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Ideas/ things from the past that you wish still existed.

Ideas/ things from the past that you wish still existed.

Quote: (11-01-2018 10:02 AM)Alsos Wrote:  

Intellectual integrity. A sincere commitment to the truth and its honest pursuit, versus the thought-fads, ”consensus" parroting, shilling, bad-faith cherry-picking, gotcha-ism, malicious and tendentious misinterpretation, outrage-parsing, and all-around sophistry that passes for discussion on any topic nowadays.

Grown men behaving as such. Dressing appropriately for the occasion (meaning work clothes for work as much as "Sunday clothes" for more formal occasions). Being a leader in their family, business, and community - and if not a leader in the latter two, a productive follower or team member. Demonstrating emotional continence, self-restraint, and self-confidence. In contrast to loosely-termed men who wear basketball shorts and flip-flops in public, don't want the responsibility of leadership (or can't handle it) but peevishly resent and interfere with any other man taking it on, melt down or rage at the slightest provocation, and are generally insecure and indecisive man-children rather than adults.

People taking pride in their appearance, and that of their families, homes, neighborhoods, and communities. People of Sears-Roebuck vs. People of Walmart.

The idea that as citizens you work together to improve your community and country, rather than every tiny faction competing to wield power over all the others, and to destroy every person or institution that stands in the way. Practical, realistic caution and probity (Chesterton's Fence) over ignorant, malicious, and nihilistic "revolutionary" zeal or harebrained idealistic schemes for social regeneration that are so good they have to be implemented thru deceit or force.

Start a country under these ideals and I'll move there.

Ideas/ things from the past that you wish still existed.

[Image: fa-lightingcigar.jpg]

[Image: Free-Range-Parenting-copy.jpg]

Ideas/ things from the past that you wish still existed.

Yes children playing unsupervised. Children playing - not on ipads.

Optimism generally.

Ideas/ things from the past that you wish still existed.

Quote: (11-01-2018 11:57 AM)RedPillUK Wrote:  

Quote: (11-01-2018 12:02 AM)Higgs Bosun Wrote:  

Waging war where if you win you get to seize booty-literally. If you're fighting the enemy risking life and limb then if you win you get to bang the finest pussy the defeated tribe has to offer, this has always been the way of history. Versus today, where you can't so much as look at the conquered country's girls the wrong way after almost getting your legs blown off without being court martialed but (((banksters))) who never stepped foot near the battlefield are the ones who get to do the raping and pillaging off the back of your victory. It's like being cucked, really.

Out of everything in the past you wish still existed, you wish you could still violently rape women...

[Image: dodgy.gif]

[Image: gtfo.gif]

You GTFO with putting words in my mouth. Nowhere did I say anything about raping women violently or otherwise so miss me with your virtue signaling/projection. Structure the economic/judicial system of the occupied nation in the appropriate fashion and you'll have the conquered women throwing themselves on occupier cock like their life depends on it, no rape required.

Ideas/ things from the past that you wish still existed.

OK so you wish you could you rape women gently?

You're the one that said raping and pillaging, you also said seize booty literally, so I'm not putting words in your mouth at all.

Virtue signalling? You probably think you're dark triad and cool and I'm being a white knight and maybe I am in a way, but not to signal my virtue but because this forum has grown into a community and I would rather not associate with the types of 'men' that actually fantasize about raping women.

Only certain types of men do that and it says a lot about lack of character/morals/ethics and satisfaction with life, especially sexually.


I also shouldn't have to mention the fake controversy that has followed Roosh and all of us supporters for the last two years. We've literally been fakely characterised as a "pro rape group" in the MSM and you come along and post that shit like you're an undercover enemy agent trying to give the MSM real ammunition to use against us.

"Especially Roosh offers really good perspectives. But like MW said, at the end of the day, is he one of us?"

- Reciproke, posted on the Roosh V Forum.

Ideas/ things from the past that you wish still existed.

Ok, I'll be the bad guy here when it comes to the spoils of war. When Russia invaded Germany at the end of WWII, the Russians did a real number on the German women. Real brutal stuff. But you know what? I don't have any sympathy for the Germans. Those people got what they deserved. Those people were responsible for millions of deaths and a lot of them just looked the other way.

Ideas/ things from the past that you wish still existed.

Natural bush

[Image: 2gvv6m1.jpg]

Ideas/ things from the past that you wish still existed.

In the UK at least, although I believe it was true for the likes of the USA as well, the ability of a hard working man, in an ordinary job, to own his own home, and raise a family, on his wage only, whilst his wife remained at home, and to be able to retire on a proper pension at the end of it all.

Ideas/ things from the past that you wish still existed.

Quote: (10-31-2018 07:46 AM)Easy_C Wrote:  

If you can find that piece out n voting I'd be grateful. My own googling didn't turn it up.

Sorry for the late response. I just noticed your comment.

I went on a deep dive myself. All I was able to find from Coulter was some references from watchdog groups about something she wrote for the Observer referencing voting patterns and repeal the 19th type stuff. This made me think that maybe I mis-attributed the the piece. So, I looked for Michelle Malkin and a few others (I'm sure it was written by a woman). I've come up empty handed.

This was a fairly long-form piece. It broke down voting patterns for women starting just after 19th was passed. It showed both immediate, and then, longer trend divergence patterns between male and female voters. It also made comparisons between female voting patterns in the US vs. European countries. Sorry to hijack the thread, but if anyone knows what I'm talking about and can point me to a source, I would be very grateful.

Consolation prize - 2 pieces of analysis from Pew on Male vs. Female voting patterns, 2016



Currently out of office.

Ideas/ things from the past that you wish still existed.

Quote: (11-02-2018 04:15 AM)Nordwand Wrote:  

In the UK at least, although I believe it was true for the likes of the USA as well, the ability of a hard working man, in an ordinary job, to own his own home, and raise a family, on his wage only, whilst his wife remained at home, and to be able to retire on a proper pension at the end of it all.

This 100 times. And age gaps not being so frowned upon (maybe they always were, but it wasn't as hostile as today). I'm early 30s, no way am I settling down with a girl my age. 28 is the absolute limit. Absolute. 22-26 is the ideal for me. When I'm closer to 40, if I'm still single it'll be 24-28... with 30 as an absolute limit. I'm talking relationships here, not notches. 18-22 is still the best for notches, but I pretty much despise their personalities.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats. - H L Mencken

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