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Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money?

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money?

Money is not a replacement for game. I know plenty of successful doctors and business people making 300-500K a year who hardly get any pussy. Vast majority are average looking. They are crippled with approach anxiety and occasionally luck into a girl here and there through social circle. These guys use lavalife, go speed dating, buy tables at the club and yet don't consistently nail any bitches. A lot of rich guys just can't get it done.

Money matters, no doubt. Makes a big difference, IF you have enough game to get girls without it. It will take you to new heights. But if you can't get girls in the first place, money may or may not help from what I've seen. Mo' money, mo' bitches is only true for guys like us here on the forum.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money?

Quote: (05-25-2011 02:04 PM)Giovonny Wrote:  

Having money makes things easier. Being good looking makes things easier. Having Game makes things easier.

1 out of 3 is ok

2 out of 3 is better

3 out of 3 is best!

having game do not makes things easier....infact you have to put lots of effort in order to get the game in right direction....on the other hand looks and money does not demand YOU to actually involve ...they are your weapons.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money?

I also believe women see Rich Men as having VALUABLE sperm. They know if you knock them up that's 18 years of child support payments for them. The more money the guy has the more money those payments will be.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money?

Another thing about mentioning travel is that it gets you more "illusion of having money" than you really have.

Since many chicks do not travel, except to the same common/popular places...many do not know too much about the costs and how to find deals. Hell, I remember during the early 2000's that flying from DC to Brazil was $430 round-trip. We were staying at these apartments where the owners gave us good rates because we were going so often.

Some chicks are like "wow Brazil?...and you went for a week?" They are thinking thousands of dollars spent when you KNOW you only busted up a grand or $1500.

Hell, one Brazil flight actually had a stop in Venezuela. I extended the layover to 3 days and went to Brazil after that. The average chick thinks "money" since they do not know about "niche" travel agents and the such.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money?

It’s funny how in college, the x-factor that can attract girls in most scenarios – is this same thing, money. But it’s the PARENT'S money that attracts them most of the time (since nobody is self sustaining yet)

So you have frat bros with wealthy parents (usually gameless – usually not much to offer in terms of looks), who reap rewards. Yet by having everything handed to them in life, none of these guys are CEO material, and very few of them can match the desire had by someone like me who - grew up in the suburbs (one of extremely low quality) where drugs were all over the place, and where my parents had to work treacherous blue collar jobs so I could grow up and get a high quality education.

For anyone in a situation where the odds are stacked against you, you just have to use it as motivation – if it doesn’t work out, then fuck it, keep trying. If you look at a lot of the rich single guys in the US today, most come from upper-middle class/wealthy backgrounds and never had to suffer and scrape up to wealth status from almost nothing. You will see a lack of alphas and a bunch of pussies. Just my opinion. I am competitive by nature, so maybe the analysis goes too far...

If I ever have children some day (hopefully male), the one thing I will never do is spoil them. I will do the opposite. Keep them humble, show them life (gaming women) has more to do with suffering through struggles, learning, and always being hungry - then it is about having shit given to you and taking hand outs (something that has become a cultural trait in this welfare state of a country)

Sometimes I break it down like this. the x-factor in a man’s mind for a female is fuckability (reproduction). Period.

The x-factor in a woman’s mind for a man is money (security in the modern world).

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money?

Honestly, I don't see how money matters that much. Maybe because I'm 23 and recently out of school but...

Clothes: I love 'em, but you can still spend a lot, and it won't come out to more than a couple grand a year.
Decent apartment in good location: Probably the most relevant. But once she's inside, does it matter? She might judge the location I guess.
Car: Girls are into me long before they've seen my car. And I'm in a place where a $60k car is hardly remarkable. So unless you're going to spend $100k+, I doubt it'll make much difference. Then again, I don't run in circles where the girls care that much.
Watch: Get a fake.
Drinking: Yeah it helps not to worry about buying drinks, getting bottle service. Bring a flask.

If I earned, 20-30k more per year, I don't see how I'd be living much differently.


It’s funny how in college, the x-factor that can attract girls in most scenarios – is this same thing, money. But it’s the PARENT'S money that attracts them most of the time (since nobody is self sustaining yet)
In college, money alone isn't much. But some guys had money and backgrounds that put them in the right networks, eg top fraternities that mix with the hottest girls. Plus a bit of cockiness, and their social calendars are hardly lacking. A few girls would hunt down the sons of billionaires, but otherwise money is only as good as the connections it gets you. My friend's frat had a billionaire's son, and he wasn't slamming hotties regularly.

My question to you guys: Say you're earning $70k a year. What would you be doing differently with an extra $25k per year? Or $50k, $100k?

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money?

@Basilransom: I would contend that for many young guys, money matters less. As has been stated several times in this thread, cash is essential for success in the long-term game. You might not need that $25k bump now, but you'll probably want it when you hit 40 or so. The older you get, the harder it is to work on a budget with women. If you still want reliable access to younger women at that age, you'll need more cash than you had when you yourself were in your early twenties(or you could expatriate-whichever one).

Also, increases in cash flow make less of a difference at more pedestrian levels-there might not be much of a difference between a guy making $50k and $75k.

Once you start approaching the upper-middle class income levels, however($125k+, or perhaps slightly more or less depending on where you live), things become a little clearer. Many women, when it comes to approaching guys in their late twenties/early thirites, get pretty good at sussing out where you stand on the socio-economic ladder and seem to make it a priority. If they can tell that you're anywhere near that upper-middle class level of income(roughly bottom six figures or more), it makes a difference and does work in your favor(you're a suitable "meal ticket" for them).

As Tom Leykis says-golddiggers are not a rarity. They're the norm.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money?

Sounds like a lot of us have to make some more time to hit the gym.

side note: I went to a *cough "unique" club last night, and I noticed this Jabba the Hut looking freak with what I think could be considered 8s, because she was flaunting the cash and everything about "her/him" screamed she had plenty of it.

Somebody get it in writing, quick!

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money?

Think of it this way:

Cash flow helps and it smooths the way. But you might not always have it.

Game learned through years of practise will always stay with you regardless of other factors.

"A flower can not remain in bloom for years, but a garden can be cultivated to bloom throughout seasons and years." - xsplat

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money?

Game will never top wealth................its just the way it is.

Even beta males with money will win in the end.............

"The biggest mistake I ever made was being fearful of losing someone. One should never be afraid of losing a girl" El Diablo

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money?

Quote: (06-09-2011 08:10 PM)basilransom Wrote:  

My question to you guys: Say you're earning $70k a year. What would you be doing differently with an extra $25k per year? Or $50k, $100k?

With an extra $50,000-$100,000, most dudes WILL live differently. That means different hotels, different types of apartments when visiting different countries, car rentals (doesn't have to be a premium car), better restaurants.

Case in point...

Back when I was younger and doing the more USA-based events/travel. I would drive my car for long hours and stay at some 2-star hotel JUST to be at the event. Yes, me and my boys gamed on chicks but let's face it....there was only so high you can go with the chicks.

I noticed when I started flying to events, staying at better hotels and rental cars (and the car can just be a mid-size car with the "Avis" sticker in plain sight), I would meet (to me) better quality chicks. Chicks add up things better than you think. They know that most quality hotels require credit cards along with airline tickets and car rentals. That "image" partially relates to "stability" and even if the chick doesn't want a serious relationship, she will still figure that "this guy has the ability to see me after this initial fling".

With extra money, you are not worried about attending clubs with a slightly higher cover charge. Then again, if you are spending enough on alcohol, the club won't charge you anyway....and I am not talking you have to be like fools on videos, just a modest amount.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money?

Quote: (05-25-2011 11:22 PM)Luckystar Wrote:  

Money is not a replacement for game. I know plenty of successful doctors and business people making 300-500K a year who hardly get any pussy. Vast majority are average looking. They are crippled with approach anxiety and occasionally luck into a girl here and there through social circle. These guys use lavalife, go speed dating, buy tables at the club and yet don't consistently nail any bitches. A lot of rich guys just can't get it done.

Money matters, no doubt. Makes a big difference, IF you have enough game to get girls without it. It will take you to new heights. But if you can't get girls in the first place, money may or may not help from what I've seen. Mo' money, mo' bitches is only true for guys like us here on the forum.

This ++++++1. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I met MD's and other high paying professional guys with endless cash flow with zero game. Money talks but having basic game helps a ton!!

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money?

Quote: (07-20-2011 03:42 PM)Theogreat Wrote:  

Quote: (05-25-2011 11:22 PM)Luckystar Wrote:  

Money is not a replacement for game. I know plenty of successful doctors and business people making 300-500K a year who hardly get any pussy. Vast majority are average looking. They are crippled with approach anxiety and occasionally luck into a girl here and there through social circle. These guys use lavalife, go speed dating, buy tables at the club and yet don't consistently nail any bitches. A lot of rich guys just can't get it done.

Money matters, no doubt. Makes a big difference, IF you have enough game to get girls without it. It will take you to new heights. But if you can't get girls in the first place, money may or may not help from what I've seen. Mo' money, mo' bitches is only true for guys like us here on the forum.

This ++++++1. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I met MD's and other high paying professional guys with endless cash flow with zero game. Money talks but having basic game helps a ton!!
An average Joe guy with no game will not get laid. A well to do guy with no game can atleast have to girls at the same time. even if he is a beta. They will chase him...AND...some girls will want to bring the best out of him.

I have known many cases were a girl will hook up with a guy and make him a better person...sadly sometimes after the guy has figured out his potential he ends up with someone better than the one that helped him reach his potential.

"The biggest mistake I ever made was being fearful of losing someone. One should never be afraid of losing a girl" El Diablo

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money?

I think we all know that even the richest guys need at least some basic game. I think the main point of this discussion is that money can GREATLY REDUCE how much "game" one needs.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money?

That's not true. I have almost no game, and even I get hit on by women, and I'm broke. I bet rich guys get hit on all of the time. My dad used to have a sports car for example, and chicks used to leave their telephone numbers on it.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money?

I think the formula would look like this:
Wealthy + basic game = killer
no money + tight game = killer
Wealthy + tight game = destroyer

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money?

Can someone explain to me how I get chicks attracted to me, when I have no game? Maybe I'm doing something I'm not aware of.

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money?

Women want stability in their lifes, this means having a nice big house, a nice car, expensive clothes, expensive holidays...

I also believe that they fall in love with a person's lifestyle, without actually falling for the guy itself.

Did I learn you guys something new today? [Image: smile.gif]

Money for Pu$$y - How important is Money?

Quote: (07-20-2011 05:00 PM)Hairyballs Wrote:  

I also believe that they fall in love with a person's lifestyle, without actually falling for the guy itself.

Another important point that people forget.

Women are emotional creatures. This means that what can cause them to fall in love(or want to be with you) is not always you, but the idea of you and the life you lead, and how it makes them feel.

If they can derive any significant degree of excitement, serene comfort or contentment from the way you live and the aura around you and your life, then you have a hook.

Think of it as a means of "setting the mood", just on a grander scale.

In your room, you may put certain songs on in an effort to set her mood and make her more comfortable hooking up with you. You increase her willingness to bond with you by influencing how she feels in your environment, and helping her derive more positive, comfortable feelings from it thanks to the music.

It is possible to do this in other aspects of your life as well. Money just makes it easier to "set the mood" in larger, and more effective ways.

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time.

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