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Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Quote: (05-27-2015 02:47 AM)captndonk Wrote:  

What's the point of being a Marine?
Is it more or less stupid than to marry?

The point of being a soldier is you belief in sacrifice. You believe it's not your body or your own life that matters most, but principals and ideals that can only exist if we take action to bring them into the world.

Thank God there are men in this country who subscribe to this.

As far as the picture goes, if you we look at it without any kind of backstory it paints a pretty grim picture for the current state of marriage in America.

This couple is separated, looking in opposite directions, sad and downward, barely holding on to each other. The photo manages to retain their separate, individual identities apart from each other, but it's blurry how that will turn out.

Marriage should be a destruction of our individual identities (self-interest) for the good of the new Union (The One). This picture shows how doing that is deemed a horrific task nowadays, instead of one to be celebrated and embraced. Specifically, the task of him sacrificing and her surrendering.

I imagine a photo like this is such a hit with the public because it sees it and says, "Yes, that's exactly how it is!" Otherwise the picture would have no popularity.

I see nothing romantic or uplifting in this picture. If the couple were looking in the same direction or at each other, smiling, tears of joy, and all the rest it would qualify as showing marriage to be an uplifting event.

That guy better pray and pray hard.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Quote: (05-27-2015 08:10 AM)Onto Wrote:  

This picture shows how doing that is deemed a horrific task nowadays, instead of one to be celebrated and embraced. Specifically, the task of him sacrificing and her surrendering.

That might be their salvation.

Even the religious are hedonists in this society, seeking after their own benefit in all things, rather than giving themselves willingly for a righteous cause. Seeking after pleasure and your own benefit is the best way to lose them both. A friend of mine summed this up well recently:

seeking after pleasure as the goal of life is almost always the best way to lose it. You want to be happy with your kids? Don't subordinate your children to some lifestyle choice. Lots of children are viewed, even if it's only subconsciously, as pets. Expensive pets, which is why we see animals outnumber kids 4 to 1. Want a happy marriage? Embrace discipline and suffering first, and let your happiness flow from a shared life of virtue.

If both partners are willing to give up their claim on happiness, their demands upon each other, and learn to truly give themselves to the marriage, they might just discover the happiness that eludes so many.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Quote: (05-27-2015 08:10 AM)Onto Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2015 02:47 AM)captndonk Wrote:  

What's the point of being a Marine?
Is it more or less stupid than to marry?

The point of being a soldier is you belief in sacrifice. You believe it's not your body or your own life that matters most, but principals and ideals that can only exist if we take action to bring them into the world.

Thank God there are men in this country who subscribe to this.

So what are the principles and ideals behind the Iraq War?
Or the use of poisend ammunition?
film about the ammunition

Defending your homeland and people ist one thing, fighting all over the world in order to give a small group of people more power and more money is totally different. If you sacrifice yourself for this, this is a really sad story.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Well I for one think the picture is fantastic and I wish them much happiness. It demonstrates the traditional part of our society that is rapidly eroding and is constantly under attack.

The fact they held hands and prayed, opting not to see each other, demonstrating a very deep religious tradition IMO, is astounding given today's hyper-feminist society. One can only hope it is able to withstand the aggressive forces of feminism in our society that will attack this family once the picture is no longer viral.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Quote: (05-27-2015 09:07 AM)captndonk Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2015 08:10 AM)Onto Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2015 02:47 AM)captndonk Wrote:  

What's the point of being a Marine?
Is it more or less stupid than to marry?

The point of being a soldier is you belief in sacrifice. You believe it's not your body or your own life that matters most, but principals and ideals that can only exist if we take action to bring them into the world.

Thank God there are men in this country who subscribe to this.

So what are the principles and ideals behind the Iraq War?
Or the use of poisend ammunition?
film about the ammunition

Defending your homeland and people ist one thing, fighting all over the world in order to give a small group of people more power and more money is totally different. If you sacrifice yourself for this, this is a really sad story.

My response is about why someone would be a soldier. You aren't differentiating that concept from your own personal, political beliefs.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

I look at that photo and I see a deeply religious couple sharing an emotional moment as they start their life together. I've been to lots of weddings for these types of people, and there's never been anything insincere about it. Weddings always have photographers, of course there would be photos. They're not supposed to pray because a photo might be taken? And I'm sure they prayed leading up to the wedding as well, that somehow means they shouldn't pray to their Lord again at the moment of truth?

The term attention whoring gets thrown around way too easily here.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Quote: (05-27-2015 07:19 AM)PainPositive Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2015 04:25 AM)captndonk Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2015 03:55 AM)H1N1 Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2015 02:47 AM)captndonk Wrote:  

What's the point of being a Marine?

I suppose it gives you the opportunity to be a tough guy in the real world, rather than just on the internet.

Well, you let others use you as a tool to kill. And of course you take all the risks.
Even if they don't get hit directly or poisened they will have a good chance to get mental problems.

But of course you get a nice uniform and lots of propaganda movies which glorify you.

I'd tell you to tread carefully with how you to express your opinions but this is the internet... No accountability here.

Cool threat for a guy that promotes a 'PUA' service in EE, why not address the points if you disagree so passionately?

Quote: (05-27-2015 09:14 AM)Onto Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2015 09:07 AM)captndonk Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2015 08:10 AM)Onto Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2015 02:47 AM)captndonk Wrote:  

What's the point of being a Marine?
Is it more or less stupid than to marry?

The point of being a soldier is you belief in sacrifice. You believe it's not your body or your own life that matters most, but principals and ideals that can only exist if we take action to bring them into the world.

Thank God there are men in this country who subscribe to this.

So what are the principles and ideals behind the Iraq War?
Or the use of poisend ammunition?
film about the ammunition

Defending your homeland and people ist one thing, fighting all over the world in order to give a small group of people more power and more money is totally different. If you sacrifice yourself for this, this is a really sad story.

My response is about why someone would be a soldier. You aren't differentiating that concept from your own personal, political beliefs.

Sacrificing your body and life is something men have been doing since the beginning of time. For example, being a father is a sacrifice of the body and a man's ability to pursue his interests since he must now permanently be a provider. That is the greatest sacrifice. And all this rage about guys "stealing valor" is strange to me because in every clip the 'thieves' are being told "you didn't serve! you didn't earn that uniform!" but what's to earn? You sign up and they hand it to you. Developing your logic and thinking for yourself, then following through with your beliefs (based on the first two) are what makes men great.

There's a lot more going on in this photo than what appears. Instead of a picture showing a happy couple staring into each other's eyes and smiling while holding each other close, it's the complete opposite. The two look absolutely terrified to be getting married as if its some kind of punishment. What does their body language say? Neither is smiling or looking up, both are looking down and the girl is crying. Doesn't seem like a happy event to me. It looks like two innocent kids doing what they have been told is right, but in their gut something is wrong. Neither is able to articulate it, but the body doesn't lie.

The picture represents the psychological suffering of young people today. Neither male nor female knows how to think for themselves and neither is willing to put in the work to do so.

two scoops
two genders
two terms

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

I don't see anything gay or beta about this photo. A slim marine and a skinny, long-haired attractive woman getting married and praying to God.

Now if it was some neckbeard and a 300-pound ogre about to start their lives together, then it would be pretty laughable.

I'm not saying that it necessarily deserved to go viral, but there's no reason to hate on it.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Power of positive thinking bonus for this thread.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Quote: (05-27-2015 03:59 AM)Lizard King Wrote:  

He's entitled to his opinion. No need to be immature about it.

We're meant to be men discussing things in a sensible manner. Encouraging school yard type insults is not masculine.

Apologies. Roosh gave me a warning for it.

What I said was intended to be a joke that Cr33pin wasn't supposed to follow, and both members were supposed to laugh it.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Quote: (05-27-2015 10:00 AM)NomadofEU Wrote:  

There's a lot more going on in this photo than what appears. Instead of a picture showing a happy couple staring into each other's eyes and smiling while holding each other close, it's the complete opposite. The two look absolutely terrified to be getting married as if its some kind of punishment. What does their body language say? Neither is smiling or looking up, both are looking down and the girl is crying. Doesn't seem like a happy event to me. It looks like two innocent kids doing what they have been told is right, but in their gut something is wrong. Neither is able to articulate it, but the body doesn't lie.

The picture represents the psychological suffering of young people today. Neither male nor female knows how to think for themselves and neither is willing to put in the work to do so.

Dude, no.

If you've never been religious before I can understand (sort of) how you'd miss this but your interpretation is completely backwards. In ordinary Christianity it's tradition to bow your heads when you pray as a sign of respect to the God you're communicating with, and to speak with solemnity.. That's why they're looking down without gigantic smiles on their face.

The girl is crying because of overwhelming emotion of the moment, but it absolutely doesn't mean she's getting traumatized here.

They're looking away from each other because they're hiding around a corner so that he doesn't accidentally lay eyes on her, per the tradition.

The analysis you're doing here is like taking a freeze frame of a television announcer, and assuming he's drunk on the job because his eyes are half-closed in the still shot.

Check out my occasionally updated travel thread - The Wroclaw Gambit II: Dzięki Bogu - as I prepare to emigrate to Poland.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Quote: (05-27-2015 10:58 AM)aphelion Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2015 10:00 AM)NomadofEU Wrote:  

There's a lot more going on in this photo than what appears. Instead of a picture showing a happy couple staring into each other's eyes and smiling while holding each other close, it's the complete opposite. The two look absolutely terrified to be getting married as if its some kind of punishment. What does their body language say? Neither is smiling or looking up, both are looking down and the girl is crying. Doesn't seem like a happy event to me. It looks like two innocent kids doing what they have been told is right, but in their gut something is wrong. Neither is able to articulate it, but the body doesn't lie.

The picture represents the psychological suffering of young people today. Neither male nor female knows how to think for themselves and neither is willing to put in the work to do so.

Dude, no.

If you've never been religious before I can understand (sort of) how you'd miss this but your interpretation is completely backwards. In ordinary Christianity it's tradition to bow your heads when you pray as a sign of respect to the God you're communicating with, and to speak with solemnity.. That's why they're looking down without gigantic smiles on their face.

The girl is crying because of overwhelming emotion of the moment, but it absolutely doesn't mean she's getting traumatized here.

They're looking away from each other because they're hiding around a corner so that he doesn't accidentally lay eyes on her, per the tradition.

The analysis you're doing here is like taking a freeze frame of a television announcer, and assuming he's drunk on the job because his eyes are half-closed in the still shot.

Ya, girls cry about literally everything.

It's the guy who should be crying.

I'm the King of Beijing!

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral


The girl is crying because of overwhelming emotion of the moment, but it absolutely doesn't mean she's getting traumatized here.

I never said anything about traumatized, I simply said it didn't look happy.


They're looking away from each other because they're hiding around a corner so that he doesn't accidentally lay eyes on her, per the tradition.

The posturing of the bride and groom is symbolic of the current state of marriage. I don't know these two people so I won't speak to the literal truth of their circumstance. Yes, literally they are said to be abiding by a tradition so they don't see each other. If the pretext is omitted and we're left with only the photo, what are we left to assume? That's what I am speaking to.

two scoops
two genders
two terms

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

People on this thread overthink this way too much.

Just wish them a happy marriage and prepare yours (lol just kidding about the last part).

The End.jpg

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Quote: (05-27-2015 09:07 AM)captndonk Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2015 08:10 AM)Onto Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2015 02:47 AM)captndonk Wrote:  

What's the point of being a Marine?
Is it more or less stupid than to marry?

The point of being a soldier is you belief in sacrifice. You believe it's not your body or your own life that matters most, but principals and ideals that can only exist if we take action to bring them into the world.

Thank God there are men in this country who subscribe to this.

So what are the principles and ideals behind the Iraq War?
Or the use of poisend ammunition?
film about the ammunition

Defending your homeland and people ist one thing, fighting all over the world in order to give a small group of people more power and more money is totally different. If you sacrifice yourself for this, this is a really sad story.

Justification for the Iraq War.

The problem with the present state of affairs is two-fold; first (and most importantly) we have no victory conditions. The war is perpetual, because we have no definition of it being won.

The second is the 'spread democracy' bullshit; the idiotic premise that you can attack a country for their own good (or that democracy even is a good in the first place - note that America started out as a Republic, not a democracy). This prevents the soldiers from using effective tactics - sacrificing them on the alter of Democracy - and since democracy isn't a thing but a process, it also prevents the war from ever being won.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Quote: (05-27-2015 01:34 AM)Cr33pin Wrote:  

I would like to hope this marriage last and they stay happy til they are old and grey. The world still has happy couples that stay in love and make it.... not as many as back in the 50's and 60's like your grandparents. The manosphere seems to only focus on and point out the bad in relationships. But there are still some happy couples out there who stay married and stay in love with each other and raise their kids together. Not everyone was built for the player lifestyle and thats a good thing. It takes all kinds of people to run the world. Imagine if everyone was a jacked smooth talking playboy that didn't believe in marriage... the world would be a fucked up place.

Sometimes I think there are a lot of jaded guys in the "manosphere" that only wish to see and point out the bad in the world....
That's a great picture.

Military marriages often have the most stress, with multiple deployments
long hours and constant moving around from station to station.

And yet, the focus on family and coming home is exactly what motivates many good soldiers to fight and support their family.

You can marry the right person or the wrong person. However
that's all part of the game and the choices you make.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Maybe they're crying because he just got back from deployment, they just tied the knot, but he also just found out she was banging some other dude while he was gone. Who knows?

If only you knew how bad things really are.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Quote: (05-27-2015 12:51 PM)Apollo21 Wrote:  

That's a great picture.

Military marriages often have the most stress, with multiple deployments
long hours and constant moving around from station to station.

And yet, the focus on family and coming home is exactly what motivates many good soldiers to fight and support their family.

You can marry the right person or the wrong person. However
that's all part of the game and the choices you make.

Good point. I remember going to a wedding some-five years ago in the middle of the winter during a blizzard. The groom, a marine, had literally just gotten back from wherever he was deployed just minutes before the ceremony. Talk about stress.

Quote: (05-27-2015 01:17 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  

Maybe they're crying because he just got back from deployment, they just tied the knot, but he also just found out she was banging some other dude while he was gone. Who knows?


Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Quote: (05-27-2015 01:17 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  

Maybe they're crying because he just got back from deployment, they just tied the knot, but he also just found out she was banging some other dude while he was gone. Who knows?

This happens all the time and is responsible for many military suicides. I dont recommend marriage to anybody that is serving.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Quote: (05-27-2015 01:31 PM)Goldhawkstar Wrote:  

Quote: (05-27-2015 01:17 PM)RexImperator Wrote:  

Maybe they're crying because he just got back from deployment, they just tied the knot, but he also just found out she was banging some other dude while he was gone. Who knows?

Yup - the 7 Army Values are great virtues when dealing with men, but terrible when being in a LTR with a woman.

Think more like Conan the Barbarian when your wife is concerned instead like Captain America. According to some more faithful military women 80%+ of the young wives fuck around their deployed husbands.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Quote: (05-27-2015 12:55 AM)JungleGeorge Wrote:  


A North Carolina photographer captured a special moment between a bride and groom at their wedding near Canton, N.C. on Saturday.

Dwayne Schmidt's picture shows U.S. Marine Corps Cpl. Caleb Earwood and Maggie Earwood praying and holding hands from around a corner, in an effort to avoid seeing each other before the ceremony.

"We were about to take our first steps in life together, and we didn't want to take a step without it being in God's will," Caleb Earwood, 21, told

"I have photographed a lot of weddings. This has to be one of the best things I have ever got to see much less photograph. Before the ceremony and before they saw each other Caleb said a prayer for their marriage and lives. AWESOME!!!" Schmidt wrote on the Facebook post on May 23, which has more than 6,078 shares and over 38,000 likes.

The couple grew up in Asheville and were high school friends, they told They started dating two years ago.

Caleb is stationed at Camp Lejeune and has been in the Marines for three years but they both plan to live in Jacksonville, N.C.

Pics of couple:

[Image: 34fik9z.jpg]

Looks like a damn good shot. Photographer got a pretty symbolic and emotional moment. He'll probably get a shit load of business from this picture so good for him.

As for the interpretation: looks like a typical picture of a religious boy serving saying a prayer with his bride-to-be. She's showing standard female emotion typical of nuptials.

It's viral because it's quintessential clickbait. Americans glorify military service, wedding ceremonies, and Hollywood-esque romance. This picture has got all the elements present to pluck on the heart strings of a typical American. Makes girls coo and get their little emotional high by living vicariously through social media and safely go back to living their degenerate narcissistic lives like nothing ever happened yet still feeling good about themselves. Keeps betas in-line by perpetuating the idea that marriage is still worth it, "chivalry" pays off, and being a provider/man-in-uniform is the path to success

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Good picture, but I don't see why it went viral.

Either way, good luck to these people.

I will be checking my PMs weekly, so you can catch me there. I will not be posting.

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

I'd be crying too mate

Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

Moments before this shot was taken, they found out they're related.

I kid. Good on them, dude's a marine following tradition, I can respect that.


Emotional photo of Marine and bride praying goes viral

I don't have any emotional response to the uniform, but otherwise the picture is endearing. A devout couple would treat a marriage as a union between them AND God, and from the photo and the brief backstory I'd like to believe they are in earnest. Rather than asking for permission, like some posters here seem to suggest, it seems to me they are reflecting upon the significance of the union between all three parties. Why not go into a marriage with a serious appreciation for the responsibilities involved?

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