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Who REALLY Controls The US?

Who REALLY Controls The US?

I’ve read comments on RVF mentioning that whoever wins the US presidency is told by some people what’s up and what he’s allowed to do, and what “they” have on him.

Now I’m not a believer in any conspiracy theory or a member of the tin foil hate brigade…so in your opinion who REALLY controls the US, if there is such a thing outside of the executive government?

Do you think it’s specific rich individuals/families, banks, corporate conglomerates etc.? A combination, or none of them? Or does the President really have most of the power?

Who REALLY Controls The US?

People are controlled by the media. They are too weak-minded to make up their own minds on anything so they go with popular opinion regarding religion, politics, racism, discrimination, and sexism.

Most people who really enjoy life and live it to the fullest, have something in common; they rarely complain about anything. They walk their own path. They're cast-aways -- not wanting to lead nor be followed.

Who REALLY Controls The US?

The government plain and simple, they wield the power to initiate force and then you get corporations buying them out as best they can.

The more donations you make, the less you abide by the rules.

Who REALLY Controls The US?

Presidents, Prime Ministers and Dictators are selected, never elected. Voting is a charade to make people think they have choice.

Elite families of the world run the system we live in.

Our New Blog:

Who REALLY Controls The US?

Bankers and Corporations.

Among the most powerful of these is the Federal Reserve, which is a government protected monopoly.

Who REALLY Controls The US?

It's a complex, interlocking system. There isn't a small group which can meet in a room, but there's an elite 0.1% present in many spheres. Banking, corporations, media, politicians. Also, the intelligence agency/military nexus which took over after they offed JFK.

Dr Johnson rumbles with the RawGod. And lives to regret it.

Who REALLY Controls The US?

Not any one particular person, but rather the ghost in the machine of the government - its been set in motion, and moves forward on its own accord.

Although many people, like the president or the elite have power to sway the path of the machine, none of them will dare affect its motion because they have too much invested in it.

I like to think that the beauty of the US was that our religion was money - the US moved on because it provided the means to accumulate wealth and pass it onto your heirs. Then, with the financial crisis of 2008, and the inefficient banking, healthcare, educational, etc systems, the religion of money in the US is fading away. The new religion is liberalism - the US is no longer a place where you come to make money, but a place where you come to throw away your morals and do whatever the f*** you want. Anyone who questions that religion is marginalized.

Anyway, thanks for reading my short rant.

Who REALLY Controls The US?


Who REALLY Controls The US?

The democratic machine receives a small input from the electorate, and a large input from the political class (the two parties that always get in), and a large input from a group of corporate backers and lobbyists. The average legislator spends much more time amongst his party and those trying to lobby him than he does with "the common man". For this reason, swaying the electorate is merely a "cost of doing business" as opposed to "taking directions", and merely incidental to what the government actually does. This has already been well proven by the fact that the House and Senate frequently vote in completely different ways to public polls of the electorate.

The corporate backers and lobbyists are not 'corporations generally'. Some have invested well in access to the democratic machine, others have not. It is basically the same as a 'Royal Court', whereby the 'closer to the king' you are, the more power you wield. In the democratic system, this means the more closely interwoven you are in the democratic machine (connections and systems of favours), the more you are able to direct it's looting and compulsion away from you (or your company, or your special interest group, or those paying you), and towards other people.

This is how democracy actually works: it is not "every man has equal power because he has equal vote", it is cunning shepherds directing the sheep where they want them to go. Humans are unequal. Some are smarter, bigger, stronger, more cunning, more ruthless, and more ambitious than others. Democracy is simply a different system through which this inequality is expressed.

Who REALLY Controls The US?

“When you're born into this world, you're given a ticket to the freak show. If you're born in America you get a front row seat.”

- George Carlin

Who REALLY Controls The US?

Users RawGod and Se7en and their descriptions are probably closest to the truth. There are several interest groups in the U.S. that are not directly connected yet they often seem to work synergistically and to the common goal. In a way they are cogs in the machine. But what is a ghost in the machine that runs it all, and makes it look look it has a will of it own? Well, it is the only thing that all the groups have in common. Insatiable greed and desire for power.

Edit: There is evidence though that the elite that we are talking about are consciously working together to shape the world to secure their position, read Zelcorpion's posts for more details, he will probably chime in this thread as well. Also google about the concept of deep state.

Who REALLY Controls The US?

Money. Money controls the U.S.

Its that simple, there isn't a sinister group meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of every month. Its influence from interest groups.

Americans are dreamers too

Who REALLY Controls The US?

The jews?

Joke aside. I don't think that a government is run by a small group that can hide their true intention forever. Because someone would talk to some point. And look at all the lies politicians told but get discovers later.
For me its a complex system of money and interest. Big groups with money try to make influence. At the end you have also to please the media lynch mob because when the public turns against you, you kind of lost. Also the system is so complex by all those different influences that its kind of hard for a single man or group to make a real difference.

I remember those scene from the movei Nixon, where he talks with some students. And at the end the student protesters realise that even Nixon as President can not stop the system. Its kind of 1984 style. People want simple answer like this group controls it and this is why it is. But never underestimate the dynamics of complex system. At the end we see always a pattern but we are still not able to use this pattern do look into the future. Why? Because there is no real pattern, just a could be pattern we put over the things to make them more logical for us.

When you are in a position of power, you need to network, you need money and influence. And for this you are in favour for some people that come to you back later. But they are not the only ones. Like I said, dynamics change.

Who REALLY Controls The US?

From just a cursory view of the facts, one can conclude that Democracy doesn't exist. Take for example, the mass replacement level immigration that is now being forced on every European country. Nobody ever voted on this and no citizen can describe where these policies came from. The only thing that is ever discussed by the controlled media are silly things like gay marriage. Real issues that are actually important and decide the future of you and your children are forbidden topics. Democracy is actually a genius level system of totalitarian control. For centuries, the elites have been plagued with revolts and uprisings. The solution is to convince people that they are in control, because if they believe that they choose their government, they can't revolt against themselves. Problem solved. No more Spartacuses or Hannibals. The job of the media is to keep people dumb, entertained, and propagandized. I stopped voting a long time ago.

Rico... Sauve....

Who REALLY Controls The US?

Well I'm afraid that you can't really ask this question and AVOID any mention of conspiracy theories since they go hand in hand. A previous poster mentionned that the Federal Reserve is a Government protected institute... well the Federal Reserve is not even Federal... it is a privately owned company! So everytime you heard congress needing bailout money from FED, it was getting it from a Company. So who owns it? Well... that's when things start getting a little wacky

Who REALLY Controls The US?

You do with your vote of course

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Who REALLY Controls The US?

Quote: (07-02-2015 08:44 AM)heavy Wrote:  

You do with your vote of course

[Image: 130.gif]

Well it would be nice if that was the case. Of course even if your vote truly was the fount of government (by direct democracy perhaps), your share of control would be 1/318,000,000. You probably have more control over the weather.

Who REALLY Controls The US?

I think we're forgetting that game runs the world, not the system (eg government, media and leaders).

Think money, think lobbyists.

Who REALLY Controls The US?

Read Carroll Quigley and Antony Sutton - all their books - this will give you a better understanding of who THEY are.

Research who owns central banks like the US Federal Reserve. I'll save you the trouble - it is owned by local banks which in return are owned by private individuals making the Fed a private entity.

Those who control the supply and quantity of money sooner or later control the country. It is absolutely inevitable. But that game has been going on for centuries now.

The truly rich disappear from the Forbes list almost completely just as a junior member like Bill Gates will disappear while he transfers ownership of his company to a foundation that his family will continue to control tax-free. He pulls off a Rockefeller, just 100 times smaller.

I too once believed that it was just ineffective governments and corruption. That is until I read the books above, talked with high-net worth individuals who were laughing at my naive ideas. They were making fun of my blue-eyed perceptions that the Rothschilds are a small family that owns just a few billions. I even had the pleasure visiting the BIS in Basel / Switzerland. When I saw the mid-level manager with a map behind me of all the central banks that were in control of them I knew that what I read were not conspiracies.

Plus of all of it makes sense and you find out the real reasons for high-level assassinations. It is an old game that is being played. Even Julius Casar died mostly because he was about to end usury in Rome - he supposedly was not killed because he wished to become emperor for life.

But - ultimately whatever you believe in does not matter really. Even if you KNOW ALL OF THIS TO BE TRUE, then it matters little in your day to day life and the guys you meet. In the end you have to make money like any other man, go out and Game women like any other one and enjoy life as much as possible.

Who REALLY Controls The US?

She who wears the crown...and is sitting down.

[Image: George_W._Bush_toasts_Elizabeth_II_2007.jpg]

Who REALLY Controls The US?

Quote: (07-02-2015 08:04 AM)Sherman Wrote:  

Democracy is actually a genius level system of totalitarian control. For centuries, the elites have been plagued with revolts and uprisings. The solution is to convince people that they are in control, because if they believe that they choose their government, they can't revolt against themselves. Problem solved. No more Spartacuses or Hannibals. The job of the media is to keep people dumb, entertained, and propagandized. I stopped voting a long time ago.

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who think they're free"

Speaking of conspiracies (or lack there of), George Carlin makes a good point in this piece (starting at about 4:50). P.S., the black guy that's a complete shill was eventually jailed for corruption charges (Horace Cooper).

Civilize the mind but make savage the body.

Who REALLY Controls The US?

Its the Jews, stupid!
I know that is an oversimplification of course, as "the Jews" who run global banking, finance, media, cultural Marxism, international organized crime (drugs, child pornography, snuff films, organ harvesting) and the LGBT/SLW political agenda are a small, insular group of largely, secular, atheistic, international citizens whose only allegiance is to Israel and the almighty shekel. Also they arent genetically Jews either as are the Mizrahi or Sephardic Jews. They are largely descendants of Kazahk converts in the 8th century. So to avoid being branded as an anti-semite for disagreeing with Israeli foreign policy and the NWO, IMF, CFR, Bilderberg Group agenda. As Zelcorpion alleged, centuries of war, foreign debt, and political assassinations can all easily be traced to a very small group of cabalists. The same can be said of the 2008 finacial crash. The Bush administration and controlled media convinced most Americans that after 9/11 (day before the huge Pentagon budget ordered by overseeing committee) that the American way of life was under attack by Arab/Muslim terrorists . The fall of the WTC was just the first act of the draining of middle America's pockets by the orchestrated financial crash of Sept 2008, while "too big to fail" companies got propped up once again by taxpayers dollars, and Wall Street and the Bankers/Automotive/Insurance/Airline and the MIC and PIC all got a blank check. The people behind these machinations were not Arab or Muslim or even WASPS, they were orchestrated by people whose allegiance is to Zionism, Israel, usury, dollars, and world enslavement. Other parties involved were Sayanim and Shabbos Goy. To not see that the entire US govt.,political, economic and cultural system is run by a fraction of a percentage of International Ashkenazi "Jews" and their Goy helpers, you have not been paying attention to the worlds history for the last few millennium.

"Time will tell who are the real revolutionaries"-Robert Nesta Marley

Who REALLY Controls The US?


That's a LOT of energy the Jews are supposedly expending to create/defend a very small piece of territory. The Israeli's must feel very special when hearing that so many think, basically, that the entire world is run and managed for their edification...

Anyway, I've been to game parks that are bigger than Israel. People make way too much of a big deal over a very, very small area of semi and real dessert.

Who REALLY Controls The US?

Lizard people... Boooooooooooooo!!!!

'There is no world anymore, It's only corporations!' - Number 2

I'm one of the luckiest man alive, nothing in my life has been easy...

Who REALLY Controls The US?

Quote: (07-02-2015 02:44 PM)Bad Hussar Wrote:  


That's a LOT of energy the Jews are supposedly expending to create/defend a very small piece of territory. ...People make way too much of a big deal over a very, very small area of semi and real dessert.

Yeah, people with lots of money and dual-citizenships to a country that will not extradite them to anywhere. Carte Blanche to commit international crimes then retreat as a rich hero. Wanna hear about a small area of desert? Its called the Gaza Strip and 2 million Palestnians are living there in concentration camps in an 140 square mile enclosure. They have been there since 1967, providing a fresh supply of organs for the well established and exposed Israeli International human organ trafficking ring. Any other sarcastic remarks you would care to make?

"Time will tell who are the real revolutionaries"-Robert Nesta Marley

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