

taxi to QC from airport should not be more than 500 peso. to makati i never pay more than 300 peso.

Also I dont understand why would u travel to Philippines to eat mac donalds? Filipino cuisine is one of my favourites and I am well travelled. Food there is cheap so there is no excuse to eat fast food.

its always fun to read a foreigners first time travelling to the Philippines, and read all their pitfalls and being scammed.

Also becareful of layboys, many lie if asked if they were born as a boy. Some even use fake ids. and some you just can tell until you talk to them. I can spot 99% of them now being there many times.

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)

Quote: (12-20-2015 02:55 PM)Dashin Wrote:  

Filipino cuisine is one of my favourites and I am well travelled.

Hear hear! So tired of every foreigner acting like I'm just trying to be contrarian by liking the food here. I knew I couldn't be the only one.

Beyond All Seas

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe.
To be your own man is a hard business. If you try it, you'll be lonely often, and sometimes
frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself." - Kipling

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)

I read you should take the white cabs (not the yellow ones) on airport, because they are reglemented.
This information is false, they took heavy price from me. They say ‚reglemented taxi here sir!‘, then i tell him where i want to go. He looks at a list for the price. Then he tells the taxi driver the price. And gives him the paper.
Sounds like a good system – the one is looking up the price, the taxi driver gets the actual payment. He asks for tip.
But they priced me too much, as written in first post.
So better take yellow taxi and make sure he starts the meter and you have small enough cash to give exact amount, or perhaps grabtaxi or ueber.

She is not so good looking, a bit fatter, but i’d still hit it. She pays for herself, she seems not so poor, her dad has car. I try to get her to my place but she is like ‚we are not going to your place!‘. She was good to be around and to talk to, but there was not really sexual tension. We went for nice long coffee and said goodbye.

All girls were on time so far.

Take a look at this texts – and look at the time (please really imagine the wait tmes between the texts [Image: smile.gif]). First experience of philippino time i guess.
Green is me, Blue is her.
[Image: hPITAgC.png]

What finally comes is 2 girls that don’t look good. My girl has akne, and she brought her sister. She has no smartphone. Their cousin is also around and the cousin also wants to look at me. I say ok, we can go to the female cousin [Image: smile.gif]
We don't find her.
Later sister says goodbye, target says i am cute, i go with her shopping for me in supermarket, then we carry it home, then at home 5 minute ‚seducing‘ and we have sex. On sight of condom she says ‚what’s that?!‘. Her ass is very sexy.

After sex we went to mall again, i went into pizza restaurant with her and ordered one small pizza and 2 water. (I was hungry, on the other side here im so not very hungry, half pizza is enough, perhaps it’s because of the heat)I invited her to take, but she only took 2 pieces. Then went to jeepney with her, thought about saying goodbye still in the mall but then went a few metres. Still her jeepney was on the other side of street. I said goodbye.
She asked if i go to other side with her. I say no. She gives me a cold goodbye. I think that’s how they do here, passive aggressive silence, like a silent ‚fuck you ok i go and i don’t talk with you anymore when you give me a no‘ – which is actually great if you just want them to leave.

My money runs out fast. Started with 800euro, now already spent 250euro, which is totally unbelievable to me.

I actually did not bring so much clothes, thinking they are much cheaper here and i will buy them here.
But h+m in central europe is as cheap it seems.

All these are actually cheaper in my supermarket at home if i remember correctly:
2 euros for 4 apples (ok, this is special because they are imported of course, bad example, still i wanted to buy it)
Good milk1,5euro
Small honey4 euros
Toblerone chocolate 4 euros
1 pair of socks 2,5 euro
Bathing trunks30 euro (1500 pesos) (omg i was stupid, did not calculate price here; the other one was 2000, this was the ‚cheaper‘ one and i did not calculate, just asked my philipina if it’s pricey, she said it’s normal, well)
Shaving cream4 euro
Bottle of red wine4,5 euro

As said the food is about half the price.
If i remember correctly a cheeseburger is 50 pesos = 1 euro, a cheeseburger is also 1 euro in my country.

I guess supermarkets are pricey.
What is actually cheap? I guess tricycles and jeepneys. Hotels i guess.

G4 sent me message that she got robbed and if i can give her 20 dollars for afidavit for lost atm and for police clearance. Hm.

Philippines Journal-Diary of a Noob (Metro Manila)

Roccker, as I understand it, the yellow and the white cabs are both regulated, but they will all try to scam you if they can.
The yellow cabs are specifically for the airport and are allowed to charge higher rates.
As we told you before, get in the white cab and insist that he turns on the meter. Tell him he must, as it is the law.
Their favorite scam is to quote you a higher rate and leave the meter off.
They try it with locals as well.
Also, consider that it is a long way from the airport to where you chose to stay, especially in bad traffic.
If you want to save money when you return to the airport, depending on the time of day, catch the MRT down to Taft station then get a cab from there to the airport.

I'm amazed if your first 5 girls were on time !

Jeepneys are good value, tricycles generally are not, and I don't think you will like the price of good hotels.

We were unsure about you when you first started asking questions here, but good to see you "walking the walk".
Keep the stories coming [Image: smile.gif]

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