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Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?

Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?

I ran textbook game on a smoking hot 21 year old. 5'6, long blond hair, blue eyes, perky little tits, probably the best ass I've spanked, thin, and a sexual maniac.

We met up last night after I'd been chasing her flaky ass down for the last month, and I swooped her back to my place, where we fucked 3 times, then talked for a couple hours. She slept over. In the morning I had to leave early, told her to take her time, and left. When I came back, I saw that she made my bed before she left. GF potential.

Reading this one would think I'm in, but here's the thing.... this is a girl at the peak of her sexual market value, she has expressed slight ambivalence to being in a committed relationship, and she has tons guys trying to bang her and ask her out all the time. She really blunt, and admitted she's slept with 8 guys total, 5 in the last year or so, including me, and that she was currently in a fuck buddy relationship with another guy that started 6 months ago. Now she's starting to develop some feelings for him. He has not reciprocated at this point, but seems like he may be starting to. It's safe to say that she will continue to fuck him, and given the choice would choose him over me. I want to change that. She also goes on dates with a guy who she has no intention of fucking, "but he's really nice" and all of her male friends continually ask her to be their girlfriend. But I'm not concerned about these betas.

According to her the guy is 29, not very attractive, VP of a small beverage distributor company, and a cool guy. But you can tell she's starting to develop feelings after banging the guy for 6 months, and him acting aloof and detached. classic.

I'm also 29, last year in law school, probably better looking, better educated, and probably equal game skills, but I don't have the time invested that this guy does, and I want to overcome his advantage.

I want her, and I'm not sure how to approach this problem.... thoughts?

Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?


No... in all seriousness. Some things never change.

A man who writes even THIS much about a girl on the net... is dooooooomed.

This girl is not your mother, there are others, therefore you need not cling to her for survival. Be cool. Bye bye scarcity mentality. You banged a 9 - you did it once. You can do it again. Technically, you fucked some other guy's girl. YEAH! Think happy thoughts.

Now go forth and fuck some more.

Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?

Quote: (06-15-2011 07:22 PM)Paideia Wrote:  


No... in all seriousness. Some things never change.

A man who writes even THIS much about a girl on the net... is dooooooomed.

This girl is not your mother, there are others, therefore you need not cling to her for survival. Be cool. Bye bye scarcity mentality. You banged a 9 - you did it once. You can do it again. Technically, you fucked some other guy's girl. YEAH! Think happy thoughts.

Now go forth and fuck some more.

My friend, I agree that the scarcity mentality is poison to a man's game, and I know most guys are just trying to banging something above an 8, and are completely satisfied once attaining the goal, but banging them isn't enough of a victory for me anymore. I want to own this girl and destroy the competition.

Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?

Why own one girl, when you can own a dozen?

You are to fixated on this girl man...which is exactly why should quit while you're ahead. Or next time, some latin guy will be writing on this forum about how to get rid of you after he's fucked your girl (whom she also told she's only fucked a total of 8 guys - that number will never change for the next 10 years).


Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?

Quote: (06-15-2011 07:34 PM)ulysses28 Wrote:  

Quote: (06-15-2011 07:22 PM)Paideia Wrote:  


No... in all seriousness. Some things never change.

A man who writes even THIS much about a girl on the net... is dooooooomed.

This girl is not your mother, there are others, therefore you need not cling to her for survival. Be cool. Bye bye scarcity mentality. You banged a 9 - you did it once. You can do it again. Technically, you fucked some other guy's girl. YEAH! Think happy thoughts.

Now go forth and fuck some more.

My friend, I agree that the scarcity mentality is poison to a man's game, and I know most guys are just trying to banging something above an 8, and are completely satisfied once attaining the goal, but banging them isn't enough of a victory for me anymore. I want to own this girl and destroy the competition.

You sound like a solid prospect for her.
I suggest you dont act clingy but when you meet her do something unpredictable. Do it smoothly and dont do anything she might (mis)read as your attempt to impress her.

Just act erratically and do something unique, on the go. She is 21, she hasnt exactly sucked the marrow of life yet. Bring her to the ocean to swim at night or whatever. In other words, plant the seed of something fun and different but do it in a casual way.

Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?

Yo, take it from a former doey eyed fool, that there's no way you can lock this girl down, based on what you're saying. I don't know her obviously, but she may be a way bigger ho than she's making her out to be. It's amazing how much women lie, and how guys will believe their bullshit (speaking from experience here ofcourse). She said she's only slept with 8 guys, and five in the past year, that number could easily be twice as much. You already know she's fucking someone else and say "It's safe to say that she will continue to fuck him, and given the choice would choose him over me. I want to change that."

Sounds like you already know the deal, so what are you asking us? Someone could say "step your game up" or "out alpha" him, but at the end of the day she's still going to be a horny, party slut. If you're cool knowing that she's fucking someone else at the same time, continue to hit it, (wearing a condom is advised), and whatever you do, do not give a fuck about her, or invest more into her, than she is into you!

Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?

Quit while you're ahead. Exactly!

You'll feel a pang the times you're reminded of her, but at the same time, the accounts will be in your favor - you made the decision for YOUR benefit, which is the only thing that matters right now.

Focus your energies on getting another 9. Then another. And so on.

Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?

You should encourage her to fuck your friends. Don't own these broads man, encourage them to be sluttier, to become community property. Do your part for the good of the realm.

Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?

If she ADMITS she "is starting to have feelings" the TRUTH is she's obsessed with him. Definitely play reverse psychology. Encourage her to keep fucking him. "You like him, you should keep getting it with him. " But treat her horribly during sex. Really make her do base things.

Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?

Your odds aren't too bad. IF she's obsessed with him but still fucking you, the hold isn't too strong.

BUT, by virtue of talking about it and posting about it here, you are hurting your chances. You know the rules, if you think about a girl, she's slipping away.

Just lay the D down better than the other guy, don't become Mr. Aloof in an attempt to "out cool" him, stay how you are, get other girls in your scenario, let her 'discover' that. Use the jealousy angel to the fullest.

If you REALLY want to get evil about it, just for the fun of it, there are tons of ways to blow him out and cock block him. It's no G, but I was a sociopath before I was a ladies man, so I love that shit.

Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?

"She really blunt, and admitted she's slept with 8 guys total..."

Homie, get the pixie dust out of your eyes. Multiply that # by 3 or 4 and you'll get closer to her real number. As others already said, never trust a damn thing that comes out of a woman's mouth.

Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?

any girl who have multiple sexual partners is not a matter she got looks of Angelina.

Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?

Quote: (06-15-2011 11:47 PM)Sh0t Wrote:  

Your odds aren't too bad. IF she's obsessed with him but still fucking you, the hold isn't too strong.

BUT, by virtue of talking about it and posting about it here, you are hurting your chances. You know the rules, if you think about a girl, she's slipping away.

Just lay the D down better than the other guy, don't become Mr. Aloof in an attempt to "out cool" him, stay how you are, get other girls in your scenario, let her 'discover' that. Use the jealousy angel to the fullest.

If you REALLY want to get evil about it, just for the fun of it, there are tons of ways to blow him out and cock block him. It's no G, but I was a sociopath before I was a ladies man, so I love that shit.

Haha, I like the combination of sociopath and ladies man, so any blow out/ cock blocking tips would certainly be appreciated...

Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?

Haha, man, you have two choices... follow the path of many men before you and go along with this hoe and just wait for the crash, or go the other way, like other men before you, and be happy with what you got and keep plowing on. The main question here is, do you want to go through a bunch of drama or do you want to just have some care-free fun? In the long run, do you want to have a smile on your face, or do you want to be bitter? Live life like a champ.

Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?

The second you are trying to exact special care or consideration on a girl, FOR WHATEVER PURPOSE, you are losing her already. The other guy shouldn't exist to you, if she brings it up you should just be like "Hey, why are we talking about some chumps?".

Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?


I get that one shouldn't give special care or consideration according to game principles, that she is probably lying about her sexual partners, and that she is a slut and not a good long term prospect. I get this. This is not what this post is about.

I am inquiring about specialized tactics that you have used or know of that can be used when there is a girl we want to bang regularly, but who has a boyfriend or some sort of significant other or some hang up on another guy that acts as a hurdle.

How do you defeat or neutralize the opposition by affecting her consciousness or subconsciousness?

Like shot said, an extra dose of jealousy is a good tactic to pull her away... any more?

Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?

Quote: (06-16-2011 02:44 AM)ulysses28 Wrote:  

I am inquiring about specialized tactics that you have used or know of that can be used when there is a girl we want to bang regularly, but who has a boyfriend or some sort of significant other or some hang up on another guy that acts as a hurdle.

How do you defeat or neutralize the opposition by affecting her consciousness or subconsciousness?

Like shot said, an extra dose of jealousy is a good tactic to pull her away... any more?

To be honest, I think that this is your problem. She is not worth that kind of effort. I don't really think that any girl is, to be honest, but this case is especially clear.

You've got a lot invested emotionally in this girl. That is easy to discern from how much you're writing about her and your desire to find "specialized tactics" just for her. This is the problem: she isn't worth the time and effort it would take to learn/implement any of these "specialized tactics"(assuming they exist). That you seem so willing to put this effort in is the problem, as your return on this investment(ROI) is not likely to be high enough to justify it.

I do not care what this girl looks like-at the end of the day, she is just a chick. There are millions of women like her out there. Hell, you are on a travel forum right now-book a trip to Ukraine for a couple of weeks and see just how common and NOT PARTICULARLY SPECIAL this girl you're hooked on is. You're showing a dangerous scarcity mentality that is unjustified (though living in the USA, I can't blame you-this culture encourages that type of pedestalization). You're a mature, good looking guy with solid game and a Juris Doctor. You can get more of her later on.

There's just no rational reason to invest so much in one girl who a) openly admits to sleeping around(as others have said, that 8 is probably at least a 12-15 in actuality, maybe much more), b) doesn't seem particularly trustworthy (she's had another guy for a while and, despite having feelings for him, is dicking around with you on the side-what makes you think she wouldn't do that to you if you got her? Wanna take that chance?) and c) isn't even really that invested in you particularly (waffles on idea of committing to you, admits feelings for other guy she's been fucking besides you, etc).

It would take a herculean effort of game for you to overcome this chick's naturally slutty behavior and get her to be loyal to you, overcome her feelings for another man she's been with for half a year, keep all of those feelings from coming back, AND guard her from the legions of other men going after her. By the time you've made the investment necessary to get all of this done(learning all of these "specialized tactics"), you will have already failed. As others have stated, that type of focus on one girl is death to successful game. It breeds outcome dependence, oneitis and profound betatude, and should be avoided at all costs.

Bottomline: Leave her alone. Don't bother with "specialized tactics" or any of that other BS. You can get other girls, so go and do that. If she comes to you eventually and shows a clear interest in making something out of this, then perhaps consider moving forward again, but don't force yourself to climb a mountain for the sake of one chick flaking around at the top.

She isn't worth it.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?

Those are some damn good points, McGinnis. Thanks.

Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?

Why would you want to even get rid of this other guy anyway?

Pussy ain't property.

Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?

Quote: (06-16-2011 08:10 AM)Lumiere Wrote:  

Why would you want to even get rid of this other guy anyway?

Pussy ain't property.
On the surface your situation is perfect-neither of you can make an emotional claim on the other. She's currently seeing someone else and is therefore at least SUPPOSED to pretend monogamy.
Therefore it seems,without going all sociopathic (I'd never go that low just for pussy) the issue isn't complicated. Make the bitch squirt!

Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?

Guys, remember: WOMEN DO NOT COUNT A ONS!!

They train their minds to forget any quick fuck in a car, camping trip, ex boyfriends best friend, and any other guy that was not officially a "boyfriend". I an certain that many women I've slept with fail to count me in their response to guys they fucked since I was a ONS!

Women do not like keeping tabs of guys they fuck!! It's a dark reminder of how slutty they are. It just like if guys would keep count of how many timed they jerk-off vs actually having a female to fuck. Get me?


Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?

You should use her to game an even hotter chic. Her hotness should DHV for you to get other hotties, and it is likely that she would also start to form some kind of jealously if she sees you chatting it up with even prettier girls than herself. Let the fight over you start, not the other way around. Good luck.

Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?

Ah you guys have no romance in you. Some girls ARE worth the extra effort. The best girls aren't just going to arrive out of thin air for you. Not saying that applies to this chick, but don't be so cynical.

In contrast to what was said above, 9s and 10s are the ones MOST likely to have multiple partners, because they are the ones most able to get away with it. Less hot girls can't get away with bad behavior as easily, assuming we want to categorize this behavior as "bad".

Another thing to keep in mind is that even if this girl isn't worth it, for the PRACTICE alone, it would be a good exercise to try and win her over. eventually you may run into a girl that is worth it, and being practiced is always better than not. After I seduce girls, I always practice getting them to fall in love with me. One day you may need it. Plus, it's fun.

All that stuff Mcginnis wrote is fine and good, but that's boring man. Of course there are more girls in the world. So what? Right now, he wants this one. It might just be his ego more than anything else, but why not exercise it.

I'm the biggest dog I know, but I fall in love about once a year, at least. It's fun to be passionate.

Go for it OP, but just be prepared to fail. Chances are it won't turn out too well.

Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?

Couldn't have been said better Sh0t...

So a liberal application of the Jealousy card... any other general ideas?

Just banged a 9.... how do I get rid of her other fuck buddy?

You posted your first post yesterday. So far you've only had sex with her one night.

Start fucking and seeing her regularly and we'll see. One night doesn't mean anything yet. You know what i mean?

If you lay the dick down right, half the battle is won.

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