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Mr Finish 100 approach thread

Mr Finish 100 approach thread

How could I have done this differently?

I see a girl who I remotely know walking. I walk passed her, toss my coffee in recycle and turn around. We look at each other and I open.

Me:hey don't I know you from xxx?

Her: yes! What're you up to?

Me: had dinner, heading home, you?

Her: just finished my shift

Me: oh that's right, you work over at xxx

Blah blah ma bit more back and forth

She's short so I tease her about not being able to get on rides at amusement parks.
We're talking for a while, I ask who she lives with and mentions a boyfriend but doesn't go into it.
The conversation keeps flowing and she offers me a lift.

As we near my place, I totally am not sure how to close?
I don't have "other guy" game.

How could I have closed this one?

Mr Finish 100 approach thread

---I don't have "other guy" game.---

What is "other guy" game supposed to be, haha?
You could have told her:"Thanks for the lift, let me make u a coffee/tea real quick, I wanted to Show you xyz in my flat anyway." -Done.

This user has commited suicide

Mr Finish 100 approach thread

My logistics are bad and she has a live in boyfriend

Mr Finish 100 approach thread

fuck it. one girl you didn't finish. One potentially psycho boyfriend you didn't piss off.
your approaches are inspiring and impressive keep it up.

Mr Finish 100 approach thread

Hey Finish,

Just wondering, you mentioned zinc supplements...
what supplements are you taking? Pure zinc?
Also, what dosages are you taking? Just wondering

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. - Aristotle

A feeling of confidence does more for conversation than wit. =/= There are few women whose worth outlasts their beauty. =/= For a woman hell is old age. =/= A true friend is the most precious of all possessions and the one we take the least thought about acquiring. - La Rochefocauld

Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play. - Kant

Mr Finish 100 approach thread

Right now zinc picolinate 50mg.
I've heard zinc, magnesium and copper blend well too.
Thanks JT, I haven't been logging them as much but I'll catch up when I catch up on my work.
Past 2 weeks have been hard! Lots of blow outs haha

Mr Finish 100 approach thread

I'm walking with a friend down the street.
I spot two girls standing around and I tell my budduy to brace himself.

Hey, do you girls know what better between Mac and sephora? I need to get my sis a gift

Eager girl: I think sephora is better, they don't test on animals

Me: awesome, that's a plus. Where do you two go?

Both (looking at each other): sephora... Or target haha

Me: cool, I'll probably swing by sephora. Do you two often loiter in front of stores?

Reluctant girl: we're waiting for a show to start at xxxx

Me: nice, is he any good?

Both: yeah he's great.

Me: you two aren't from here, huh

Eager girl: we're here from all

Me: Cal poly?

Looking at each other: slo high

Me: oh, how old are you?

Them: 18!

Me: cool, you must be be popular girls. Can we sit with you?

Both laughing: you can sit with us

Things are going well but the standoffish girl pulls the eager friend away.


Mr Finish 100 approach thread

Haven't been updating this lately.

I'm walking down the street and notice a Hispanic girl staring at me.

I look at her in the eyes as I come her way.

Her: where's your smile.

Me: I left it at home.

Her: you looked different, everyone else is staring at their phones.

Me: I try not to. Do you have a light?

Her: yes, keep it

She tells me she's from Argentina and we talk about travel, Spanish and California.
Almost 20 minutes pass by and I'm late for a dinner.

Number close and move on

Mr Finish 100 approach thread

good post man, you have some good openers i might have to try a few.

Mr Finish 100 approach thread

Quote: (03-23-2016 12:53 PM)RexSB Wrote:  

good post man, you have some good openers i might have to try a few.

Indeed a nice thread.
I' m not sure how much of dayame applies to Germany. So far I've been only doing my approaches at night in bars and clubs. You are based in Germany? What are you impressions so far?

Mr Finish 100 approach thread

Quote: (03-23-2016 03:34 PM)kalimero Wrote:  

Quote: (03-23-2016 12:53 PM)RexSB Wrote:  

good post man, you have some good openers i might have to try a few.

Indeed a nice thread.
I' m not sure how much of dayame applies to Germany. So far I've been only doing my approaches at night in bars and clubs. You are based in Germany? What are you impressions so far?

I'll PM you. Im not trying to jack Mr Finishes thread.

Mr Finish 100 approach thread

Will be updating very soon

Mr Finish 100 approach thread

Ever get a chance to post your videos? And do you have any follow up on any future meetups with these girls, bangs, etc?

Mr Finish 100 approach thread

I haven't been on for a while but still approaching.
I'll be posting them every day again starting tomorrow
As far as follow up, I'm not where I want to be, that's why I welcome advice. I'll start showing our follow up interactions so I can get advice on how I might better proceed. Pm me if you want specifics on certain girls and how it turned out

Mr Finish 100 approach thread

I'm walking passed a bus stop and see two Japanese girls.
I pause and make it look like I'm waiting for the bus.
I get the feeling they're talking about me so I make a comment
Me: wow it's windy! (It's fucking windy).
Them: yes, it's so cold
Me. You girls look exotic... Are you from Japan?
They both nod.
Me: nice, going to school here?
They say they're studying English
Me: well you sound alright so far
They sort of giggle.
One of the girls bus comes and I sit next to the one left.
Me: what bus are you waiting for?
Her: a friend is getting me, you?
Me: xxxxx
Her: oh, so you go to school?
Me: yes. So how do you like it here?
Her: it's great! I love California
Me: yeah, great weather right? (It's cold and windy)
Her: haha well it's colder where I'm from
Me: where would that be?
Her: somewhere random in Japan*
Me: how about we check out xxxx sushi spot and you can tell me if it's authentic?
Her: that sounds good
I'm already holding out my phone
Number close but follow up

I bail on her the first 2 times because I had a lot of shit going on. She went radio silent from there.
For those who have asked, I'm going to post with follow ups. Let me know what I'm doing wrong here guys! (Besides flaking). I need all the help I can get. I'm trying to ditch night game except for special occasions or when I travel.

Mr Finish 100 approach thread

I wanted to bump this thread to see if we can get a status update on how you're doing bro. With it being the summer now and you living in a beach city I hope your game has improved and you have some awesome stories to tell.

Quote:[b]Bacchus Wrote:  
Your goal is sex, not a phone number. Numbers are worthless.
They are the lotto tickets of game.
They might occasionally produce a winner, but don't count on it.
If you are in Los Angeles and want to link up with me
and/or other members to do some approaches please contact me.Thanks.

Mr Finish 100 approach thread

I'm making my way through a shopping area and see an attractive blonde. I walk passed her and then turn around.

Do you know where I could buy some ray bans around here?
We chat for a while but she's on a break so I bail.

I see two Chinese girls coming out of a yogurt place.
Me: is that any good?
Them: yes it is
Me: where're you girls from?
Them: China, from Beijing
Me: oh, me too
They laugh and we get a conversation going, I get the better looking ones number and move on.

I'm making my way passed a coffee shop and spot a cute Latina
I open her and we start talking about where we're from. She said she has a be but I get the number (she later says in text that it's serious and she shouldn't have given me her number so I drop it).

I see a Hispanic milf go into a store, she's visibly older than I am but looks too good in heels and a dress to pass up. I stride passed her, ask a worker where I can find socks and head over to the milf.
I asked about her shoes and she said she couldn't remember where she got them. We get into what work she's doing here and how she commutes. Everything is fine until her sister comes over and flatlined the interaction so after trying to push through I just bounce.

I meet a girl who's a friend of a friend on the way back and we hit it off. She's about a blonde 7 and we insta date to a movie (that she pays for).
We're maligning out and escalating pretty well so this should follow up nicely the second time around.

More to come

Mr Finish 100 approach thread

Looking forward to some new posts, you got a great approaching method! One I will be trying to enact myself... [Image: smile.gif]

Great thread!

"You see, there are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity. Indeed that's what we provide in our own modest, humble, insignificant... oh, fuck it." -Monsieur Gustave H, The Grand Budapest Hotel.

Ketosis Datasheet
Diet Update #1

Mr Finish 100 approach thread

I've been approaching all summer
Have some stories to share coming soon

Mr Finish 100 approach thread

Looking forward to reading them.

Quote: (08-10-2016 05:07 PM)Mr Finish Wrote:  

I've been approaching all summer
Have some stories to share coming soon

Mr Finish 100 approach thread

I see a cute Irish chick about to walk past me

Excuse me

Her: yes?

Me: know where I can get a pizza around here

Her: it's my first day in town so I'm not sure

Me: are you in from Ireland?

Her: yes, how'd you know!?

Me: I have family from there

We start talking for a while and making each other laugh. She has an hour to kill so I have her escort me through the mall so I can meet up with my friends. I go in for the kiss but she seems hesitant (has a boyfriend) so I get her number and we make plans for another time.

I'm walking with a friend and I see a cute 19 yo with her friend outside of a pizza place.

Me: is this place any good?

Girls: yeah but it closes soon

Me: what did you guys get? They show me their pizza and offer me a slice.

This metal gate thing for the restaurant patio separates us but I don't want to be s tool and go around

Me: haha your names will do

They tell me. I switch my focus to the better looking one and ask how she can stand how cold it is with no sweater. I mention it always being warmer in Texas so I'm getting used to it (lie).

She seems interested and when I ask for her number the friends gives her an approving look. # close.

Hopefully I'll have more to report later today

Mr Finish 100 approach thread

I'm working in the library and see a girl in my class

I tell her to sit with me and we start talking, gradually getting more and more comfortable. I'm loquacious by nature and she seemed fascinated by my sheer lack of effort. My T levels are through the roof due to the abundance of coeds walking around too tight pants and revealing shirts.
I felt like a caveman to the point where I wanted to respond in grunts.

I quickly establish inside jokes, one involving a garrulous, bespectacled girl with asbergers.
Seemingly edgy, but I made it work.
I also made a joke about seducing our professor to gain access to the senior special at ihop.

We literally talk for 3 hours while studying.
I drop subtle value by greeting my prior bangs that walk by.

I slip her my phone on dial.
Surprised by the insouciance of my execution, she quickly puts it in.
She is currently texting me asking where I live. I'm playing it cool.
My bottom bitch was snapping on me today about "if I don't come by she'll forget about me"
I don't text back and she sends a nude 3 hours later saying "kidding"
And I have a new plate back in town who wants me to ram.

Did an approach with her waiting where I went to the nearby indoor coffee spot and chatted up a polish girl who asked if I'd be around same time tomorrow (when I plan on finishing the fragmented approach).

I have to make some drafts and cuts on my roster because with fall semester comes a new harem.

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