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Migrant invasion of Europe

Migrant invasion of Europe

Quote: (09-04-2015 01:57 PM)space Wrote:  

I'm not a conspiracy theorist but can someone explain what the fuck is going on?

In a nutshell (staying in the 20th century):

After WW2 the Zionists decided that they will never allow another Holocaust, or rather that they will never allow strong white nations (Germany...) support strong White leaders (Fuhrer, il Duce, Stallin...) And the only way to do it is to crumble the existing, and introduce the new world order.

Everything since then has been employed towards implementation of that goal.

Creation of Israel state.
Ending of colonialism.
US Immigration Act of 1965.
Introduction of swarthies from thirld world as guest workers (Germany, Scandinavia...)
Weakening/dissolution of White Christian religion.
Rule of feminism.
Creation of EU (abolishion of EU borders)
End of Apartheid
End of communism (until it was no longer useful)
Allowance of swarthiies to enter EU en-masse.

Complementary to political goals there were cultural goals to lock-step:

Automation of capitalism.
Introduction of women into workplace.
Corporations as individuals.
Dissolution of family/marriage as cornerstone of human existence.
Liberal popular culture as mainstream staple (rock and roll, hippy values, rap).
US tellecomunication act of early 1990s (which allowed few owners of the entire American media landscape: tv, radio, print, Internet.
Internet, both as surveillance state as well as breads and circuses distaction.

Migrant invasion of Europe

Quote: (09-04-2015 01:57 PM)space Wrote:  

I honestly don't understand what's happening in the world right now.

Syria was a stable country until Obama and Cameron destabilized it

Same with Libya. The current crisis is directly related to the actions western govts took in weakening the Gaddafi and Asad regimes.

Now we have this clusterfuck. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but can someone explain what the fuck is going on?

You hit the nail on the head.

Think of the world as a giant chess match. There are two main players: The US, NATO, and allies against Russia, China and allies.

In 2011, the US backed the 'Arab Spring', protests that took place across the Mid-East and N. Africa. The intent was to bring about reform and 'Democratization'. However, the end result of the Arab Spring has simply been chaos.

Although dictators like Qaddafi, Assad, and Saddam Hussein were outright monsters, they kept their population in check and suppressed Islamic extremism, which is now proliferating like wildfire.

Though the Mid-East is a wreck, the US/NATO side actually gained quite a bit in their quest for mid-east hegemony. They've taken out Qaddafi (a major critic of the US), have Assad hanging on by a thread (who is a huge ally of Russia, and home to a major naval base on the Mediterranean), and are trying to appease Iran with the nuclear accord to take them out of the Russia-China orbit and into their own. Yet the citizens of those countries are suffering mightily. To escape anarchy, chaos and death, they've fled to W. Europe where they have a good chance of being given asylum.

So yes, the West is to blame, but mainly the US. Countries like Germany and France aren't as big of fans of war as the US is, and maybe now they'l start to rethink their foreign policy.

Migrant invasion of Europe

Hooligans vs refugees: Clashes at Budapest train station

Well, that escalated quickly I'd say, considering the fact that these "refugees" have just arrived in eastern europe. It's not obvious who started this mess but we catch a glimpse of what a possible civil war might look like in the future.

Migrant invasion of Europe

These are "war refugees"? Theres are able-bodied, healthy men age 20-35. 800,000 migrants going to Germany, a country of 80 million, may or may not destabilize the country. 800,000 young men most certainly will.

Not a single man in that group looks as if hes even slightly malnourished or depleted. War refugee my ass.

“There is no global anthem, no global currency, no certificate of global citizenship. We pledge allegiance to one flag, and that flag is the American flag!” -DJT

Migrant invasion of Europe

Gaming in these European places will become extinct, the euro women will become really wary and guarded against anyone not in her social circle due to this huge influx of migrants.

The treasure of databases on nightlife in these cities will become obsolete [Image: sad.gif] I was reading the datasheet on Budapest last month thinking it'd be cool to go chase tail there, but this situation is getting worse by the day the girls will hardly go out at night.

Migrant invasion of Europe

Quote: (09-04-2015 03:37 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

Gaming in these European places will become extinct, the euro women will become really wary and guarded against anyone not in her social circle due to this huge influx of migrants.

The treasure of databases on nightlife in these cities will become obsolete [Image: sad.gif] I was reading the datasheet on Budapest last month thinking it'd be cool to go chase tail there, but this situation is getting worse by the day the girls will hardly go out at night.

And the countries with the highest emigrant outflows might become better places to game.

Not to sound insensitive though, I know this is a serious issue in EU. I'm hoping things don't erupt there... I have relatives living all over western EU.

Migrant invasion of Europe

Quote: (09-04-2015 02:33 PM)rhino Wrote:  

US tellecomunication act of early 1990s (which allowed few owners of the entire American media landscape: tv, radio, print, Internet.
Internet, both as surveillance state as well as breads and circuses distaction.

The Telecommunications Act destroyed American radio (what was left of it), and, consequently, mainstream American music went down the tubes. After that, rock, country, and r&b/hip-hop more or less went to crap. Sad because, country music in particular had been going through a renaissance in the late 80s/early 90s with all sorts of innovative neo-traditionalists and alt country rebels like Dwight Yoakam, Steve Earle, Randy Travis, Rosie Flores, Clint Black, etc. After Telecom, radio stations streamlined their playlists (overplayed the same 30 songs), and played more commercials, so less songs could become hits, and the door was slammed shut to creative artists that actually wanted to do real country, not the generic, pseudo-country shit we've had the past 20 years. The same thing happened to rock radio formats and R&B/hip-hop.

I believe leftists particularly wanted to destroy hard country music, the populist music of the common man, "white man's blues", and they succeeded by working with conservatives to allow the genre to be co-opted by the white-bread soft rock crowd, who, ironically, had been shoved out of rock by leftists and the increasing presence of hip-hop on MTV, etc. Hip-hop/hardcore rap itself was also decimated by the establishment for the same reasons they marginalized country music. Now, you have to dig deep to find singers/bands doing good music. Thankfully, we have the internet to make that possible. Radio and mainstream record labels went to pot after Telecom though.

Migrant invasion of Europe

Quote: (09-04-2015 03:46 PM)CleanSlate Wrote:  

Quote: (09-04-2015 03:37 PM)Disco_Volante Wrote:  

Gaming in these European places will become extinct, the euro women will become really wary and guarded against anyone not in her social circle due to this huge influx of migrants.

The treasure of databases on nightlife in these cities will become obsolete [Image: sad.gif] I was reading the datasheet on Budapest last month thinking it'd be cool to go chase tail there, but this situation is getting worse by the day the girls will hardly go out at night.

And the countries with the highest emigrant outflows might become better places to game.

Not to sound insensitive though, I know this is a serious issue in EU. I'm hoping things don't erupt there... I have relatives living all over western EU.

Well I think they already have "erupted" by the mere fact that Europe and it's border controls are so ineffective that they are powerless to stop any of this and are basically being threatened by these "refugees" to give them asylum - or else. Let's not forget the precedent this sets.

But it's not like the EU wasn't ridiculously naive in it's immigration policies already anyway - look at Sweden (where you can't even speak out against mass immigration) or France (where the situation is dire, and yet more and more come despite massive unemployment and an essentially bankrupt government). When you have unelected ideological bureaucrats largely controlling social policies it's a recipe for disaster. I'm sure a lot of these officials get their money from servicing these "refugess" and the millions of immigrants too so it's a self-perpetuating government enterprise.

That the mainstream media can actually "shame" citizens & government to allow these shenanigans to go on is pretty telling. We're in bad shape especially where the corrupt media are concerned - that includes CNN, the BBC and pretty much all of them. They basically lie and tell half truths all day, every day to suit the globalist / progressive / feminist political agenda. Not at all shocking given the background of most of these people, but you can't trust any of them on politics.

Anyway, I think at some point Shengen is going to change - no way if I were in the countries bordering Germany/France would I want to have open borders...not just because of migrants but also drug traffickers, prostitution, you name it. I'm betting crime will be going off the charts with more and more "refugees" coming through them on their way to glorious Germany and all the welfare benefits they can eat.

2015 RVF fantasy football champion

Migrant invasion of Europe

Quote: (09-04-2015 01:57 PM)space Wrote:  

I honestly don't understand what's happening in the world right now.

Syria was a stable country until Obama and Cameron destabilized it

Same with Libya. The current crisis is directly related to the actions western govts took in weakening the Gaddafi and Asad regimes.

Now we have this clusterfuck. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but can someone explain what the fuck is going on?

You've hit the nail on the head

The question i'd like to know is whether this was brought about due to incompetence from our political leaders or something more sinister?

Which one would you prefer?

Migrant invasion of Europe

I'm probably more liberal than most members of this site, and even I find this situation to be ridiculous. No other bloc of countries is taking in this many refugees from war-torn shitholes like Syria, Iraq, and Libya. Not the U.S, not any Latin American country, not China/Japan/Korea, not any nation in South or Southeast Asia. And you know what the really funny part is? It's just been reported that the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait have taken in absolutely NO refugees. The Islamic faith behooves its adherents to take care of fellow Muslims, and the richest countries in the Arab world are abjectly refusing to do so. It says a lot about Western Europe's leadership when it feels the need to white knight for half of the developing world, despite the fact that the oil-rich, culturally similar neighbors of these countries haven't even let in a single refugee.

Some Arab countries like Jordan have done their bit, and have taken in a good number of refugees...but I find it mindboggling that Germany and the U.K feel it necessary to accept millions of refugees, when countries that are literally a two hour drive away refuse to do so. I find it equally mindboggling that we continue to support the various emirs and princes who fund ISIS and help bankroll the spread of Salafism across the globe, while simultaneously refusing to assist the people who their money has helped displace.

Migrant invasion of Europe

Quote: (09-04-2015 03:09 PM)UncleSam Wrote:  

Hooligans vs refugees: Clashes at Budapest train station

Well, that escalated quickly I'd say, considering the fact that these "refugees" have just arrived in eastern europe. It's not obvious who started this mess but we catch a glimpse of what a possible civil war might look like in the future.

Those are not refugees. They're not even economic migrants. That is a fucking invasion force. If you took an army and stripped it of its uniforms and weapons, this is what it would look like.

Both the problem and the solution are stark fucking clear. You fight an invading force to the death. These particular invaders have chosen the cowardly and dishonorable method of using deceit to achieve their goal rather than force of arms. So you give them an ultimatum at the point of a machine gun: remove yourself from my territory peaceably, or you will receive the standard rations given to invaders: metal to the body until dead.

Of course, this will not happen. Reading about this calamity pisses me off but only superficially. It's like I am enraged by the assault on logic and common sense, but I don't really care what happens to Europe or the Europeans. Europe (and the West?) is being killed, but there is only one true villain in this story, and that villain is Europeans and white Westerners themselves.

It's very simple:

The elites are an alien ruling caste, and they are simply acting on their own behalf and to some extent indulging in what to their mind is revenge for past wrongs; whether real or imagined is irrelevant. There is nothing evil or "bad" about this. I would expect nothing less of a people than to maximize its own well being and fully exercise its power. Completely natural, I cannot hate them for that.

Ditto for the third world immigrants. They see a warm, wet pussy just begging to be stuffed, and their actions follow naturally from that. I'm trying to put myself in similar shoes here: I like money, and I have yellow fever. What would I do if there existed a mythical land where even a burger flipper earned $500,000 a year and where all the women were Asian 10's with a penchant for giving up the goods for my white cock at the drop of a hat, and where all the men were a bunch of spineless, cowardly phaglets who protected neither their lands nor their women? Why, I would do exactly as these third worlders are doing: make my way there as fast as I can. So do I blame the immigrnants? Fuck no, they are just doing what's best for them.

So that just leaves the historically christian white people. They are the ones I despise with a passion. I have so much fucking contempt for them it's basically seeping out of my pores as I type this. What a bunch of despicable cucks. Has any people ever in the history of the world, committed willful, self-aware suicide? What's worse, these phags are crowing about it! "Oh lookie, we're being displaced in our own lands and will soon be minorities/slaves, oh how grand it will be!"

Sure, their minds have been poisoned by the aforementioned alien elites, but that is no fucking excuse. I received that very same programming growing up, but my brain immediately rejected it as a disgusting poison. The fuck are they telling me, that I should hate myself and worship "the other" due to my own people being successful and creating the modern world? Yeah, ok, cool story bro, now tell it again.

The propaganda is really not that convincing. Oh look, a Syrian boy washed up on a beach. Yeah, well, I don't care. It's sad but completely and utterly irrelevant. What about the thousands of boys and girls across the world who met various unfortunate ends today, whether dying of disease or cancer, or simple tragic accidents. Out of all those tragedies, the death of a boy whose family was invading my lands is the least tragic. Better that boy than 6 year old John who fell off a swing and broke his neck. Nobody is crying for John today, and I sure am not crying for the Syrian boy.

This is just basic common sense, and people across the world just get it. But white people seem to be missing that common sense that is so neccessary for survival. In fact, when you point out the common sense in very simple, articulate, and logical terms that their brains surely process and evaluate as true, they still spit this truth in your face and try to bury you for it. Well, fuck them. In they end, they will be the ones who are buried. I feel no sympathy for them, because like it or not, to paraphrase Te Nahisi Coates I and others like me, some on this very forum, are "people who others believe to be White" and by sinking this ship they're basically pulling us down with them. There are ways to mitigate this and I am trying them all, but it's fucking hard to escape the suction of an entire civilization plunging to the bottom of the abyss.

Migrant invasion of Europe

Something has happened today; something looking huge, and which could be historic, and maybe even save Europe (or parts of it, at least):

A few hours ago, the Hungarian parliament has declared the "state of crisis", and passed new laws, which re-criminalize the fact of illegally crossing a border, and calls for 20-year jail terms for people-traffickers and 3-year terms for the illegal migrants themselves, and allow to bring in the army[Image: banana.gif] to block the frontiers against the migrants' incoming waves...

It means that the president Orban does not back down (in the face of the scandalous pressure exerted by almost all the other, treacherous European leaders), and might actually stop the migrants for good, bringing in the army on the 15th of September.

"Le Parlement hongrois a renforcé vendredi sa législation anti-migrants, face à un afflux sans précédent de réfugiés transitant par ce pays dans l'espoir de rejoindre l'ouest de l'Europe.
Proposée par le gouvernement du Premier ministre populiste Viktor Orban, la nouvelle législation renforce notamment les possibilités de déploiement de l'armée aux frontières et rend l'immigration illégale passible de trois ans de prison.

Adopté en urgence et à une large majorité de 140 voix contre 33, l'ensemble de textes proclame l'"état de crise", un échelon hongrois précédant l'état d'urgence et accordant des prérogatives accrues aux pouvoirs publics.

"Une nouvelle ère commencera le 15 septembre", date prévue d'entrée en vigueur de la nouvelle législation, a déclaré dans un communiqué M. Orban

For, the only solution to stop these millions of opportunist migrants, is to bring in some Eastern-European army, with legal and clear orders allowing them to shoot at invaders (after due warnings).

(French or British army could not serve this purpose, considering that they already are 30% "diverse", and thus ethnic conflicts would start within them, if firing orders were given)

Migrant invasion of Europe

Quote: (09-04-2015 04:41 PM)Fast Eddie Wrote:  

Quote: (09-04-2015 03:09 PM)UncleSam Wrote:  

Hooligans vs refugees: Clashes at Budapest train station

Well, that escalated quickly I'd say, considering the fact that these "refugees" have just arrived in eastern europe. It's not obvious who started this mess but we catch a glimpse of what a possible civil war might look like in the future.

Those are not refugees. They're not even economic migrants. That is a fucking invasion force. If you took an army and stripped it of its uniforms and weapons, this is what it would look like.

Both the problem and the solution are stark fucking clear. You fight an invading force to the death. These particular invaders have chosen the cowardly and dishonorable method of using deceit to achieve their goal rather than force of arms. So you give them an ultimatum at the point of a machine gun: remove yourself from my territory peaceably, or you will receive the standard rations given to invaders: metal to the body until dead.

Of course, this will not happen. Reading about this calamity pisses me off but only superficially. It's like I am enraged by the assault on logic and common sense, but I don't really care what happens to Europe or the Europeans. Europe (and the West?) is being killed, but there is only one true villain in this story, and that villain is Europeans and white Westerners themselves.

It's very simple:

The elites are an alien ruling caste, and they are simply acting on their own behalf and to some extent indulging in what to their mind is revenge for past wrongs; whether real or imagined is irrelevant. There is nothing evil or "bad" about this. I would expect nothing less of a people than to maximize its own well being and fully exercise its power. Completely natural, I cannot hate them for that.

Ditto for the third world immigrants. They see a warm, wet pussy just begging to be stuffed, and their actions follow naturally from that. I'm trying to put myself in similar shoes here: I like money, and I have yellow fever. What would I do if there existed a mythical land where even a burger flipper earned $500,000 a year and where all the women were Asian 10's with a penchant for giving up the goods for my white cock at the drop of a hat, and where all the men were a bunch of spineless, cowardly phaglets who protected neither their lands nor their women? Why, I would do exactly as these third worlders are doing: make my way there as fast as I can. So do I blame the immigrnants? Fuck no, they are just doing what's best for them.

So that just leaves the historically christian white people. They are the ones I despise with a passion. I have so much fucking contempt for them it's basically seeping out of my pores as I type this. What a bunch of despicable cucks. Has any people ever in the history of the world, committed willful, self-aware suicide? What's worse, these phags are crowing about it! "Oh lookie, we're being displaced in our own lands and will soon be minorities/slaves, oh how grand it will be!"

Sure, their minds have been poisoned by the aforementioned alien elites, but that is no fucking excuse. I received that very same programming growing up, but my brain immediately rejected it as a disgusting poison. The fuck are they telling me, that I should hate myself and worship "the other" due to my own people being successful and creating the modern world? Yeah, ok, cool story bro, now tell it again.

The propaganda is really not that convincing. Oh look, a Syrian boy washed up on a beach. Yeah, well, I don't care. It's sad but completely and utterly irrelevant. What about the thousands of boys and girls across the world who met various unfortunate ends today, whether dying of disease or cancer, or simple tragic accidents. Out of all those tragedies, the death of a boy whose family was invading my lands is the least tragic. Better that boy than 6 year old John who fell off a swing and broke his neck. Nobody is crying for John today, and I sure am not crying for the Syrian boy.

This is just basic common sense, and people across the world just get it. But white people seem to be missing that common sense that is so neccessary for survival. In fact, when you point out the common sense in very simple, articulate, and logical terms that their brains surely process and evaluate as true, they still spit this truth in your face and try to bury you for it. Well, fuck them. In they end, they will be the ones who are buried. I feel no sympathy for them, because like it or not, to paraphrase Te Nahisi Coates I and others like me, some on this very forum, are "people who others believe to be White" and by sinking this ship they're basically pulling us down with them. There are ways to mitigate this and I am trying them all, but it's fucking hard to escape the suction of an entire civilization plunging to the bottom of the abyss.

Fast Eddie, I agree with most of your post, with some exception. Because, do not believe the main-stream media, which try to paint you a picture like this: "Oh, look, European Whites have taken pity on these millions of migrants, they all cry because of the picture of this drowned boy"...

Because it is not true: we don't cry anymore... We had 3 polls in France yesterday (one in Le Figaro, one on RTL, on in LCI), concerning this picture, and people voted en-mass to say:
We don't care, it doesn't change anything for us and the way we see the "migrants", we don't have tears left for these invading people. That is the way ordinary White people think here. And that is why around 90% of (under 60 y.o.) Whites vote for the Right, in France. Leftist media are loosing their powers of persuasion: they have been lying for too long!!

Migrant invasion of Europe

Here’s my input specifically about the UK:

There’s not really “white Christian” identity left in UK. Christianity is done in the UK and has been irrelevant for a long time. We had school prayer when I was kid at school in UK, but nobody believed in any of it. If you take away religion as the unifier, then what’s left to unify people? Their race? There’s no unity within white British people – the Scots, English, Welsh have no love for each other. In fact, the Scottish National Party, which wants to break away from the UK won most of the seat in Scotland in the last General Election.

A lot of the ruling class of UK, either live in very wealthy parts of London, or in the countryside which is mostly white. In UK most of the ethnic minorities live in the cities so it doesn’t really affect them too much. They can relax in their country estates whilst the cities burn.

Many white people in UK are so PC nowadays that for a white person in the UK to have any pride in his race then he is considered a racist. The left wing whites are anti-American, pro-European and pro-Islam. Since when the fuck does Europe ever act in the best interests of the UK? European whites in countries like Sweden are 10 times more left wing than the ones in UK.

The last UK PM who was a patriot and put his country first was probably John Major, but he was a shitty PM overall. The current rulers of western Europe are pygmies compared to people like Margaret Thatcher.

I wonder how WW2 veterans feel about what’s happening to Europe after all the sacrifices they made?

Eastern Europe was the frontline for Christendom against the Ottoman Empire - the rulers there are very well aware of that and they don’t want to give over the lands of their ancestors to the “immigrants” just because some EU faggot said so.

I’m not white and I’m not Christian, but even I can see that the EU rulers are making Europe commit suicide.

Migrant invasion of Europe

I'm wondering, why is this happening now?? The civil war in Syria has been going on for 4 years...

Migrant invasion of Europe

^^Not sure about that. Like Going Strong said, nationalism is rising fast, particularly among the youth, and I suspect that within the next couple of cycles a shift can happen, especially if there's another recession, which is not impossible. All of the information I gather is that nobody except the chattering classes wants this shit.

That said - and this is going to be more controversial - this crisis is beginning to make me wonder whether our "liberal" democracy is a failure. The corruption is rampant, it is decaying both from above (special interest peddlers) and below (idiot voters), and the policies it is pushing is dooming its own people.


The Camp of the Saints is coming true before our eyes. I'm seriously now starting to wonder, at least in Europe, whether Starship Troopers is going to be next.

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Migrant invasion of Europe

Fascism in Europe isn't something new. Now with the European economies being quite weak, somebody will get the blame. In the 1930s the Jews and gypsies were blamed. Today, it will be non local people who will be blamed. Look at what happened in Yugoslavia in the 1990s. Too many different ethnic groups didnt mix well.
As for the rich gulf countries, Shame on them for not accepting more if any refugees. The concept of "ummah" for Muslims, doesn't really exist, if they cannot help a "brother". I lived in Qatar for 2 years. Met a few Syrians, great people. They have so much building going on, they can accept thousands of male refugees in a heartbeat and put them to work instead of accepting labourers from Pakistan, India, Nepal, phillipines etc. I must say that I admire Qatar for treating its people first and the expats as guests only. They get to keep their culture from being overrun by foreigners.
Europe, take the lead from Qatar and the gulf countries in treating your people first and all others as guests so you don't lose your cultural identity.
I wouldn't be surprised if geo-politics is influencing the Syrians to travel to Europe as opposed to the gulf Arab countries. Create anti American sentiment for their influence in the upheaval of the Middle East. Russia may have their hands all over this.

Migrant invasion of Europe

I've noticed that people in Eastern Europe have a completely different attitude to the crisis. Countries that have actually experienced poverty, war, and also hundreds of years of conflict with their southern Muslim neighbors are less inclined to welcome these people into their homes.

Meanwhile, Western Europe can't get enough of them. They simply don't feel the repercussions of their decisions yet. They barely work 4 days a week and have 6 weeks paid vacation. They literally live in Disneyland, and are extremely naive to a fault because of it.

Somehow they believe the "land" underneath the feet of the Syrians and Libyans is evil, and if only those people came here to live on top of our good European land, they would also be good [Image: tard.gif] and stop killing each other.

Worst case scenario: the welfare state will collapse trying to support the millions of migrants after a few decades. EU will split up, Russia will come in and occupy the east again. Not good.

Migrant invasion of Europe

The Gulf States are simply responding rationally. This in an invasion of cocks with some married women thrown in on the side and most of them are dregs. The Gulf States know these people will add nothing and destabilize their countries, and they aren't beset with liberal guilt.

The Syrians are traveling to Europe because...

1: To get to the Gulf States they'd need to cross through "Iraq" (read: ISIS territory).
2: They know that they'll be accepted and get free shit in Europe.

Doesn't seem that hard a decision to make.

Read my Latest at Return of Kings: 11 Lessons in Leadership from Julius Caesar
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Migrant invasion of Europe

Quote: (09-04-2015 06:06 PM)AFS Wrote:  

I've noticed that people in Eastern Europe have a completely different attitude to the crisis. Countries that have actually experienced poverty, war, and also hundreds of years of conflict with their southern Muslim neighbors are less inclined to welcome these people into their homes.

Meanwhile, Western Europe can't get enough of them. They simply don't feel the repercussions of their decisions yet. They barely work 4 days a week and have 6 weeks paid vacation. They literally live in Disneyland, and are extremely naive to a fault because of it.

Somehow they believe the "land" underneath the feet of the Syrians and Libyans is evil, and if only those people came here to live on top of our good European land, they would also be good [Image: tard.gif] and stop killing each other.

Worst case scenario: the welfare state will collapse trying to support the millions of migrants after a few decades. EU will split up, Russia will come in and occupy the east again. Not good.

That is light years away from being the worst case scenario. An industrial scale killing of the native men and raping of the native women via an ISIS writ large is the worst case scenario. On the spectrum of best to worst case scenarios, yours falls pretty close to the "best" end of that spectrum. If you're a white European that is.

Quote: (09-04-2015 05:11 PM)Going strong Wrote:  

Fast Eddie, I agree with most of your post, with some exception. Because, do not believe the main-stream media, which try to paint you a picture like this: "Oh, look, European Whites have taken pity on these millions of migrants, they all cry because of the picture of this drowned boy"...

Because it is not true: we don't cry anymore... We had 3 polls in France yesterday (one in Le Figaro, one on RTL, on in LCI), concerning this picture, and people voted en-mass to say:
We don't care, it doesn't change anything for us and the way we see the "migrants", we don't have tears left for these invading people. That is the way ordinary White people think here. And that is why around 90% of (under 60 y.o.) Whites vote for the Right, in France. Leftist media are loosing their powers of persuasion: they have been lying for too long!!

I am not at all optimistic. People have been saying the same thing for decades. At any rate, obviously it's not true that 90% of people under 60 vote for the "far" right, else the "far" right would be in power.

Migrant invasion of Europe

Welcome to the new Europe. [Image: lol.gif]

[Image: 1386684295455.png]

Migrant invasion of Europe

I have a Hungarian guest staying with me talking to me about this, she agreed with me mostly, except when I said 'its mostly men' she completely denied that and said' its women and children, I know, I've seen it all over the news, I'm Hungarian, I've seen it'

Then I open this thread and see hundreds of men invading Hungary, I think she needs to be shown this.

This stuff makes me angry, if I ever see mobs like that in my country, I say we team up with stormfront and the guys attacking refugee camps and deal with it ourselves. We all know our governments aren't going to.

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

Migrant invasion of Europe

fast Eddie, I want to give you a hug for that post.Fucking brilliantly written.

Migrant invasion of Europe

Quote: (09-04-2015 04:41 PM)Fast Eddie Wrote:  

The propaganda is really not that convincing. Oh look, a Syrian boy washed up on a beach. Yeah, well, I don't care. It's sad but completely and utterly irrelevant.

Agreed. A boy from Syria dies in Turkey, and its the fault of the British people?

Quote: (09-04-2015 04:41 PM)Fast Eddie Wrote:  

I'm trying to put myself in similar shoes here: I like money, and I have yellow fever. What would I do if there existed a mythical land where even a burger flipper earned $500,000 a year and where all the women were Asian 10's with a penchant for giving up the goods for my white cock at the drop of a hat, and where all the men were a bunch of spineless, cowardly phaglets who protected neither their lands nor their women?

[Image: a0133af6df8488abcb3bd3f0c2efd08e.jpg]

Take care of those titties for me.

Migrant invasion of Europe

Read the history of the 20th century. There is no limit to the stupidity of your average left wing liberal.

It's astonishing...yes that's the word... to watch this unfolding this. Watching the waves and waves of desperate poor people wash over entire european countries. Mind boggling. Like a sci-fi movie.

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