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Prostitute Murders Google Exec And Will Only Serve About Three Years

Prostitute Murders Google Exec And Will Only Serve About Three Years

Quote: (05-19-2015 07:55 PM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

You guys don't know much about drugs.

It is very common to OD from heroin.

This wasn't murder of any kind, and it only even got charged as manslaughter because the deceased was white and wealthy and the other junky at the scene happened to be a hooker and the case made headline news.

So Mr Google guy likes to hire hookers, he likes when they bring party favors. He probably normally does coke or meth, and after getting into vicodin and oxys (helpful for the comedowns from uppers) decides he wants to up his game and try out smack. He probably hadn't done it more than once or twice before. Maybe he had only smoked it, which is far less potent. So he decides to try smack IV for the possibly first time, and since he is a pussy he has the hooker inject him. The combination of his low tolerance with a potent batch of heroin produced an overdose. The person who saw him overdose decides to get the fuck out and run. This happens everyday all across the USA. It rarely ever results in any kind of prosecution.

[Image: wtf.jpg] - Likelyhood of an overdose - NIH review of heroin overdose frequency

Chances are if you die from heroin it's because the dosage was way too high, there was another major drug interaction or it was tampered with. Based on the story it doesn't sound like there were any other drugs involved.

Vice-Captain - #TeamWaitAndSee

Prostitute Murders Google Exec And Will Only Serve About Three Years

Quote: (05-19-2015 08:11 PM)Gmac Wrote:  

Quote: (05-19-2015 07:55 PM)VolandoVengoVolandoVoy Wrote:  

You guys don't know much about drugs.

It is very common to OD from heroin.

This wasn't murder of any kind, and it only even got charged as manslaughter because the deceased was white and wealthy and the other junky at the scene happened to be a hooker and the case made headline news.

So Mr Google guy likes to hire hookers, he likes when they bring party favors. He probably normally does coke or meth, and after getting into vicodin and oxys (helpful for the comedowns from uppers) decides he wants to up his game and try out smack. He probably hadn't done it more than once or twice before. Maybe he had only smoked it, which is far less potent. So he decides to try smack IV for the possibly first time, and since he is a pussy he has the hooker inject him. The combination of his low tolerance with a potent batch of heroin produced an overdose. The person who saw him overdose decides to get the fuck out and run. This happens everyday all across the USA. It rarely ever results in any kind of prosecution.

[Image: wtf.jpg] - Likelyhood of an overdose - NIH review of heroin overdose frequency

Chances are if you die from heroin it's because the dosage was way too high, there was another major drug interaction or it was tampered with. Based on the story it doesn't sound like there were any other drugs involved.

I don't think your information is very good.

Did you read the sources you linked to?

The first one is a 16 year old inaccurate blog post by a guy that sells books on his particular addiction theories, the second one is generic info about symptoms of heroin overdose.

Heroin is now much more potent and cheaper than it was in the 1990s. Overdoses from just heroin are averaging one a day in Connecticut alone.

Overdoses sometimes happen when there is a potent batch and someone gets more than they intended. Sometimes they happen when a junky who has been clean in county jail for a couple weeks gets out and immediately takes the dose he was previously taking and ODs, as his tolerance has disappeared. They can also happen when the heroin is spiked with things like fentanyl to make more potent.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

Prostitute Murders Google Exec And Will Only Serve About Three Years

Quote: (05-19-2015 02:56 PM)Quintus Curtius Wrote:  

Alix Tichelman was sentenced to serve only six years for the death of a male Google executive aboard a yacht.

Look at the eyes of this woman. I see pure evil.

Apparently she deliberately injected him with a poisonous substance (heroin).

Shockingly, according to the BBC, she'll likely only serve 3 years. And with credit for "time already served", that goes down to little more than a year and a half.

Unbelievable. Regardless what we think of the victim here, the fact is that a murder charge was pleaded down to a ridiculously mild sentence.

One wonders what would the sentence have been if a man had done the same to a woman.

The main problem lies in the following:

A. prostitute kills a man Google exec: gets 3 years in jail

95% of brainwashed masses of population
consider that "the man was to blame, why was he hanging out with
a prostitute, he should have foreseen the future and know that she is dangerous..."

B. man kills a prostitute: he gets lifetime in jail

100% of brainwashed masses of population
consider that "the man was to blame, what a piece of shit murderer,
he should be executed by lethal injection, we need
to get rid the planet from such monstruous creatures like men,..."

So no matter what happens, the man is always to blame.

This way of thinking is the most dangerous and the most hurting
all men

Prostitute Murders Google Exec And Will Only Serve About Three Years

Quote: (05-19-2015 03:58 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

He let a prostitute give him a shot of heroin.

His death was his own fault.

Right here, this exact kind of thinking is what is
creates the most destruction into masculinity worldwide.

Even when men are murdered, so many of the masses
still blame the men.

Practically the men should have all the responsibility including
foreseeing the future, while women are totally
without any responsibility.

If man kills woman: "man is guilty, he should be executed by
lethal injections"

If woman (in this case a prostitute) kills a man,
also "the man was the guilty one, she should have not
hanged out with prostitutes, him dying is that he got
what he deserved"

Remind me of this famous paraphrase:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for my me --
and there was no one left to speak for me.

Prostitute Murders Google Exec And Will Only Serve About Three Years

That's one crazy looking biatch.

He should've known to stay away from her.

(Would conjugal visit bang).

Prostitute Murders Google Exec And Will Only Serve About Three Years

I really think this is a tad alarmist. I wouldn't try to make this about the public conspiracy against men/for women - this is really just a degenerate guy who hired sex workers and did heavy hitting illegal drugs and it ended up being the death of him. It's not like the hooker tied him down and forced cyanide into his veins. Vegas odds that he willingly wanted to do it and was perfectly okay with her shooting him up. Manslaughter - 3 years. Makes sense to me.

Prostitute Murders Google Exec And Will Only Serve About Three Years

The thing is, how do you prove the prostitute acted with intent to kill? You cannot call it murder until you do.

At most, it's negligence for not calling 911 after he OD'd.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Prostitute Murders Google Exec And Will Only Serve About Three Years

[Image: 20150520-4ABB480E753BABE5-0-0-158E8807-8...57384.jpeg]

When a man kills a woman, nobody is finding excuses for him,
and he is very often sent to the electrical chair or to the lethal injection without much thought, even when it is proved (after he is executed) that he was innocent.

There are lots of books with hundreds
of examples of innocent men executed in USA,
especially from the 70s, 80s and 90s when DNA testing was not widespread.

But when a woman kills a man, everyone men and women alike,
are trying to protect her and find something wrong with the victim
who is dead and cannot even defend himself.

It cannot even get more wrong than this [Image: sad.gif]

Prostitute Murders Google Exec And Will Only Serve About Three Years

Quote: (05-22-2015 01:44 PM)magicone Wrote:  

[Image: 20150520-4ABB480E753BABE5-0-0-158E8807-8...57384.jpeg]

When a man kills a woman, nobody is finding excuses for him,
and he is very often sent to the electrical chair or to the lethal injection without much thought, even when it is proved (after he is executed) that he was innocent.

There are lots of books with hundreds
of examples of innocent men executed in USA,
especially from the 70s, 80s and 90s when DNA testing was not widespread.

But when a woman kills a man, everyone men and women alike,
are trying to protect her and find something wrong with the victim
who is dead and cannot even defend himself.

It cannot even get more wrong than this [Image: sad.gif]

Do you even know what happened in this case at all?

He was into hookers and drugs. He had a hooker inject him with drugs. He died. No crime in my mind except stupidity. All drugs should be legal. If you want to use an IV drug and ask someone to inject you, and then you die, you weren't murdered. You just made a very reckless choice and paid for it with your life.

You talk about it like she broke into his house at night while he was sleeping and brutally murdered him with an axe for shits and giggles.

This isn't about feminism or pussy pass or anything like that. In fact, the typical result would be for the person who injected the dead drug user to not be prosecuted at all, whether they were man or woman. A manslaughter conviction is kind of excessive, and only happened because of the publicity the case got.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

Prostitute Murders Google Exec And Will Only Serve About Three Years

I don't think manslaughter was excessive, she should have called 911. That's negligence especially since he was her client. All professionals have an obligation for basic minimum care to their clients.

Contributor at Return of Kings.  I got banned from twatter, which is run by little bitches and weaklings. You can follow me on Gab.

Be sure to check out the easiest mining program around, FreedomXMR.

Prostitute Murders Google Exec And Will Only Serve About Three Years

ok let´s compare to what happens when a man does the manslaughter,
totall accidentally, by hitting with his car without any intention, some

15 years sentence for a man who does accidental unintentional manslaughter...

On average, men receive 63% longer convictions than women,
for the exact same crimes...:

If you're a criminal defendant, it may help—a lot—to be a woman.

Prof. Starr's recent paper, "Estimating Gender Disparities in Federal Criminal Cases," looks closely at a large dataset of federal cases, and reveals some significant findings. After controlling for the arrest offense, criminal history, and other prior characteristics, "men receive 63% longer sentences on average than women do," and "women are…twice as likely to avoid incarceration if convicted."

This gender gap is about six times as large as the racial disparity that Prof. Starr found in another recent paper.

Prostitute Murders Google Exec And Will Only Serve About Three Years

Thread here takes the usual pattern:

-News story posted and directly linked to themes of feminism
-Some forum members jump on the bandwagon and reiterate the female privilege connotations as relevant.
-A forum member or two deciphers what I would consider the red pill truth (guy used a hooker, let her inject him, earned his own death). VolandoVegoVolandoVoy, your posts are full of truth.
-We then get to see that the female privilege theme is irrelevant in this situation.
-Thread reluctantly (but at least justifiably) moves on to the fairness of the sentence for the convicted.

Look, there are men doing stupid shit now the same as 100 years ago or 1000 years ago. If stupidity and lack of care got you killed, it wasn't because of some feminist movement or female privilege. As far as I can tell, her only crime was likely walking away.

Failing to see situations like this clearly are detrimental side effects of reading into the manosphere's anti-feminism themes too much. No matter how much we discuss the fairness in her sentence, it will remain irrelevant in light of his tragic death.

Prostitute Murders Google Exec And Will Only Serve About Three Years

Good posts cobra and VVV. Yes this guy was an idiot. Title of the thread is clickbait. Leave this level of critical thinking to the feminists.

Prostitute Murders Google Exec And Will Only Serve About Three Years

This article which is on the front page of reddit may have been a better original post:

Prostitute Murders Google Exec And Will Only Serve About Three Years

Quote: (05-25-2015 06:53 AM)magicone Wrote:  

ok let´s compare to what happens when a man does the manslaughter,
totall accidentally, by hitting with his car without any intention, some

15 years sentence for a man who does accidental unintentional manslaughter...

On average, men receive 63% longer convictions than women,
for the exact same crimes...:

WTF? How is that "accidental unintentional manslaughter"??? I suggest you read the article you linked to.

That worthless sack of shit ran over 3 13 year old girls and fled the scene. He also was driving on a suspended license because 3 months before he had a DUI hit and run.

I guarantee you that he was drunk again when he killed those 3 girls. He wasn't caught until 3 days later though, so that could never be proven.

He is lucky he got away with only 15 years.

For a triple DUI murder hit and run while on a suspended license, I think the appropriate sentence should be roughly equal to 2nd degree murder with aggravating factors: 25 years to life.

For you to compare the murder of 3 young girls by a drunk asshole to the google guy who was shooting heroin with a hooker and Darwined himself is completely unreasonable.

"Me llaman el desaparecido
Que cuando llega ya se ha ido
Volando vengo, volando voy
Deprisa deprisa a rumbo perdido"

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